This Week in Pictures
Innovation Corner
ECC Announcements
Middle School
High School
Dates to Remember
PTO News
Principal’s Coffee – September 21
The first principal’s coffee is coming up on Wednesday, September 21st from 10 a.m. to noon. Please submit your questions or topics by Wechat, to our online suggestion box on the TIS website under the Community Tab, or pick up a form outside the Admission’s office. Principals ask that parents submit questions or topics ahead of time. Principals will then use the questions you submit to speak to issues that are important to you. The principals look forward to seeing many parents at next Wednesday!
*In addition to the Wednesday Tree House bus, we will add one more bus for Principal’s coffee:
Same as Wednesday blueberry bus: 9:10 a.m. YG100 —9:20 a.m. AoCheng—9:35 a.m. HYCZ—9:40 a.m. BDHT——TIS (1bus)
Return at 12:00 p.m. The Tree House bus returns at 1pm.
Staying Well Seminar – Andrea Klopper
Date & Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 28th
This seminar is designed for those who have been in Tianjin for more than a year or two and plan to stay on! Please email Admissions if you plan to attend: See introduction from Facilitator Andrea Klopper, a TIS mother of 3 and trainer with LDiT:
“It so often seems that all the attention goes to those who are arriving in Tianjin and then those who are preparing to leave. Both transitions place different demands on those who aren’t coming or going but staying! It is undeniably hard for the stayers – the dreaded news of who is moving on with the loss in parting, the effort in welcoming and getting to know new people once more and for who-knows-how-long. So this seminar is for those who have stayed, or who plan to stay. It is to provide some encouragement and an opportunity to share what you experience and how you have dealt with it. We want to be people who are healthy and contribute to the health of our community by staying well.”
FAFSA Webinar and Q&A
There will be a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) meeting for all American parents on Wednesday, September 21st from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Blue Room. This meeting will include a webinar from Samford University as well as having Alex Wuest on hand to answer specific questions. All American parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about applying for financial aid through the US Government.2016 Korean Culture Festival
Join Contests at 2016 Korean Culture Festival
The 2016 Korean Culture Festival, hosted by the Korean Chamber of commerce and industry (Korean Society) in Tianjin, will be held on Saturday, September 24th at Korean International School in Tianjin. During this festival, there will be a writing contest and a painting contest. Every student from ECC through high school are invited to this contest.
Korean students can participate in the Writing in Korean (poetry/essay), Writing in Chinese, and the Painting contests. Chinese students can participate in the Writing in Korean (essay) and the Painting Contests. Students from other countries can join in the Painting contest.
The 2016 Korean Culture Festival includes sports games, writing and painting contests, cultural exhibition and a bazaar. Participants can enjoy Korean culture and food also.
If you would like to join the contest, please contact Rachel Choi in admissions office.
Mark your calendar: INTERNATIONAL DAY – Friday, October 14th
Country Focus: The beautiful and vibrant country of India
As promised in last week’s issue, here are some facts about India that will be of interest to you.
The official name of the country is Republic of India, and on Friday, October 14th, you will get to hear India’s National Anthem which is called, Jana Gana Mana. In English it means, “Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People.” As with many national anthems, this one was written as a poem, however, interestingly enough, was written mostly entirely of nouns, which may also be used as verbs.
Adopted in 1963, the Peacock became the National Bird of India as it was the only bird to meet certain criteria. This included that the bird needed to be a part of Indian traditions, could be found in many parts of India, the common man would recognize the bird, and ought not to be the national bird of any other country. Hence the peacock was chosen.
Cultural Insight
The Bindi
Although the traditional bindi is red or maroon in color, nowadays, they are found to come in both different colors and styles. Traditionally speaking, the bindi is placed on the forehead of all brides during their Wedding Ceremony, and is to be worn throughout their married life. However, today, you will find even single Indian ladies and even Western women, wearing a bindi for either decorative or fashionable reasons.
An Interesting note: During the 2nd Century, Chinese women wore bindis for purely decorative reasons.
During International Day, the traditional red bindi will be given or placed on the forehead of all the married ladies.
Until next time, when you will learn all about the “Tilak” or “Tikka.” If you have any questions or concerns about International Day, please do contact Dawn Williams at
Weekly AQI Readings
Outside Average Reading = 255
Inside Average Reading = 29
Click here to View and Download Full-Sized Photos for Personal Use
Innovation Corner, by Lee Williams
Technology has transformed classrooms at TIS. One such Educational Technology is called “Formative.” This is a great online tool for teaching if you want to engage your class with rich, interactive learning. Teachers set up tests, quizzes or work sheets. Mr. Lundy, our High School Chemistry and Biology teacher first started using Formative last year and quickly saw the benefits it provided for his classes. Simply put, he uses Formative to see if his students understand what he is teaching. He uses multiple choice, True or False, short essay, or drawing responses. The great thing is that Mr. Lundy, on his own computer, can watch each student in the class as they respond to the questions and at anytime interact with a comment of his own. For example, “This answer is only partially correct, please add more information.” This allows him to give immediate individual attention to those who need it.
He can also see a live graph showing how well the class as a whole is understanding the information being taught and then he can reteach specific concepts as needed. This year Formative has become an integral part of Mr. Lundy’s weekly teaching, helping him to better engage his students and determine their level of understanding and therefore helping them achieve the best grade. Formative is just one way our teachers are innovating their instruction to improve student learning.
Learning about Safety
For the past four weeks, we have been learning about safety in our weekly assemblies. The topics so far have included:
Fire safety
What to do if you get lost
The Ask First principle
Safe Touches
Ask your child what they have been learning and see how much they remember!
Caterpillars and Chrysalises
We have collected many swallowtail butterfly caterpillars from our ECC garden. Each classroom is watching the caterpillars grow and turn into chrysalises. We can’t wait to see them turn into butterflies. Check out the class photo streams or stop in for a visit to check it out!
Mid-quarter Grade Check
Parents are encouraged to check their child(ren)’s grades on PowerSchool at the mid-way point of each quarter. Mid-quarter Reports were made available on PowerSchool on Monday, September 12th. If there is an academic or behavioral problem at this point in the quarter, there is still time to address the problem before the quarter ends. Please feel free to contact a teacher with concerns or questions.
Super Saturday Soccer – First Practice
We had a great start to Super Saturday Soccer last week. We will have our second practice this Saturday, September 17th. The 1st and 2nd graders will have practice from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. The 3rd through 5th graders will practice from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. If there is heavy rain or an AQI above 200, practice will be moved into the gym. If for any reason practice needs to be canceled, you will be notified by a coach prior to 8 a.m.
Elementary Parent Day – September 26th
On Monday, September 26thwe welcome you to the 1st quarter Elementary Parent Day. This will be a time to come into your child’s classroom and catch a glimpse of what a normal day looks like for them. It will also be a chance to see our literacy block, Daily 5 in action. We moved this event back a few days to accommodate the new date for Principal’s Coffee. Bussing will be provided for this event, the bus schedule is listed below:
9:10 a.m. YG100——9:20 a.m. AC——9:35 a.m. HYCZ——9:40 a.m. BDHT ——TIS (blueberry)
9:25 a.m. Olympic ——TIS (watermelon)
12:30 p.m. TIS――BDHT―― HYCZ――AC ――YG100 (blueberry)
TIS ――Olympic (watermelon)
Safety Week
Nest week is Safety Week in the elementary school. We will be learning about safety in class this week. The topics that will be covered include:
Treating Others with Respect
Responding to Unsafe Situations
Safe Touch
UnSafe Touch
People I Don’t Know
Internet Safety
3rd Grade iPad Roll-Out Celebration – Wednesday, September 28th
We are happy to announce that the elementary school will be rolling out the 1:1 iPad program for 3rd grade on Wednesday, September 28th from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. At this celebration, parents will be given the iPads and will be provided help with basic set up of the device. This will also be a time to learn about the vision and expectations for iPads in the classrooms. A parent must be present in order to receive the iPad.
Scipmylo (Olympics spelled backwards) is coming! On Friday, September 30th, grades 1-5 will have a day of fun, games and prizes to develop sportsmanship and team spirit. The activity will last from 8:15 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. After Scipmylo we will have lunch and an ice-cream treat. Then the students will return to class for the afternoon and will be dismissed at 3:15. We invite parents to join us for this event!
Mid-Autumn Festival
This week some students celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival by making and eating traditional Mooncakes! It was a great activity for the students and the mooncakes were enjoyed by all. We trust everyone had an enjoyable and pleasant holiday.
MS MUN Applications
7th and 8th graders interested in Middle School Model United Nations can pick-up applications from Ms. Standifird. Applications are due by September 21st.
Mid-Quarter Grade Check
Parents are encouraged to check their child or children’s grades on Powerschool at the midway point of each quarter. Our current quarter’s grades should be up-to-date by 4:00 p.m. Monday, September 12th. This is an important way for teachers to communicate with parents regarding student progress. If there is an academic or behavioural problem at this point in the quarter, there is still time to address the issues before the quarter ends. Please feel free to contact teachers with your concerns or questions.
Additionally, secondary students and parents can view current grades at any time using Powerschool. Powerschool is also an important tool for teachers to communicate about homework and other assignments. Please check it regularly.
Open Gym
Middle school students wishing to start their day with athletic activity may use the gym from 7:45 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.
TIS Language Policy Reminder
Students of many national and ethnic backgrounds attend TIS. In order to function well in this kind of an environment, it is important that a common language be used. Students are expected to use only English during the school day (until they have left the building) or at school activities. This includes the time before and after school when students are still in the school building. Exceptions include language classes and communication with others who cannot speak English. If your child decides to continue to use non-English language then it will be necessary for you to meet with the High School principal to discuss further action.
TIS Computer Use Policy Reminder
In order to maintain an environment conducive to learning, students are prohibited from engaging in non-academic uses of the technology while on campus. This includes game playing, chatting, reading comics, non-academic downloads, and using social media websites. Exception: 12th grade students are allowed to use chat programs such as Skype and QQ when not in class. It has been noticed that students are continuing to use social media, games, etc. at school and at times during class. Being that this behavior interrupts student learning, unfortunately, we will need to take stricter measures, which may include asking the parents to participate in computer restrictions to student computer usage. Please understand that we have your child’s best interest in mind when we make any restrictions.
From the Counselor’s Corner
The City of Hong Kong University will be visiting on September 27thduring high school lunch.
ACT reminder: The deadline to sign up for the October 22nd test is September 16th. If you plan on taking the ACT then, please sign up immediately.
FAFSA Webinar and Q&A
There will be a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) meeting for all American parents on Wednesday, September 21st from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Blue Room. This meeting will include a webinar from Samford University as well as having Alex Wuest on hand to answer specific questions. All American parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about applying for financial aid through the US Government.
Mid-quarter Grade Check
Parents are encouraged to check their child(ren)’s grades on PowerSchool at the mid-way point of each quarter. First quarter grades were published on Monday, September 12th. If there is an academic problem at this point in the quarter, there is still time to address the problem before the quarter ends. Please feel free to contact a teacher with concerns or questions.
Please remember, secondary students and parents can view current grades at any time in the quarter, as this is also a means we use to communicate homework assignments to students and parents.
Qingdao Vida Dates
Leaders: October 13th – 16th (arrive in QD by 14:00)
Amigos: October 14th – 16th (arrive in QD by 14:00)
ISC 7th QD Vida Applications: Please see Ms. Annis for an application this week.
NOTE: We will also have a Tianjin VIDA in November, but space is limited. Information and application forms for our local VIDA experience will be coming soon!
Game Results
High School Volleyball Games
Friday, September 9th
JV Mens Volleyball vs Wellington: Won 3-0
Wednesday, September 14th
Varsity Mens vs. TEDA: Lost 2-3
Varsity Ladies vs. TEDA: Won 3-2
Middle School Soccer Games
Saturday, September 10th MS Soccer ISAC Exchanges
Overall TIS had 7 wins and 5 losses.
We scored 33 goals and we allowed 21 goals.
U12 Boys vs. DCB: Won 6-0
U12 Boys vs. BSB: Lost 1-5
U12 Boys vs. WAB: Lost 1-6
U13 Boys vs. CISB: Won 8-0
U13 Boys vs. ISB: Won 7-0
U13 Boys vs. BSB: Won 1-0
U14 Boys vs. HBJ: Won 4-1
U14 Boys vs. BCIS: Won 3-0
U14 Boys vs. BWYA: Won 1-0
U14 Girls vs. ISB: Lost 0-4
U14 Girls vs. WAB: Lost 1-2
U14 Girls vs. DSP: Lost 0-3
Upcoming Games
Middle School Soccer
Tuesday, September 20th
U13 Boys and U14 Girls Matches at Wellington
Bus will leave TIS at 3:25 p.m.
Bus will depart Wellington at approximately 5:15 p.m.
Drop Off Order: Wellington – YG100 – AC – FLJMHU – HYCZ – BDHT
U12 Boys Game vs. IST at TIS
Game will begin at approximately 4:00 p.m.
Athletes will ride regular student busses home after school.
Saturday, September 24th
U14 MS ISCOT Soccer Exchange at IST
U14 Boys and Girls will participate
Bussing and Game schedule will be communicated by coaches next week
High School Volleyball
Monday, September 19th
U19 Mens Varsity Match at Wellington
Bus will leave TIS at 3:25 p.m.
Bus will depart Wellington at approximately 5:15 p.m.
Drop Off Order: Wellington – AC – FLJMHU – HYCZ – BDHT – YG100
Saturday, September 24th
U19 Ladies ISCOT Exchange at IST
Varsity and JV Ladies teams will participate
Bussing and Game schedule will be communicated by coaches next week
U19 Mens ISCOT Exchange at TIS
Varsity and JV Mens teams will participate
Bussing and Game schedule will be communicated by coaches next week
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the athletic department using the email address provided below.
Mr. Strong – TIS Athletic Director
1st Principal’s Coffee
Elementary School Parent Day
Scipmylo for Elementary School
No School for ECC
China National Day Holiday
First PTO Parent Tea on September 7th
TIS Parent-Teacher Organization had the first Parent Tea of this school year on Wednesday, September 7th. Around 80 parents, several principals and teachers were present. At this event, new parents were introduced and welcomed, and return parents were able to catch up with old friends. Mrs. Rachel Causey, the PTO President, led the discussions. It was decided that PTO fundraising project for this year will be to build a rock-climbing wall. Upcoming events, including International Day and Pink Ribbon Day, were also discussed. Mrs. Causey will prepare a detailed newsletter that will include these decisions.
It was a very comfortable and productive time. Parents and teachers from different cultural backgrounds all actively participated and had great communications with each other. Throughout the school year, PTO also offers classes and clubs, including English, Chinese, and Korean language classes, as well as choir and fitness club. Many parents signed up for these fun activities. We anticipate it to be a great year for PTO, enabling parents and teachers to develop close and fun relationships.
Wednesday Bus Schedule for Parents
9:10 a.m YG100 — 9:20 a.m. Aocheng — 9:35 a.m. HYCZ — 9:40 a.m. BDHT —— TIS
9:25 a.m. Olympic Towers —— TIS
Return bussing to same locations at 1:00 p.m. Meet in the front of the TIS main entrance.
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