2015-11-26 (2015-11-23)

- issue #11589 Incorrect parameter in mysqli_fetch_fields()

- issue #11592 Missing headers in zipped export

- issue #11590 Parser: Array to string conversion

- issue #11597 Huge binary log growth on 4.5.x

- issue #11594 'only_db' config option bug when db names contain underscore and are grouped

- issue #11607 Unable to change password from Login information tab

- issue #11610 Undefined variable: res_rel

- issue #11611 Warning while exporting schema to PDF

- issue #11612 Undefined index: new_row_format

- issue #11605 Changing hostname kills password

- issue #11614 Undefined variable: db

- issue #11627 CREATE TABLE/INSERT INTO executed twice (ctrl+enter)

- issue #11630 Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

- issue #11632 Exporting GIS visualization ignores start and row count

- issue #11476 Errors instead of git info when PHP has no gzip support

- issue #11633 CodeMirror tooltip shows below modal window

- issue #11639 Bug with the MainBackground Color

- issue Profiling checkbox is missing

- issue #11642 Properly handle session expiry after POST requests

- issue #11648 Notice in ./export.php#214 Undefined index: quick_or_custom

- issue #11646 Unrecognized keywords

- issue #11635 Sql not executed properly

- issue #11631 Linter warnings when creating new user

- issue #11626 wrong row count for query results

- issue #11608 Analyzer doesn't recognize GRANT statements

- issue #11602 Parser warnings (subqueries)

- issue #11658 Collation column is empty in table Structure

- issue #11661 Error changing table's column encoding (2015-10-23)

- issue Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

- issue array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array

- issue #11480 Notice Undefined index: drop_database

- issue #11486 Server variable edition in ANSI_QUOTES sql_mode: losing current value

- issue #11491 Propose table structure broken

- issue #11464 phpMyAdmin suggests upgrading to newer version not usable on that system

- issue #11495 'PMA_Microhistory' is undefined

- issue #11496 Incorrect definition for getTablesWhenOpen()

- issue #11500 Error when creating new user on MariaDB 10.0.21

- issue #11505 Notice on htmlspecialchars()

- issue Notice in Structure page of views

- issue #11510 AUTO_INCREMENT always exported when IF NOT EXISTS is on

- issue #11516 Some partitions are missing in copied table

- issue #11521 Notice of undefined variable when performing SHOW CREATE

- issue #11509 Error exporting sql query results with table alias

- issue #11512 SQL editing window does not recognise 'OUTER' keyword in 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'

- issue #11518 "NOT IN" clause not recognized (MySQL 5.6 and 5.7)

- issue #11524 Yellow star does not change in database Structure after add/remove from favorites

- issue #11531 Invalid SQL in table definition when exporting table

- issue #11526 Foreign key to other database's tables fails

- issue #11519 Bug while exporting results when a joined table field name is in SELECT query

- issue #11522 Strange behavior on table rename

- issue #11539 Rename table does not result in refresh in left panel

- issue #11541 Missing arguments for PMA_Table::generateAlter()

- issue #11544 Notices about undefined indexes on structure pages of information_schema tables

- issue Change minimum PHP version for Composer

- issue #11542 Import parser and backslash

- issue #11546 "Visualize GIS data" seems to be broken

- issue #11548 Confirm box on "Reset slave" option

- issue Fix cookies clearing on version change

- issue #11558 Cannot execute SQL with subquery

- issue #11520 Incorrect syntax creating a user using mysql_native_password with MariaDB

- issue #11561 Cannot use third party auth plugins (2015-09-25)

- issue #11497 Incorrect indexes when exporting (2015-09-24)

- issue #11492 AUTO_INCREMENT statements are partly missing from exports (2015-09-23)

+ rfe Pagination for GIS visualization

+ issue #6207 Usability improvements for console

+ issue #6310 Access to Add columns text-box and Go button when creating table

+ issue #6007 Add lock tables, disable keys options

+ issue #6306 Additional page locking

+ issue #6314 Support MySQL 5.7 syntax for password change

+ issue #6319 Display/edit index name

+ issue #6318 Toggle autocomplete of table and column names

+ issue #5633 Manage multiple variable in bookmarked query

+ issue #5642 Show edit/delete also when there is calculated column

+ issue #6313 Show databases as list instead of as dropdown when no database is selected

+ rfe Optional dark theme for the console

+ issue #5053 PDF schema sort options

+ issue #5543 Structure in PDF export

+ issue #6327 Have ZeroConf create phpmyadmin DB if possible

+ issue #5462 Warning before silent data conversion/truncation

+ issue #6338 Support a default page in designer

+ issue #6339 Allow copying mutiple rows

+ issue #6334 No SQL query for loading data

+ issue #6341 New data validation feature and datetime type

+ issue #6324 Importing and exporting pMA meta-data

+ issue #6330 Add grouping to stored procedures in the navigation tree

+ issue #6275 Support IPv6 browser transformation

+ rfe Option groups for 'With selected' dropdown in database structure page

+ issue #6347 Support CHECKSUM TABLE operation

+ issue #6088 Support for Paramaters with raw SQL

+ issue #5844 Show original size of truncated columns

+ issue #6114 Explain analyzer

+ issue #6186 Add "Drop partition" option to partition tools

+ issue #6354 Procedures window shift-click should select multiple rows

+ issue #6355 Designer: "Sticky" menu option

+ issue #6357 Directly show table comments in structure view

+ issue #6259 Page-related settings

+ issue #5356 Alter privileges when renaming or copying a database

- issue #11256 Slowness due to large number of routines

- issue #11258 GROUP_CONCAT shown as GROUPBY_CONCAT in CodeMirror autocomplete

+ issue #5946 Work with --skip-grant-tables

- issue #11266 "Sort by key" drop-down value is lost

+ issue #6287 Browse: improve display of right-aligned data

- issue #11265 Textarea rows settings ignored Features > Text fields

+ issue #6358 MIME types should be lower case

- issue #11226 Drop table doesn't remove the table name from navigation bar

+ issue #6360 MySQL and MariaDB functions INET6_ATON and INET6_NTOA

- bug Link to get real row counts of all the views in a db, at once

- issue #11275 Drizzle version numbers

+ issue #5400 Rewrite print view using CSS; fixes print view failures on multi-query statements

+ issue #6362 Support spatial indexes in table create form

+ issue #6068 Use CTRL or ALT plus arrow keys for navigation in grid editor

+ rfe Remove support for Shift + Click on function name to apply to all rows in insert/edit page

+ issue #6326 Don't group tables in tree if the result has only one group

- issue #11287 When hide table structure actions is false, action should be in a row

+ issue #5425 Batch changing the collation of each column in a table

- issue #10918 QBE generates wrong query

+ issue #6292 Use plain English descriptors instead of script names for icon link destinations

+ issue #6239 Disable foreign key checks for some operations

- issue #11296 "With selected" links doesn't work in table browse

- issue #11166 Query builder: missing joint for the intermediary table

+ issue #6251 Integrate SQL debugging into console

- issue #11061 Improve/restore non-unique index row editing

- issue #11301 MySQL errors are not shown when DebugSQL is enabled

+ issue #5037 One file per table and one file per database export option

+ issue #5759 Designer settings should be part of saved state

+ issue #6257 Option to remove functions, procedures, etc., from navigation tree

+ issue #5388 Column privileges and update

+ issue #6231 Cant use external config file

+ issue #6252 CSV import: Allow "Columns escaped with" to be optional

+ issue #6262 Being able to use multiple servers at the same time when using cookie auth

+ issue #6301 select structure or data for each table when exporting

- issue #11261 Autocomplete completes the original table name when joining multiple aliased tables

+ rfe Remove configuration storage data related to a user upon deleting the user

+ issue #6298 Improved processlist for mariadb

+ issue #6300 Warn about "Any user" potential problem

+ issue #6368 Hide/disable edit links for read-only variables

+ issue #6365 Human readable/writable URLs (html5 api)

+ rfe Support virtual columns in MySQL 5.7.5+

+ issue #6215 Support for virtual/persistent columns in MariaDB

- issue #11314 Undefined <feature>work upon upgrade to new version

- issue #1817 Creating configuration storage tables fail in MySQL 5.7

- issue #6118 Parser does not handle nested selects

- issue #5437 Support SELECT ... FROM DUAL

- issue #4962 Support UNION

- issue #11322 Missing null checkbox when grid editing a null cell

+ Upgrade TCPDF to version 6.2.9

+ issue #6102 Add SHA256 security password support

- issue #10250 Displayed git revision info is not set

+ Improved schema SVG export

- issue #10726 Do not try to set port 80 for https requests

+ issue #11394 Export/import Designer view

+ Partition support in table Structure

+ issue #11414 Unclear export options / organization / hierarchy

Set minimum required PHP version to 5.5 (older versions are EOL)

- issue #11407 ALTER TABLE failing on import when table exists

- issue Do not export `sys` database when exporting server

- issue #11436 CREATE DATABASE should be enabled by default on server exports

- issue #11442 MySQL 5.7 and SHOW VARIABLES

- issue #11445 MySQL 5.7 and Status page for an unprivileged user

- issue #11448 Clarify doc about the MemoryLimit directive

- issue #11489 Cannot copy a database under certain conditions (2015-10-23)

- issue #11464 phpMyAdmin suggests upgrading to newer version not usable on that system

- issue [security] Content spoofing on url.php

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