Mosby sends word that inventory is growing low; ordering instructions below:
The Reluctant Partisan, Volume One: The Guerrilla
A Comprehensive Training and Evaluation Program for Community, Tribal, and Family Security Preparedness
by “John Mosby”
Table of Contents
- Cogito, Ergo Armatum Sum (I think, therefore I am armed). The introduction to the book and the reasons why I wrote it and consider the information important.
- Tactics are Like Assholes…Everybody has One. This chapter is a discussion of doctrinal considerations for irregular warfare and how to develop doctrine and training doctrine for your own group.
- Strong People are Harder to Kill….and More Useful in General. It’s not secret that I believe a sound, solid PT programming is the baseline foundation of life in general, and preparedness specifically. This chapter discusses in detail, my thoughts and beliefs on that, as well as offering a complete strength and conditioning program.
- Throat-Punching and Skull-Stomping, or “Put the Pointy End in the Soft Spots”…The Sho Kosugi Shit. This is a discussion on the realities of what works and doesn’t work in the context of unarmed and close-quarters combatives, in the face of people who actually want to fuck you up, versus people who are more concerned with protecting themselves.
- Shoot Him in the Face! Based on my Clandestine Carry Pistol course, this chapter discusses the theory and practical application of running the sidearm as a irregular warfighter.
- Hips and Heads, Kids! A discussion of the realities of running a rifle in modern combative environments, whether an AR15, AK, or “battle rifle.” This is not Basic Rifle Marksmanship alone, nor is it a cool-guy “carbine at pistol range” subject, but spans both…and more.
- Oh Shit! I’ve Been Shot! Ouch, That Hurts! Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Casualty Evacuation Care…including extended care in Austere Environments for Irregular Warfighters.
- Who Has the Map? Oh Damn! We’re Lost! A primer on tactical land navigation skills and training.
- Hide-and-Seek for Grown-Ups. Escape-and-Evasion considerations for bug-out and “get home” planning.
- A Chihuahua Can Kick a Great Dane’s Ass…If He Remembers that He’s a Chihuahua. A discussion of the fundamental battle drills for irregular force small-unit warfighters, and how to train them effectively.
- Get Off My Lawn! Defending the Homestead and Community.
- Nocturnal Nature Walks. Fundamental skills and application of those skills for effective security patrolling operations.
Schoolyard Stuff. Copies of the Mountain Guerrilla programs-of-instruction outlines. These are the notes and plans I use to teach my classes.
- How Many Suitcases Did You Bring? Packing for Partisans in both rural and urban environments.
- Mine is WAY Cooler Than Yours! A primer on effective weapon selection and set-up.
- Old School. Hard School. Best School. A revised and updated version of the classic SF/Recon Tricks of the Trade.
- Too Many Chiefs, not Enough Indians. A discussion of building tribe and teams.
- Bookworm Feces. Bibliography and Professional Reading Suggestions.
Highlighted improvements over the eBook version (that is no longer available, so quit fucking asking already!!!!):
— More illustrations and graphic aids
— More material.
— Actual page numbers.
— A complete Table of Contents (but I’m NOT doing an index, so fuck you)
— Consolidated reference list/recommended further reading at the end of each chapter.
I will be ordering the first print run of 300 copies (roughly the number of eBook versions we sold) at the beginning of next week. I have to determine, with input from the printer, my exact cover design, font size, and layout, before I can determine the exact page count, but so far, in all the various layouts I’ve played with, (I got three different printer’s copies to assess) it is in excess of 500 packed pages of information. This is a good thing.
The less good thing is that, despite my best hopes, in order to make a reasonable profit off the labor put into this work, the retail price will be $60.00 each, with a $10 discount per copy for bulk orders of 5-20 copies (if you’re ordering more than 20 copies, contact me via email and I’ll figure out a quote for you, once I discuss it with the printers).
Shipping costs are $10.00 for orders of less than 5 books. More than five and I need to figure out the exact cost of shipping.
To order the hard copy of The Reluctant Partisan, mail an UNADDRESSED POSTAL Money Order for the correct amount to:
c/o 2184 Channing Way #201
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
If you want your book autographed with something special, include the request with the funds for payment.
Expect some short delay for shipping, because after the funds reach my mail drop, I have to physically drive to pick them up for processing…it is a mail drop, folks.
(Seriously, no MoneyGram, no Western Union, and no personal checks will be accepted. They will be returned to you without your copy of the book. We don’t use bank accounts so cashing anything besides a POSTAL MONEY ORDER is damned near impossible. Additionally, do NOT be a dumbass and address the envelope to “John Mosby.” Since apparently some people are not aware of it, I am not a magically reincarnated Civil War cavalry officer. It is a psuedonym…so even if I HAD a bank account, cashing ANYTHING made out to John Mosby would be rather difficult…..)