As you might have noticed in the last six to eight months, there have been a lot of changes at Equality Michigan (EQMI), as we work to best reflect the political strength, power, and seriousness of our equality movement in Michigan. Part of that change has been to modernize the look and feel of our branding and marketing materials to help better illustrate the strategic political organization we are, one bipartisan, inclusive, and deeply committed to the cause of LGBTQ equality and victim services.
Whether you're an ally or a member of our LGBTQ communities across Michigan, we hope these changes convey to you an EQMI prepared to meet the political challenges ahead and one dedicated to the cause of every human being treated with dignity, respect, and equal justice under the law, regardless of that individual's sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
As part of LGBTQ Pride Month, we'll be slowly rolling out our new logo and materials to the public, including an updated brochure, a victim services info/linkage card, and new websites for both our Equality Michigan (c3) and Equality Michigan Action Network (c4). Some of these items will be formally released at Motor City Pride, like our new logo above, fresh brochure, and helpful victims services card. Later this month, we'll launch the websites and a new poster campaign both crafted by Change Media, a Michigan-based design firm, to increase awareness of our victim services work and encourage more survivors to report the bias, discrimination, harassment, and violence they experience and want to address, including those victims of intimate partner violence.
June 8, 2016