


Be Sure to Download Our Report for Financial

Advisors and Life Insurance Agents

"How To Producers Generate Their Own Leads"


Introduction 7

AChange in Your Paradigm 9

Change in Mindset 13

Million-Dollar Producers are Sales Professionals 14

The Fear 16

Hire a Service Assistant 17

Automate Your Marketing 18

Million-Dollar Producers Have Other People

Bring Them Business 19

Hosts Who Can Bring You Business 22

Unlikely Hosts 23

Million-Dollar Producers Specialize 24

The Unique Selling Proposition and Target Market 24

Focus 26

The Unique Selling Proposition 28


Your Biography 29

Million-Dollar Producers Have a Programmed

Revenue Stream 30

Big Producers Work On Their Business,

Not In Their Business 32

Million-Dollar Producers Develop Their

People (Sales) Skills 33

Make Your Initial Interview Different

Than Anything They've Ever Seen 34

The Second Meeting 37

Ultimate Credibility 39

Action List 41

The financial advising business will get tougher. Why? Because your prospects are getting smarter. Are you getting smarter, too? Fifteen years ago, stockbrokers had an edge in that people had to call them for midday quotes. Financial professionals also had an edge, as they had product information and the prospect did not. That's all changed. If all you've got is product information, your days are numbered.

The broader your knowledge base, the more you stay one step ahead of your prospects. As they get smarter, so must you. If you stay wedded to selling only one product, don't be surprised if it gets harder to do business. People want advice. Not product advice, but rather, financial advice. Start giving it and start charging for it! (Addressed later.)

This is the millennium of self-learning. Those advisors who continually expand their knowledge base and apply what they've learned will win. Sadly, those who tread in one place will lose.

This book was written to help you establish and clarify your own unique approach, allowing you to distinguish yourself from every other advisor in town.

So let's get started.

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A Change in Your Paradigm

To be a million-dollar-plus producer, you must think like an owner 100% of the time and not like an employee. Most advisors are caught somewhere in the middle. You realize you are in your own business, but you don't act like it. A business has structure, procedures, employees who do the work, and a way to consistently generate business. As the owner, your job is to design and manage this business, not to do the work.

But I know that if I were to come to your office on Monday, and you were the typical successful $300,000 to

$500,000 producer, I would see little structure, a lack of written procedures, and a lack of adequate staffing. I would also witness you reacting to calls and to the market, and I'd see a lot of low-level activity on your part that does not produce revenue.

Most advisors are stuck at a low level of…

Read and Review the full paper at TheWinnower.com

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