Bigger, but not better?: Warsaw could become one of the largest European cities by annexing surrounding suburbs and cities, but the city’s government is adamantly opposed to the idea and hopes residents will be, too.
Moving on up: Barb Chamberlain of the former WA Bikes–now a part of Cascade Bicycle Club–is headed to the Washington State Department of Transportation to lead their new Active Transportation Division.
All-way: The Seattle Department of Transportation is looking to do some more analysis of an all-way walk intersection at Broadway and John next to the light rail station.
Empty: The Brookings Institute takes a look at whether or not the Trump administration can rollback President Obama’s emissions and fuel efficiency standards for light-duty vehicles.
Structural problem: The building reviewer and inspector profession is an important of development control, but the average age of professionals in the field is rising, which could spell trouble in the years ahead.
Transit solutions: Seattle Transit Blog suggests that Metro could use a low-tech solution to indicate where the bus won’t stop on snow reroutes and that with the One Center City plan moving forward, better bus-rail connections at UW Station are needed now more than ever.
See the city: Our friend Chuck Wolfe has a new book out on how to better see your city.
Poisonous ideology: The Trumpian government’s attack on environmental regulations will lead to terrible outcomes.
Car lobbyist: Elon Musk’s “cure’ for America’s traffic woes with tunnels is an exceedingly absurd idea.
Less than an arcade game: Apparently licensing the Pac-Man pavement park isn’t costing the city a cent.
Microlife: CityLab explores what life is like in a microhousing here in Seattle.
Take a hint: Venture capitalist Chris Hansen who lost his bid for a street vacation to build his sports arena in SoDo isn’t giving up and hopes to push the Seattle City Council to reconsider.
Map of the Week: In the mode of Sound Transit’s regional transit map, a budding cartographer adds to it by including the 2041 network.