
General Announcements

This Week in Pictures

Counselors Corner

ECC Announcements

Elementary Announcements

Middle School Announcements

High School Announcements

Athletic Announcements

Dates to Remember

General Announcements

Welcome to a new school year at Tianjin International School! The teachers are ready, the floors are gleaming. Cheerful, inviting classrooms await eager learners! May this year at TIS be your best school year ever!

Cindy Harvel
Director of Admissions

International Day

International Day: Friday, 17th October
Focus Country: The United States of America
Theme: County Fair
If interested or need more information, please e-mail Dawn Williams: dwilliams@tiseagles.com

From the TIS Health Clinic

Greetings from the school nurses! Thank you to all parents of new students and returning students in grades 5 and 9 who submitted their forms already! Thank you also to all parents who updated their child’s health information. We are still missing forms from some. Here is a list of what must be handed into the nurse’s office by August 26:
If your child is new at TIS or returning and now in 5th or 9th grade please ensure you have handed in the following:

Student Medical Report (a 5-page form; 3 pages to be filled out by parents and page 4-5 to be filled out by a doctor – please arrange for the examination this weekend if you have not done this yet)

Copy of immunization records

If you don’t have the forms, please download them from our website, using this link: https://tiseagles.com/en/admissions/applying-to-tis/ (the medical form you need is on the right)

If your child is a returning student to TIS – all grades:

You were required to update your child’s Annual Health Update and give your consent to medication during the re-enrollment process. If there have been changes over the summer to either your child's health condition or the immunization history, you will need to update the information online by clicking on the Health Info Update icon in PowerSchool. (https://powerschool.tiseagles.com/public/home.html). For the well-being of all students, please complete the updates as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.

Questions? Please call the school nurses Mrs. Belcher or Ms. Chai at ext. 319 or contact us by email: nurse@tiseagles.com

Thank you for helping our school community stay safe and healthy!

Comments or Suggestions?

Please use our online suggestion form.. Be sure to click “submit” when you have completed your comments. Please note you may submit your comments anonymously, but we will not be able to return your message personally, if you do write an anonymous comment. You may also write your comment down and pop it in our new Suggestion Box located in the school lobby. Any of our 4 main language groups may be used, we will arrange translation.

This Week in Pictures

Counselors Corner, by Dr. Cindy Harvel

Guidance Counselor, Ph.D. University of Nebraska at Lincoln; M.Ed. Mount Vernon Nazarene College; BS Ohio University

A Time for Introductions

Seasons…changing, each beautiful, each unique.  Fall happens to be my favorite season with the lovely autumn leaves, baking “pumpkin everything”, the crisp cooler air, and the start of a brand new school year!  There are many “changes” in TIS this year, and one of these happens to be a change of season for my own life.  I have had the wonderful privilege of being on the guidance team with TIS for the last five years!  I have enjoyed serving our students, helping them with homework, listening to their hopes, dreams and sometimes fears, finding tutors, choosing classes, college planning, and a variety of other challenging tasks!  Myoung Paik, SoYoung Lee, and I will be passing along these important services to three new wonderful people this year.

I am so happy to announce that Jeff Scranton is our new head guidance counselor.  Previously working at Chengdu International School for the last two years, Jeff also has experience as a licensed therapist. Jeff has a passion for helping people. He is a nationally certified counselor specializing in family systems therapy, grief therapy, and addictions counseling. Graduating with a B.A. from Southern Wesleyan University, Jeff continued to Clemson University earning a MEd. in clinical mental health.  I am so happy to have someone so well equipped to help our students and look forward to how his experiences will enrich our school.  Jeff and his wife Bobbi (our new fourth grade teacher) have been happily married for 27 years, with four children, three of them married and one actually attending Chengdu University in China!  They also are the proud grandparents of three wonderful grandchildren.  In addition to enjoying his work with the students of TIS, Jeff also hopes to someday work toward his doctorate in counseling.

I am also so pleased that Annie Suen, wife of Bible teacher Joseph Suen, will be working part-time on our guidance team.  Annie is especially looking forward to working with our elementary children.  She and I have had many warm chats and I am convinced she truly has a servant’s heart to share with the children in TIS! Annie majored in education at BHU (Beulah Heights University) and also did Master’s work in counseling at Westminster Seminary.  Annie has worked with children for almost 25 years, and loves working with students!

Shannon Ding will be our new office manager for the guidance department.  Graduating from Tianjin Foreign Studies University with a Bachelor’s in English Language and Literature, Shannon went on to study International Trade from Nankai University, earning an Associates Degree.  Shannon comes to us with six years of experience working with international students, two and a half of those years working in the classroom.  Shannon hopes to continue her study in school counseling and hopes her work here at TIS will be the foundation for growth and future study in higher education in the field of psychology.  I have observed Shannon working on an individual basis with students, and her love and care are evident by the way she treats each one!

As this new fall season of TIS comes into color, be sure to stop by and visit our new counseling team on the second floor hallway, right next to the high school library! Have a beautiful fall semester, TIS!

ECC Announcements

Open House

The ECC and The Elementary will have a combined Open House.  Parents of ECC students are invited to attend our annual Open House on Friday, August 29 at 7:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out more about their expectations in the classroom. There will be more specific details in the Eagle's Nest next week. We ask that you do not bring your students with you to this event.  We hope to see all ECC parents in attendance!

Tree House Playgroup

The Tree House Playgroup will meet for its first gathering of the school year on Wednesday, August 20!  We welcome everyone who holds a foreign passport with children 0-5 years of age. Playtime is every Wednesday from 10:00-12:00. Through this event we hope to create opportunities for moms to make connections, children to play in a rich and stimulating environment, and for all to enjoy our beautiful Tree House room!  Please come join us and bring a friend!   And remember, parents must accompany their children during the playtime.

Bussing will be provided to these locations at the following times:

9:00am YG100——9:10am Aocheng——9:33am HaiyiChangzhou —9:35am BDHT (Raspberry)

9:25am Olympic——9:35am You Yi (our school van)

Elementary Announcements

Open House

The ECC and The Elementary will be combining their Open House this year.  Parents of elementary students (grades 1-5) are invited to attend our annual Elementary Open House on Friday, August 29 at 7:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out more about their expectations in the classroom. There will be more specific details in the Eagle's Nest next week. We ask that you do not bring your students with you to this event.  We hope to see all Elementary parents in attendance!

Middle School Announcements

Greetings from Mr. Heimer

Welcome to the TIS middle school, sixth graders and new students!  It's splendid to have you join us.  Welcome back, returning seventh and eighth grade students!  I am looking forward to a great year of much growth in grace and knowledge.

6th Grade Parent Dinner

All parents of 6th grade students are requested to attend the 6th grade parent dinner. The dinner will be held on Friday, August 22, at 5:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. Parents will have the opportunity to meet their children’s teachers in a more informal setting and to discuss issues important to making a successful transition to the secondary school. After the delicious dinner, I will give a short presentation about the transition to sixth grade. Sixth grade parents will join the rest of the secondary parents in the auditorium at 6:45, and at least one parent of each 6th grade student is asked to attend.

Secondary Open House

Parents of secondary students (grades 6-12) are invited to attend our annual Secondary Open House on Friday, August 22 at 6:45 p.m.  This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and learn about their expectations in the classroom. The Open House will begin in the Auditorium.  Special presentations by the following departments will be made: Athletics, Chinese, Fine Arts, and Tech.  Open House will conclude around 9:00 p.m.  Bussing information is as follows:


6:00pm      YG100 (side gate/main gate)—— TIS(two big school busses)

6:10pm       Ban Dao Hao Ting —— TIS  (one big school bus)

6:05pm       Aocheng —— TIS(two big school busses)

6:05pm       Aocheng —— 6: 20 Haiyichangzhou (main gate) —— TIS (one big school bus)

Note:  TEDA parents can ride to school when the 3:30 bus returns to TIS.

Note:  There will be a small van to take secondary TEDA students from TIS to TEDA, leaving at 5:10 pm.

Returns at 9:30PM

TIS —— YG100(Side /main gate)(two big school busses)

TIS —— Ban Dao Hao Ting  (Two big school buses)

TIS  ——  Aocheng(three big school busses)

TIS —— Subway station-----Haiyichangzhou——-YG100(one big school bus)

TIS —— TEDA Line  (cherry line)

TIS —— various locations as needed (Watermelon) TIS bus driver

Computer Bags

All 7th and 8th grade students are required to have a padded computer bag with handles to be used for carrying the MacBooks at all times. Stylish computer bags are available for purchase at TIS for 200 RMB.

iPad Cases

All 6th grade students are required to have a strong and durable case to protect their iPad.  Cases are available at TIS for purchase.

Handbook Forms

All middle school students must provide their signature (and at least one parent signature) on the Consent form after reading the Student Handbook.  The student handbook also contains the Acceptable Use Policy. Students and parents should have received an email containing the Student Handbook.

6th grade students also must provide their signature (and at least one parent signature) on the THINK policy.  Parents of 6th graders should have received the THINK form during the iPad meeting on August 14.

These forms are due by August 25

Parent Involvement in 1:1 Computing

Student use of computers and iPads on campus will be monitored. We encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring off-campus use of computers and iPads. Here are a few simple suggestions:

Parents can have their child provide them with the child’s computer username and password

Parents can insist on computer use being in a public place (rather than in the privacy of the bedroom) and at appropriate times

Parents can make use of weekly e-mail reports of student computer use to help their child grow in making wise choices.

Fall Camp 2014

Fall Camp 2014 is September 3-5 (Wednesday-Friday). This will give students an opportunity to build cross-grade relationships through our "Houses" early in the school year. Have questions? Contact Mr. McElroy, our fearless Middle School Fall Camp Director

High School Announcements


Welcome to TIS, new high school students! It's good to have you join us. Welcome back, returning high school students! I look forward to a good year of learning and growing together.

High School Schedules

All high school students should have received a schedule via e-mail. Students can change their schedules through the ‘add and drop’ process.  Please note the following from the school handbook:  "Students may add a course only within the first two weeks of a semester.  Students may drop a course only within the first four weeks of a semester without the semester grade resulting in an "F," unless the principal grants permission.  Due to performance constraints, vocal and instrumental music classes may only be dropped within the first two weeks of a semester."  Add and drop forms can be picked up outside Mr. Luman’s office.

Fall Play Auditions

This year's High School Fall Play is a combination of one-acts entitled Ladies in Waiting and A Mad Breakfast. Auditions are this Thursday, August 21st, from 3:30-4:30. Callbacks are on Friday, August 22nd, from 3:30-4:30. The cast list will be posted on Monday, August 25th. Feel free to contact the director, Miss Keith, at kkeith@tiseagles.com with any questions.

Handbook Forms

All high school students must provide their signature (and at least one parent signature) on the Consent form after reading the Student Handbook.  The student handbook contains the Athletics Policy and the Acceptable Technology Use Policy. Students have access to the handbook through the High School Students Moodle page.  The handbook commitment forms are due by Monday, August 25.

Parent Involvement in 1:1 Computing

Student use of computers on campus will be monitored. We encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring off-campus use of computers. Here are a few simple suggestions:

Parents can have their child provide them with the child’s computer username and password.

Parents can limit computer use to public areas of the home and within reasonable time limits.

Parents can sit down with their child and review e-mails, Internet history, etc. and chat about effective time use and wise and safe Internet use.

Secondary Open House

Parents of secondary students (grades 6-12) are invited to attend our annual Secondary Open House on Friday evening, August 22.   This is a great opportunity to meet teachers and learn about TIS courses.  The Open House will begin in the Auditorium at 6:45 pm, and will end around 9:00 pm.  Bussing information is as follows:


6:00pm      YG100 (side gate/main gate)—— TIS(two big school busses)

6:10pm       Ban Dao Hao Ting —— TIS  (one big school bus)

6:05pm       Aocheng —— TIS(two big school busses)

6:05pm       Aocheng —— 6: 20 Haiyichangzhou (main gate) —— TIS (one big school bus)

Note:  TEDA parents can ride to school when the 3:30 bus returns to TIS.

Note:  There will be a small van to take secondary TEDA students from TIS to TEDA, leaving at 5:10 pm.

Returns at 9:30PM

TIS —— YG100(Side /main gate)(two big school busses)

TIS —— Ban Dao Hao Ting  (Two big school buses)

TIS  ——  Aocheng(three big school busses)

TIS —— Subway station-----Haiyichangzhou——-YG100(one big school bus)

TIS —— TEDA Line  (cherry line)

TIS —— various locations as needed (Watermelon) TIS bus driver

Fall Camp

Fall Camp 2014 will be held September 3-5 (Wednesday through Friday).   This will give students an opportunity to build cross-grade relationships right from the start of school!  The high school Fall Camp theme and teams will be announced Friday, August 22, with more detailed information to follow.

Athletic Announcements

Welcome back Eagles!

We are excited that our athletic program will begin shortly after the school year starts. This fall our HS will play volleyball and MS will play soccer. We hope to see you on the field or court to improve your skills and have some good teamwork. We hope you enjoy the season and learn as much as you can. Best wishes to all of you! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us.

TIS Athletic Department

Mr. Strong nstrong@tiseagles.com and Mr. Cheng ccheng@tiseagles.com

Schedule for August

August 20th High School volleyball begins (Practices take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays)

August 26th Middle School Soccer begins (Practices take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays)

August 30th First HS Game - Varsity Volleyball Boys @ WAB vs. WAB and HIS; Girls @ HIS vs. HIS and WAB

Dates to Remember

August 20

HS Volleyball Begins

August 21

High School Fall Play Auditions

August 22

6th Grade Parent Dinner 5PM - 6:30PM

Secondary Open House

August 26

Middle School Soccer Begins

August 28-29

Yearbook Photos

August 29

ECC and Elementary Open House

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