Tkc. The King’s College is a Christian liberal arts college in New York City with a core curriculum in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics...
Tkc. The King’s College is a Christian liberal arts college in New York City with a core curriculum in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics...
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NEW YORK, NY, March 19, 2016 / -- The King's College is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark W. Smith as Presidential Scholar and Senior Fellow in Law and Public Policy. Smith will deliver lectures on legal theory and practice...
If you’re like us, you’re sick and tired of reading story after story about radical teachers and radicalized students. Thank God we we still have some good colleges and universities who are teaching our kids about the greatness of America. Here is the...
Online courses can't replace the good old fashioned teaching methods we once pioneered but are now driving Finland's educational success. Several months ago, on a damp gray afternoon, I found myself sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Racine, Wisconsin...
OCTOBER 28 In Jewish History 97: Emperor Nerva is forced by the Praetorian Guard, to adopt general Marcus Ulpius Trajanus as his heir and successor. Trajan would not become Emperor until Nerva died in January of the following year. Trajan will be remembered...
From Ian: The last acceptable hatred All the major Swedish news outlets reported this week that the city of Malmo is investing in a comprehensive educational effort, initiated by the Jewish community, aimed at countering the rise in anti-Semitism that...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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The King's College - A Christian liberal arts college in New York City
The King’s College is a Christian liberal arts college in New York City with a core curriculum in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, founded in 1938.
Career Development - The King's College
Build your way forward with a bias toward action. Although one of the main rubrics through which we seek to discover our career path options is passion, but “follow your passion” is bad advice. Firs...
NYC Semester | The King's College
Learn how college students can experience King's – and New York City – for an unforgettable semester.
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