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[[Category:Sound (日本語)]]

[[Category:Audio/Video (日本語)]]


[[en:Open Sound System]]

[[es:Open Sound System]]


[[it:Open Sound System]]


[[zh-CN:Open Sound System]]

[[Wikipedia:ja:Open Sound System|Open Sound System]] ('''OSS''') は Unix ライクな POSIX 互換のシステム向けのもうひとつのサウンドアーキテクチャです。OSS バージョン 3 は Linux のデフォルトのサウンドシステムでしたが、OSS バージョン 4 がプロプライエタリソフトウェアになったことで2002年に [[Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (日本語)|Advanced Linux Sound Architecture]] ('''ALSA''') に取って代わられました。2007年には [http://www.opensound.com/ 4Front Technologies] がソースコードを公開し GPL ライセンスでリリースしたことで OSSv4 はまたフリーソフトウェアになっています。

== ALSA との比較 ==

Advanced Linux Sound Architecture を使用するのと比較したメリットとデメリット。

=== OSS の利点 (ユーザー) ===

* アプリケーションごとにボリュームをコントロールできます。

* 古いカードによってはサポートが優れている場合があります。

=== OSS の利点 (開発者) ===

* ユーザースペースでドライバーをサポートしています。

* クロスプラットフォーム (OSS は BSD や Solaris でも動作します)。

* クリーンで使いやすい API。

=== OSS に対する ALSA の優位点 ===

* USB オーディオデバイスのサポートが優れています。

* Bluetooth オーディオデバイスをサポートしています。

* Si3055 などのダイアルアップ式のソフトウェアモデム、[[Wikipedia:ja:Audio Codec 97|AC'97]] や [[Wikipedia:ja:High Definition Audio|HD Audio]] をサポートしています。

* MIDI デバイスのサポートが優れています。

* サスペンドをサポートしています。

* ジャック検出のサポートが優れています。

* 現代的なハードドライブをより良くサポートしています。


* OSS は USB オーディオデバイスへの出力を実験的にサポートしていますが、入力は使えません。

* [[Timidity (日本語)|Timidity]] や [[FluidSynth]] などのソフトウェアシンセサイザーの助けを借りて OSS は MIDI デバイスをサポートします。


== インストール ==

[[AUR (日本語)|AUR]] から利用できる {{AUR|oss}} をインストールしてください。他にも [[AUR (日本語)|AUR]] には OSS の実験バージョンである {{AUR|oss-git}} パッケージもあります。

OSS をインストールすると、OSS インストールスクリプトが走り (一時期に ALSA モジュールが無効になります) OSS カーネルモジュールがインストールされます。ブートスクリプトではデフォルトで ALSA が有効になっているので、OSS と衝突しないように無効にする必要があります。モジュールをブラックリストに入れることが無効にすることが可能です:


install soundcore /bin/false}}

モジュールをブラックリストに入れた後、'''oss''' デーモンを[[Daemons (日本語)|有効]]にすればブート時に起動するように出来ます。

ユーザーが ''audio'' グループに入ってない場合は、グループに追加して変更を適用するために'''再ログイン'''してください:

# gpasswd -a $USER audio

OSS があなたのカードを起動時に検出しない場合は、以下を実行してください:

# ossdetect -v

# soundoff && soundon

== テストする ==


'''次を実行して OSS をテストしてください:'''

$ osstest

このテストでは音楽が聞こえるはずです。音がしない場合、ボリュームを調節したり [[#トラブルシューティング]] セクションを参照してください。

複数のアプリケーションから同時に音声が聞こえるようにするには、OSS のソフトウェアミキサーである {{ic|vmix}} が必要です。

'''次を実行して vmix が有効になっているか確認してください:'''

$ ossmix -a | grep -i vmix

You should see a line like {{ic|<nowiki>vmix0-enable ON|OFF (currently ON)</nowiki>}}. If you do not see any lines beginning with {{ic|vmix}}, it probably means that {{ic|vmix}} has not been attached to your sound device. To attach {{ic|vmix}}, issue the command:

$ vmixctl attach device

where ''device'' is your sound device, e.g. {{ic|/dev/oss/oss_envy240/pcm0}}.

To avoid having to issue this command manually in the future, you can add it to {{ic|/usr/lib/oss/soundon.user}}, as suggested [http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Tips_And_Tricks#Changing_the_default_sound_output here].

If you get a '''"Device or resource busy"''' error, you need to add {{ic|1=vmix_no_autoattach=1}} to {{ic|/usr/lib/oss/conf/osscore.conf}} and then reboot.

'''See which devices are detected by running:'''

$ ossinfo

You should be able to see your devices listed under ''Device Objects'' or ''Audio Devices''. If the device that you want to use is not at the top of one of these sections, you have to edit {{ic|/usr/lib/oss/etc/installed_drivers}} and place the driver for your device at the very top. It may be required to do a:

$ soundoff && soundon

If this does not work, comment all drivers listed except the ones for your device.

== Volume Control Mixer ==

To control the volume of various devices, mixers levels will need to be set. There are two mixers:

* '''ossmix''': a command-line mixer, similar to the BSD audio mixer {{ic|mixerctl}}.

* '''ossxmix''': a GTK+-based graphical mixer.

The basic {{ic|ossxmix}} controls look like:


/ High Definition Audio ALC262 \ --------------------------------> 1


| \

| [x] vmix0-enable [vmix0-rate: 48.000kHz] vmix0-channels |--> 2

| [ Stereo [v] ] |

| |

| __codec1______________________________________________________ |

| | _jack______________________________________________________ ||--> 3

| | | _int-speaker_________________ _green_________________ |||

| | | | | | | |||

| | | | _mode_____ | | | | _mode_____ | | | |||

| | | | [ mix [v] ] o o [x] [ ]mute | | [ mix [v] ] o o [x] | |||

| | | | | | | | | | | |||

| | | |_____________________________| |_______________________| |||

| | |___________________________________________________________|||

| |______________________________________________________________||

| ___vmix0______________________________________________________ |

| | __mocp___ O O _firefox_ O O __pcm7___ O O | |--> 4

| | | | O O | | x x | | O O | |

| | | | | | x O | | | | x x | | | | O O | |

| | | o o [x] | x x | o o [x] | x x | o o [x] | O O | |

| | | | | | x x | | | | x x | | | | O O | |

| | |_________| x x |_________| x x |_________| O O | |

| |_____________________________________________________________| |



# One tab for each sound card

# The {{ic|vmix}} (virtual mixer) special configurations appear at the top. These include sampling rate and mixer priority.

# These are your sound card jack configurations (input and output). Every mixer control that is shown here is provided by your sound card.

# Application {{ic|vmix}} mixer controls and sound meters. If the application is not actively playing a sound it will be labeled as {{ic|pcm08, pcm09...}} and when the application is playing the application name will be shown.

=== Color Definitions ===

For high definition (HD) audio, {{ic|ossxmix}} will color jack configurations by their pre-defined jack colors:

{| class="wikitable"

! Color

! Type

! Connector

|- style="color:black;background:lightgreen"


| front channels (stereo output)

| 3.5mm TRS

|- style="color:white;background:black"


| rear channels (stereo output)

| 3.5mm TRS

|- style="color:white;background:gray"


| side channels (stereo output)

|3.5mm TRS

|- style="color:black;background:gold"


| center and subwoofer (dual output)

|3.5mm TRS

|- style="color:black;background:lightblue"


| line level (stereo input)

|3.5mm TRS

|- style="color:black;background:pink"


| microphone (mono input)

|3.5mm TS


=== Saving Mixer Levels ===

Mixer levels are saved when you shut off your computer. If you want to save the mixer level immediately, execute as root:

# savemixer

{{ic|savemixer}} can be used to write mixer levels to a file with the {{ic|-f}} switch and restore by the {{ic|-L}} switch.

=== 他のミキサー ===

Other mixers that have support for OSS:

* {{App|Gnome Volume Control| for [[GNOME]].|http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-volume-control/stable/|{{Grp|gnome}}}}

* {{App|Kmix|for [[KDE]].|http://www.kde.org/applications/multimedia/kmix/|{{Pkg|kdemultimedia-kmix}}}}

* {{App|VolWheel|After the installation, set it to [[Autostarting#Graphical|autostart]] as needed, then enable OSS support by right-clicking on the system tray icon, choosing ''Preferences'' and then changing:

:* ''Driver'': {{ic|OSS}}.

:* ''Default Channel'': {{ic|vmix0-outvol}} (find out what channel to use with {{ic|ossmix}}).

:* ''Default Mixer'': {{ic|ossxmix}}.

:* In the ''MiniMixer'' tab (optional), add {{ic|vmix0-outvol}} and optionally others.


== Configuring Applications for OSS ==

=== GStreamer を使用するアプリケーション ===

If you have problems with applications that use Gstreamer for audio, you can try removing {{Pkg|pulseaudio}} and installing the {{Pkg|gstreamer0.10-good-plugins}} package which is needed by {{ic|oss4sink}} and {{ic|oss4src}}.

Then you have to change the GStreamer settings to output the sound to OSS instead of the default ALSA with {{ic|gstreamer-properties}} (part of the {{Pkg|gnome-media}} package). After starting {{ic|gstreamer-properties}}, you have to modify the fields as follows:

* in the ''Default Output'' section: if OSS is not available as a plugin, change ''Plugin'' to '''Custom''' and ''Pipeline'' to '''oss4sink'''.

* in the ''Default Input'' section: if OSS is not available, change ''Plugin'' to '''Custom''' and ''Pipeline'' to '''oss4src'''.

{{Note|You can also use {{ic|osssrc}} as an alternative to {{ic|oss4src}} if you find that it produces better sound.}}

Some applications (e.g. Rhythmbox, Totem) do not read the settings set by {{ic|gstreamer-properties}}, as they rely on {{ic|musicaudiosink}} instead of {{ic|audiosink}} (which is modified by {{ic|gstreamer-properties}}).

To work around this, you can set the values for {{ic|audiosink}} with {{ic|gstreamer-properties}} and use {{ic|gconf-editor}} to copy the value of {{ic|/system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosink}} to {{ic|musicaudiosink}} (at the same location).

If you are using Phonon with the GStreamer backend you will need to set a environmental variable:

export PHONON_GST_AUDIOSINK=oss4sink

You can add this to your {{ic|~/.bashrc}} to be loaded on login.

=== OpenAL を使用するアプリケーション ===

By default OpenAL uses ALSA. To change this, simply define the usage of OSS in {{ic|/etc/openal/alsound.conf}}:




=== Audacity ===

If [http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Audacity] starts, but it complains that it cannot open the device or simply does not play anything, then you may be using {{ic|vmix}} which prevents Audacity from having exclusive access to your sound device. To fix this, before running Audacity, run:

$ ossmix vmix0-enable OFF

You can restore {{ic|vmix}} after closing Audacity with:

$ ossmix vmix0-enable ON

=== Gajim ===

By default, [http://gajim.org/ Gajim] uses {{ic|aplay -q}} to play a sound. For OSS you can change it to the equivalent {{ic|ossplay -qq}} by going to ''Edit > Preferences > Advanced'', opening the ''Advanced Configuration Editor'' and modifying the {{ic|soundplayer}} variable accordingly.

=== MOC ===

To use [[Moc|MOC]] with OSS v4.1 you must change {{ic|OSSMixerDevice}} to {{ic|/dev/ossmix}} in your configuration file (located in {{ic|~/.moc}}). For issues with the interface try changing the {{ic|OSSMixerChannel}} by pressing {{ic|w}} in {{ic|mocp}} (to change to the sofware mixer).

=== MPD ===

[[MPD]] is configured through {{ic|/etc/mpd.conf}} or {{ic|~/.mpdconf}}. Check both of these files, looking for something that looks like:



audio_output {

type "alsa"

name "Some Device Name"



If you find an uncommented (the lines do not begin with #'s) ALSA configuration like the one above, comment all of it out, or delete it, and add the following:



audio_output {

type "oss"

name "My OSS Device"



Further configuration might not be necessary for all users. However, if you experience issues (in that MPD does not work properly after it has been restarted), or if you like having specific (i.e. more user-configured, less auto-configured) configuration files, the audio output for OSS can be more specifically configured as follows:

* First, run:

$ ossinfo | grep /dev/dsp

* Look for the line that says something similar to {{ic|/dev/dsp -> /dev/oss/<SOME_CARD_IDENTIFIER>/pcm0}}. Take note of what your {{ic|<SOME_CARD_IDENTIFIER>}} is, and add these lines to your OSS {{ic|audio_output}} in your MPD configuration file:



audio_output {

type "oss"

name "My OSS Device"

'''device "/dev/oss/<SOME_CARD_IDENTIFIER>/pcm0"'''

'''mixer_device "/dev/oss/<SOME_CARD_IDENTIFIER>/mix0"'''




See also: [[Music Player Daemon#Global Configuration]].

=== MPlayer ===

If you are using a GUI (SMplayer, GNOME MPlayer, etc.) you can select OSS as the default output in the settings dialogs. If you use [[MPlayer]] from the command-line, you should specify the sound output:

$ mplayer -ao oss /some/file/to/play.mkv

If you do not want to bother typing it over and over again add {{ic|1=ao=oss}} to your configuration file (at {{ic|~/.mplayer/config}}).

See also: [[Mplayer#Configuration]].

=== Skype ===

The {{Pkg|skype}} package only includes support for ALSA, since OSS support was dropped in the recent versions. To get an OSS-capable [[Skype]], install the {{AUR|skype-oss}} package from the AUR.

Or use {{Pkg|pulseaudio}} with module-oss: Edit {{Ic|/etc/pulse/default.pa}}, comment out the line that starts with {{Ic|load-module module-udev-detect}} and add {{Ic|1=load-module module-oss device="/dev/dsp" sink_name=output source_name=input mmap==0}}.

See also: [[Skype#Skype-OSS Sound (Pre-2.0)]].

=== VLC media player ===

You can select OSS as the default output in the audio settings.

=== Wine ===

To set OSS support in [[Wine]] start:

$ winecfg

and go to the {{ic|Audio}} tab and select the {{ic|OSS Driver}}.

See also: [[Wine#Sound]].


* If you can not get sound from an application not listed here, try looking at the [http://www.4front-tech.com/wiki/index.php/Configuring_Applications_for_OSSv4 Configuring Applications for OSSv4] page.

* Search for OSS specific packages by using {{ic|pacman -Ss -- -oss}} or by looking in the [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=-oss&start=0&PP=100 AUR].

== Tips and tricks ==

=== Using multimedia keys with OSS ===

An easy way to mute/unmute and increase/decrease the volume is to use the {{AUR|ossvol}} script, available in the [[AUR]]. For more information about the script see [http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Tips_And_Tricks#ossvol this article] on the OSS wiki.

Once you installed it, type:

$ ossvol -t

to toggle mute, or:

$ ossvol -h

to see the available commands.

{{Note|If {{ic|ossvol}} gives an error like '''Bad mixer control name(987) 'vol'''', you need to edit the {{ic|/usr/bin/ossvol}} script and change the {{ic|CHANNEL}} variable to your default channel (usually {{ic|vmix0-outvol}}).}}

If you want to use multimedia keys with {{ic|ossvol}}, see [[Extra Keyboard Keys]] and make sure they are properly configured. After that you can use, for example, [[Xbindkeys]] to bind them to the {{ic|ossvol}} script. Add the following to your {{ic|~/.xbindkeysrc}} file:


# Toggle mute

"ossvol -t"

m:0x0 + c:121


# Lower volume

"ossvol -d 2"

m:0x0 + c:122


# Raise volume

"ossvol -i 2"

m:0x0 + c:123



and optionally change the multimedia keys with whatever shortcuts you prefer.

=== サンプルレートを変更する ===

Changing the output sample rate is not obvious at first. Sample rates can only be changed by root and {{ic|vmix}} must be unused by any programs when a change is requested. Before you follow any of these steps, ensure you are going through a receiver/amplifier and using quality speakers and not simply computer speakers. If you are only using computer speakers, do not bother changing anything here as you will not notice a difference.

By default the sample rate is 48000hz. There are several conditions in which you may want to change this. This all depends on your usage patterns. You want the sample rate you are using to match the media you use the most. If your computer has to change the sampling rate of the media to suit the hardware it is likely, though not guaranteed, that you will have a loss in audio quality. This is most noticeable in down sampling (ie. 96000hz → 48000hz). There is an article about this issue in [http://www.stereophile.com/news/121707lucky/ Stereophile] which was [http://lists.apple.com/archives/coreaudio-api/2008/Jan/msg00272.html discussed] on Apple's ''CoreAudio API'' mailing list if you wish to learn more about this issue.

Some example sample rates:

; 44100hz: Sample rate of standard [[Wikipedia:Red Book (CD standard)|Red Book]] audio CDs.

; 88000hz: Sample rate of [[Wikipedia:Super Audio CD|SACD]] high definition audio discs/downloads. It is rare that your motherboard will support this sample rate.

; 96000hz: Sample rate of most high definition audio downloads. If your motherboard is an [[Wikipedia:AC'97|AC'97]] motherboard, this is likely to be your highest bitrate.

; 192000hz: Sample rate of BluRay, and some (very few) high definition downloads. Support for external audio receiver equipment is limited to high end audio. Not all motherboards support this. An example of a motherboard chipset that would support this includes [[Wikipedia:Intel High Definition Audio|HD Audio]].

To check what your sample rate is currently set to, run:

ossmix | grep rate

You are likely to see {{ic|vmix0-rate <decimal value> (currently 48000) (Read-only)}}.

If you do not see a {{ic|vmix0-rate}} (or {{ic|vmix1-rate}}, etc.) being outputted, then it probably means that {{ic|vmix}} is disabled. In that case, OSS will use the rate requested by the program which uses the device, so this section does not apply. Exception to this are Envy24 (and Envy24HT) cards that have a special setting {{ic|envy24.rate}} which has a similar function (see the {{ic|oss_envy24}} manpage).

To change your sample rate:

# First, make sure your card is able to use the new rate. Run {{ic|ossinfo -v2}} and see if the wanted rate is in the ''Native sample rates'' output.

# As root, run {{ic|/usr/lib/oss/scripts/killprocs.sh}}. Be aware, this will close any program that currently has an open sound channel.

# After all programs occupying {{ic|vmix}} are terminated, run as root: {{ic|vmixctl rate /dev/dsp 96000}} replacing the rate with your desired sample rate (and {{ic|ossmix envy24.rate 96000}} if applicable).

# Run {{ic|<nowiki>ossmix | grep rate</nowiki>}} and check for {{ic|vmix0-rate <decimal value> (currently 96000) (Read-only)}} to see if you were successful.

#'''To make the changes permanent''' add the following to the {{ic|soundon.user}} file:



vmixctl rate /dev/dsp 96000

# ossmix envy24.rate 96000 # uncomment if you have an Envy24(HT) card

exit 0


and make it executable:

# chmod +x /usr/lib/oss/soundon.user

=== シンプルなシステムトレイアプレット ===

For those wanting a very lightweight OSS system tray applet see [http://pastebin.furver.se/0xflchkfz/ this one].

To install it:

* Download [http://pastebin.furver.se/0xflchkfz/0xflchkfz.txt the script] with whatever name you want (e.g. {{ic|ossvolctl}})

* Make it executable:

$ chmod +x ossvolctl

* And copy it to your {{ic|/usr/bin}}:

# cp ossvolctl /usr/bin/ossvolctl


# install -Dm755 ossvolctl /usr/bin/ossvolctl

=== Start ossxmix docked to the system tray on startup ===

==== KDE ====

Create an application launcher file named {{ic|ossxmix.desktop}} in you local application launchers directory ({{ic|~/.local/share/applications/}} with:


[Desktop Entry]

Name=Open Sound System Mixer

GenericName=Audio Mixer

Exec=ossxmix -b







To have it autostart with your system, add it to the list in ''System Settings > System Administration > Startup and Shutdown > Autostart''.

==== Gnome ====

As root create a file {{ic|/usr/local/bin/ossxmix_bg}} with the following content:



exec /usr/bin/ossxmix -b


Then go to ''System > Preferences > Start Up Applications'' and:

* Click ''Add'', type {{ic|OSSMIX}} in the ''Name'' field and {{ic|/usr/local/bin/ossxmix_bg}} in ''Command'' field then click ''Add Button''.

* Login and logout to see the changes.

=== Record sound output from a program ===

* [http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Tips_And_Tricks#Recording_sound_output_of_a_program Recording sound output of a program].

=== サスペンドとハイバネーション ===

OSS does not automatically support suspend, it must be manually stopped prior to suspending or hibernating and restarted afterwards.

OSS provides {{ic|soundon}} and {{ic|soundoff}} to enable and disable OSS, although they only stop OSS if all processes that use sound are terminated first.

The following script is a rather basic method of automatically unloading OSS prior to suspending and reloading afterwards.












case $1 in







*) exit $NA




Save the contents of this script (as root) into {{ic|/usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/50osssound.sh}} and make it executable:

# chmod a+x /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/50osssound.sh

{{Warning|This script is rather basic and will terminate any application directly accessing OSS. Save your work prior to suspending/hibernating.}}

An alternative would be to use [[Suspend_to_RAM|s2ram]] for suspending. Just create a suspend script to {{ic|/usr/bin/suspend}} and make it executable.



## Checking if you are a root or not

if ! [ -w / ]; then

echo >&2 "This script must be run as root"

exit 1


s2ram -f

sleep 2

/etc/rc.d/oss restart 2>/tmp/oss.txt || echo "OSS restart failed, check /tmp/oss.txt for information"


With this, all your apps should be fine.

{{Note |If you are using Opera you must kill {{ic|operapluginwrapper}} before suspend. To do this add {{ic|1=pid=$(pidof operapluginwrapper) && kill $pid}} before {{ic|s2ram -f}}.}}

=== Changing the Default Sound Output ===

When running {{ic|osstest}}, the first test passes for the first channel, but not for the stereo or right channel, it sounds distorted/hisses. If this is what your sound is like, then it is set to the wrong output.

*** Scanning sound adapter #-1 ***

/dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/pcm0 (audio engine 0): HD Audio play front

- Performing audio playback test...

<left> OK <right> OK <stereo> OK <measured srate 47991.00 Hz (-0.02%)>

The left sounded good, the right and stereo were the distorted ones.

Let the test continue until you get a working output:

/dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/spdout0 (audio engine 5): HD Audio play spdif-out

- Performing audio playback test...

<left> OK <right> OK <stereo> OK <measured srate 47991.00 Hz (-0.02%)>

If this passed the test on all left, right and stereo, proceed to next step.

For the command to change the default output see [http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Tips_And_Tricks#Changing_the_default_sound_output this OSS wiki article]. Change it to what works for you, for example:

# ln -sf /dev/oss/oss_hdaudio0/spdout0 /dev/dsp_multich

For surround sound (4.0-7.1) choose {{ic|dsp_multich}}, for only 2 channels, {{ic|dsp}} is sufficient. See [http://manuals.opensound.com/usersguide/dsp.html this] for all available devices.

=== Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 SB1090 USB ===

This information is taken from the [http://www.4front-tech.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3423 4front-tech forum].

It is surprising to learn that the external card does not work just because of a missing true return value in the function {{ic|write_control_value(...)}} in {{ic|ossusb_audio.c}}.

To fix this, a recompile of OSS is necessary, for now.

* Grab the latest OSS from the Arch Repo


* Extract it

* {{ic|cd}} into the folder

* run {{ic|makepkg --nobuild}}

* {{ic|cd}} to {{ic|src/kernel/drv/oss_usb/}} and edit {{ic|ossusb_audio.c}}: add a {{ic|return 1;}}.

** should look like so:


static int

write_control_value (ossusb_devc * devc, udi_endpoint_handle_t * endpoint,

int ctl, int l, unsigned int v)


return 1;



* {{ic|cd}} to {{ic|src/kernel/setup}} and edit {{ic|srcconf_linux.inc}}, search for {{ic|-Werror}} and remove it, otherwise OSS will not compile.

* do {{ic|makepkg --noextract}}

Now you must install the package with {{ic|pacman -U}}. Remove OSS first if already installed.

=== ALSA emulation ===

You can instruct {{ic|alsa-lib}} to use OSS as its audio output system. This works as a sort of ALSA emulation.

Note, however, that this method may introduce additional latency in your sound output, and that the emulation is not complete and does not work with all applications. It does not work, for example, with programs that try to detect devices using ALSA.

So, as most applications support OSS directly, use this method only as a last resort.

In the future, more complete methods may be available for emulating ALSA, such as {{ic|libsalsa}} and {{ic|cuckoo}}.

==== Instructions ====

* Install the {{ic|alsa-plugins}} package, available in the official repositories.

* Edit {{ic|/etc/asound.conf}} as follows.

pcm.oss {

type oss

device /dev/dsp


pcm.!default {

type oss

device /dev/dsp


ctl.oss {

type oss

device /dev/mixer


ctl.!default {

type oss

device /dev/mixer


{{Note|If you do not want to use OSS anymore, do not forget to revert changes in {{ic|/etc/asound.conf}}.}}

=== Settings for a specific driver ===

If something is not working, there is a possibility that some of your OSS settings are driver specific or just wrong for your driver.

To solve this:

* Find out which driver is used

{{hc|<nowiki>$ lspci -vnn | grep -i -A 15 audio</nowiki>|

<nowiki>00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller [0401]: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller [8086:266e] (rev 03)

Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company NX6110/NC6120 [103c:099c]

Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 21

I/O ports at 2100 [size=256]

I/O ports at 2200 [size=64]

Memory at d0581000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512]

Memory at d0582000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]

Capabilities: <access denied>

Kernel driver in use: *oss_ich*

Kernel modules: snd-intel8x0</nowiki>


* Locate configuration file for device in:

# cd /usr/lib/oss/conf/

* Try changing defaults. There are only few settings, and they are self explanatory

For example, the setting:

ich_jacksense = 1

in {{ic|oss_ich.conf}} turns on {{ic|jack-sense}} (which is responsible for recognizing plugged headphones and muting the speaker). Other settings for {{ic|jack-sense}} can be found in {{ic|hdaudio.conf}} where you have to change the {{ic|hdaudio_jacksense}} variable.

* [[Daemon|Restart]] the '''oss''' daemon for changes take effects.

== トラブルシューティング ==

=== Troubleshooting HD Audio devices ===

==== Understanding the problem ====

If you have a HD Audio sound device, it is very likely that you will have to adjust some mixer settings before your sound works.

HD Audio devices are very powerful in the sense that they can contain a lot of small circuits (called ''widgets'') that can be adjusted by software at any time. These controls are exposed to the mixer, and they can be used, for example, to turn the earphone jack into a sound input jack instead of a sound output jack.

However, there are also bad side effects, mainly because the HD Audio standard is more flexible than it perhaps should be, and because the vendors often only care to get their ''official drivers'' working.

When using HD Audio devices, you often find disorganized mixer controls, that do not work at all by default, and you are forced to try every mixer control combination possible, until it works.

==== Solution ====

Open {{ic|ossxmix}} and try to change every mixer control in the '''middle area''', that contains the sound card specific controls, as explained in the [[OSS#Volume Control Mixer]] section.

You will probably want to setup a program to record/play continuously in the background (e.g. {{ic|<nowiki>ossrecord - | ossplay -</nowiki>}} for recording or {{ic|osstest -lV}} for playing), while changing mixer settings in {{ic|ossxmix}} in the foreground.

* Raise every volume control slider.

* In each option box, try to change the selected option, trying all the possible combinations.

* If you get noise, try to lower and/or mute some volume controls, until you find the source of the noise.

* Editing {{ic|/usr/lib/oss/conf/oss_hdaudio.conf}}, uncommenting and changing {{ic|1=hdaudio_noskip=0}} to a value from '''0-7''' can give you more jack options in {{ic|ossxmix}}.

{{Note|If you modify this file, [[Daemon|restart]] the '''oss''' daemon for the changes to take effect.}}

=== MMS sound cracking in Totem ===

If you hear various cracks or strange noises in Totem during playback, you can try using another backend such as [[FFmpeg]]. This will not fix the issue that somehow pops up in GStreamer when playing MMS streams but it will give you the option to play it with good sound quality. Playing it in MPlayer is simple:

# mplayer mmsh://yourstreamurl

=== Microphone playing through output channels ===

By default, OSS plays back the microphone through the speakers. To disable this in {{ic|ossxmix}} find the ''Misc'' section and uncheck every {{ic|input-mix-mute}} box.

== 参照 ==

* [http://www.opensound.com/ 公式ウェブサイト]

* [http://www.opensound.com/wiki OSS Wiki]

* [http://www.opensound.com/forum/index.php OSS フォーラム]

* [http://www.opensound.com/developer/index.html 開発者情報]

* [http://sourceforge.net/p/opensound/git/ Git リポジトリ]

* [http://sourceforge.net/p/opensound/mailman/opensound-devel/ opensound-devel メーリングリスト]

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