“Today’s bipartisan Senate vote is an important step toward ensuring the United States can negotiate and enforce strong, high-standards trade agreements. If done right, these agreements are vital to expanding opportunities for the middle class, leveling the playing field for American workers, and establishing rules for the global economy that help our businesses grow and hire by selling goods Made in America to the rest of the world. This Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation includes strong standards that will advance workers’ rights, protect the environment, promote a free and open Internet, and it supports new robust measures to address unfair currency practices. The legislation also includes an important extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) to help all American workers participate in the global economy. I want to thank Senators of both parties for sticking up for American workers by supporting smart trade and strong enforcement, and I encourage the House of Representatives to follow suit by passing TPA and TAA as soon as possible.”
- President Barack Obama [05/22/2015]
On Friday, May 22, the Senate passed the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 by a vote of 62-37. The legislation plays a key role in ensuring the United States can negotiate high standards trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Here’s a look at what people are saying about the Senate’s Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015.
Ambassador Michael Froman, United States Trade Representative (USTR): “The Senate's strong bipartisan vote on Trade Promotion Authority is a powerful statement to the rest of the world that the United States speaks with one voice on the importance of trade. Trade Promotion Authority is a critical tool for advancing trade agreements that support jobs, protect workers, and promote core American values. The legislation the Senate passed today will update Congress's marching orders to the Administration on trade policy and put in place unprecedented new requirements for transparency and congressional consultation. I look forward to working with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress to ensure that this legislation is signed into law, along with renewals of worker assistance and key trade preference programs as well as a strong enforcement package that will provide tough new tools to hold countries accountable if they break the rules.” [05/22/2015]
Secretary Penny Pritzker, Department of Commerce: “I applaud the bi-partisan group of Senators who voted today to strengthen the hand of American businesses and workers to better compete in the 21st century economy. Passage of Trade Promotion Authority is a critical step toward enabling our country to negotiate modern trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific and Europe that reflect our values, will open up new markets, level the playing field for our businesses and workers, and create more high-paying American jobs.” [05/22/2015]
Secretary Tom Vilsack, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): “Today the Senate helped move America closer to securing responsible agreements that open markets for America's farmers, ranchers and agribusiness and create jobs and improve wages across the country. Over 70 organizations representing America's farmers and ranchers, and past secretaries of agriculture in both parties dating back to the Carter Administration all support trade promotion authority because export sales are vital for U.S. agriculture. Last year, agricultural exports totaled more than $150 billion and for many of our products, foreign markets represent half or more of total sales. Those exports supported approximately 1 million U.S. jobs last year. The economy is strengthened and better paying jobs are created in rural America and communities throughout the country by the additional economic activity that flows from expanded farm and food businesses.” [05/22/2015]
Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet, Small Business Administration: “On Friday night, the Senate voted to open new markets for America’s small businesses. This was a ‘yes’ vote for the United States to negotiate new agreements that will lower tariffs for small businesses, which create two out of three net, new jobs in our economy. This was also a ‘yes’ vote to increase workers’ wages, because businesses that export their products and services pay more. Ninety-six percent of the world’s consumers live outside of our borders -- the Senate took an important step toward making it easier for our small businesses to reach them. I hope the House of Representatives moves quickly in support of TPA as well.”[05/22/2015]
Secretary John Kerry, Department of State: “I applaud senators from both parties who voted to promote and protect our interests both at home and abroad by passing the Trade Promotion Authority bill. This bipartisan action was a major step that will enable our county complete the two most significant trade agreements in a generation. Those agreements, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, are essential to America's economic security. They will open markets and level the playing field for American businesses and workers by creating higher standards abroad. They will promote prosperity and security at home and abroad by deepening partnerships with our closest allies. The United States must be a strong leader on trade and I look forward to swift action on this pivotal legislation when the House of Representatives returns from recess.” [05/23/2015]
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member: “Today the U.S. Senate closed the door on the 1990s and NAFTA-style trade deals. Congress sent the message that trade done right will open new markets to red-white-and-blue-products while raising the bar on the environment, labor and human rights values Oregonians hold dear at the same time. This legislation tells the administration to seek out the strongest possible deals that will create new Oregon jobs, protect the open Internet, and contribute to a growing middle class around the world that is anxious to buy the wine, wheat, electronics, berries, bikes and everything else that Oregonians grow and produce." [05/22/2015]
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Senate Finance Committee Chairman: "As the leader of the global trading system, the United States envisions a market that promotes American economic opportunity. No complex, economically significant trade agreement has ever been negotiated by any administration and approved by Congress without Trade Promotion Authority. Tonight, the Senate took yet another step on the road to expanding American trade and advanced bipartisan legislation to renew this critical trade tool.” [05/23/2015]
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI-1), Ways and Means Committee Chairman: “"The Senate has taken an important step toward a healthier economy and greater American leadership in the world. The United States needs more good trade agreements to level the playing field for American workers, and we won’t get them without TPA. We also need TPA to hold the administration accountable to Congress and provide transparency to the American people. Now that the Senate has acted, I look forward to working with my colleagues to do the same in the House. Passage will require Republicans and Democrats coming together to do what is right for the country." [05/22/2015]
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Majority Leader: “Tonight’s vote shows that Republicans and Democrats can stand strong, together, for the Middle Class; it’s yet another example of a new Congress that’s back to work on behalf of the American people. The trade legislation we passed is all about creating new opportunities for bigger paychecks, better jobs, and a stronger economy. The tools it contains will allow us to knock down unfair foreign trade barriers that discriminate against American workers and products stamped “Made in the USA.” I commend Sens. Hatch and Wyden for all their efforts to manage this bill in a bipartisan spirit. And I thank President Obama for standing up to his base and joining Republicans in helping to advance such an important measure for the Middle Class.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): "I voted in support of renewing Trade Promotion Authority, which New Hampshire businesses have told me would help give them fair and equal access to sell their goods and services in new markets, thereby creating more jobs in New Hampshire. TPA is an important tool that will increase American trade, helping New Hampshire businesses create jobs and strengthening our economy." [05/22/2015]
Senator John Boozman (R-AR): “When negotiated properly, free and fair trade agreements have proven that not only can American businesses compete, they truly can succeed in a global economy. When we trade our goods and services with other nations, we improve market access for American exports, grow our economy and create jobs at home… Passing TPA ensures that we can negotiate a fair deal while maintaining Congress’s important role in the process. Members of Congress have access to the proposed deal, can attend negotiations with the U.S. delegation, and get 60 days to review the text of any trade agreement before the President can sign it. Any commitments not disclosed to Congress before trade agreements are introduced will have no force of law. Most importantly, Congress still retains the authority to decide on the final deal.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC): “After much consideration and many conversations with constituents, I decided it was ultimately important that our leaders have the ability to negotiate with other countries to sell American-made products overseas. I am pleased to hear that North Carolina employers and farmers support this provision and will benefit. An additional factor was the Senate's passage of the Customs bill, which ensures that our trade laws are enforced. Should the Senate consider whether to pass implementing legislation for trade agreements, I will examine such legislation very closely to ensure that it is in the best interest of North Carolina and the nation. We still need to learn about the deal itself and will assess it on its own merits.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE): “Today the Senate has made remarkable progress in opening up markets around the world to American goods and services. By approving Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), we've moved our country one step closer to negotiating trade deals that will help us compete and win in the global economy. I was proud to play a role in working with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to move these critical pieces of legislation through the Senate. We’ve long known that 95 percent of the world’s markets are located outside of our borders, so by trusting one another and working together, we have moved our country one step closer to unlocking some of the fastest growing among them.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Dan Coats (R-IN): “Increasing international trade will strengthen Indiana’s economy, create more good-paying jobs, give Hoosier businesses access to new markets and enhance our national security. Free and fair trade will help Hoosier farms and families by opening emerging foreign markets to Hoosier agricultural and manufacturing products. Passage of this bill is a victory for Indiana’s economy.” [05/22/2015]
Senator John Cornyn, (R-TX): “Today’s bipartisan vote demonstrates that Republicans and Democrats understand the importance of effective trade policy. Trade Promotion Authority is a tool that ensures Americans get the best possible deal in future trade agreements and enables Texas farmers, ranchers, and small businesses to continue to grow and compete in the global economy.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR): “Trade Promotion Authority will allow the U.S. and Arkansas to increase our exports, grow our economy, and bring thousands of jobs to the Natural State. Specifically, this bill requires President Obama to seek greater market access for agricultural products—with a higher priority placed on crops like rice—which directly benefits Arkansans. And it contains important safeguards to ensure the President’s trade negotiations occur in a transparent manner. Trade Promotion Authority is a valuable economic tool, but it is important for Congress to retain oversight of the administration’s negotiations. This legislation allows for both. Most importantly, it ensures that products produced or grown in Arkansas have increased access to world markets.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX): "By passing Trade Promotion Authority, we create a path for trade agreements to reduce government-created barriers to prosperity. More economic growth will expand opportunity to those working to climb the economic ladder and achieve the American Dream. This bill increases the transparency of trade deals considered under its rules. It requires the public posting of the full text of any such agreement for at least 60 days before Congress begins consideration and reaffirms that Congress gets the final say. It would enable both this President and the next to expand trade that benefits American workers.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA): "Today’s passage of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act is a step toward growing export markets and leveling the playing field for Iowa exporters. Trade is critical to Iowa’s future and the health of our economy. As a net-exporting state, Iowa stands to directly benefit from new free trade opportunities that will foster our state’s agricultural exports, reduce trade barriers for our manufacturers, and create jobs. TPA also helps to ensure greater transparency so that Iowans are better informed about U.S. trade negotiations and can make sure we get the best trade deals possible.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): “International trade and California’s economic growth go hand-in-hand. In California, trade has already proven to create jobs, raise wages, expand small businesses and drive our economy to be the eighth-largest in the world. With trade promotion authority, the president can finalize a trade deal that lowers other nations’ barriers to our exports while raising their labor, environment and human rights standards. From Silicon Valley to Hollywood to the Central Valley, California’s industries and workers stand to benefit greatly from increased trade, especially with our Pacific Rim neighbors through the TPP.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE): “Our nation has an enormous opportunity to open new markets, increase productivity, and create jobs through strong free-trade agreements. Today, the Senate passed bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority legislation ensuring that the United States will have a strong voice at the negotiating table. It also ensures that the unsung heroes of the American dinner table – including Nebraska’s farmers, ranchers, food processors, and their families – will be able to offer their products to the world.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ): “Free-trade is paramount to our nation’s prosperity and I’m proud to support it. The renewal of trade promotion authority paves the way for future free-trade agreements that will reduce trade barriers and increase economic growth in the U.S. and abroad.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA): “In Georgia, 1.2 million jobs are directly related to international trade. Last year alone, Georgia’s farmers, manufacturers, and companies exported $39.4 billion worth of goods around the globe. Today’s passage of trade promotion authority will further benefit American workers and promote American jobs by setting out clear objectives mandated by Congress that the president must achieve in international trade agreements. Trade is the cement that holds together the diplomacy and the agreements between countries to work together rather than fight against each other. Trade is important to the security of the United States of America and the rest of the world.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI): “Our state grows and manufactures many things that consumers throughout the U.S. and around the world want to buy. That global demand for Wisconsin products helps fuel our state economy and creates good paying jobs. Those jobs, and future job growth, would be put at risk if the U.S. withdraws from trade agreements and cedes foreign markets to global competitors… With exports from an incredible range of industries — agriculture, cheese and other foods, paper and plastics, Harley Davidson motorcycles, small engines, construction and mining equipment, industrial controls, engineering services and supercomputers, just to name a few — Wisconsin businesses and workers rely on access to world markets. That is why I voted in favor of this bipartisan trade bill.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA): “I am pleased that the Senate today completed the passage of four related trade bills. We have given the President the same power to negotiate trade deals that has been provided to every President since 1974. We have guaranteed funding for workers whose jobs are negatively affected by global trade. We have passed a series of strong trade enforcement measures. And we have reauthorized an important bill to help trade with developing nations. In a Virginia that was founded to promote trade and that still maintains an aggressive and optimistic global posture, these bills will help our workers, companies and farms find new export customers. And they will help ensure that global trade is more likely conducted under the higher standards that America demands than under a ‘no rules’ regime favored by China and other competitors.” [05/22/2015]
Senator John McCain (R-AZ): “The Senate’s passage of Trade Promotion Authority today is a win for America’s economic and national security future. This bill ensures that U.S. trade negotiators will have fast-track authority to complete trade agreements that create U.S. jobs, eliminate trade barriers and set rules to level the playing field for American companies. These agreements hold tremendous potential for businesses across the country including Arizona, where international trade supports more than one-in-five jobs that pay roughly 18 percent higher salaries.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Shelley Moore (R-WV): “The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 that passed the Senate today represents a balanced approach to trade and creates new opportunities to export West Virginia-made goods and services. Today’s vote gives the American people – through their member of Congress – a strong voice in trade negotiations for years to come. The bill also reauthorizes the Trade Adjustment Assistance program that funds important training programs to help workers obtain the skills they need to compete for the jobs of the 21stcentury.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Jerry Moran, (R-KS): “Trade positively impacts almost everyone and every industry in our state – farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, small businesses and workers. As the United States continues to engage economically with other nations, it is critical that Congress sets clear objectives and priorities for potential trade agreements, requires transparency and accountability during negotiations, and maintains full authority to approve or disapprove any potential deal.” [05/22/2015]
Senator David Perdue, (R-GA): “Free trade plays an important role in Georgia’s economy, supporting over one million jobs. Increasing trade will help open opportunities to expand Georgia grown products into new markets. I supported Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) with strong transparency measures to make sure Congress and the American people have direct oversight of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and any other trade deals being negotiated by President Obama. This trade tool adds more transparency and accountability than ever before. It guarantees that Congress has all the information needed to make an informed up-or-down vote on any trade agreement with strong oversight measures… Further, if President Obama does not follow the strict procedures put in place, Congress can completely strip his negotiating authority. Ultimately, TPA keeps Congress in control of all trade deals and holds the Obama Administration accountable every step of the way.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH): “I voted yes on the trade bill tonight because it’s an opportunity to set high standards for future trade agreements, which can help New Hampshire businesses compete and increase their exports. The bill directs that future trade agreements should secure strong environmental, labor and human rights protections from our trading partners, and a recently passed enforcement measure will ensure that they live up to their commitments. In addition, this bill incorporated robust funding for Trade Adjustment Assistance, which provides displaced workers with the training they need. I’m also very encouraged that an agreement was reached that will allow a vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import bank which has assisted numerous Granite State businesses in accessing new customers. Overall, I believe this package of trade bills will create a more level playing field for U.S. businesses and workers.” [05/22/2015]
Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK): “With solid trade agreements, Alaska will be able to export even more goods and get a better deal for those goods. And we’ll be able to attract increased foreign investment to the state, which will create more high-paying jobs. Such free trade agreements work when negotiated correctly. We will make sure they are. They work for the American consumer and for the American worker, and they also work to protect this country. Negotiating these trade agreements will signal to the world that America is again engaged, and will put us back in the driver’s seat. We’ll make sure that going forward, America, not countries like China, will write the rules for the 21st-Century global economic system.” [05/23/2015]
Senator John Thune, (R-SD): “Trade deals are powerful tools that help strengthen our economy, create more jobs, and even promote our nation’s stability and security abroad. With trade promotion authority, we can negotiate deals that put our nation first for the benefit of American workers, businesses, consumers, and families. This bipartisan legislation renews trade promotion authority for six years, which extends well beyond the current administration. The House should move swiftly to pass this legislation so our nation can get to work securing trade deals, which would open new markets for goods and services stamped ‘Made in the USA.’” [05/22/2015]
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA): “I am pleased that the Senate has voted to approve this bipartisan trade bill because increased trade is good for U.S. businesses, workers, and our economy. Virginia companies exported goods valued at $19 billion in 2014 – and trade supported nearly 91,000 Virginia jobs… Today’s vote moves us one step closer to trade partnerships that will allow exporters to sell more American goods while ensuring that the U.S., not China, is setting the global rules when it comes to environmental and labor standards and human rights.” [05/22/2015]
U.S. Conference of Mayors: "The U.S. Conference of Mayors applauds bi-partisan passage today of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA 2015) in the United States Senate. In our annual meeting in Dallas, TX last year, the Conference adopted strong policy in support of TPA and called on the Administration to pursue 21st Century trade agreements in the Pacific Rim and the Trans Atlantic. As we indicated in our letter of support for TPA at the beginning of the Senate's debate, we believe inclusion of enforceable labor and environmental standards, transparency, uniform tariffs, protection of intellectual property rights, and other objectives will result in increased global trade that promotes fairness throughout the global trading system and, therefore, increased U.S. competitiveness.” [05/22/2015]
Thomas J. Donahue, President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce: “The Chamber congratulates Senate leaders from both sides of the aisle on the passage of Trade Promotion Authority, which holds real promise as a tool to spur economic growth and the creation of American jobs. By coming together to pass TPA, a bipartisan majority in the Senate clearly demonstrated confidence in the ability of American workers and farmers to compete and win in world markets -- if the playing field is level. Too often in recent years, Washington has succumbed to the opposition of the extremes instead of a sober analysis of what's best for the American people, which is what makes today's accomplishment all the more impressive.” [05/22/2015]
Juanita D. Duggan, President and CEO, American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA): “We’re thrilled the Senate passed TPA today in advance of the Memorial Day recess. Passage of TPA sets the stage for the House to consider a package of important trade measures in June. The clothing and shoe industry, and the four million U.S. workers it employs, depends on trade. Our members can only remain competitive if they can access new markets and global partners seamlessly. We thank the Senate for its thoughtful consideration and final passage. We look forward to the House taking swift action on these trade measures. The early passage will help our member companies reach new customers and foster long-term trade partnerships with countries in Africa, Haiti, and throughout the developing world.” [05/22/2015]
Jay Simmons, President and CEO, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM): Today’s Senate vote was an important step forward, and now manufacturers call on the House to immediately pass TPA so we can restore U.S. leadership on trade around the globe. We need to put America back at the negotiating table. This has gone on for far too long, and Congress has kept manufacturers on the sidelines of market-opening and job-creating trade agreements that we desperately need to be competitive in a global economy.” [05/22/2015]
Dean Garfield, President and CEO, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI): “The Senate has taken a major step to protect American workers and grow the economy in the decades to come by passing the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). That's especially true in the digital age, where technology goods and services are a major export fueling our country's prosperity through global trade. Even as more software and services are being delivered digitally, U.S. technology companies in particular are facing new challenges overseas. TPA is needed to help break down the barriers that have been erected around the world to American tech products and services, and will ensure future trade agreements reflect how the Internet and technology have evolved our economy by prioritizing digital trade issues.” [05/22/2015]
Christopher Padilla, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs, IBM: “Today’s vote on trade promotion authority is a vital step toward aligning America’s trade policy with the realities of the 21st Century digital economy. Data is changing everything – from the way businesses market products and services to the way we plan our daily commutes. By safeguarding global data flows, this bill and subsequent trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership will open new markets for America’s latest data-driven innovations. IBM now urges the U.S. House of Representatives to swiftly pass its own trade promotion authority bill. Doing so, and closing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, will drive economic growth by giving U.S. businesses a fair chance to compete in the worldwide digital economy” [05/22/2015]
Andy Dhokai, Director of Federal Relations, Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA): “MITA supports TPA and efforts that will lead to the expansion of trade and investment between the United States and its trading partners, and also improve the global regulatory environment for manufacturers to ensure they remain at the forefront of technological innovation. We are optimistic that future trade agreements enabled by TPA will benefit patients around the world through expanded access to the most innovative imaging technology.” [05/26/2015]
Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau Federation: “The Senate’s bipartisan passage of trade promotion authority legislation today brings us a step closer to completing ambitious trade negotiations around the world. Congressional support is critical to breaking down trade barriers and completing ambitious new trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership. TPA streamlines negotiations and strengthens our position at the bargaining table. We urge the House now to act swiftly in passing trade promotion authority to protect the future of agricultural trade.” [05/22/2015]
Stephen J. Ubl, President and CEO, Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed): “AdvaMed applauds passage by the Senate of bipartisan legislation which will allow America’s medical technology companies to provide life-changing innovations to more patients worldwide while helping one of the drivers of the U.S. economy continue to grow. We especially commend Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) for their tireless leadership to advance this bill…We urge the House of Representatives to move forward with the Senate-passed TPA legislation as quickly as possible after the Memorial Day recess. We remain committed to working with members of Congress, the administration and other stakeholders to ensure its enactment.” [05/23/2015
David Thomas, President, Trade Benefits America: “The Senate took a significant step toward helping American farmers, workers, and job creators with bipartisan passage of the TPA-2015 legislation. TPA empowers the United States to secure the best possible trade agreements, which will open the door for American businesses, farmers and workers to compete worldwide, while encouraging more economic growth here at home. We commend each Senator who voted for TPA-2015; their leadership is critical to increasing the benefits of trade to the United States. We encourage the House to have a constructive debate on the importance of TPA and for members of both parties to vote for TPA-2015 as soon as possible." [05/22/2015]
American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI): “The American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) applauds the Senate’s passage of the ‘Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015’… TPA is critical to a dedicated and effective trade agenda. Passage of this legislation will formally establish updated congressional negotiating objectives. It is a necessary step toward the enactment of crucial trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), all of which potentially offer the life insurance industry increased market access and sustainable growth, abroad and at home.” [05/22/2015]
Dave Lowe, President, Indiana Soybean Alliance: “Indiana soybean farmers know trade is important for what we do. We send every fourth row of soybeans grown in the state to China, and we should be opening up more markets to our products. Trade Promotion Authority is an important step to finalizing new trade agreements with countries in the Pacific Rim, called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). In 2013, Indiana's top agricultural exports were $1.7 billion of soybeans, $442 million of soybean meal, $429 million in feeds and fodder, $410 million of corn and $307 million of pork. And every dollar of agricultural export creates an additional $1.27 in business activity for our economy. We thank Senator Dan Coats for his support of this important legislation and we encourage all Indiana farmers to call their Congressman and encourage them to support TPA in the House of Representatives.” [05/23/2015]
Herb Ringel, President, Indiana Corn Growers Association: “"Trade Promotion Authority is a vital step in completing important global trade deals for farmers, like the Trans Pacific Partnership. Indiana corn farmers export over $410 million dollars of corn every year. Finalizing deals like TPP will mean more exports of our corn crop and a stronger economic situation for rural communities all across Indiana. We thank Senator Dan Coats for his support and leadership on this important issue for Indiana farmers. We look forward to working with Indiana's members in the House of Representatives to secure passage and send TPA to the President's desk.” [05/23/2015]
The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA): “Retailers applaud the Senate for passing this important trade legislation that will pave the way to reduced trade barriers for American businesses and save money for middle-class American families. TPA will spur economic growth and bolster America’s competitiveness by creating new opportunities for American workers and businesses around the world. We now urge the House of Representatives to move quickly to consider and pass TPA.” [05/25/2015]