Tldsb. TLDSB established school catchment areas within specific boundaries to help balance school enrolment and capacity, minimize transportation...

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News, stories and media buzz related to Tldsb

  • Klondike Versus Northern Ontario For crying out loud, I continue to be astonished with our collective Canadian obsession over the Klondike Gold Rush while northern Ontario's rich and vibrant mining history is completely ignored by the Toronto media...

  • by Marie Waine, Janice Dickson & Caleigh DiNicolantonio. Our list of the TOP 25 people in the Capital reflects a small sampling of the citizens who lead and make our community better. While honourees differ greatly in vocation and social circumstance...

  • The full text of Governor General David Johnston’s Speech from the Throne on Oct. 16, 2013: Honourable Senators, Members of the House of Commons, Ladies and gentlemen, Let us begin this day together by honouring in silent reflection those...

  • (Photograph by Jimmy Jeong) One month ago, Christy Clark found herself in the middle of a uniquely Lotusland controversy. What began as a plan to transform Vancouver’s busy Burrard Street Bridge into a massive yoga mat for the UN’s International Yoga...

  • Canada: The last liberals
    via imerologiokatastromatos.blogspot

    Why Canada is still at ease with openness Most people “would give anything to trade places with you,” Dwight MacAuley, the province of Manitoba’s chief of protocol, tells his audience. No one disagrees. In a packed hall in Winnipeg’s century-old train...

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