Created page with "<noinclude> Category:Applications (Українська) es:List of applications/Other it:List of applications/Other [[ja:アプリケーション一覧/その他]..."
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[[Category:Applications (Українська)]]
[[es:List of applications/Other]]
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{{List of applications navigation (Українська)}}
== Others ==
=== Work environment ===
The default installation of Arch provides Bash as shell interpreter and does not contain any Desktop Environment, therefore forces users to choose one themselves. Most Arch boxes run some X11 Window Manager and/or Desktop Environment, but of course there are still people who prefer doing everyday tasks in bare console.
==== Bootsplash ====
See also [[Wikipedia:Bootsplash]].
*{{App|[[Fbsplash]]|Gentoo implementation as bootsplash program||{{AUR|fbsplash}}}}
*{{App|[[Plymouth]]|The new graphical boot process for Fedora, replacing the aging Red Hat Graphical Boot||{{AUR|plymouth}}}}
*{{App|[[Splashy]]|A graphical boot process designed to replace the aging Bootsplash program||{{AUR|splashy-full}}}}
==== Command shells ====
See the main article: [[Command-line shell]].
See also [[Wikipedia:Comparison of command shells]].
==== Terminal multiplexers ====
* {{App|abduco|Tool for session attach and detach support which allows a process to run independently from its controlling terminal.||{{aur|abduco}}}}
* {{App|dtach|Program that emulates the detach feature of [[screen]].||{{Pkg|dtach}}}}
* {{App|[[GNU Screen]]|Full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal.||{{Pkg|screen}}}}
* {{App|[[tmux]]|BSD licensed terminal multiplexer.||{{Pkg|tmux}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Byobu (software)|byobu]]|An GPLv3 licensed addon for tmux or screen. It requires a terminal multiplexer installed.||{{AUR|byobu}}}}
==== Desktop environments ====
See the main article: [[Desktop environment#List of desktop environments]].
See also [[Wikipedia:Comparison of X Window System desktop environments]].
==== Window managers ====
===== Console =====
See also [[#Terminal multiplexers]], which offer some of the functions of window managers for the console.
* {{App|dvtm|[[dwm]]-style window manager in the console.||{{Pkg|dvtm}}}}
* {{App|twin|Text-mode window manager.||{{Pkg|twin}}}}
===== Graphical =====
See the main article: [[Window manager#List of window managers]].
See also [[Wikipedia:Comparison of X window managers]].
==== Window tilers ====
* {{App|PyTyle3|An automatic tiler that is compatible with Openbox Multihead with faster action and lower memory footprint.||{{AUR|pytyle3-git}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|pytyle3-git}}}}}}
* {{App|PyWO|Allows you to easily organize windows on the desktop using keyboard shortcuts.|}}
* {{App|QuickTile|Lightweight standalone alternative to Compiz Grid plugin.||{{AUR|quicktile-git}}}}
* {{App|stiler|A simple python script to convert any wm to tiling wm.|3=|4={{AUR|stiler-grid-git}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|stiler-grid-git}}}} {{AUR|stiler}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|stiler}}}}}}
* {{App|[[Tile-windows]]|Tool for tiling windows horizontally or vertically.||{{AUR|tile-windows}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|tile-windows}}}}}}
* {{App|wumwum|The Window Manager manager. It can turn emwh compliant window managers into a tiling window manager while retaining all initial functionalities.||{{AUR|wumwum}}}}
==== Virtual desktop pagers ====
See also [[Wikipedia:Pager (GUI)]].
* {{App|bbpager|Dockable pager for [[blackbox]] and other window managers.|3=|4={{Pkg|bbpager}}}}
* {{App|fbpager|Virtual desktop pager for fluxbox.||{{AUR|fbpager-git}}}}
* {{App|IPager|A configurable pager with transparency, originally developed for Fluxbox.||{{AUR|ipager}}}}
* {{App|Neap|An non-intrusive and light pager that runs in the notification area of your panel.||{{AUR|neap}}}}
* {{App|Netwmpager|A NetWM/EWMH compatible pager.||{{AUR|netwmpager}}}}
* {{App|obpager|Pager for [[Openbox]] writen in C++.||{{AUR|obpager}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|obpager}}}}}}
* {{App|Pager|A highly configurable pager compatible with Openbox Multihead.||{{AUR|pager-multihead-git}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|pager-multihead-git}}}}}}
==== Support applications ====
===== Login managers =====
See the main article: [[Display manager#List of display managers]].
===== Composite managers =====
See the main article: [[Xorg#List of composite managers]].
===== Taskbars / panels / docks =====
* {{App|[[Avant Window Navigator]]|Lightweight dock which sits at the bottom of the screen.||{{AUR|avant-window-navigator}}}}
* {{App|[[Bmpanel]]|Lightweight, NETWM compliant panel.||{{AUR|bmpanel2}}}}
* {{App|[[Cairo-Dock]]|Highly customizable dock and launcher application.||{{Pkg|cairo-dock}}}}
* {{App|Daisy|KDE Plasma widget which acts as a dock.||{{AUR|kdeplasma-applets-daisy}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|kdeplasma-applets-daisy}}}}}}
* {{App|Docker|Docking application which acts as a system tray.||{{AUR|docker-tray}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Docky|Docky]]|Full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows easier and quicker.||{{Pkg|docky}}}}
* {{App|[[fbpanel]]|Lightweight, NETWM compliant desktop panel.||{{Pkg|fbpanel}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:GNOME Panel|GNOME Panel]]|Panel included in the [[GNOME Flashback]] desktop.||{{Pkg|gnome-panel}}}}
* {{App|KoolDock|KDE3 docker with great effects that tries to resemble the OS X dock.||{{AUR|kooldock-svn}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|kooldock-svn}}}}}}
* {{App|LXPanel|Lightweight X11 desktop panel and part of the LXDE desktop.||{{Pkg|lxpanel}}}}
* {{App|MATE Panel|Panel included in the [[MATE]] desktop.||{{Pkg|mate-panel}}}}
* {{App|PerlPanel|The ideal accompaniment to a light-weight Window Manager such as OpenBox, or a desktop-drawing program like iDesk.||{{pkg|perlpanel}}}}
* {{app|[[Plank]]|Elegant, simple, clean dock from [[pantheon]] desktop environment.||{{pkg|plank}}}}
* {{App|[[PyPanel]]|Lightweight panel/taskbar written in Python and C.||{{Pkg|pypanel}}}}
* {{App|qtpanel|Project to create useful and beautiful panel in Qt.||{{AUR|qtpanel-git}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|qtpanel-git}}}}}}
* {{App|[[Stalonetray]]|Stand-alone system tray.||{{Pkg|stalonetray}}}}
* {{App|[[Tint2]]|Simple panel/taskbar developed specifically for Openbox.||{{Pkg|tint2}}}}
* {{App|Trayer|Lightweight GTK+-based systray.||{{Pkg|trayer}}}}
* {{App|wbar|Quick launch bar developed with speed in mind.||{{Pkg|wbar}}}}
* {{App|Xfce Panel|Panel included in the [[Xfce]] desktop.||{{Pkg|xfce4-panel}}}}
===== Application launchers =====
See also [[Wikipedia:Comparison of desktop application launchers]].
* {{App|ADeskBar|Easy, simple and unobtrusive application launcher for Openbox.||{{AUR|adeskbar}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|adeskbar}}}}}}
* {{App|Albert|An application launcher inspired by Alfred.||{{AUR|albert}}}}
* {{App|Bashrun2|Provides a different, barebones approach to a run dialog, using a specialized Bash session within a small xterm window.||{{AUR|bashrun2}}}}
* {{App|[[dmenu]]|Fast and lightweight dynamic menu for X which is also useful as an application launcher.||{{Pkg|dmenu}}}}
* {{App|dmenu-extended|An extension to ''dmenu'' for quickly opening files and folders.||{{AUR|dmenu-extended}}}}
* {{App|dmenu-launch|Simple ''dmenu''-based application launcher. Launches binaries and XDG shortcuts.||{{AUR|dmenu-launch}}}}
* {{App|dswitcher|''dmenu''-based window switcher that works regardless of workspace or minimization.||{{AUR|dswitcher-git}}}}
* {{App|Fehlstart|Small GTK+-based application launcher.||{{AUR|fehlstart-git}}}}
* {{App|[[Gmrun]]|Lightweight GTK+-based application launcher, with the ability to run programs inside a terminal and other handy features.||{{Pkg|gmrun}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:GNOME Do|GNOME Do]]|Application launcher inspired by [[Wikipedia:Quicksilver_(software)|Quicksilver]] with many plugins, originally developed for the GNOME desktop.||{{Pkg|gnome-do}}}}
* {{App|j4-dmenu-desktop|Very fast dmenu application launcher.||{{AUR|j4-dmenu-desktop}}}}
* {{App|higgins|A desktop agnostic application launcher, file finder, calculator and more. Plugin based and freely and easily extendable via user-written plugins||{{AUR|higgins-git}}}}
* {{App|Kupfer|Convenient command and access tool for the GNOME desktop that can launch applications, open documents and access different types of objects and act on them.||{{AUR|kupfer}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Launchy|Launchy]]|Very popular cross-platform application launcher with a plugin-based system used to provide extra functionality.||{{Pkg|launchy}}}}
* {{App|Lighthouse|A simple scriptable popup dialog to run on X.||{{AUR|lighthouse-git}}}}
* {{App|[[rofi]]|A popup window switcher roughly based on superswitcher, requiring only xlib and pango.||{{Pkg|rofi}}}}
* {{app|slingshot|An application launcher has a clear look, part of [[pantheon]] desktop environment.||{{AUR|slingshot-launcher}}}}
* {{App|Runa|Fast and light dmenu-driven application launcher, suitable for use standalone, integrated into file manager context menus, or as an 'xdg-open' replacement. Favourite applications can also be configured.||{{aur|runa}}}}
* {{App|Synapse|Synapse is a semantic launcher written in Vala that you can use to start applications as well as find and access relevant documents and files by making use of the Zeitgeist engine.||{{Pkg|synapse}}}}
* {{App|Whippet|A launcher and xdg-open replacement for control freaks. Opens files and URLs with applications associated by name and/or mimetype. Applications and associations may be customized using an SQLite database. Uses dmenu to manage its menus.||{{aur|whippet}}}}
* {{App|xboomx|Light ''dmenu'' wrapper that reorders commands based on popularity, written in Python.||{{AUR|xboomx}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|xboomx}}}}}}
* {{App|xfce4-appfinder|An eazy-to-use application launcher from Xfce.||{{pkg|xfce4-appfinder}}}}
* {{App|Yeganesh|Light ''dmenu'' wrapper that reorders commands based on popularity, written in Haskell.||{{AUR|yeganesh}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|yeganesh}}}}}}
===== Logout dialogue =====
A few simple shutdown managers are available:
* {{App|exitx-polkit|A GTK logout dialog for Openbox with PolicyKit support.||{{AUR|exitx-polkit-git}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|exitx-polkit-git}}}}}}
* {{App|exitx-systemd|A GTK logout dialog for Openbox with systemd support.||{{AUR|exitx-systemd-git}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|exitx-systemd-git}}}}}}
* {{App|oblogout|A graphical logout script for [[Openbox]] that may be used with other WMs.||{{pkg|oblogout}}}}
* {{App|obshutdown|A great GTK/Cairo based shutdown manager for Openbox and other window managers.||{{AUR|obshutdown}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|obshutdown}}}}}}
==== Accessibility ====
===== Screen reading =====
* {{App|Mimic|Text-to-speech voice synthesis from the Mycroft project||{{Aur|mimic-git}}}}
* {{App|Orca|Screen reader for individuals who are blind or visually impaired||{{Pkg|orca}}}}
* {{App|[[Simple Orca Plugin System]]|Plug-in extension for the Orca screen reader||{{AUR|simpleorcapluginsystem-git}}}}
===== Speech recognition =====
See the main article [[Speech recognition]] for applications.
=== Finance ===
See also [[Wikipedia:Comparison of accounting software]].
* {{App|Beancount|Beancount is a Ledger-like CLI double-entry accounting system. It is written in Python and has more features, like multi-currency support, than Ledger.||{{AUR|beancount-hg}}}}
* {{App|esniper|Simple, lightweight tool for [[Wikipedia:Auction_sniping|sniping]] eBay auctions.||{{AUR|esniper}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:GnuCash|GnuCash]]|Financial application that implements a double-entry book-keeping system with features for small business accounting.||{{Pkg|gnucash}}}}
* {{App|Grisbi|Personal finance system which manages third party, expenditure and receipt categories, as well as budgetary lines, financial years, and other information that makes it suitable for associations.||{{AUR|grisbi}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:HomeBank|HomeBank]]|Easy to use finance manager that can analyse your personal finance in detail using powerful filtering tools and graphs.||{{Pkg|homebank}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:KMyMoney|KMyMoney]]|Personal finance manager that operates in a similar way to [[Wikipedia:Microsoft Money|Microsoft Money]]. It supports different account types, categorisation of expenses and incomes, reconciliation of bank accounts and import/export to the “QIF” file format.||{{Pkg|kmymoney}}}}
* {{App|Ledger|Ledger is a powerful, double-entry accounting system that is accessed from the UNIX command-line.||{{AUR|ledger}}}}
* {{App|hledger|An accounting program for tracking money, time, or any other commodity, using double-entry accounting and a simple, editable file format. hledger is inspired by and largely compatible with ledger.||{{AUR|hledger-git}}}}
* {{App|Moneychanger|An intuitive QT/C++ system tray client for ''Open-Transactions''||{{AUR|moneychanger-git}}}}
* {{App|Manager Accounting|Manager is free accounting software for small business.||{{AUR|manager-accounting}}}}
* {{App|Money Manager EX|An easy-to-use personal finance suite||{{Pkg|moneymanagerex}}}}
* {{App|Skrooge|Personal finances manager for the KDE desktop.||{{Pkg|skrooge}}}}
* {{App|openerp|Open source erp system purely in python.||{{AUR|openerp}}}}
* {{App|Open-Transactions|A financial cryptography library used for issuing currencies, stock, paying dividends, creating asset accounts, sending/receiving digital cash, trading on markets and escrow.||{{AUR|open-transactions-git}}}}
=== Flashcards ===
* {{App|[[Anki]]|Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy.||{{Pkg|anki}}}}
* {{App|iGNUit|Memorization aid based on the Leitner flashcard system.||{{AUR|ignuit}}}}
* {{App|[[Mnemosyne]]|Free flash-card tool which optimizes your learning process.||{{AUR|mnemosyne}}}}
=== Time management ===
==== Console ====
* {{App|Calcurse|Text-based ncurses calendar and scheduling system.||{{Pkg|calcurse}}}}
* {{App|Doneyet|Ncurses-based hierarchical To-do list manager written in C++.||{{AUR|doneyet}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|doneyet}}}}}}
* {{App|Pal|Very lightweight calendar with both interactive and non-interactive interfaces.||{{AUR|pal}}}}
* {{App|[[Remind]]|Highly sophisticated text-based calendaring and notification system.||{{Pkg|remind}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Taskwarrior|Taskwarrior]]|Command-line To-do list application with support for lua customization and more.||{{Pkg|task}}}}
* {{App|Todo.txt|Small command-line To-do manager.||{{AUR|todotxt}}}}
* {{App|TuDu|Ncurses-based hierarchical To-do list manager with vim-like keybindings.||{{AUR|tudu}}}}
* {{App|When|Simple personal calendar program.||{{Pkg|when}}}}
* {{App|Wyrd|Text-based front-end to Remind, a calendar and alarm program used on UNIX and Linux computers.||{{Pkg|wyrd}}}}
* {{App|mail2rem|Small script for importing *.ics calendars from Maildir to Remind calendar.||{{AUR|mail2rem-git}}}}
* {{App|DevTodo|Is a small command line application for maintaining lists of tasks.||{{AUR|devtodo}}}}
==== Graphical ====
* {{App|Calendar|Calendar application for GNOME.||{{Pkg|gnome-calendar}}}}
* {{App|Clocks|Clocks application for GNOME.||{{Pkg|gnome-clocks}}}}
* {{App|Day Planner|Program designed to help you easily plan and manage your time. It can manage appointments, birthdays and more.||{{AUR|dayplanner}}}}
* {{App|etm (Event and Task Manager)|Simple application with a "Getting Things Done!" approach to handling events, tasks, activities, reminders and projects.||{{AUR|etm}}}}
* {{App|etmtk (Event and Task Manager second generation)|Simple application with a "Getting Things Done!" approach to handling events, tasks, activities, reminders and projects. A newer version of etm.||{{AUR|etmtk}}}}
* {{App|Glista|Simple GTK+ To-do list manager with notes support.||{{AUR|glista}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|glista}}}}}}
* {{App|GNOME Break Timer|Keeps track of how much you are using the computer, and it reminds you to take regular breaks.||{{AUR|gnome-break-timer}}}}
* {{App|GTG (Getting Things GNOME!)|Personal tasks and To-do list items organizer for the GNOME desktop.||{{AUR|gtg}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|gtg}}}}}}
* {{App|Hamster|Time tracking application that helps you to keep track on how much time you have spent during the day on activities you choose to track.||{{Pkg|hamster-time-tracker}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Kontact#Organizer|KOrganizer]]|Calendar and scheduling program, part of {{Grp|kdepim}}.||{{Pkg|korganizer}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Lightning (software)|Lightning]]|Extension to Mozilla Thunderbird that provides calendar and task support.||{{AUR|lightning}}}}
* {{App|Orage|GTK+ calendar and task manager often seen integrated with Xfce.||{{Pkg|orage}}}}
* {{App|Osmo|GTK+ personal organizer, which includes calendar, tasks manager and address book modules.||{{Pkg|osmo}}}}
* {{App|Outspline|Extensible outliner with advanced time management features, supporting events with complex recurrence schemes.||{{AUR|outspline}}}}
* {{App|QTodoTxt|A cross-platform UI client for {{ic|todo.txt}} files (see [ project's page])||{{AUR|qtodotxt}} {{AUR|qtodotxt-git}}}}
* {{App|Rachota|Portable time tracker for personal projects.||{{AUR|rachota}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|rachota}}}}}}
* {{App|Task Coach|Simple open source To-do manager to manage personal tasks and To-do lists.||{{AUR|taskcoach}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Tasque (software)|Tasque]]|Easy quick task management app written in C Sharp.||{{Pkg|tasque}}}}
* {{App|Tider|Lightweight time tracking application (GTK+)||{{AUR|tider-git}}}}
* {{App|TkRemind|Sophisticated calendar and alarm program.||{{Pkg|remind}}}}
* {{App|[[Wikipedia:Workrave|Workrave]]|A tool to help RSI.||{{Pkg|workrave}}}}
* {{App|wxRemind|Python text and graphical frontend to Remind.||{{AUR|wxremind}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|wxremind}}}}}}
=== Emulators ===
An emulator is a program which serves to replicate the functions of another platform or system so as to allow applications and games to be run in environments they were not programmed for.
{{Note|1=For possibly more up to date selection of emulators, try checking the [ AUR 'emulators' category]}}
{{Warning|Owning a high-level emulator is not illegal, but distribution of any type of copyrighted ROMs and unauthorized emulation (without written permission of the copyright holder allowing the user to do so) are '''illegal'''. Consequently, Arch Linux does not distribute this copyrighted content, including game ROMs and ripped console BIOSs. You are fully responsible for whatever usage of the emulators obtained from the [[official repositories]] or the [[Arch User Repository]] you make, as well as any legal repercussion that result. Arch Linux bears no responsibility at all.}}
==== Consoles ====
See also [[Wikipedia:List of video game console emulators]].
* {{App|Citra|Nintendo 3DS emulator.||{{AUR|citra-git}}}}
* {{App|DeSmuME|Nintendo DS emulator.||{{Pkg|desmume}}}}
* {{App|[[Dolphin emulator|Dolphin]]|Very capable GameCube and Wii emulator.||{{Pkg|dolphin-emu}}}}
* {{App|epsxe|Emulator for the PlayStation video game console for x86-based PC hardware.||{{AUR|epsxe}}}}
* {{App|fakenes|NES (Nintendo Famicom) emulator.||{{AUR|fakenes}}{{Broken package link|{{aur-mirror|fakenes}}}}}}
* {{App|FCEUX|NTSC and PAL 8 bit Nintendo/Famicom emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. It is accurate, compatible and actively maintained.||{{Pkg|fceux}}}}
* {{App|Gens2|Emulator for Sega Genesis, Sega CD and 32X that is written in assembly language and no longer actively developed.
:* activate OpenGL, set video resolution per custom to 1024x600 for streched full-screen or 800x600 for non-streched;
:* use "Normal" renderer, I couldn't find a visible advantage with the other ones.
* {{App|Gens-GS|Gens2, rewritten in C++, combining features from various Gens forks.||{{Pkg|gens-gs}}}}
* {{App|gngeo|Command-line NeoGeo emulator.||{{AUR|gngeo}}}}
* {{App|higan|Multisystem emulator focusing on accuracy, supporting SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA.||{{Pkg|higan}}}}
* {{App|mednafen|Command line driven multi system emulator.||{{Pkg|mednafen}}}}
* {{App|Mupen64Plus|Highly compatible Nintendo 64 emulator with plugin system.
||{{Pkg|mupen64plus}} or a graphical front-end, such as {{AUR|m64py}} or {{AUR|cutemupen}}.}}
* {{App|pSX|A not plugin-based PlayStation emulator with fairly high compatibility.||{{AUR|psx}}}}
* {{App|PCSXR|PlayStation emulator; Debian fork of the abandoned original PCSX||{{Pkg|pcsxr}}}}
* {{App|PCSX2|PlayStation 2 emulator. It is still being maintained and developed. It requires BIOS files.||{{Pkg|pcsx2}}}}
* {{App|PPSSPP|PlayStation Portable emulator.||{{Pkg|ppsspp}}}}
* {{App|snes-9x|Portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator.||{{Pkg|snes9x}}}}
* {{App|[[Visual Boy Advance]]|Game Boy emulator with Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, and Super Game Boy support.
* {{App|ZSNES|Highly compatible Super Nintendo emulator.
==== Other ====
* {{App|DOSBox|Open-source DOS emulator which primarily focuses on running DOS Games.||{{Pkg|dosbox}}}}
* {{App|DOSEmu|Open-source DOS emulator.||{{Pkg|dosemu}}}}
* {{App|MAME|Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator.||{{Pkg|sdlmame}}}}
* {{App|ResidualVM|Cross-platform 3D game interpreter which allows you to play LucasArts' Lua-based 3D adventures.||{{AUR|residualvm}}}}
* {{App|[[RetroArch]]|Frontend to libretro (emulation library, using modified versions of existing emulators as plugins).||{{Pkg|retroarch}}}}
* {{App|ScummVM|Virtual machine for old school adventures.||{{Pkg|scummvm}}}}
* {{App|X Neko Project II|PC-9801 emulator.||{{AUR|xnp2}}}}
=== Amateur radio ===
See the main article: [[Amateur radio#Software list]].
See also [[Wikipedia:List of software-defined radios]].
=== Display calibration ===
{{Merge|ICC profiles|Main page on color calibration.}}
==== Console ====
* {{App|Argyll CMS|An ICC compatible color management system with support for different colorimeter hardware.||{{Pkg|argyllcms}}}}
==== Graphical ====
* {{App|DisplayCAL|A graphical user interface for the display calibration and profiling tools of Argyll CMS.||{{Pkg|displaycal}}}}