
This is a file I've been maintaining on (mostly) positive mentions of Rust. Some entertaining bits here, and useful material for marketing, etc.

2016-04-14 (1.8 release)

"So in 1.7 one of the most important things was that it contained a breaking change, at it was a test of how Rust handled that sort of thing. I didn't see even one person express a negative outcome as a result of that change, so I would say that Rust passed the test, and Rust's strategy for small inevitable breaking changes so far is successful!"

-- /u/deseringmachines

Rust is the #4 website that feeds hackernews.


Q: "Do you see any programming language in the next 10/20 years taking over C++'s current place as most programming language used for systems?"

A: "I would love to see Rust take that place. I have been following an OS written entirely in Rust, and it has great idioms."

-- /u/migueldeicaza


Frog and Toad are Cofounders.
A story using Rust as an example of trendy tech.


Redox: a Rust-based microkernel (LWN).


Rust's Redox could show Linux a few new tricks (InfoWorld).


The Epic Story of Dropbox's Exodus from the Cloud Empire.
Wired story on Dropbox. Mention's Rust.

Magic Pocket Infrastructure.
Dropbox's accompanying blog post.

"I would be more interested in a proposal to move parts of QEMU
to Rust, or just about anything else except C++..."

-- PPM (QEMU maintainer)


Rust most loved in StackOverflow developer's survey


4chan discusses rust.
Link dead.


InfoWorld technology of the year award.


"The fact that Rust continues to mature is incredibly exciting."

"One of the biggest reasons we're struggling with computer security today is that our tools are too primitive and fragile," said Ristic. "Most components of our infrastructure are written in low level languages such as C. Having been tortured by C during my years of wiring security-critical software, I don't think I exaggerate when I compare programming in it with walking through a minefield."

"With Rust, many of the classes of problem simply go away, by design. At the same time, software written in it is compatible with existing software written in C. What this means is that we can start to slowly migrate to Rust and significantly improve our security as a result."

-- Ivan Ristic, software engineer and founder of SSL Labs


"That leaves Rust as my default recommendation for new, non-critical
projects in this space. Like Dropbox employee, what I've noticed is
the two of you on Rust teams here are unusually helpful and
respectful compared to many in PL communities defending their
work. Even pcwalton when he's clearly less than happy with my
comments. "

-- nickpsecurity on HN


"Stability has been very good; in the last 6 months, we've had no issues with the stability of the rust compiler, the output binaries, or the rust stdlib."

-- /u/jamwt (Dropbox)

"The Rust core team has been amazingly friendly and helpful. We've had several meetings with them where they came to our office and basically said "how's it going? what do you need? open up your laptop and show us your biggest problem." The project is under very good management.

-- /u/jamwt (Dropbox)


"Rust seems sensible"

-- John Carmack


"Friends don't let friends skip leg day"

-- Andrei Alexandrescu on Rust

See also his similar quote from 2015-08-28.


Ian Lance Taylor on Rust


"The OS community I always look to as an example of a welcoming and
friendly one is Rust. Rust the compilar/cargo/infrastructure and
also most of the bigger projects written in Rust have a very good
vibe to them and are very explicit about the rules of engagement."

-- What Makes a Good Community


Positive report on RustCamp diversity


"Rust's spectacular engineering makes memory management far less of a chore than it's predecessors"

When Rust Makes Sense

"When I write Rust code, I feel like a great programmer, even though
I've only recently graduated from being a complete newbie to someone
who mostly knows his stuff."

-- /u/llogiq

"One of the major reasons for being interested in Rust is that it is something that is much easier to convince coworkers of."

-- gmjosack on HN

"Essentially, Rust gives me new super powers and the borrow checker is my sidekick making sure I don't shoot myself in the foot."

-- lambda on HN

"I would like to think it is because Rust put a breath of fresh air into Systems Programming, by adding features that make modern languages good, and makes what some of the hardest things to do in C easy."

-- unknown

Rust most starred language on GitHub (until Swift showed up).


Kenton Varda mentions Rust in curl | bash discussion


CPP lifetime proposal references Rust. Authored by Herb Sutter.

Sutter on Rust.

2015-09-17 (1.3 release)

"@rustlang might be one of the best documented, best engineered (and apparently, most honest) programming languages "

-- @Jacob_Henner

" I guess I'll be able to compile all my code on stable 1.4 judging by https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/28339"

-- arthursilva on HN

"From what I can tell (passively reading about language decisions and seeing the responsiveness of all involved on various communication channels), it's a great lesson in building a community while simultaneously creating a fun programming language."

-- noobymatze on HN makes their first internet comment


Brief mention in Wired


"Rust has great promise 'safe coding without a garbage collector' but herein
lies its challenge as well - the language had to dedicate so much real
estate to this (difficult) problem alone, it became a disharmonic creature
with one bulging muscle and little of anything else."

-- Andrei Alexandrescu


What's on tap for Mozilla's Rust in 2016 (InfoWorld).

"The Rust community seems to be populated entirely by human beings. I have no idea how this was done. I suspect Graydon Hoare deserves a large share of the credit for leading by example but everyone I have interacted with in the community has been friendly and patient."

-- Three Months of Rust


Two reasons the Rust language will succeed (InfoWorld).


Rust doge


Things Rust shipped without (Graydon).

Comments on HN for the above.


Parallel page rendering with Mozilla Servo (LWN)


Why I <3 Rust (Julia Evans)


Rust mentioned in a comic strip.


Photos from 1.0 launch in bangalore.

2015-05-15 (1.0 release)

"This is a day I've been looking forward to for three-and-a-half years..."

-- @saneyuki_s (with dramatic picture)


Ars Technica.


Rust makes me excited about the future.


Death to C (TechCrunch)


"This ownership stuff is such a blessing and amazing. I'm currently working on a contract where we're trying to fixup some code that crashes under heavy load, as well as troubleshoot some perf issues. The root cause is that it's not clear who actually owns what until when, so in some cases an object is destructed while there's still some code thinking it can use it. Fun."

"For perf, 30% of the CPU is burned in malloc/free, due to them copying strings around. The system has an arena allocator built in, and many of these strings might be able to go in there. Except no one is sure exactly how long the lifetime is on these things. So everyone copies everything just to be sure. Rust would force addressing this kinda thing up front. (And this project coulda added an refcounted structure or something, but it's a few hundred kloc of C and C++ so...)"

-- MichaelGG on HN


Mozilla's Rust-based Servo browser engine inches forward (InfoWorld)


"One reason Rust will be a great language for systems engineers - https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/process/struct.Command.html … is damn near perfect."

-- @adamhjk


A Swift guide to Rust.


Rust CoC recommended by geekfeminism. (no longer apparently)


"In contrast, Rust's core devs have been forthcoming about
practically every objection they've gotten. Their answers are clear,
detailed, not demeaning, and constructive. When they don't know,
they're honest about it, and when answers are hard, they take the
time to explain. But I have never heard of anyone being belittled
for not understanding lifetimes or the borrow checker."

-- Daishiman on HN

What's your killer Rust feature love-fest.



"That was surprisingly civil. I came for drama and left pleasantly disappointed. Shoutout to /r/rust"

-- /u/SosNapoleon

"I am not a rust guy yet, but I plan on picking it up and have been in that sub for a long time. I don't think I've seen a more level headed sub on reddit."

-- JavaDroid


"The rust project is the best run open source project I've seen. The culture, automation and communication is awesome."

-- ozten on HN


How to Go and Rust languages compare (Quora)

Why Go is not Good

Rust vs. Go


Rust and I were meant for each other.


Some good floating point benchmarks.


"As someone interested in Rust and obsessive over Doom, this is about as cool as it gets"

-- @Notch


"The core team and it's open-ness and communication with everyone is really why i absolutely love Rust, they're very active in the community and very open to ideas and criticisms of the language"

-- speewave


sebcrozet comment about rust perf.


Discussion of 30-minute introduction (good rationalization of breakage).

"Mozilla is one of my favorite tech companies. Servo is a great example: Mozilla is willing to engage in fundamental CS research. Not only are they trying to put together a parallel, secure browser engine from the ground up, but they even created Rust to do so. This is truly long-term work, which seems rare in an increasingly short-term world."

"And Rust isn't just another C clone with OOP or CSP bolted on: it's principled, relatively elegant and takes full advantage of the last few decades of PL research. All while being practical—it has to be, since it's evolved with a Servo as a concomitant project. A non-trivial companion project like that seems great for naturally guiding a language! Not many other languages can say any of this, much less ones actually poised to replace C++ or at least do actual systems programming."

"And Mozilla is doing all this in a completely open and transparent way. I think this is incredibly important: anybody can get a glimpse into active development or even contribute. Just go to the relevant GitHub repo[1][2] and you're set. This is the way open source is supposed to work, rather than having companies develop behind close doors and dump source code occasionally (although that's also better than nothing)."

"I really wish more companies would take this sort of approach with their open source or basic research work. This gives me more confidence in Servo, Rust and Mozilla as a whole, especially compared to many of Mozilla's competitors (both in the browser space and in programming languages)."

-- tikhonj on HN

"Paul Graham talks about people who 'live in the future' -- in a specific area of their lives, they see clearly that some change is coming long before everyone else catches on. It seems the trend towards legalization of marijuana is one such area -- it probably is one of the next gold rushes. (In my opinion, 2 other such areas are virtual reality and the Rust programming language)."

-- charlieflowers on HN

"If you are building a new language with serious ambitions for usage, you should really take a look at how well the Rust community has turned out to be. The "Buzz" you experience around the language is largely fueled by lots of enthusiasts - e.g. hop on the IRC channel at any time of day and get help. There are no dumb questions, especially about changes that happened in the mainline 2 days ago."

"Barriers for committing to Rust itself are very low. Also, they aggressively moderate their spaces according to their CoC. A few days ago, I asked a rather picky question on their subreddit and was quite surprised how on-point and serious the answers were. Given that the topic had the potential for some trolling, it was surprisingly calm."

"It's really a community I am happy in."

-- Argorak on HN (link?)

2014-07-03 (0.11 release)

HN thread.

"I can't bring myself to care about a language that changes that much that quickly out in the open. I get that it's still early in development, but honestly, why even bother sharing it with the world at this point?"

"Because it's an open source project. A real open source project, with open design and open contributions. This is exactly how it is supposed to work. You're supposed to care because you want to help develop a cutting-edge language to solve real world problems. If that is not your cup of tea, that's fine, just wait for 1.0, but open development is a good thing."

"We've tend to expect projects to be released fully formed, but that's just because we're used to open source as corporate PR. This is how a community run project works."

-- /u/jcdyer3


"@Jonathan_Blow rust looks fun, but I don't think I'd want try to make a bigger project in it.."

-- @Notch to @Jonathan_Blow


Minor mention my John Carmack.


A taste of Rust. LWN article.


"When I checked out Rust" on This PLT Life.


The Rust Language. Lambda the Ultimate. First significant mention of Rust in press.

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