

Am I a Developer or a Designer?

Sound familiar? James Rauhut from the IBM Design team shares his journey in working between the realm of web development and design, and how the disciplines can complement each other. (medium.freecodecamp.com)

Angular 2 Final Released (angular.io)

​Don’t love your job? You should. Try Hired and find your fit

​You’re on the cutting edge of design. Why work at a job you don’t love? Try Hired today and have 4,000+ top companies apply for the chance to interview you. Offers come with upfront salary & equity, plus get personalized career support from our Talent Advocates. (hired.com)


A Nerd’s Guide to Color on the Web

A detailed post that delves into some of the technical details about color on the web. (css-tricks.com)

First impressions of React

Seeing the talented Remy Sharp take React for a spin for the first time and share his learning experience gives us an entertaining read for React newbies and gurus. (remysharp.com)

What, Exactly, Makes Something A Progressive Web App?

Whilst there may be many shades of gray on this topic, this post helps set out some requirements and provides a baseline for what a Progressive Web App is. (infrequently.org)

nth-child vs nth-of-type

Do you ever get confused when to use nth-child or nth-of-type? If so, this post is for you. (bitsofco.de)

JavaScript Arrow Functions Introduction

Wes Bos explains the three main benefits that arrow functions have and dives into each one in detail to help us take full advantage of them. (wesbos.com)

JavaScript Continues To Eat The World

If you are keen to dive in and learn JavaScript hopefully this post tips you over the edge. JavaScript is here to stay and is becoming a part of so much. (medium.com)

Airbnb perf audit (docs.google.com)

Tools / Resources

Speed Monitor

This handy script captures the users performance using performance.timing. It then sends it to a NodeJS server, storing it in MongoDB and sends reports to Slack and a couple of other chat tools. (github.com)

The 100% correct way to validate email addresses

You may not find the answer that David Gilbertson proposes that mind boggling but he does sell it in an entertaining manner. (hackernoon.com)

A Guide to Browser Scroll Animations

Brian Rinaldi looks at multiple options for implementing scroll animations within your site. He explores building them from scratch and using existing libraries. (developer.telerik.com)


The Evolution of the Help Scout Brand (helpscout.net)

Intro of the show Stranger Things in CSS (codepen.io)


Communication Designer at Base

Base is seeking a Communication Designer to help lead the company’s marketing and branding efforts and help build a forward thinking world-class brand. If you’re passionate about coming up with innovative designs, fresh ideas, solving problems and collaborating with a fast-paced team this will be the perfect job for you. (getbase.com)

Front End Developer at The Working Party

The Working Party is a group of creative problem-solvers who work on interesting and challenging projects for a range of clients. We value constant learning, aesthetics, interaction and usability. (theworkingparty.com.au)

Need to find passionate developers or designers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter

Last but not least…

The state of the Octoverse 2016 (octoverse.github.com)

The post Web Design Weekly #252 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

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