
Unlock Premiere Pro's Extra Superpowers

You might know Adobe Premiere Pro as an powerful non-linear video editing program, but did you know that your NLE can do all sorts of things besides editing? In this article, we've compiled over a hundred freebies to help you supercharge Premiere—presets, templates, plug-ins—plus a few of our favourite items from VideoHive. With these add-ons you might not need to leave Premiere ever again!

Premium Premiere Pro Add-Ons

While the free stuff below is pretty amazing, sometimes you need tools that just work, right from the get-go. VideoHive has perfect add-ons for every video project. Here are a few of our recommendations for Adobe Premiere Pro:

Light Leaks and Bokehs Vol

This pack contains 15 Full HD ready to use light leaks and Bokehs.
Very simple to use: drop it over your current footage and composite using Add or Screen blend modes.
They can be used alone or combined with each other.
Change the opacity for softer look.

The YouTuber Pack

Youtubers! This is your complete kit. The entire underlying logic of this asset pack has been reworked so all Adobe Premiere-only users can benefit.

Includes ten logo reveals, ten lower thirds, ten transitions, six end
cards, three side-info, six screens and a top-ten transition. Simply
swap the placeholders with your own text and logos, adjust colors
so it matches your identity and all that is left is making your video.
No more time-wasting on After Effects animations.

Fresh Titles: Auto-Resizing Animated Typography Text Pack

Auto-size your typography with this text pack: all elements chang depending on text size. It's easy change colors, shapes size, spacing and more. Use markers for change speed and duration, and the second line auto-align feature to keep everything looking perfect.

Includes 16 unique titles in 4K, 2K, FullHD & HD resolutions. Uses universalized expressions, work with any font, no plugins required.

Anamorphic Lens Flare and Light Transitions Bundle V2

Anamorphic Lens Flare & Light Transition Bundle is an essential stock footage element pack—ideal for music videos, films,
commercials or any other media format.

All elements have been filmed with top class lenses over black.
To apply, simply overlay above your footage and change the blending mode
to Screen or Add. Use individually to screen over your footage or
combine and mix different flares to create your own and add a high
quality production value to your videos.

Features 40 real organic optical lens flares and 15 unique cinematic full-frame light leak transitions.

Glitch Transitions

A set of 21 glitch transitions to add some crusty digital-analog grit to your project. Import, add to your timeline, and go.

15 Massive Light Transitions Pack

This collection of 15 light transitions will give your footage massively flashy light transitions. Send glowing sparks flying everywhere! Very easy to use: just drag the ready-made comps over your footage. A pdf help file is included.

Freeze Frames: Comic Pack V2

In much less time and with very little effort you can turn your intro movie into a Hollywood-like freeze frame intro! Use it for movie intros, Youtube channel clips, home videos, student projects or just for fun to impress your friends.

Simply replace the placeholder footage and move it into the desired position to achieve the perfect freeze frame effect. Then use the Shape Mask tool to reveal the background to increase awe-effect and impact!

Freebies for Premiere Pro

Free Presets for Adobe Premiere Pro

Presets are a collection of settings: they provide a quick way to create a look.

Deadpool Handheld Camera Presets: "These are real camera shake presets, made from actual shots with a real
camera—not some digitally created wiggle. That makes them truly
organic and real looking. And of course, they’re all GPU accelerated and
will work in real-time in Premiere Pro.”

Jarle's Premiere Pro Presets Version 3.0: "The 1.0 and 2.0 versions of my presets have been downloaded more than
130,000 times, and are used daily by documentary film editors, wedding
video makers, students, and even by big broadcast companies. Now, you
can download version 3.0 for Premiere Pro CC 2014.2, with even more cool
and useful presets."

TV Scan Lines: "This popular “this-is-shown-on-a-screen” effect can easily
be achieved with these Premiere Pro titles. Just import these into your
project and throw them on a track above the clips that need this effect.
Change blend mode to Multiply, and you’re all set. TV Scan Lines in a few seconds!"

The Mars Man Lumetri Look: "Take your sci-fi to the Red Planet with this dusty Lumetri Look that is a total recall to blockbuster hits like The Martian."

Magnificent West Lumetri Look: "Inspired by the glorious westerns of the 1960s and 70s, this faded Lumetri Look brings down the saturation in favor of the dry and beautiful landscapes of films like The Magnificent Seven."

Saving Bryan Lumetri Look: "Get the nearly mandatory bleach bypass look of war epics, reminiscent of the actual WWII newsreels that inspired the color of films like Saving Private Ryan and shows like Band of Brothers."

Dr. Oddlove Lumtri Look: "A simple faded black and white Lumetri Look that will make you wish for one of them doomsday machines, just like the one in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb."

Knife Jogger Lumtri Look: "The futuristic Blade Runner inspired orange and teal look that has defined action films and studio blockbusters."

Illinois Jones Lumtri Look

Raging Mule Lumtri Look

O Mother Lumtri Look

Furiosa Lumtri Look

Amelia Lumtri Look

May Tricks Lumtri Look

Hogwash Express Lumtri Look

Maximus Lumtri Look

Versus Lumtri Look

CinemaFX presets: "Here are 56 presets for Adobe Premiere Pro that will give your videos a more cinematic coloring look.  The presets are totally free."

Andy's Region Tool: "Apply effects only to the part of the image that need it."

Andy's Elastic Aspect: "Stretch footage to fit a standard 16:9 frame."

Andy's Safe Guides: " Display a variety of safe area overlays."

Andy's Gradient Filter: "Add a neutral density graduated filter to your clips."

Andy's Better 3D: "Easy adjustments in 3D space for your 2D content."

Andy's Swish Transitions: "Swish dissolve and swish pan transitions."

Pan and Zoom: Create the photo animation style made popular by Ken Burns. Achieve stunning results without a single keyframe.

Bart's Keyboard Shortcuts

Vashi's 12-Pack Audio Presets: "Includes: Boost Dialog Clarity, Boost Dialog Presence, Boom Room Killer, Dialog Brighten (add after applying Boom Room Killer), Dirty Phone, Male Dialog Power, Music Hole for Dialog, Old Telephone, Radio Tower Dialog, Remove Nasal Dialog, Thicken Female Dialog, Top and Bottom Cut."

Scatter Text Transition: "Here’s a neat little Premiere Pro preset I made that animates text on and off."

Free Templates for Adobe Premiere Pro

Templates include more than just settings, and range from simple animations to full-scale projects.

Cover Flow Template: "This template enables you to quickly make a cover flow sequence in
Premiere Pro CC, and easily edit it. It’s as simple as putting your
source videos in the source timelines. Then go to the main timeline and
play, render or export. Now you can create cool cover flow sequences in a
couple of minutes, entirely inside Premiere Pro, using built-in effects
only. No third party plugins!"

Comic Book Animation in 3D: "With this free Premiere Pro template project you can use your own
video clips and create this animation in seconds. Made entirely inside
of Premiere Pro CC using built-in effects only. A users manual is
included in the project file."

Star Wars Text: "Here’s a fun project template that mimics the iconic Star Wars opening titles.
Just edit the text, and you’re good to go! The project is made in
1080p50 format, but can easily be changed to whatever you need. As
always: The template and the music are free, and you can use them for whatever you want."

Camera POV Templates: "Here are two simple Camera Point-of-View templates. Both of them free!
Use the DSLR one (made by me) to simulate the viewfinder of a DSLR
camera. Use the other one (generously contributed by Immanuel Heims) to
simulate a Video Camera viewfinder."

Slide Show Projector Template:
"Free template you can use to make your own Slide Show Projector effect

in Premiere Pro. Just throw in your own video or stills, and hit Play!
Everything is free—even the music, textures and sound FX."

Notepad Paper Template:
"This Premiere Pro CC template enables you to quickly
put an image and a text onto the board. Provide your own photo – the
rest is included. Everything (yes, I mean everything) except the texture
and the photo was created from scratch in Premiere. That includes the
notepad paper and the push pin, the shadows, the crimps and the image
frame. And it’s free!"

Premiere Pro Title Collection:
"Here’s a useful collection of Premiere Pro titles. You
get three Lower Thirds templates, an End Credit template, a collection
of special characters that you can copy/paste into other titles, a Push
Pin (!), an empty title with Arial font at 40 px that you can set as
your default title and a subtitle template with a clever bounding box.
Everything is free, and can be used on any project – even commercial

Video Reflection: "With this cool Premiere Pro template project, you can create the popular video reflection look in mere seconds!
Literally! You no longer need to build this time consuming effect from
scratch. Just import the matching sequence from this template project
into your own project, swap the clip in the Source sequence with your
own footage, and you’re done. Super easy!"

Night Vision Binoculars HUD: "Here’s a free Premiere Pro project template that mimics Night Vision
Binoculars. It doesn’t look much like any existing binoculars, but it
looks pretty cool. It’s made entirely in Premiere Pro, and can easily be
customized. The project is made in 1080p50, but can easily be adapted
to other formats."

Vashi Visuals Pancake Timeline: "Adobe Premiere Pro CC template with two timelines for easier editing."

Free Plugins for Adobe Premiere Pro

Plugins are small programs that extend the functionality of Premiere, allowing you to do things you couldn't do otherwise.

OpenEXR Premiere
plug-in: "OpenEXR is the visual effects industry-standard floating
point file format and the best format to use when working with 32-bit
HDR imagery. Access all the capabilities of OpenEXR from within Adobe
Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro using ProEXR."

Atomic Stretch (Windows and Mac): "Atomic Stretch enables real-time video-retargetting in After Effects and Premiere, converting from and to any aspect ratio!"

CoreMelt Free: "Analog Glitch, Old TV, Blowout, God Rays, Advanced Vignette, RGB Levels and Curves, Soft Edge Wipe, and more!"

Feathered Crop: "This plugin allows for cropping your image, both inside or outside,
and to add feather to the cropped borders. It can also fill in the
outside of the cropped area with color and add border to your cropped
image. Graphic UI available. Supports 8, 16 and 32 bit depth. In
Premiere Pro it works in RGB and YUV color spaces."

Power Window: "This plugin allows to create a power window on the source clip. Both
rectangular and elliptical shapes are supported. They can be
repositioned and rotated. Both the inside, and the outside can have
offset, gamma, gain and saturation adjusted globally, and if need be, on
the channel-by-channel basis (RGB)."

Pure Contrast: "This plugin allows you to add or remove contrast to your image without affecting its true saturation."

Simple Mask: "This plugin allows to create a simple alpha mask on the source clip and composite it with the existing alpha channel by adding, subtracting or intersecting. Both rectangular and elliptical shapes are supported. They can be repositioned and rotated."

Temperature: "This plugin allows you to adjust temperature and tint of your footage, similarly to the effect achieved by the similar controls in SpeedGrade."

Vignette: "This plugin allows to create a vignette on the source clip. Both rectangular and elliptical vignettes are supported. Vignettes can be repositioned and rotated, applied in any color and blending mode available, to the inside or to the outside. Alternatively only the mask can be rendered, replacing the source layer altogether or the vignette can be filled with transparency."

Your Favourites

What are your favourites? Did we miss any must-have freebies? Let us know in the comments!

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