Finding Unstoppable
Last week I was feeling off. From the outside everything about my life looked picture perfect:
There I was, taking a Saturday morning drive with the love-of-my-life husband of 27 years, a cup of fresh coffee in hand as we drove to our winter nirvana: nearby cross country skiable snow.
Good Health? Check
Four Kids Thriving? Check
Relationships? Check, Check, Check
Yet, I was feeling totally annoyed inside. My responses to my husband were sprinkled with it, and I became more aware.
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s bugging me, but I got this.
I will work on it and turn it around.”
My best turn-arounds begin in the woods: skiing, biking, running or walking. Five minutes into my ski, I realized I was irritated with myself. Ten months ago, I promised my two oldest kids and myself that I was going to put them in charge of their own cell phone bills. Every time I thought of it, I stopped myself.
“What if they can’t pull it all off? What if it makes things harder for them?”
I found my unstoppable: “Of course they can!”
I stopped skiing right then and sent them both a text. defining the new plan and start date. Phew!
A few more minutes of skiing, fresh air and listening, I realized I was stopping a big goal of my own. For a long time, I have been promising myself to turn some of our curriculum into online classes. (Over the years, I have had more false starts than successes in that area.)
“What if I can’t pull it all off? What if it turns into a dead-end again?”
Aware of what I was focusing on, I found my unstoppable:
“Of course I can do this. I just need to take the next step”.
On Monday, we met with someone who shared a whole new idea on how to animate Energy Bubbles and he has the expertise to make it happen!
What change have you been wanting to take place?
Where do you go for clarity and inspiration?
Do you have an appointment with that place or person scheduled? The things you want to see happen matter. Make the date!
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The post appeared first on THRIVE! Human Capital Development.