

This Week in Pictures

Innovation Corner

ECC Announcements


Middle School

High School


Dates to Remember

PTO News

Calendar Reminder

November 26, Half-Day and November 27, No School – Thanksgiving Holiday

Busses will run at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, November 26 for students

Thanksgiving Meal

Next Wednesday, November 25, the school cafeteria will prepare a Thanksgiving Meal (turkey) for the usual hot lunch price of 22RMB. Salad bar, soup & bread, and Kimbab will also be served as usual.

Upcoming Christmas Concerts – Mark Your Calendars

Elementary School Christmas Concert – Friday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m.

ECC Christmas Celebration – Thursday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Middle School Christmas Concert – Friday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m.

High School Christmas Concert – Saturday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m.

Bus schedules will be posted in upcoming Eagles Nest publications.

Christmas Charity Bazaar

Saturday, December 5, 10 AM to 2 PM

Plan to join us December 5th for a time of holiday festivities. Vendors will be selling a variety of holiday gifts and food. There will be Christmas performances from the TIS choir, students and parents along with a photo opportunity with Santa.

Bazaar Tickets:  Tickets are now available for purchase at each secretary’s desk or in the admissions office.  This year tickets will be sold for the Christmas Charity Bazaar at 10RMB per person.  Please see your child(ren)’s specific division for more details.

Program: If interested in performing a Christmas themed song, playing an instrument or dance, please contact Mrs. Williams ~ dwilliams@tiseagles.com.

PTO Fund Raiser –  The PTO is holding a fund raising activity through the sales of used books and toys at the TIS Christmas Bazaar. TIS families can support this activity by donating used books and toys.  Collections will be made until the week of Dec. 1st.  Please give donations to Parent Liaisons in the Admissions Office.

From the Admissions Office

Living in an international community we understand that some families may be ending their contracts and returning to their home countries at the end of this quarter.  To help make the transition as smooth as possible, we ask that you give us at least 2 weeks notice so that we can prepare documents needed for the next school.  We also want to help prepare each student to exit well from their class and the school.  Having advance notice provides teachers time and understanding as they help students say goodbye.   Good closure is important and helps with adjustment to the new location.   Please contact our Admissions Office for the necessary forms and information to ensure there are no delays in preparation and release of student records.  Please note, we require 10 school days to prepare documentation.  Contact Admissions for more information.

Click here to View and Download Full-Sized Photos for Personal Use

**Disclaimer, the link above will only be available for the 2015-2016 school year**

Innovation Corner, by Lee Williams and Susan Headrick

Innovation Corner is place where you can read about students, teachers and parents learning new ideas as they Try, Innovate and Share.  Each month Mr. Williams will provide articles that focus mostly on Educational Technology in and around TIS.  Mrs. Headrick will provide articles of ideas and activities going on in the TIS Makers Space.

This week our article highlights an innovative project by some 4th graders and their families.  Click here to read more.

Meet With Parents

As a reminder, Mr. Williams, is always available to meet with parents at your convenience. Please contact Mr. Williams directly through email (lwilliams@tiseagles.com or edtech@tiseagles.com) or organize a time through your divisional secretary.

Calendar Reminder

November 26, Half-Day and November 27, No School – Thanksgiving Holiday

As a reminder: Busses will run at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, November 26 for students. All students should ride the 11:45 bus, or be picked up by a parent.

Bazaar Tickets

The Christmas Charity Bazaar is coming.  Tickets are now available for purchase at Ms. Dong’s desk or in the admissions office.  This year, tickets will be sold for the Christmas Charity Bazaar at 10RMB per person.  All who will be coming to the Christmas Bazaar will need a ticket.   Purchasing your ticket ahead of time will allow for a shorter wait time at the gate when you arrive to the Christmas Bazaar.  Tickets can also be purchased at the gate during the Bazaar. The moneys earned through the gate fee will go directly to needs at the Tianjin Orphanage (Tianjin Ertong Fuliyuan) and the ICCO in their effort to provide Physical Therapy equipment to orphans.  Please see the general announcement page of the Eagles Nest for more Christmas Charity Bazaar information.  Merry Christmas.

Donuts with Dad

Thanks to all of the Dads, Grandpas, and Uncles who came to have a donut on Monday.  We had a fantastic time, and we were so thankful to see the children so happy to be playing with the significant men in their lives.   Click here for an album of photos.

Class Assemblies

Please note the upcoming class assemblies.  Parents of these classes are welcome to join from 8:30-8:50 a.m. in the Music and Movement Room of the ECC:

December 4 – FC Redwood and Pecan Classes – Combined

Upcoming – Mark your calendars

ECC Christmas Celebration ‘Happy Birthday Jesus Party’

Come celebrate with us!  The program will be held on Thursday, December 10 at 7:00pm in the 2nd floor indoor activity room of the main campus.  During the first part, you will have a chance to rotate through fun Christmas activities with your child.  During the second part, the children will sing songs in the 2nd floor auditorium. Your child should wear green and/or red.

Children may be dropped off at the classrooms between 6:30 and 6:45.  After you drop off your child, you may go to the auditorium to save your place and wait until just before 7:00.

No Classes at the ECC

There will be no classes at the ECC on Friday, December 11.

Calendar Reminder

November 26, Half-Day. Elementary students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. The library will not open for students at this time. All students should ride the 11:45 bus, or be picked up by a parent.   November 27, there is no school.

Bazaar Tickets

The Christmas Charity Bazaar is coming.  Tickets are now available for purchase at Ms. Amy Xu’s desk or in the admissions office.  This year, tickets will be sold for the Christmas Charity Bazaar at 10RMB per person.  All who will be coming to the Christmas Bazaar will need a ticket.   Purchasing your ticket ahead of time will allow for a shorter wait time at the gate when you arrive to the Christmas Bazaar.  Tickets can also be purchased at the gate during the Bazaar. The moneys earned through the gate fee will go directly to needs at the Tianjin Orphanage (Tianjin Ertong Fuliyuan) and the ICCO in their effort to provide Physical Therapy equipment to orphans.  Please see the general announcement page of the Eagles Nest for more Christmas Charity Bazaar information.  Merry Christmas.

Elementary Christmas Concert

Elementary children will be presenting a Christmas concert on Friday, December 4th at 7pm in the auditorium. Students will need to report to their designated locations by 6:30pm. The students are to wear a white shirt (without writing), black pants, dark socks and dark shoes for the concert. This will be a great opportunity to see what the students have been learning in music class this year! You are invited to stay for time of refreshment afterwards. The busses will depart at 8:30. Be looking next week for further details. Merry Christmas!

Elementary Christmas Concert Concert Bussing


5:40pm YG100 (side gate/main gate)—TIS (One bus)

5:50pm  Aocheng———TIS  (Three big school busses)

6:00pm  Haiyichangzhou——6:10pm BDHT—— DLTY——TIS (one bus)

Return at 8:30 p.m.

TIS——YG100(main/side/back gate)(one big school bus)

TIS——DLTY——Ban Dao Hao Ting(one big school bus)

TIS—— Subway station——HYCZ——Aocheng  (one big school bus)

TIS——Aocheng(four busses)

Elementary Christmas Card Fundraiser

This year the elementary students will be selling Christmas cards as a way to raise money to buy physical therapy equipment for the Tianjin Adult Facility. Be looking for a letter next week with more details about how you take part in this fundraiser!

Mid-quarter Reports

Parents are encouraged to check their child(ren)’s grades on PowerSchool at the mid-way point of each quarter.  Second quarter grades are up-to-date and ready to be checked.  If there is an academic or behavioral problem at this point in the quarter, there is still time to address the problem before the quarter ends.  Please feel free to contact a teacher with concerns or questions.  Clicking a teachers name while looking at your child’s grades in PowerSchool should open up your email system to send a teacher an email.

2nd Semester After School Activities

It is time to begin preparing for 2nd Semester After School Activities. If you are interested in helping with or leading a club please contact Amy Xu (x310 or axu@tiseagles.com) to notify us of your interest.

Calendar Reminder

November 26, Half-Day and November 27, No School – Thanksgiving Holiday

As a reminder: Busses will run at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, November 26 for students. All students should ride the 11:45 bus, or be picked up by a parent.

Meeting with a Teacher

If you would like to have a conversation with one of your child’s teachers, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Dai at ddai@tiseagles.com or email the teacher directly.

Mid-Quarter Reports

Mid-quarter Reports were made available on PowerSchool Wednesday, November 18.  If there is an academic or behavioral problem at this point in the quarter, there is still time to address the problem before the quarter ends.  Please feel free to contact a teacher with concerns or questions.  You can find their contact information by clicking the teacher name while looking at your child’s powerschool grades.

Bazaar Tickets

The Christmas Charity Bazaar is coming.  Tickets are now available for purchase at Ms. Daisy Dai’s desk or in the admissions office.  This year, tickets will be sold for the Christmas Charity Bazaar at 10RMB per person.  All who will be coming to the Christmas Bazaar will need a ticket.   Purchasing your ticket ahead of time will allow for a shorter wait time at the gate when you arrive to the Christmas Bazaar.  Tickets can also be purchased at the gate during the Bazaar. The moneys earned through the gate fee will go directly to needs at the Tianjin Orphanage (Tianjin Ertong Fuliyuan) and the ICCO in their effort to provide Physical Therapy equipment to orphans.  Please see the general announcement page of the Eagles Nest for more Christmas Charity Bazaar information.  Merry Christmas.

Special Schedules for Next Week

Monday – Dr. Phillip Laird, a professor from Trinity Western University in Canada visiting our campus.  He will be speaking to the Juniors and Seniors interested in attending university in North America and will also give a lecture to the AP Psychology students on Forensic Psychology.

Thursday – Half day, school dismissed at 11:45 a.m. (All students should ride the 11:45 bus, or be picked up by a parent.)

Friday – No School

Mid-quarter Reports

Parents are encouraged to check their child(ren)’s grades on PowerSchool at the mid-way point of each quarter.  Second quarter grades should be up-to-date as of Thursday, November 19.  If there is an academic or behavioral problem at this point in the quarter, there is still time to address the problem before the quarter ends.  Please feel free to contact a teacher with concerns or questions.  You can find their contact information at www.tiseagles.com, under the “Staff” tab.

Congratulations to TIS Robotics Team

The TIS Robotics Team traveled to Tokyo Japan last weekend.  The team brought back two trophies:  The Excellence Award and The Think Award.

The Excellence Award goes to the team that exemplifies overall excellence in building a well-rounded VEX robot.  This team deserves to be recognized for building a quality robot and a “team” committed to quality in everything that they do.

The TIS robot team 82M also won the Think Award for their novel idea (and use of programming) to monitor battery voltage and make real-time adjustments to motors based on fluctuations during the match.

Christmas Banquet

The TIS high school student council is planning the annual Christmas banquet for TIS high school students and staff.  This year’s banquet will be held on Friday evening, December 18th. Student Council will be informing students of the theme and location for this year’s banquet within the next couple of weeks. Students are encouraged, but not required to attend.  Tickets (subsidized by the Student Council) will be on sale very soon.

Banquet Dress Code

When planning for the banquet, please note the following excerpt from the secondary handbook:

Students will be expected to dress formally for these occasions. For men this includes a suit or dress slacks, dress shirt, and dress shoes. For ladies this includes dresses, skirts and blouses or a formal pants ensemble. Spaghetti strap dresses are allowed, but no cleavage should be seen. There should be no plunging necklines front or back. The dress must cover the middle of the back. Appropriate undergarments must be worn but should not be seen. Short dresses or slits should be no more than 10 centimeters above the knee.

Early Graduation

Juniors who are considering a Korean university may want to consider early graduation.  Students must apply for early graduation by December 14 of their Junior year.  The application process involves a meeting with guidance counselor Mr. Scranton for the student and at least one parent.  Please see Mr. Scranton for more information.

Bazaar Tickets

The Christmas Charity Bazaar is coming.  Tickets are now available for purchase at Ms. Zhang Rong’s desk or in the admissions office.  This year, tickets will be sold for the Christmas Charity Bazaar at 10RMB per person.  All who will be coming to the Christmas Bazaar will need a ticket.   Purchasing your ticket ahead of time will allow for a shorter wait time at the gate when you arrive to the Christmas Bazaar.  Tickets can also be purchased at the gate during the Bazaar. The moneys earned through the gate fee will go directly to needs at the Tianjin Orphanage (Tianjin Ertong Fuliyuan) and the ICCO in their effort to provide Physical Therapy equipment to orphans.  Please see the general announcement page of the Eagles Nest for more Christmas Charity Bazaar information.  Merry Christmas.

Upcoming Events

QingDao VIDA: November 20-22

SEOMUN: November 26-29

Taipei American School VEX Robotics Challenge: December 3-5

December SAT Testing: December 5

HS Final Exams: December 16-18

HS Christmas Banquet: December 18

Game Results

High School Basketball

U19 Ladies Varsity Basketball vs. Maple Leaf: TIS Won 41-8

U19 Mens Varsity Basketball vs. Maple Leaf: TIS Won 45-37

Upcoming Games

HS Basketball

Saturday, November 21st – ISCOT Basketball Exchanges

JV and Varsity Mens Basketball at TEDA

Pickup Times: YG100 6:45 a.m.— AC 6:50 a.m.— FLJMHU 7:05 a.m.— BDHT 7:10 a.m.— TEDA 8:30 a.m.

Leave TEDA @ 3:30 p.m.

Drop Off Order: TEDA — BDHT — FLJMHU — AC — YG100

Varsity Ladies Basketball at IST

Pickup Times: YG100 8:10 a.m. — AC 8:15 a.m. — BDHT 8:30 a.m. — IST 9:00 a.m.

Leave IST @ 2:15 p.m.

Drop Off Order: IST — BDHT — AC — YG100

Wednesday, November 25th

U19 Varsity Mens Basketball @ TEDA

Team will leave TIS at 2:30 p.m.

Bus will leave TEDA at approximately 5:15 p.m.

Athletes will travel home after the match and will be dropped off at: BDHT— FLJMHU— AC— YG100

U19 Varsity Ladies Basketball @ TIS

Match against TEDA

Athletes will ride normal busses home at 5:10

Saturday, November 28th

U19 Varsity Mens and Ladies Basketball travel to WAB

Basketball matches at 11:00 a.m. against WAB and at 1:00 p.m. against ISB

Bus pickup times will be communicated by the coaches.

The bus will leave WAB at approximately 2:30 p.m.

U19 JV Mens and Ladies Basketball travel to DCB

Basketball matches at 11:00 a.m. against DCB and at 1:00 p.m. against HISB

Bus pickup times will be communicated by the coaches.

The bus will leave WAB at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Middle School Volleyball

Saturday, November 21st – ISAC Volleyball Exchanges

U12 Boys and Fencing Club at ISB/U13 Boys at BSB

All teams will use the same bus.

Pickup Times: BDHT 5:45 a.m.— HYCZ 5:50 a.m.— AC 6:05 a.m.— YG100 6:10 a.m.— BSB/ISB 9:15 a.m.

Leave BSB/ISB @ 2:15 p.m.

Drop Off Order: BSB/ISB— BDHT— HYCZ— AC— YG100

U14 Boys Volleyball at WAB

Pickup Times: BDHT 8:00 a.m.— HYCZ 8:05 a.m.— AC 8:20 a.m.— YG100 8:25 a.m.— WAB 11:30 a.m.

Leave WAB at 4:15 p.m.

Drop Off Order: WAB— YG100— AC— HYCZ— BDHT

U13 Girls Volleyball at BCIS

Pickup Times: YG100 6:05 a.m.— AC 6:10 a.m.— HYCZ 6:25 a.m.— BCIS 9:30 a.m.

Leave BCIS @ 2:15 p.m.

Drop Off Order: BCIS— HYCZ— AC— YG100

Tuesday, November 24th

U12 Boys, U13 and U14 Girls Volleyball @ IST

All teams travel to IST at 3:25 p.m.

Teams will leave TIS at 5:15 p.m.

Teams will be dropped off at normal athletic stops. Drop off locations will be communicated by coaches.

U13 and U14 Boys Volleyball @ TIS

Teams will play against IST teams

Athletes will ride the normal 5:10 busses home.

Please contact your coach or Mr. Strong nstrong@tiseagles.com if you have any questions regarding Athletic Announcements.

Dates to Remember

November 20-22

HS VIDA – Qingdao

November 26

USA Thanksgiving Day – Early Dismissal half day

November 27

No school – Thanksgiving Holiday

December 4

Elementary Christmas Concert

December 5

TIS Christmas Charity Bazaar

PTO Craft Making Opportunity

Please kindly get the words out:  in light of supporting the PTO fund raising at the Christmas Bazaar by hand-making crocheted cutie little things and fabric rosette brooches and later selling them at the PTO booth at the Christmas Bazaar, a group of lovely and kind Korean moms are holding a Work Session, with details as follows:

Event: Hand Crafts Work Session

Date: Wednesday, 25th November 2015.

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Venue: Cafetaria White Glass Room

Remark: RSVP required.

All parents are welcome to join this Work Session. It is going to be a fun session where multinational parents work together while learning a new skill and getting to know each other in a Christmas/Thanksgiving festive mood (Mrs. Williams, is it possible to have some Christmas songs played at the back ground?)

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience to Sharon Cooper or Willemien Horjus (if possible by the end of this week) as the Korean moms will need to prepare the required material, and PTO will prepare light snacks/fruit, coffee and tea.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. I apologize for the short notice as the Korean moms just finished discussing about the Christmas Bazaar this morning during the Parents Tea. We thank the wonderful them for their kind concerns and contribution to our school’s PTO.

PTO Fund Raising at Christmas Bazaar

The PTO is going to hold fund raising sales at the coming TIS Chritmas Bazaar on Saturday, December 5, 2015. Part of the profits gained from the sales will be donated to the school for the charity purpose.

TIS families can participate and support this activity by donating the following items for sales:

used books and toys. Parents can sort and select the books and toys which their children no longer use or need but are still in good and running condition.

all kinds of food items such cookies, bakes, boxed hearty meals, snacks, sweets, confectionaries, etc.

any hand craft items that parents or children make

any gift or decorative item which is new but no longer needed and has been stored in the the store room collecting dust. It maybe the “white elephant” for the other families (ie. exactly what the other families are needed or have been looking for).

These items can be sent to the school and handed to the respective Parents Liaisons starting this week and all they way until the last week before the Christmas Bazaar (except for fresh food items, which should be handed on the day or at the earliest a day before the bazaar). The PTO appreciate and thank parents’ support.


Please click below to read about exciting opportunities in the Parent Teacher Organization.


Wednesday Bus Schedule for Parents

9:25am Olympic — 9:35 a.m. You Yi (Watermelon line, TIS school bus driver)

8:55am YG100 — 9:05 a.m. Aocheng——9:35am HaiyiChangzhou —9:37 a.m. BDHT ( Blueberry line)

Return bussing to same locations at 1:00 p.m. Meet in the front of the TIS main entrance.

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