Ways You Need To Tell The Browser How To Optimize
Chris Coyier explores the shifting performance onus in a number of front end features from browser to developer in recent years. Rather than the presumed “browswers will get faster at running my code”, he considers the situation is one where there is a little more “I need to change the way I code for browsers to get faster”. (css-tricks.com)
State of the Gap (remysharp.com)
Beautifully simple creative portfolio websites
When your creative work is your life’s work, nothing is more important than having a beautiful portfolio website. With Portfolio – which comes free with any Adobe Creative Cloud plan – you can quickly and simply build a website to showcase your creative work, so you can get back to doing what you do best. (myportfolio.com)
CSS at BBC Sport
The team behind the BBC sports site have been working extremely hard of late and have managed to get the base CSS to under 9kb. In this post Shaun Bent shares an in-depth review of how they got their and where things headed. (medium.com)
React and Firebase, sittin’ in a tree
In this post by David Gilbertson, he talks about the wonders of using React and Firebase together. In the first half of the post, he talks about architecture, and in the second half, he gets into some code. (medium.com)
Developing in the Open
Developing a huge open source project used by millions of people is hard. Here’s what the Foundation family of responsive frameworks has learned so far and three particular elements they say have led to their success. (zurb.com)
You Don’t Need JavaScript for That
Every project has different needs. This article by Cristina Silva is a good reminder to make sure you’re picking solutions that work best for your project’s goals. Cristina sets out a few handy CSS tricks as alternatives to common JavaScript interactions. (robots.thoughtbot.com)
The Value of Multi-Typeface Design
One of the first rules of setting a typeface is don’t use too many fonts. Bethany Heck challenges this rule, and in this article presents a counter argument. She speaks to the value of eclectic type systems and how you can structure your projects in ways that will allow you to use more typefaces together effectively. (blog.prototypr.io)
Native Web Push Notifications with Angular 2 (medium.com)
Tools / Resources
Improving Your CSS with Parker
This articles describes Parker as an absolutely fantastic, beautifully simple static analysis tool that gives you some very insightful metrics about your CSS files. (csswizardry.com)
Atomic Docs
Atomic Docs is a front end style guide generator and SASS component manager. (atomicdocs.io)
A developer playground for building full-stack web apps, fast. (hyperdev.com)
Why I think Webpack is the right approach (gist.github.com)
Bitbucket Pipelines (bitbucket.org)
An unofficial bot of ‘Can I use?’ for Slack (caniuse-bot.com)
Data Visualisation of Recent Fire Incidents
Beneath the hood this tidy data visualisation makes use of Virtual DOM, Turf, d3 and Leaflet. (review.bushfir.es)
Quitting Your Job to Pursue Your Passion is Bullshit (janellequibuyen.com)
Interactive SVG Info Graph (codepen.io)
Designer at MongoDB
We are an open and collaborative team with a deep interest in our craft and its impact on others. This is why we are looking for someone that can work closely and cross-functionally with Developers, Engineers, Product Marketers, Product Designers and really just about anyone and everyone in order to complete a project. (mongodb.com)
Have an Web Design related position you need to fill?
Last but not least…
Coffee and its Effects on Feature Creep (royrapoport.blogspot.com)
Tabs vs spaces (amp.twimg.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #238 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.