
One of the first questions I asked when I found out I was going to be a father, was “How am I going to hike?”. After doing some research, Julia came across the Ergobaby carrier, which was well reviewed and one of the most popular baby carriers on the market. There are a few models of the Ergobaby carrier for sale, and today I’ll be focusing on the Original, with a review of the Performance in the future.

Support Trail To Peak By Purchasing The Ergobaby Original On Amazon:

Ergobaby Carrier Original

To start, I’ll mention why we’re using the Ergobaby carrier on our hikes instead of our BOB stroller or an Osprey hiking backpack. Infants aren’t able to support their heads for the first months of their life, which means they cannot be safely carried in the rear of a pack. A baby’s head must be supported at all times when they’re this age. For this reason, we won’t be able to use a standard child carrying hiking backpack for at least another six months. As for the BOB stroller, we would have to hike with Owen in his carseat attachment for the BOB. This is fine for short trips around the block, but not safe for trails. The other major reason we like the Ergobaby carrier is that Julia and I are huge proponents of “babywearing”. The benefits of babywearing are undeniable and research based. If you interested, you can read about babywearing on La Leche League and the Ergobaby website.


The Ergobaby Original is 100% cotton with a high density PU foam in the shoulder pads. According to Ergobaby, “The Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier has been acknowledged as a “hip healthy” product by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. Our baby carriers are comfortable, ergonomic, and safe for baby’s hips.” Owen is now 12lbs and can use the Ergobaby Original with just a butt pad, but we also were able to take him with us as a newborn with the newborn insert. The Ergobaby Original can carry children in front, back, or on the hip. Just make sure your child is of the correct age to be carried on the back or on the hip.

The carrier has a really nice amount of storage in the front facing pockets, with room for spare diapers, wipes, and a burp cloth. The waist belt and shoulder straps are sturdy and very confidence inspiring. I was very paranoid about all of the straps being able to hold Owen securely the first few times I wore this (new dad anxiety), but the Ergobaby has been nothing but dependable and reliable from day one.

Built in to the top of the carrier is a hood that can be snapped on to the shoulder straps for sun protection and additional head and neck support.

Support Trail To Peak By Purchasing The Ergobaby Original On Amazon:

Ergobaby Carrier Original

Fit and Feel:

Julia and I are of a similar height, but of a fairly different build. This carrier adjusts quickly and easily to when Owen switches from parent to parent. The weight belt is stiff and firm which took some getting used to at first, but is something I’ve really learned to love, as I know it’s keeping Owen safely propped up and stable against my chest. It also takes the bulk of Owen’s weight and sits it evenly on my hips, keeping my shoulders from being pulled forward. The shoulder straps are nicely cushioned and do a fairly decent job of distributing weight across my core. Even after a couple of hours walking around Yosemite National Park with lots of breaks thrown in, my back, neck, and shoulders felt really great.

The only real knock I have on the Ergobaby Original is that it doesn’t breathe well. Even in mild temperatures, I find myself overheating which in turn makes little Owen heat up. This has to do with the overall thickness and materials used on the Ergobaby Original. The double stitching and high quality cotton will last a lifetime and hold up to abuse, it just won’t breathe or dry out when I’m busy hiking and walking. This is only a minor nuisance though, as Owen doesn’t seem to mind. I just begin to worry a bit when the temperatures cool down, as I don’t want him to get chilled. The key is to have a dry diaper and onesie ready for when I take him out. For short walks and hiking in cooler weather, the sweating and heat won’t be an issue.


The Ergobaby Original is a dynamic carrier that works for both mom and dad. I love that Owen can breastfeed in this carrier with Julia when we know we’ll be out for more than just a few minutes.

The Ergobaby Original is pretty straightforward to put on and adjust. The directions in the box were okay, but I found that watching a few videos on YouTube really made me feel confident. All of the straps and buckles are large and easy to manipulate. The only buckle I have trouble with is the back strap that attaches the two should straps. This isn’t a fault of the Ergobaby carrier though, as I have terrible shoulder flexibility. Julia has no problem with this.

Support Trail To Peak By Purchasing The Ergobaby Original On Amazon:

Ergobaby Carrier Original

Final Thoughts:

The Ergobaby Original carrier is a great option for new parents looking to get out and explore while also enjoying the many benefits of babywearing. This carrier can be purchased for around $125 depending on the retailer. Although we’re using this carrier for hiking and walking in the outdoors, I can tell that this carrier was not designed for this type of use in-particular. While hiking on trails and in National Parks, the Ergobaby Original just doesn’t breathe well enough for my taste. That being said, I think my complaints would go unnoticed by 99% of other people using this pack. I’ve just been spoiled by my lightweight highly breathable day packs and running vests. Luckily, Ergobaby makes a pack called the Performance with more mesh and breathability. I’m going to pick that one up soon, but plan on keeping the Original as well, because of it’s dependability and sense of security. It’s also one of Owen’s favorite places to hang out. I can wear the Original around the house in the hours between his feedings, and he just passes out and goes along for the ride. If you’ve ever had an infant, you know how precious those moments can be. I’m very happy that the Ergobaby Original helps make them happen everyday.

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