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[[Category:Boot process]]



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{{Warning|Arch Linux only has official support for [[systemd]]. When using OpenRC, please mention so in support requests.}}

[https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRC OpenRC] is a service manager maintained by the Gentoo developers. OpenRC is dependency based and works with the system provided init program, normally [[SysVinit]].

== Installation ==

There are 2 conflicting ways of installing OpenRC. Both have packages with the exact name of {{ic|openrc}}. apg's tries to mantain compatibility with systemd, while artoo's is more suited for those who would like to remove systemd entirely or use it only as a [[udev]] provider.

For details on init components, see [[Init]].

=== apg ===

OpenRC and accompanying packages are available in the [[AUR]].

Install either the {{AUR|openrc}} or {{AUR|openrc-git}} package. {{AUR|openrc-sysvinit}} or {{Pkg|busybox}} are used as the init process. Service files are available from the {{AUR|openrc-arch-services-git}} package.

{{Accuracy|{{AUR|openrc-sysvinit}} removes {{Pkg|systemd-sysvcompat}}}}

To maintain compability with {{AUR|initscripts-fork}}, configuration files are installed to {{ic|'''/etc/openrc/'''}}. The sysvinit init binary is installed to {{ic|/usr/bin/init-openrc}} for compability with {{Pkg|systemd-sysvcompat}} or similar packages.

=== artoo ===

This method uses {{https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unofficial_user_repositories#openrc-eudev}}. Complementary services are available from the [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&C=0&SeB=b&K=openrc-base&outdated=&SB=n&SO=a&PP=50&do_Search=Go openrc-base], [https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/openrc-desktop/ openrc-desktop] and [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&C=0&SeB=b&K=openrc-misc&outdated=&SB=n&SO=a&PP=50&do_Search=Go openrc-misc] [[PKGBUILD#pkgbase|package bases]].

A mirror of the above package groups is available at [https://github.com/udeved/pkgbuilds github]. There are two unofficial repositories with compiled packages from the github sources: [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unofficial_user_repositories#openrc-eudev <nowiki>[openrc-eudev]</nowiki>] and [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unofficial_user_repositories#pfkernel <nowiki>[pfkernel]</nowiki>].

Configuration files are installed to {{ic|'''/etc'''}}, similar to Gentoo.

== Configuration ==

{{Note|In the following section, ''rcdir'' represents {{ic|/etc/openrc}} for '''apg''', {{ic|/etc}} for '''artoo'''.}}

For more information on configuring OpenRC, see [http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/en/openrc_manuals OpenRC manuals], [http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/openrc-migration.xml OpenRC migration] and the [http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRC gentoo wiki]. See [[Init#Configuration]] for generic configuration.

=== Enabling services ===

Save a list of running daemons:

$ systemctl list-units --state=running "*.service" > daemons.list

Install respective services as described in [[#Installation]]. OpenRC services are enabled by issuing the {{ic|rc-update}} command. For example, to enable [[ALSA]]:

# rc-update add alsasound default

To enable [[udev]] (disabled by default in '''apg'''):

# rc-update add udev sysinit

See also [https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Systemd#Native_services Gentoo services] and [[Daemons#List of daemons]].

=== Booting ===

==== apg ====

For booting with OpenRC add {{Ic|1=init=/usr/bin/init-openrc}} to the [[kernel parameters]]. To switch back to systemd, remove the parameter again.

The {{Ic|1=/etc/openrc/conf.d}} directory, and the {{Ic|1=/etc/openrc/rc.d}} file is used for configuration.

==== artoo ====

OpenRC is booted by default. To boot with systemd, add {{Ic|1=init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd}} to the kernel line in your bootloader configuration.

The {{Ic|1=/etc/conf.d}} directory is used for configuration.

=== Network ===

{{Style|Section lacks overview}}

See [[Network configuration]] for a detailed look at networking in general.

==== apg ====

The network is configured through {{ic|newnet}}. [https://github.com/funtoo/openrc/blob/master/README.newnet] Modify the {{ic|/etc/openrc/conf.d/network}} file; both the {{ic|ip}} ({{Pkg|iproute2}}) and the {{ic|ifconfig}} ({{Pkg|net-tools}}) commands are supported. Below is an example configuration using {{ic|ip}}.




ifup_eth0="ip link set \$int mtu 1500"


The network service is added to the boot runlevel by default, so no further action is required.

You may also use [[NetworkManager]], [[dhcpcd]] or {{AUR|netcfg}} by enabling the respective services.

==== artoo ====

For network configuration, look at the {{ic|/etc/conf.d/net}} file. By default it uses {{ic|netifrc}} [http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Netifrc], which defaults to [[dhcpcd]] if not specified differently in {{ic|/etc/conf.d/net}}

The {{AUR|dhcpcd-openrc}} package provides a specific dhcpcd script, not to be confused with netifrc default. It will start {{ic|/etc/init.d/dhcpcd}}

To use a static route you need to create a symlink of {{ic|net.lo}} that reflects your device's name:

ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.eth0

See [https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:X86/Networking/Modular] for details.

For having a graphical network manager, {{AUR|networkmanager-openrc}} can be installed. Other options are available, like [[connman]] via {{AUR|connman-openrc}}.

Other option is {{AUR|netcfg}} which mimics the [[netctl]] behaviour (see [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1489283#p1489283] if you want to enable profiles connection on booting - requires {{ic|wpa_actiond}}). You could consult the [https://www.archlinux.org/netcfg/features.html official documentation] or [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?title=Netcfg&oldid=243178 old wiki documentation] (be aware of consulting version later than [https://www.archlinux.org/news/netcfg-282-release/ 2012-05-13])

=== Logging ===

See [[Init#System logging]]. Relevant service files are included in {{AUR|openrc-arch-services-git}} ('''apg'''), {{AUR|syslog-ng-openrc}}, {{AUR|metalog-openrc}}, and {{AUR|rsyslog-openrc}} (artoo). It is recommended to only use a single logger as different loggers may conflict.

To enable boot logging, uncomment the {{ic|1=rc_logger="YES"}} line in {{ic|''rcdir''/rc.conf}}. '''apg''' disables it by default.

{{Tip|Boot logs are stored in {{ic|/var/log/rc.log}}}}

=== Hostname ===

OpenRC sets the hostname from {{ic|''rcdir''/conf.d/hostname}}. The file looks as follows:

{{bc|# Set to the hostname of this machine


=== Module autoloading ===

OpenRC uses {{ic|''rcdir''/conf.d/modules}} instead of {{ic|/etc/modules-load.d}}. For example:


# You should consult your kernel documentation and configuration

# for a list of modules and their options.

modules="vboxdrv acpi_cpufreq"


=== Locale ===

Keyboard layout can be configured via {{ic|/etc/conf.d/keymaps}} and {{ic|/etc/conf.d/consolefont}} ('''artoo's''' way). You can also configure the settings through the {{ic|/etc/locale.conf}} file, which is sourced via {{ic|/etc/profile.d/locale.sh}}.

See [http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Localization/HOWTO#Keyboard_layout_for_the_console] and [[Locale]] for details.

== Troubleshooting ==

=== Error while unmounting /tmp ===

When shutting the system down, you might get an error message such as

{{bc|* Unmounting /tmp ...

* in use but fuser finds nothing [ !! ]}}

This can be fixed by adding


to {{ic|''rcdir''/conf.d/localmount}}

{{Note|This problem occurs only if your tmp is mounted as a tmpfs.}}

=== Disabling IPv6 does not work ===

One option is to add:

# Disable ipv6

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

in a file with a {{ic|.conf}} extension under {{ic|''rcdir''/sysctl.d}}

=== During shutdown remounting root as read-only fails ===

If the above happens, edit the {{ic|/etc/openrc/init.d/mount-ro}} file and put:

telinit u

after the following line:

# Flush all pending disk writes now

sync; sync

=== /etc/sysctl.conf not found ===

Create the file:

# touch /etc/sysctl.conf

== Using OpenRC with a desktop environment ==

{{Merge|ConsoleKit|Merge generic steps}}

If using ''OpenRC'' with a desktop environment, {{AUR|consolekit-openrc}} and related [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&K=consolekit consolekit] packages in the AUR may help. See [[ConsoleKit]] for details.

=== Xfce ===

For a login manager, {{AUR|lxdm-consolekit}} from the [[AUR]] or [[LightDM]] could be used.

=== Mate ===

[[Install]] {{AUR|mate-session-manager-upower}} and {{AUR|mate-power-manager-upower}}.

If you use {{AUR|mdm-display-manager}} as a login manager and have trouble logging in, edit {{ic|/etc/pam.d/mdm}}, comment out {{ic|session required pam_systemd.so}} and restart {{ic|mdm}}. Additionally append {{ic|session optional pam_ck_connector.so nox11}} if you have {{AUR|consolekit}} installed.

=== KDE ===

The kdebase-workspace package needs to be recompiled for use with consolekit ({{AUR|kdebase-workspace-consolekit}} is available from the AUR).

== See also ==

* [[Wikipedia:OpenRC]]

* [https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRC Gentoo wiki]

* [https://sourceforge.net/projects/archopenrc OpenRC for Arch Linux - sourceforge repository]

* [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=152606 Forum thread about OpenRC in Arch]

* [http://blog.notfoss.com/posts/openrc-on-arch-linux/ Blog: OpenRC on Arch Linux]

* [https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=OpenRC,_an_alternative_to_systemd Manjaro wiki]

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