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Richard Francis
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h2. Useful resources
{link-window:}Library support on avoiding plagiarism{link-window}
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What is Turnitin?
Turnitin is a web-based tool that supports students in the development of good academic practice when preparing written work for assessment. This text-matching tool allows academic staff to check students' work for improper use of sources or potential plagiarism by comparing it against continuously up-dated databases (including web-pages and student work). Turnitin produces an 'Originality Report' for each submitted piece of work which indicates all the matches in the student assignment to the web-based sources on its database, and thus can provide academic staff with the opportunity to help students develop proper citation methods as well as to safeguard students' academic integrity.
When will I be likely to use Turnitin?
At Oxford Brookes University, all students on the undergraduate modular programme will normally use Turnitin on a minimum of three compulsory occasions: once during a compulsory module in Stage I, once again in a compulsory module in Stage II and finally during the dissertation or project module.
All students on taught Masters programmes are be required to use Turnitin on a minimum of two modules: once during a taught module (this could be the Research Methods module) and once during the dissertation or project module. All other taught postgraduates students (taking PGDip or PGCert programmes) are required to use Turnitin once during one taught module.
In addition, Turnitin may be used optionally on other modules for one or all pieces of assessment in that module as decided by the Module Leader. Turnitin may be used as part of an investigation into an alleged case of plagiarism but its primary use is to support students' academic development and enhance good academic practice.
Turnitin Search box
Please note that the Search box in the Turnitin Inbox does not automatically reset when you logout of Turnitin. We have had a number of instances where staff can only see one submission rather than a complete list. If this happens to you, try clearing the Search box and your assignments should all reappear.
Do not delete Turnitin assignment links
We have recently had an issue where a member of staff deleted a Turnitin assignment link in a Moodle course without realising that it would also delete all of the submitted assignments in that inbox. Whilst it is possible to get Turnitin to reinstate the assignments from their database, it is a complicated process that can take a considerable length of time to resolve (in this case nearly a week).
The advice is do not delete Turnitin assignment links unless they are unused. If you want to tidy up your Moodle course, hide any Turnitin assignment links rather than deleting them.
Accessing Moodle 2.4 Turnitin assignments
When we upgraded to Moodle 2.6 in August 2014 the link with any Turnitin assignments created in Moodle 2.4 (i.e. before August 2014) was broken. The assignments are still available to module leaders but not via Moodle. You will need to login to Turnitin using the following instructions:
Login to
If you have forgotten your password or are unable to log into your account, you can set a new password using the instructions below:
1) Go to:
2) Enter the email address you use to access Turnitin (your Brookes one).
3) Also enter your "last name" and then click "Next." Note: your "last name" is whatever is stored in your Moodle user profile.
4) The system may ask you for the answer to your secret question. Enter the answer and click "Next" to reset your password immediately. Otherwise, click "Forgot the Answer" and an email will be sent to you with a unique password (re)set link. Once you receive the password reset email, you must use the link provided within 24 hours to set a new password.
5) Your new password is case sensitive, must be alpha numeric, and contain between 6-12 characters. Example: Password1.
6) Once you are logged in as an instructor, you should find the classes under the "All classes" or "Expired classes" tab (these can sometimes take a while to load).
If you are an ACO needing access to a pre-August 2014 Turnitin assignment you will need to ask the module leader to download a copy of the originality report for you as you will not appear as an instructor in Turnitin due to the way you have been added at category level to Moodle courses.
Useful resources
The Turnitin Submission Inbox - Student version - PDF
The Turnitin Submission Inbox - Student version
The Turnitin Submission Inbox - Staff version PDF
The Turnitin Submission Inbox - Staff version
How to create a Turnitin assignment
How to create a Turnitin assignment in Moodle
What types of file can be submitted as a Turnitin Assignment
What types of file can be submitted as a Turnitin Assignment
How to submit a paper to a Turnitin assignment - student version
How to submit a paper to a Turnitin assignment - student version
The Turnitin Options tab
The Turnitin Options tab
How to edit a Turnitin Assignment
How to edit a Turnitin Assignment
How to submit a paper to a Turnitin assignment - staff version
How to submit a paper to a Turnitin assignment - staff version
How to delete a Turnitin Assignment from a Moodle course
How to delete a Turnitin Assignment from a Moodle course
A one-page guide to interpreting Turnitin Originality Reports
A one-page guide to interpreting Turnitin Originality Reports
Library support on avoiding plagiarism
Penketh, C. and Beaumont, C. (2014) 'Turnitin said it wasn't happy: can the regulatory discourse of plagiarism detection operate as a change artifact for writing development', Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 95-104.
Turnitin White Paper
You may find this 2012 study useful as it 'examines which Internet sources higher education students most frequently use in their written work and the implications of those choices. It is based on an analysis of over 112 million content matches from 28 million student papers submitted to Turnitin between July 2011 and June 2012.'
WHITE PAPER: The Sources in Student Writing – Higher Education: Sources of Matched Content and Plagiarism in Student Writing
Where to get help
For help with interpreting originality reports staff should contact their Faculty Turnitin champion. For help with setting up a Turnitin assignment on a VLE course staff should contact their faculty's Digital Media and E-Learning Developer (DMELD) or the Digital Services team.
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