
General Announcements

China Day Details

This Week in Pictures

Ed-Tech Corner

Counselors Corner

ECC Announcements

Elementary Announcements

Middle School Announcements

High School Announcements

Athletic Announcements

Dates to Remember

General Announcements

New!!  Ed-Tech Corner in Eagles Nest

TIS is introducing something new in the Eagles Nest to highlight the Educational uses of Technology at school.  Mr. Williams will begin this week, posting monthly articles in Eagles Nest under the Ed-Tech Corner tab.   We will answer your questions and give updates about Educational Technology at TIS.  Check out the tab called Ed-Tech Corner.

AMIS Middle School Mixed Choir Festival Photos

Thank you to all who attended the AMIS Choir Festival concert last Saturday night.  We heard a beautiful selection of choral songs from around the world.

If you would like to view or download professional photos from the AMIS concert please use this link.

China Day is Next Friday February 6

Come celebrate the Qin Dynasty and the year of the Ram.  See the China Day Details tab on the right hand side of this screen for the day's schedule for your child and bussing information.

From the TIS Nurse

Warm prompt: please consider taking advantage of upcoming Chinese New Year vacation to catch up on childhood immunizations.  All upper school students are required to have a current tetanus booster (within 5 years) to participate in Spring Trips in May. Tetanus booster may appear as Tdap, TD or Td on your students immunization record.  If you are unsure if your child is due for a booster please contact a school nurse at nurse@tiseagles.com.

Comments or Suggestions?

Please use our online suggestion form.. Be sure to click “submit” when you have completed your comments. Please note you may submit your comments anonymously, but we will not be able to return your message personally, if you do write an anonymous comment. You may also write your comment down and pop it in our new Suggestion Box located in the school lobby. Any of our 4 main language groups may be used, we will arrange translation.

China Day Details

Come Celebrate the Year of the Ram Friday, February 6

Bussing Schedule

Pick-ups for Parents:

9:15am     Olympic Tower —> 9:25  Somerset Youyi — >TIS  (watermelon)

10:20am   YG100 (side gate & main gate) — >TIS  (one school bus)

10:25am   Aocheng — >TIS  (two school buses)

10:25am   FuLi Jing Men ---> 10:30am HYCZ — >10:35am BDHT  (one school bus)


3:30pm  Normal student busses.   Plus Raspberry, Coconut and Watermelon for the parents.

All Parents and Students are expected to leave campus on the 3:30 busses provided, unless involved in something else, e.g. sports or The Eagle’s Club.  Both have separate busses.

No TEDA bus at 4:45pm, there is only a 3:30pm TEDA bus.

This Year's Focus

China’s first Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.- 207 B.C.)  Please do encourage your child to take the time to watch several free presentations at china.mrdonn.org/qin.html as well as read about the Qin Dynasty.

What to Wear

Traditional Chinese clothes OR red clothing to celebrate China.

China Day Schedule




Cultural Activities in the big gym


Lunch in the big cafeteria (Each child will get a free lunch set that will be enough food for one child and one adult. Extra lunches may be purchased for 20 RMB - (please bring cash to pay)




Cultural Performance in the auditorium


at 12:30PM

in the Hallway




Cultural Activities in the big gym (minus 1st grade)


Lunch in the glass rooms. Students enjoy a complimentary lunch. Adults 20 RMB (please bring cash to pay)


The DRAGON DANCE! Students greeted by dragons on the top of main stairway.


Elementary Cultural Performance in the auditorium


Middle School


Lunch in the glass rooms. Students enjoy a complimentary lunch. Adults 20 RMB.


Cultural Activities in the gym


The DRAGON DANCE! Students greeted by dragons on the top of main stairway.


Secondary Cultural Performance in the auditorium


at 2:00PM

in the Hallway


High School


Lunch (serving ends at 1:35). Students enjoy a complimentary lunch. Adults 20 RMB.


Cultural Activities in the big gym (minus 1st grade)


Come up the main stairway for the Dragon Dance.


Secondary Cultural Performance in the auditorium

What Cultural Activities Are Available?

All activities will be in the gym.  Some will be interactive, such as Chinese Knot making, while others are for viewing a Chinese Artist, for example, Sugar Art.   Some other activities include:  Shadow Figure Cutting, Chinese Yo-Yo, Chinese Calligraphy, Tangrams, and Clay Figures.  There will also be the students’ favorites, such as; Hawthorn Sticks and Cotton Candy.

All TIS students will receive a sheet of 10 tickets for the activities. Additional tickets will be on sale at the Ticket Stall, which will be located at the entrance of the gym.  Cost per individual ticket is 5RMB.

This Week in Pictures

To Download Images from "This Week in Pictures" please use this link:

Ed-Tech Corner, by Lee Williams

Answering Your Questions


"Parent of 3rd grader asked, "When will my child be learning proper keyboarding skills?


3rd graders began taking keyboarding this spring semester twice a week with Mr. Wahl.  4th and 5th graders also have computer science and keyboarding skills taught by Mr. Wahl.

iPads@TIS Means Greater Student Participation

What: The third grade classes use a great app to access what they Know, Want to know and what they Learned (KWL). As they began a unit on Africa, the students were asked to write down what they already knew about Africa using the app “WeKWL” on the iPad. The KWL chart has been a tried and true tool in the classroom for a long time. In Miss Keith's and Miss Hogel's classes the old tool has a new technological modification.

Modification: Traditionally the teacher would ask for volunteers and list each individual student’s ideas on the board.  This meant the outgoing students would volunteer but the shy students would not have an opportunity to share for lack of time.  However with “WeKWL” on the iPads, all students have an opportunity to anonymously share their ideas, while at the same time seeing anonymous classmates’ comments as they all instantly show up on each other’s iPads.  Miss Keith had pre-trained six students who then became the leaders and trainers of their small groups. Miss Keith started the KWL chart on her iPad and all students joined and were digitally linked to each other.  As they added to the class KWL all students were able to instantly see each other's ideas on their own iPads.  The students also added what they want to know and later will add to the “What We Learned” column when they finish their unit.

Better Results: Being able to share on the iPads without having to stand out in front of the class and to do so simultaneously, allowed those students who would not normally speak out their ideas to share with reduced pressure.  It also removed constraints on the time it takes for students to share with the class one at a time. In just a few minutes the “What I Know” column was filled with everyone’s ideas.  A task that normally took twenty minutes was accomplished in less than ten with all students sharing their ideas allowing more time on researching and learning.  The third grades’ use of the WeKWL app in their classroom is one example of how technology is being used at TIS to use pedagogically sound teaching tools in improved ways to get more students engaged in learning.

Counselors Corner, by Jeffery Scranton

US Nationally Certified Counselor; M.Ed. Clinical Mental Health, Clemson University; BA Southern Wesleyan University

Tips for the Second Semester

We just finished the third week of the second semester and I want to talk about how quickly the rest of the year goes by. The second semester is very busy for students and families. Spring festival is the last two weeks of February and it will be March when we come back with just three weeks before the end of the third quarter. Here is a short list of things you can do to help your child this semester.

1.  Be involved

Check their progress on PowerSchool. If you need help accessing PowerSchool please let us know.

Talk to them about their life.

Know who their friends are.

2.  Help them stay caught up on homework

We can arrange for a tutor if your child needs one.

They can stay after school and join one of the homework clubs

3.  Make sure they get enough sleep

Elementary students need 10-12 hours sleep a day

Secondary students need 8-9 hours sleep a day

The average secondary student gets 5.5 hours sleep a day

4.  Make sure they take a break from studying

Give them an evening or weekend day off

Schedule a time everyday where they are not allowed to do homework.

5.  Help them have fun

Playing is fundamental for helping to develop good social skills

It gives the brain a rest and helps the brain develop the synaptic connections that build long term memories

Please email me with any questions or concerns at jscranton@tiseagles.com

ECC Announcements

ECC Health Fair

Thank you to all of the parents who helped us at the ECC Health Fair.  We had a wonderful time, and the children learned a lot about making healthy food choices.

ECC China Day Detailed Schedule

We’d like to welcome you to join us for this year’s CHINA DAY on Friday, February 6.  Don’t forget to dress up in traditional Chinese clothes!




Parent may join their children in classrooms


Outdoor classroom time


Cultural Activities in the big gym


Lunch in the big cafeteria (Each child will get a free lunch set that will be enough food for one child and one adult. Extra lunches may be purchased for 20 RMB - please bring cash to pay)




Cultural Performance in the auditorium




ECC children will return to their classrooms for the rest of the day. (You may choose to take your child home with you if you’d like.)


Buses leave at the normal time. You may ride with your child if there is room.

If there is room, you may also ride on the morning bus with your child. If not, there will be bussing from major locations that will arrive at 11:00. The bus from the Olympic Towers area will arrive at 10:00. At the end of the day, again, if there is room you may ride on the bus with your child. However, please note, students will be given priority seating over adults. Thank you for your support!

Parent/Child Visits

Parent/Child visits will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 11 and 12.  Details will go home next week.  Looking forward to seeing every parent there!

Elementary Announcements

Parent Tech Talks

Wednesday, February 4th, there will be a Parent Tech Talk from 10:30 - 11:30 in the Blue Room. The Tech Talk will be targeted towards the parents of 3rd - 6th graders, but all are welcome to come. This will be a time for you to interact with your child’s iPad and learn about some of the ways that they are being used at school. Parents of children in grades 3 - 5 will be asked to stop by their child’s classroom, prior to 10:30, to get their child’s iPad. After the training we ask that you return it to their classroom. We hope to see you there!

Badminton Tournament

The ISCOT Badminton Tournament is coming up on Thursday, February 5th. After completing a badminton unit in PE, 4 boys and 4 girls per grade level have been selected to represented TIS at the tournament. The boys play at TIS and the girls will play at IST. The tournaments begin at 2pm, you are welcome to come cheer on the TIS participants!

Elementary China Day Detailed Schedule




Cultural Activities in the big gym for 1st grade ONLY


Parent Buses Arrive


Cultural Activities in the big gym (2nd - 5th grade)


Lunch in the glass rooms. Free for TIS students. 20 RMB for all others (please bring cash to pay)


The DRAGON DANCE! Students greeted by dragons on the top of main stairway.


Elementary Cultural Performance in the auditorium


Elementary children will return to their classrooms for the rest of the day (Please do not take your child home at this time.)


Secondary Cultural Performance – Parents feel free to stay if you would like

4th Grade Minority Expo

The 4th graders have been learning about the culture of China. They are currently studying about the various ethnic groups in China and will be creating projects to share what they have learned. These projects will be showcased at the 4th Minority Expo, held on the morning of Wednesday, February 11th from 9:00 - 10:00 in the Green Room. We invite you to come see what the students have learned!

After School Clubs

There will be no after school clubs on Friday, February 6th due to China Day. All students need to ride the 3:30 bus home.

Middle School Announcements

Parent Tech Talk

Wednesday, February 4th, there will be a Parent Tech Talk from 10:30 - 11:30. The Tech Talk will be targeted towards the parents of 3rd - 6th graders, but all are welcome to come. This will be a time for you to interact with the iPad and learn about some of the ways they are being used at school. Parents of children in grades 3 - 5 will be asked to stop by their child’s classroom, prior to 10:30, to get their child’s iPad. We will have extra iPads on hand for Parents of 6th grade students to be able to use.  We hope to see you there!


Today, January 30, twelve students will be traveling to Beijing to participate in the 2015 DIMUN conference. They have been working diligently on their opening speeches and resolutions to prepare for this conference. Please keep the following students in your thoughts as they continue to prepare for this conference: Kevin You, Rebekah Helms, Gloria Kim, Jessica Wang, Peter Kim, TaeYeon Lim, Amber Choi, DongWhee Sohn, JuWon Ha, Tony Kim, Sean Choi, and Matt Lee.

Middle School Basketball

The Basketball season will start on Tuesday, February 3.  Please contact the Athletic Director, Mr. Cory Cheng, with any questions.

China Day

TIS students will celebrate China Day on Friday, February 6.  Middle School students will eat lunch at 12:45pm, followed by Cultural Activities.  Lunch for students is free.  Lunch for adults is 20 RMB.  Busses will leave at 3:30.  There will only be one TEDA bus - at 3:30 pm.  Please see the China Day Details Tab for more information.

High School Announcements

Canadian Mathematics Competition

The annual Canadian Mathematics Competition will take place on Tuesday, March 3, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.  As was the case last year, the contest is optional.  Students who wish to participate should sign up at the high school office by Tuesday, February 10th.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams - Preregistration Survey

It's time for high school students to make decisions about May, 2015 AP exams.   Students enrolled in an AP class are required to take the corresponding AP exam, with TIS covering the cost.  Students can choose to register for additional exams, as well, but we encourage parents to talk through this process with your students and help them to set reasonable goals.  It is better to do a few things well rather than to do many things poorly!  The online preregistration survey link will be found in the PowerSchool Bulletin starting Monday, February 2nd.

HS Soccer Begins Monday February 2

High school students interested in playing soccer should plan to attend tryouts after school on Monday, February 2nd.  Students in 11th and 12th grades who desire to earn PE credit through participation on a soccer team should plan to attend a lunch meeting on Wednesday, February 4th in order to get information and have their add/drop form signed.

HS Lock-In

This year’s high school lock-in will take place on Friday evening, Feb 13th.  More details will be coming from Student Council.  This year’s Lock-In will be preceded by a high school Spirit Week, giving high school students a chance to dress in fun and crazy outfits throughout the week.

Athletic Announcements

Game Results

HS Basketball - ISAC Tournaments

Varsity Boys  - 1st Place and Sportsmanship Trophy

Varsity Girls  - 3rd Place and Sportsmanship Trophy

MS Volleyball - ISAC Tournaments

U13 Girls - 6th Place

U14 Girls - 1st Place

U13 Boys - 2nd Place

U14 Boys - 4th Place and Sportsmanship Trophy

Upcoming Games

HS Soccer

Begins on February 2nd

MS Basketball

Begins on February 3rd

ISCOT Elementary Badminton on February 5

Boys play at TIS

Girls play at IST

The detail information will give the the participants by the elementary teachers

If you have questions please contact: Mr. Strong nstrong@tiseagles.com or Mr. Cheng ccheng@tiseagles.com

Dates to Remember

January 30 - Feb 1

MS DIMUN Beijing

February 2

HS Soccer Season Begins

February 3

MS Basketball Season Begins

February 6

China Day Celebration

February 7

ACT Test for Registered HS Students

February 11-12

ECC Parent/Child Visits

February 16

Spring Festival Vacation Begins

Show more