
For many parents, the convenience of knowing where their kids are at all times is more than enough to warrant the price of a smart phone. In fact, a solid 90% of children under the age of 16 in the UK have a mobile. But as with anything else, smart phones come with both their pros and their cons, and when you’re talking about kids, the issue gets even trickier.

There is a lot of peace of mind that comes from being able to contact your child wherever they are, and them being able to contact you. Missed buses are no longer a problem, and the days of yelling your child’s name up and down the street to try and find them are gone. Along with that peace of mind though, comes the niggling worry that every parent is used to having: is my child really safe?

From cyber bullying to inappropriate web content, being able to contact strangers, being able to rack up hefty cell phone bills, all these things come to mind when we start thinking about the dangers of impressionable kids using a mobile. And truth be told, those dangers do exist. There’s no avoiding the fact that you do run a risk by giving your child a mobile.

And add to that the fact that you might not be savvy enough to protect them, and the situation gets even more worrying. Most parents can remember the days before smart phones, and as much as we’d like to think that we’re on top of the tech things in life, our kids just might be better. Today’s generation grew up with the internet, smart phones, apps, and to them all these things are simply second nature.

As a parent, protecting your child is of utmost importance. But the technological world changes quickly, not to mention how fast the trends and fads of an adolescent’s world transform. There are plenty of general safety statements around that aim to help you protect your child and his phone, but these just aren’t enough. Checking your kid’s Facebook chat messages might seem like a great thing to do, until you realise that more and more kids aren’t using Facebook chat anymore. It’s just not cool. So which app are you supposed to be checking?

If you really want to be on top of protecting your kid from the potential dangers of smart phone use, then the infographic below is exactly what you’ve been looking for. Don’t know your Snapchat from your Kik? You can bet that your kid does, so maybe it’s time that you got with the programme and found out precisely how to protect a modern kid from the dangers of the modern world.

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How to Protect Your Children on Their Smartphone

At the start of the 2014-2015 school year, 59% of UK parents reported that they planned on getting a smartphone for their children. And smartphones have plenty of apps to entertain children, help them with their homework, and more. But just like anything else that’s connected to the internet, parents need to make sure their kids are safe while using smartphones. Here are some tips on how they can do that.

Basic Best Practices

The Internet Keep Safe Coalition–a nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping children safe online–recommends that children understand the 3 Cs of the internet:

Contact – Do your children really know that person they’re friending on social media?

Content – Is the content your child is watching appropriate for their age or maturity level?

Conduct -Is your child bullying or being bullied by others while online?

Parents should speak to their children about what other kids are doing with their phones. This will help parents:

Understand what their children see as social norms

Better explain to their children what is and is not appropriate

Parents should set clear guidelines for their children regarding certain topics, including:

Texting while driving (for those with teens)

Texting while driving makes accidents 23 times more likely to occur


Sending sexually inappropriate pictures or messages is not only unacceptable, those message are permanent and can easily be shared with others

Phone-free times

Consider making certain times, such as family meals or from 9 PM to 8 AM, phone-free times

Kids can place their phone in a certain area, or parents can restrict phone usage at specific times by managing their data plan


Let children know that they can speak to you if someone harasses them online or through text

Children should also be aware of the harm they can cause by bullying or abusing others

Sharing their personal information

Personal information, such as full name, address, or phone number should:

Never be given out to strangers

Not be posted online where anyone can see it

Making in-app purchases

Many apps (not just games) allow users to purchase additional content and features

Children should know whether they are allowed to make purchases, and if not, the consequences for purchasing things without parental permission

In addition to speaking to their children, parents can go through their service providers and directly manage smartphone usage through their data plan. Many service providers allow parents to:

Set limits on texts, data, purchases or voice minutes

Receive alerts on phone activity

Monitor number of texts and other usage

Review and block contacts

Review apps (and add money to be used to purchase apps)

Lock phone usage on-demand or at specific times

N.B. Please be aware that children may be able to get around parental settings by accessing public WiFi.

How to Keep Kids Safe on Popular Apps

To comply with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), most services like Facebook and Snapchat require their users to be at least 13 years old. Keep in mind children can lie about their age in order to sign up for sites.

If parents allow their children to use these apps, they should know the following:



What it is:

Users can send photos and videos that delete themselves after a few seconds


May encourage risky behavior

Teens may think that since the inappropriate photo or video will be deleted, it doesn’t matter

Pictures and videos are not gone forever

With technical knowhow, they can be retrieved

A screenshot of the screen with another device can also capture the image

What to do:

Ensure children know that anything digital (including “self-destructing” pictures and videos) can still be shared with others

Manage account settings so that your child can only receive pictures from their friends list, as opposed to everyone

Follow up by monitoring their friends list

Kik Messenger

Kik Messenger

What it is:

A texting app that doesn’t limit number of characters or texts

Many services that allow parents to limit texts will not affect messages on Kik


Kik has numerous ads and in-app purchases

It’s easy for children to contact people they don’t know on Kik

What to do:

Review your child’s contact list

Make sure your children know they should never share personal information with someone on Kik (or any other app)

Kik users have the option to turn on a feature called Address Book Matching that connects the user to other people in their contact list

Keep this feature turned off, and only people who know your child’s username will be able to contact them



What it is:

Popular social media network

Users can send messages, share posts and pictures and connect with people around the world


Easy to post personal things publically

Photos, statuses, and other things posted on Facebook may be visible to people that shouldn’t see them

Both college admission officers and potential employers may check your teenager’s social media presence

Even old posts can affect children in the future

What to do:

Manage privacy settings

Users can choose whether to share things publically or only with their friends

Kids should know they don’t have control over who shares their information once it’s posted

Review your child’s friends list and messages



What it is:

A photo and video sharing/editing app that allows users to comment on and share their photos and videos publicly or with their followers


Unless users modify their privacy settings, everything they share will be public

Everything users share can easily be shared with others (even if they don’t want them to be)

What to do:

Ensure your child’s account is private

Only their approved followers will be able to see their photos

It’s still possible to find and connect with someone even if they have a private profile

Parental Control/Monitoring Apps to Consider

Many phones offer parental controls. While each phone is different, parental controls can generally be found in the phone’s settings.

Apple products:

Setting → General → Restrictions

Android devices:

Settings → Add user or profile

From here, parents can: Toggle on/off apps they want their child to access (including internet browsers)

To restrict app/in-app purchases parents must access the Google Play account – Settings → Change account so any purchase requires their password

They should also modify their account (in Security) so that apps can only be downloaded from the Google Play store

Windows phones:

Go to My Family on the Windows phone website

Manage their “Family,” which includes: Parental accounts & Child accounts

Once in My Family, parents just have to click on “Change settings”

Generally, parental controls allow parents to:

Restrict purchases

Add a password to the phone

Block off apps

Remove the ability to change privacy settings

And more

Parents can also use apps to keep their kids safe:

Mobile Guardian

Mobile Guardian

Available on: Apple, Android, Blackberry and Kindle

Cost: Can pay monthly or annually

Features (Note: Features are available on all devices):

Remove ability to text while driving

Block off periods of time when the device cannot be used

View and block contacts

Receive web browsing reports

Receive an email if phone turns off or goes out of reach

Locate and track device

Screen Time


Available on: Android

Cost: Can pay monthly, biannually, or annually


Manage times when the device can be used

Set timers for apps

Once a time limit has been passed, the app can’t be used until a password is entered

Allow certain apps not to be used during school or bedtime

Parents can add additional time usage as a reward

For example, give more screentime when kids complete their chores

Receive reports when children buy apps and on general app usage

Parents can pause children’s devices from their own phones



Available on: Apple, Android and Kindle

Cost: Free version is available, but with limited features. Subscriptions available with annual payments


Schedule times when the device can be used

Monitor social media usage (including Twitter and Facebook)

Advanced Facebook monitoring features include:

Status updates

Relationship status updates

Pictures uploaded

Track device location

Block specific games and apps

Monitor apps, search, and web usage (and ensure SafeSearch is used)

Net Nanny


Available on: Apple, Android and Windows

Cost: A variety of licenses and subscriptions are available; Prices vary by device

Features (Note: Features depend on the license chosen):

Filter web searching

Set times when the device can/cannot be used

Block porn

Mask profanity

Choose which apps can and cannot be used

Monitor social media usage

Receive activity reports



Available on: Apple and Android

Cost: Users pay monthly for control over unlimited devices

Features (More features are available for Apple than Android):

Monitor messages (text, Kik and WhatsApp)

Can see sent, received and deleted text messages

See incoming and outgoing calls (including numbers and call duration)

View browsing and search history

Track current phone location, as well as location history

View social media activity

Only requires child’s user info to access the device

My Mobile Watchdog

My Mobile Watchdog

Available on: Apple and Android

Cost: Monthly subscription after a two-week free trial

Features (Note: Many features are not available on Apple devices):

Manage contact list

Receive alerts when user contacts anyone besides those on the “Approved Contacts” list

Block specific websites and apps

Manage times when the device can be used

Monitor pictures sent and received

Review web usage and visited websites

Review text and call histories

Zoodles Kid Mode

Zoodles Kid Mode

Available on: Apple and Android

Cost: Free, though a paid premium account offers additional features


Parents can create a digital “playground” on their device

Includes free educational games, videos, and storybooks

Children cannot leave the playground without parental permission

On the premium version parents can:

Block specific apps, sites, or characters

Receive reports on which subjects kids are spending time on

Add non-Zoodles apps (like Angry Birds)

Record themselves reading a storybook

Receive video from trusted people

Set time limits on how long the device can be used for


MM Guardian

Available on: Android

Cost: Monthly and annual subscriptions are available


Parents can monitor devices from their own phones or a website

Lock and unlock device remotely

Set time limits (for the device in general or specific apps)

Track location (on-demand or at specific times)

Monitor texts and calls

Option to receive more detailed reports on calls and texts

Set up alerts if certain keywords appear in texts

Web filters

Prevent phone use while driving (above 10mph)

Whether parents decide to rely on apps, phone settings, or simply talking to their children to keep them safe, they need to be aware of the risks smartphones can pose to their children. Just like with every other portal to the internet, parents should make sure their children understand the dangers posed by their online activities. Posting a private picture or firing off an angry tweet may have consequences years in the future.




Basic Best Practices








How to Keep Kids Safe on Popular Apps












Parental Control / Monitoring Apps
















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