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[[Category:Graphics tablet (日本語)]]

[[en:Wacom Tablet]]

== イントロダクション ==

まず、このガイドでは ''USB'' を使う Wacom タブレットを念頭に置いているということを提示しておきます。そのため、ここに書かれている情報は基本的に USB のタブレットに焦点があてられています。通常は ''Xorg'' の自動検出や'''動的な'''設定を使うことが推奨されています。しかしながら''内臓の''タブレットデバイスでは、自動検出が動作しないために'''固定的な''' Xorg の設定を使うことを考えるかもしれません。固定的な ''Xorg'' の設定は、異なる ''USB'' ポートに Wacom タブレットが接続されたり、同じポートでもタブレットの抜き差しをすると基本的にタブレットを認識できなくなります。従って固定的な設定は推奨されないものだと考えて下さい。

== インストール ==

=== カーネルドライバーが必要かどうか確認する (通常は必要ありません) ===

(USB デバイスの場合) タブレットを接続した後 {{ic|lsusb}} や {{ic|<nowiki>dmesg | grep -i wacom</nowiki>}} をチェックしてカーネルがタブレットを認識しているかどうか確認してください。また、タブレットが {{ic|/proc/bus/input/devices}} に記載されているはずです。


=== Wacom ドライバーのインストール ===

[http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net Linux Wacom Project] のおかげで、Linux で Wacom タブレットを使うために必要なものが全て含まれている {{Pkg|xf86-input-wacom}} パッケージをインストールするだけです。

# pacman -S xf86-input-wacom

{{Note|There is also {{AUR|xf86-input-wacom-git}} in AUR which provides git version of ''xf86-input-wacom'', but you might encounter some troubles. For me the buttons for example did only work with the stable release, not with the git version. So it's recommended to try ''xf86-input-wacom'' first.}}

=== 自動設定 ===

Newer versions of X should be able to automatically detect and configure your device. Before going any further, restart X so the new udev rules take effect. Test if your device was recognized completely (i.e., that both pen and eraser work, if applicable), by issuing command

$ xsetwacom --list devices

which should detect all devices with type, for example

Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 Pen stylus id: 8 type: STYLUS

Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 Pen eraser id: 9 type: ERASER

Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 Finger touch id: 13 type: TOUCH

Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 Finger pad id: 14 type: PAD

You can also test it by opening {{Pkg|gimp}} or {{Pkg|xournal}} and checking the extended input devices section, or whatever tablet-related configuration is supported by the software of your choice.

For this to work you don't need any {{ic|xorg.conf}} file, any configurations are made in files in the {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/}} folder.

If everything is working you can skip the manual configuration and '''proceed''' to the configuration section to learn how to further customize your tablet.

With the arrival of Xorg 1.8 support for [[HAL]] was dropped in favor of udev which might break auto-detection for some tablets as fitting udev rules might not exist yet, so you may need to write your own.

If you have {{Pkg|linuxwacom}} or {{Pkg|linuxwacom-dev}} remove those packages first. They are known to cause problems with newer version of X. ''xf86-input-wacom'' is the only package you need to install the X11 drivers.

=== 手動設定 ===

A manual configuration is done in {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf}} or in a separate file in the {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/}} directory.

The Wacom tablet device is accessed using a input event interface in {{ic|/dev/input/}} which is provided by the kernel driver.

The interface number {{ic|event??}} is likely to change when unplugging and replugging into the same or especially a different ''USB'' port.

Therefore it's wise to don't refer to the device using it's concrete {{ic|event??}} interface ('''static''' configuration) but by letting ''udev'' dynamically create a symbolic link to the correct {{ic|event}} file ('''dynamic''' configuration).

====udev による動的設定====

{{Note|In AUR there is wacom-udev package, which includes udev-rules-file. You might skip this part and move on to the {{ic|xorg.conf}} configuration if you are using the wacom-udev package from AUR.}}

Assuming ''udev'' is already installed you simply need to install {{AUR|wacom-udev}} from the [[AUR]].

=====USB デバイス=====

After (re-)plugging in your ''USB''-tablet (or at least after rebooting) some symbolic links should appear in {{ic|/dev/input}} refering to your tablet device.

$ ls /dev/input/wacom*

/dev/input/wacom /dev/input/wacom-stylus /dev/input/wacom-touch

If not, your device is likely to be not yet included in the ''udev'' configuration from ''wacom-udev'' which resides in {{ic|/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/10-wacom.rules}}. It's a good idea to copy the file e.g. to {{ic|10-my-wacom.rules}} before modifiing it, else it might be reverted by a package upgrade.

Add your device to the file by duplicating some line of another device and adapting ''idVendor'',''idProduct'' and the symlink name to your device.

The two id's can by determined using

$ lsusb | grep -i wacom

Bus 002 Device 007: ID 056a:0062 Wacom Co., Ltd

In this example idVendor is 056a and idProduct 0062.

In case you have device with touch (e.g. Bamboo Pen&Touch) you might need to add a second line for the touch input interface.

For details check the linuxwacom wiki [http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=Fixed_device_files_with_udev Fixed device files with udev].

Save the file and reload udev's configuration profile using the command ''udevadm control --reload-rules''

Check again the content of ''/dev/input'' to make sure that the ''wacom'' symlinks appeared.

Note that you may need to plug-in the tablet again for the device to appear.

The files of further interest for the ''Xorg'' configuration are {{ic|/dev/input/wacom}} and for a touch-device also {{ic|/dev/input/wacom_touch}}.


The {{AUR|wacom-udev}} should also include support for serial devices. Users of serial tablets might be also interested in the inputattach tool from {{Pkg|linuxconsole}} package. The inputattach command allows to bind serial device into /dev/input tree, for example with:

# inputattach --w8001 /dev/ttyS0

See ''man inputattach'' for help about available options.

As for USB devices one should end up with a file {{ic|/dev/input/wacom}} and proceed with the ''Xorg'' configuration.


If you insist in using a static setup just refer to your tablet in the ''Xorg'' configuration in the next section using the correct {{ic|/dev/input/event??}} files as one can find out by looking into {{ic|/proc/bus/input/devices}}.

====Xorg の設定====

In either case, dynamic or static setup you got now one or two files in {{ic|/dev/input/}} which refer to the correct input event devices of your tablet. All that is left to do is add the relevent information to {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf}}, or a dedicated file under {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/}}.

The exact configuration depends on your tablet's features of course. {{ic|xsetwacom --list devices}} might give helpful informations on what ''InputDevice'' sections are needed for your tablet.

An example configuration for a ''Volito2'' might look like this

Section "InputDevice"

Driver "wacom"

Identifier "stylus"

Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # or the corresponding event?? for a static setup

Option "Type" "stylus"

Option "USB" "on" # USB ONLY

Option "Mode" "Relative" # other option: "Absolute"

Option "Vendor" "WACOM"

Option "tilt" "on" # add this if your tablet supports tilt

Option "Threshold" "5" # the official linuxwacom howto advises this line


Section "InputDevice"

Driver "wacom"

Identifier "eraser"

Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # or the corresponding event?? for a static setup

Option "Type" "eraser"

Option "USB" "on" # USB ONLY

Option "Mode" "Relative" # other option: "Absolute"

Option "Vendor" "WACOM"

Option "tilt" "on" # add this if your tablet supports tilt

Option "Threshold" "5" # the official linuxwacom howto advises this line


Section "InputDevice"

Driver "wacom"

Identifier "cursor"

Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom" # or the corresponding event?? for a static setup

Option "Type" "cursor"

Option "USB" "on" # USB ONLY

Option "Mode" "Relative" # other option: "Absolute"

Option "Vendor" "WACOM"


Make sure that you also change the path ({{Ic|"Device"}}) to your mouse, as it will be {{Ic|/dev/input/mouse_udev}} now.

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"

Driver "mouse"

Option "CorePointer"

Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse_udev"

Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"

Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"

Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Option "Buttons" "5"


Add this to the ''ServerLayout'' section

InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"

InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"

InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

And finally make sure to update the indentifier of your mouse in the ''ServerLayout'' section – as mine went from

InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"


InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"

== 設定 ==

=== 全体的な概念 ===

The configuration can be done in two ways temporary using the `xsetwacom` tool, which is included in ''xf86-input-wacom'' or permanent in {{ic|xorg.conf}} or better in a extra file in {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d}}.

The possible options are identical so it's recommended to first use `xsetwacom` for testing and later add the final config to the ''Xorg'' configuration files.

==== 一時的な設定 ====

For the beginning it's a good idea to inspect the default configuration and all possible options using the following commands.

$ xsetwacom --list devices # list the available devices for the get/set commands

Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch id: 12 type: TOUCH

Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad id: 13 type: PAD

Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen stylus id: 17 type: STYLUS

Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen eraser id: 18 type: ERASER

$ xsetwacom --get "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5" all # using the device name

$ xsetwacom --get 17 all # or equivalently use the device id

$ xsetwacom --list parameters # to get an explanation of the Options

$ man wacom # get even more details

'''Caution''', don't use the device id when writing shell scripts to set some options as the ids might change after an hotplug.

Options can be changed with the {{ic|--set}} flag. Some useful examples are

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch" ScrollDistance 50 # change scrolling speed

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch" Gesture off # disable multitouch gestures

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch" Touch off # disable touch

For further configuration tips and tricks see below in [[#Specific configuration tips]].

{{Note|You can reset your temporary configuration at any time by unplugging and replugging in your tablet.}}

==== 永続的な設定 ====

To make a permanent configuration the preferred way for ''Xorg''>1.8 is to create a new file in {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d}}

e.g. {{ic|52-wacom-options.conf}} with the following content.


Section "InputClass"

Identifier "Wacom Bamboo stylus options"

MatchDriver "wacom"

MatchProduct "Pen"

# Apply custom Options to this device below.

Option "Rotate" "none"

Option "RawSample" "20"

Option "PressCurve" "0,10,90,100"


Section "InputClass"

Identifier "Wacom Bamboo eraser options"

MatchDriver "wacom"

MatchProduct "eraser"

# Apply custom Options to this device below.

Option "Rotate" "none"

Option "RawSample" "20"

Option "PressCurve" "5,0,100,95"


Section "InputClass"

Identifier "Wacom Bamboo touch options"

MatchDriver "wacom"

MatchProduct "Finger"

# Apply custom Options to this device below.

Option "Rotate" "none"

Option "ScrollDistance" "18"

Option "TapTime" "220"


Section "InputClass"

Identifier "Wacom Bamboo pad options"

MatchDriver "wacom"

MatchProduct "pad"

# Apply custom Options to this device below.

Option "Rotate" "none"

# Setting up buttons

Option "Button1" "1"

Option "Button2" "2"

Option "Button3" "3"

Option "Button4" "0"



The identifiers can be set arbitrarily. The option names are (except for the buttons) identical to the ones listed by {{ic|xsetwacom --list parameters}} and especially also in {{ic|man wacom}}. As noted in [[#Remapping Buttons]] the button ids seem to be different than the ones for {{ic|xsetwacom}}.

=== 特定の設定のヒント ===

Check out the [[http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=Linuxwacom_HOWTO Howto section]] in the Linuxwacom wiki.

==== 向きを変更する ====

If you want to use your tablet in a different orientation you have to tell this to the driver, else the movements don't cause the expected results.

This is done by setting the '''Rotate''' option for all devices. Possible orientations are '''none''','''cw''','''ccw''' and '''half'''.

A quick way is e.g.

$ for i in 12 13 17 18; do xsetwacom --set $i Rotate half; done # remember the ids might change when hotplugging

or use the following script like this {{ic|./wacomrot.sh half}}



device="Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5"

stylus="$device Pen stylus"

eraser="$device Pen eraser"

touch="$device Finger touch"

pad="$device Finger pad"

xsetwacom --set "$stylus" Rotate $1

xsetwacom --set "$eraser" Rotate $1

xsetwacom --set "$touch" Rotate $1

xsetwacom --set "$pad" Rotate $1


==== ボタンの再マッピング ====

It's possible to remap the buttons with hotkeys.

===== ボタン ID を見つけ出す =====

Sometimes it needs some trial&error to find the correct button IDs. For me they even differ for {{ic|xsetwacom}} and the {{ic|xorg.conf}} configuration. Very helpful tools are {{ic|xev}} or {{ic|xbindkeys -mk}}. An easy way to proceed is the following

$ xsetwacom --get "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 1

$ xsetwacom --get "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 2 2

$ xsetwacom --get "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 3 3

$ # and so on

Then fire up {{ic|xev}} from a terminal window, place your mouse cursor above the window and hit the buttons and write down the ids.

===== 構文 =====

The syntax of {{ic|xsetwacom}} is flexible but not very well documented. The general mapping syntax (extracted from the source code) for xsetwacom 0.17.0 is the following.



key [+,-]KEY [[+,-]KEY ...] where +:key down, -:key up, no prefix:down and up

button BUTTON [BUTTON ...] (1=left,2=middle,3=right mouse button, 4/5 scroll mouse wheel)

modetoggle toggle absolute/relative tablet mode

displaytoggle toggle cursor movement among all displays which include individual screens

plus the whole desktop for the selected tool if it is not a pad.

When the tool is a pad, the function applies to all tools that are asssociated

with the tablet

BUTTON: button ID as integer number


MODIFIER: (each can be prefix with an '''l''' or an '''r''' for the left/right modifier (no prefix = left)

ctrl=ctl=control, meta, alt, shift, super, hyper

SPECIALKEY: f1-f35, esc=Esc, up,down,left,right, backspace=Backspace, tab, PgUp,PgDn

ASCIIKEY: (usual characters the key produces, e.g. a,b,c,1,2,3 etc.)

===== サンプル =====

$ xsetwacom --get "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 3 # right mouse button

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "key +ctrl z -ctrl"

$ xsetwacom --get "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1

key +Control_L +z -z -Control_L

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "key +shift button 1 key -shift"

even little macros are possible

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "key +shift h -shift e l l o"

{{Note|There seems to be a bug in the ''xf86-input-wacom'' driver version 0.17.0, at least for my ''Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch'', but I guess this holds in general. It causes the keystrokes not to be overwritten correctly.

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "key a b c" # press button 1 -> abc

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "key d" # press button 1 -> dbc WRONG!

A simple workaround is to reset the mapping by mapping to "":

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "" # to reset the mapping

$ xsetwacom --set "Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger pad" Button 1 "key d" # press button 1 -> d


===== カスタムコマンドの実行 =====

Mapping custom commands to the buttons is a little bit tricky but actually very simple. You'll need {{Pkg|xbindkeys}} so install it using

# pacman -S xbindkeys

To get well defined button codes add the following to your permanent configuration file, e.g. {{ic|/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/52-wacom-options.conf}}

in the InputClass section of your '''pad''' device. Map the tablet's buttons to some unused button ids.

# Setting up buttons (preferably choose the correct button order, so the topmost key is mapped to 10 and so on)

Option "Button1" "10"

Option "Button2" "11"

Option "Button3" "12"

Option "Button4" "13"

Then restart your ''Xorg'' server and verify the buttons using {{ic|xev}} or {{ic|xbindkeys -mk}}.

Now set up your xbindkeys configuration, if you don't already have one you might want to create a default configuration

$ xbindkeys --defaults > ~/.xbindkeysrc

Then add your custom key mapping to {{ic|~/.xbindkeysrc}}, for example


m:0x10 + b:10 (mouse)


m:0x10 + b:11 (mouse)

"xdotool key ctrl-z"

m:0x10 + b:12 (mouse)

"send-notify Test "No need for escaping the quotes""

m:0x10 + b:13 (mouse)

==== TwinView セットアップ ====

If you are going to use two Monitors the aspect ratio while using the Tablet might feel unnatural. In order to fix this you need to add

Option "TwinView" "horizontal"

To all of your Wacom-InputDevice entries in the {{ic|xorg.conf}} file.

You may read more about that [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=640898 HERE]

==== Xrandr の設定 ====

xrandr sets two monitors as one big screen, mapping the tablet to the whole virtual screen and deforming aspect ratio.

For a solution see this thread: [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=797617 archlinux forum].

If you just want to map the tablet to one of your screens, first find out what the screens are called

$ xrandr

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384

'''HDMI-0''' disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

'''DVI-0''' connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm x 268mm

1920x1080 60.0*+

1680x1050 60.0


'''VGA-0''' connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm x 268mm

1920x1080 60.0*+

1680x1050 60.0


Then you need to know what is the ID of your tablet.

$ xsetwacom --list devices

WALTOP International Corp. Slim Tablet stylus id: '''12''' type: STYLUS

In my case I want to map the tablet (ID: '''12''') to the screen on the right, which is '''"VGA-0"'''. I can do that with this command

$ xsetwacom --set '''12''' MapToOutput '''"VGA-0"'''

This should immediately work, no root necessary.

If xsetwacom replies with "Unable to find an output ..." an X11 geometry string of the form '''WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y''' can be specified instead of the screen identifier. In this example

$ xsetwacom --set '''12''' MapToOutput '''"1920x1080+1920+0"'''

should also map the tablet to the screen on the right.

=== 筆圧曲線 ===

You can add two options to xorg.conf to change how the pressure is registered when putting pressure on the pen. Example:

Option "PressCurve" "50,0,100,50" # Custom preference

Option "Threshold" "60" # sensitivity to do a "click"

== 特定のアプリケーションの設定 ==

=== GIMP ===

To enabled proper usage, and pressure sensitive painting in [http://www.gimp.org The GIMP], just go to ''Preferences → Input Devices → Configure Extended Input Devices...''. Now for each of your ''eraser'', ''stylus'', and ''cursor'' '''devices''', set the '''mode''' to ''Screen'', and remember to save.

*Please take note that if present, the ''pad'' '''device''' should be kept disabled as I do not think The GIMP supports such things. Alternatively, to use such features of your tablet you should map them to keyboard commands with a program such as [http://hem.bredband.net/devel/wacom/ Wacom ExpressKeys].

*You should also take note that the tool selected for the ''stylus'' is independent to that of the ''eraser''. This can actually be quite handy, as you can have the ''eraser'' set to be used as any tool you like.

For more information checkout the ''Setting up GIMP'' section of [http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/topic.php?t=17992&start=1 GIMP Talk - Community - Install Guide: Getting Wacom Drawing Tablets To Work In Gimp].

If the above was not enough, you may want to try setting up the tablet's stylus (and eraser) as a second mouse pointer (separating it from your mouse) by using the {{ic|xinput create-master}} and {{ic|xinput reattach}} commands. It can help when GIMP doesn't start painting even if the stylus touches the tablet.

=== Inkscape ===

As in The GIMP, to do the same simply got to ''File → Input Devices...''. Now for each of your ''eraser'', ''stylus'', and ''cursor'' '''devices''', set the '''mode''' to ''Screen'', and remember to save.

=== Krita ===

If your tablet doesn't draw in Krita (clicks/pressure are not registered) but works in the brush selection dialog which has a small test area, try putting Krita in full-screen or canvas-only mode.

Krita 2.0 and later only require that QT is able to use your tablet to function properly. If your tablet is not working in Krita, then make sure to check it is working in QT first. The effect of tablet pressure can then be tweaked in the painttop configuration, for example by selecting opacity, then selecting pressure from the drop down and adjusting the curve to your preference.

For earlier versions of Krita, simply go to ''Settings → Configure Krita...'' Click on ''Tablet'' and then like in Inkscape and GIMP set ''stylus'' and any others' mode to screen.

=== VirtualBox ===

First, make sure that your tablet works well under Arch. Then, download and install the last driver from [http://www.wacom.com/downloads/drivers.php Wacom website] on the guest OS. Shutdown the virtual machine, go to '''Settings > USB'''. Select '''Add Filter From Device''' and select your tablet (e.g. WACOM CTE-440-U V4.0-3 [0403]). Select '''Edit Filter''', and change the last item '''Remote''' to '''Any'''.

=== ウェブブラウザのプラグイン ===

A plugin that imitates the official Wacom web plugin can be found on the AUR as [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wacomwebplugin/ wacomwebplugin]. It has been tested successfully using Chromium and Firefox.

With this plugin it is possible to make use of online tools such as [http://sta.sh/muro/ deviantART's Muro]. This plugin is in early stages so as always, your mileage may vary.


Newer tablets's drivers might not be in the kernel yet, and additional manipulations might be needed.

For example, for the Wacom Bamboo Connect CTL-470/k and Pen & Touch CTH670, follow the instructions in [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=131831 this thread].

'''There seems to be a problem with the CTH670 that is fixed in the attachment found in [http://www.mail-archive.com/linuxwacom-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg03922.html this post]'''

To compile it use the same instructions as in [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=131831 this thread]

== 参照 ==

*[http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=Main_Page Linux Wacom Project Wiki]

*[http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/topic.php?t=17992&start=1 GIMP Talk - Community - Install Guide: Getting Wacom Drawing Tablets To Work In Gimp]

*[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom Ubuntu Help: Wacom]

*[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1038949 Ubuntu Forums - Install a LinuxWacom Kernel Driver for Tablet PC's]

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