
It's a new day for the Best Amazon Deals! Amazon is a great place to find your every day items, and even those hard to find items, at the best prices. Amazon Prime is terrific too for free shipping and more!! Give it a try for free with Amazon's FREE 30 day membership. Here are today's seven that I picked out especially for you!

Cold & Flu Season is Coming!

This Smart Digital Thermometer is amazing! You can track your family's health from your phone.  Just watch the video on this thermometer and you'll be sold.

How Many Hours Have You Lost Looking for Nail Clippers?

Only $2 SHIPPED is a deal!!  My kids are nail clipper thieves and it drives me crazy!  I spend more time looking for clippers than anything else!

Old Fashion Paper Planners are IN!

My daughter and I have enjoyed some mommy daughter time making plans and filling out our planners.  These monthly planner stickers add fun images to make those special events pop out on the page!

Time to Satisfy Your Battery Addiction

I love office supplies and batteries...I don't know why.  I always go to three places to buy my batteries...Amazon, Ikea and Costco.  Amazon is the easiest because all it takes is a couple of clicks.  That saves me gas and time!

Crazy Deals on Earrings and 13 Different Styles to Choose From!

Time to ramp up my Christmas shopping.  I have lots nieces and nephews to buy gifts for!!  Having 13 different sets of earrings for under $5 each shipped makes shopping from home easy!

Time to Stock Up on Quilted Northern the Easy Way!

Since I started getting my toilet paper on Amazon, I never have to put it on my weekly grocery list any more! I just love having it shipped right to my front door!

My Daughter Loves Her Hair Extensions!

Annabelle has always had short hair plus it grows slower than most.  So we decided to get her hair extensions to give her hair some length and to boost her confidence.  She loved wearing them to homecoming and prom and now sometimes she just wears them around the house.

A Few Other Items I Know You'll Love Too:

Amazon Prime is the best thing ever. FREE 2-Day Shipping plus unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows! Not a Prime Member?  You can sign up for a FREE 30 day trial of Amazon Prime and get FREE shipping starting today!

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