
Pictured Above: Two of the most useless things known to man

By Gary P Jackson

Consider the much maligned male hog. A very useful animal whose inclusion of mammalian glands has been the subject of ridicule, and Southern slang, for generations. It’s become accepted fact that nothing on earth is more useless than “tits on a boar hog.” Friends, I’m hear to tell you, that after generations of learned discussions and scientific study, we have, in fact, found something that is not only more useless than said mammary glands on a male pig [generally considered them most useless things on earth] but to also dispel the notion that “tits on a boar hog” are, in fact, useless in any way.

First lets talk about pigs, then males, period [all of which are endowed with mammary glands]

Far from useless, pig farmers actually rely on the mammary glands of the domesticated pig to accurately predict the number of offspring that will be produced after mating said pig to a female pig. In fact, the number of teats on a male hog is said to be THE most important thing in hog production. The more teats the better! You see, it’s a very accurate predictor of how many babies will be produced after a mating. 14 seems to be the minimum number of teats desired, and it’s a 1:1 ratio of teats on the male hog to babies produced. [14 teats = 14 little piglets!] In fact the only useless males hogs, to breeders anyhow, are the ones with fewer than 14! Again, the more the merrier!

But lets consider the male mammal in general. Why would a guy need a mammary gland and what we are really talking about?: Nipples. Some would say “ appearance ,” which is true enough, but the real answer is timing.

According to scientists, in the mother’s womb all babies start out as female, and minus the male chromosomes, things stay that way. But it’s even simpler than that. You see, it’s a matter of timing. After the embryo is fertilized, and production on the baby is started, it takes a bit of time for all things to come together and determine what sex the baby will be. Meanwhile, the baby’s body, or “outer shell” if you will, is already developing, out of necessity. It’s simply easier for a baby, in the early stages of production, to be “fitted” in a manner which could accommodate a male or female, thus nipples on the male. There are other, more graphic similarities in early production, but you can go read a book to learn that!

BTW, automobile manufacturers use the same sort of production techniques!

Many autos, especially those with numerous options, are built to accommodate any and all varieties of a certain model, using block-off plates or having possibly unused brackets, as it’s cheaper and more efficient to build a car that can accommodate any option, from the outset, rather than having to add various brackets or have different fascias and such, for different models. Note this applies to less expensive models more than high-end luxo-barges.

Nowhere in automotive manufacturing is this seen than on your dashboard. Especially if you buy economy models that offer an upscale version. If you really cheaped-out and bought the “econo-maxx” version of whatever soul sucking appliance that sits in your driveway, you’ll find numerous block-off plates on your dashboard, or areas that can be punched-out to install more accessories. These serve two important functions, beyond not forcing the manufacturer to create numerous dashboards for each car line, thus making each car more expensive. These block-off plates keep you from having a bunch of holes in your dash, and serve to remind you what a cheap bastard you are!

The bottom line though is dashboards with block-off plates, like males with mammary glands, and most especially male swine, are VERY useful. Far more useful than ….

…. the Republican Party “leadership” [pictured below]

In fact, the GOP is so useless we should change the old saying “useless as tits on a boar hog” to “useless as the GOP” and do it now! In fact, while conventional wisdom says the pig and his predicament is the most useless, we can, with great confidence, say to you, absolutely NOTHING on earth is, or has ever been, more useless than the Republican Party “leadership.”

This isn’t a new thing, by any stretch of the imagination, and there isn’t enough bandwidth in all of computerdom to list the various ways the GOP “ leadership ” is completely useless, but here are some highlights [lowlights, actually] of GOP uselessness.

One only has to look to the 2014 elections, and it’s aftermath, to see what a complete failure the GOP “leadership,” and it’s consultant class, is.

The American people spoke loud and clear in 2014! Not only did the tell the GOP they wanted them to fight Obama and his vile Anti-American democrats tooth and nail, giving them a historic majority in Congress, they also gave Republicans across the nation, even in deep blue states, resounding victories. For the first time in modern history Republicans control the majority of statehouses nationwide. They have controlled the majority of Governorships for some time now, with that number growing in 2014.

The American people could not have spoken more clearly.

The results of this historic majority for Republicans? Complete and total capitulation to Obama and his democrats. Absolute unconditional surrender.

There were two HUGE things driving voters to give the GOP an overwhelming majority nationwide: ObamaCare and amnesty for illegal invaders. Every single Republican, including crapweasels John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, ran on a total 100% repeal of ObamaCare. Where are we? Nowhere. Many of these GOP clowns are now talking about keeping the “good parts” of ObamaCare, parts that, of course, do not exist. So much for serving the American people. The majority of Americans opposed ObamaCare from the start. Opposition was so strong it helped fuel the creation of the Tea Party. Opposition has only grown much stronger since. ObamaCare was “deemed passed” in the middle of the night, using an illegal parliamentary procedure, without a single Republican vote, and few if any, democrats even read the damned bill.

The GOP took the Obama regime to court, but never used the argument that “deeming” legislation passed, without an actual, lawful vote, is … in fact … illegal. This allowed the Supreme Court, thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts, to save Obama and his democrats, by simply declaring ObamaCare a tax, something Obama’s own lawyers had strenuously argued it was NOT.

BTW, had far left “republican” Olympia Snowe not voted for cloture, so as not to “stand in the way of history” it’s unlikely ObamaCare would even exist today. Satan, undoubtedly, has a very warm place reserved for Maine’s curse on the American people, when she finally leaves for the after-life.

So, as much as we blame Obama and his viciously Anti-American democrats, it was the actions of a beloved member of the Republican Establishment who is actually responsible for ObamaCare. Far more useless to Liberty and Freedom than tits on a boar hog!

BTW, if you aren’t up on ancient GOP history, when the socialists under FDR created Social Security, a good idea in theory, but fatally flawed in execution, the democrats again argued it wasn’t a tax, only to see the High Court not only proclaim it a tax, but contend it was a tax that could go into the general fund, and NOT in some sort of “lock box” only to be used for Social Security contributions and distributions. This in fact, turned Social Security, a noble idea as far as it goes, into the greatest Ponzi Scheme ever created.

Before you start the name calling, consider this:

In 1940, when benefits were low, and most people didn’t live very long after retiring, there were 42 workers paying into Social Security for every one retiree drawing benefits. By 1960, there were only 4.9 workers paying in, for every retiree taking out.

Houston, we have a problem!

As of 2012, there were no more than 2.8 workers paying in for every one retiree taking out, all this according to the Congressional Budget Office. Oh, and unlike 1940, when people routinely died at age 65, if not a little sooner, people now routinely live beyond the age of 80.

With all of the illegal aliens that both Obama and the bought and paid for GOP “leadership” are falling over themselves to give free stuff to [without these criminal invaders having paid in a dime!] were are rapidly approaching a turning point where more people will be taking money FROM Social Security than are paying in! This will, of course, mean the collapse of the entire American economy, something democrat extremists like Saul Alinsky and professors Cloward and Piven theorized would end the United States as founded, and lead to a new “ Utopian ” socialist regime. Obama has been following their playbooks to the letter, while the Republican Party “leadership” sits silent and cowers in fear.

Bernie Madoff is rotting in prison, serving a 150 year sentence, for a Ponzi Scheme a hell of a lot less evil and destructive than Social Security, as created by the democrat party, and allowed to continue by the feckless Republican Party “leadership.”

Now mind you, I think the idea of social security is valid, in a modern, vibrant society, even if some CITIZENS of said society may take out more than they pay in, due to disability and so on. It’s the WAY Social Security was created that is evil, as were the outright lies the democrat party told the American people [the same template used to “sell” ObamaCare] and of course, by allowing this evil, without a fight, the GOP shares the blame.

This man is far less evil than the democrats who created the Social Security Ponzi Scheme, and the Republicans who failed to stop it.

Now lets look at the other top concern of The American people: The 20-40 MILLION illegal aliens [not a single SOB knows the exact number] that are in our country. The Republicans have failed the people of the United States, and themselves, in numerous ways. The most egregious misstep is allowing the democrats to frame this as a debate on immigration, and not only allowing the democrats to use the term “immigration reform” but adopting the terminology themselves.

Lets get something straight right now. The question of illegal aliens has absolutely NOTHING to do with immigration.

Illegal aliens are NOT “immigrants” in any way shape or form. They are trespassers, criminal invaders. We have laws against this invasion, many laws. Of course, no one, IN EITHER PARTY is willing to actually enforce them. They’d rather play politics on the backs of these illegals.

Now it should go without saying, that illegals ARE people, and we wouldn’t be humans if we didn’t at least feel for them, on a basic level. BUT the law is the law. We have a LONG ESTABLISHED system for LEGAL immigration, as does every civilized nation on earth. The United States in the only nation on earth, thanks to corrupt, sleaze-bag politicians in BOTH parties, that would tolerate any measurable level of illegal alien invasion, let alone the tens of millions who live freely among us, with zero repercussions.

Of course, it’s worse than that. Thanks to the Anti-American democrats and the Bought and Paid for Republican Establishment™ illegals are now a protected class, who are actually treated better than actual U.S. Citizens, most especially military veterans, as evidenced by the VA scandals. While liberal extremists in both parties cry about “those in the shadows” and call those of us who want illegals removed from our country and our borders secured “racists and “xenophobes” illegals OPENLY protest, wear Obama shirts, and scream about the “Reconquista of the United States, the “retaking” of land they claim was “stolen” from them. Something they advocate by using violence if necessary, though they are accomplishing it, with the aid of democrats, by hurting our economy, and draining our welfare dollars.

Of course, using the logic of racist Hispanic supremacy groups like La Raza [literally, The Race] that would mean Mexico needs to give IT’S land back to Spain, who THEY “stole‘ it from, and then Spain would then be forced to dig up the Aztecs, and so on! That terrorist groups like La Raza are allowed to preach this BS, is a black eye on BOTH parties who bow at these groups’ feet. Of course, Obama and his kind actively work with the Muslim Brotherhood [al Qaeda] and other terrorist groups, without Republican “leadership” protest. And don’t forget, Republicans also refuse to address New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s LONG STANDING dirty ties to Hamas terrorists, choosing to attack and ridicule those who point them out, instead.

Sadly, as much as it seems so, the democrats don’t have a monopoly when it comes to siding with evil, over the American people, or decent human beings world wide. Liberals in BOTH parties are equally evil, with liberalism, not party, being the problem. Though, it must be noted the democrats purged absolutely everyone who WASN’T a far-left extremist, long ago. If only Republican voters could muster the energy and wherewithal to purge liberals from THEIR party! [which would mean removing the entire GOP “leadership“]

Allowing democrats to call illegal aliens “immigrants“, “ undocumented workers” and other such nonsense, is only the least evil thing the GOP has done.

You see, while the democrats are on the take from Wall Street, and those hoping to steal billions of dollars from tax payers, via various “green energy” schemes, Republicans are in the pocket of groups like the United States Chamber of Commerce, who want cheap labor, and never met an illegal invader they wouldn’t embrace. Who cares about the American people whose lives have been destroyed. Which is why the Republican Party “leadership” as well as every single prospective 2016 candidate, including the newest “conservative heartthrob” Scott Walker, have supported amnesty for a decade or more.

With nearly 93 MILLION Americans out of work, Americans who WANT to work, this amnesty the dirt bags in BOTH PARTIES support is nothing less than an act of treason against the United States and her people.Those supporting amnesty, in any way, should be dealt with accordingly. Sadly, all of this boils down to crony capitalism, something the Republican Establishment excels in!

It’s NOT just jobs though. It’s the human suffering. Illegals are often victimized by those who smuggle them here, though nowadays, it’s not hard to just cross over by ones self, as absolutely NOTHING will happen to you, if you do. The slave trade THRIVES because of our open borders, and the Republican Party’s co-conspiracy with the democrats.

But it’s even worse. IMMIGRANTS are subject to health screenings, and other routine checks. Illegals though, are not. Even all of those illegal children who invaded last Summer, many of them sick with exotic diseases, were secretly moved to cities all over the country, with little or no health screening. It’s no coincidence that we are seeing an alarming rise in diseases that were once considered completely wiped out in the United States and the rest of the civilized world. Deadly diseases that have claimed AMERICAN victims [all innocent AMERICAN children] in recent months. We can all, as humans, feel for the plight of the illegal alien, but it is BEYOND evil to subject the American people to potential disease, and even death, let alone lost jobs, to score political points. And the Republican party “leadership” is guilty as hell in this.

The amnesty shills, in BOTH parties claim we can’t deport the illegals, using the notion of not only how “inhumane” it would be to send the poor illegal back home, but the logistics of it all. Of course, it’s complete bullshit! The United States has carried out mass deportations before. When President Dwight Eisenhower took office, one of his first acts was to have officials track down and start deporting illegal aliens, en masse. These illegals weren’t taken to the border and given a pat on the ass, either! Many were placed on chartered ships. Hot, nasty steam ships, that took them to the State of Veracruz, near the southern tip of Mexico. Others were placed on equally hot and rough riding buses [this was the 1950s, after-all] and taken to Central Mexico. Nearly 2 million were deported, but the truth is, as word of these long trips got back to the rest of the illegals remaining, as well as renewed enforcement of the laws against hiring illegals, and so on, most illegals chose to self-deport. There’s no reason to think a similar program to Eisenhower’s wouldn’t yield similar results.

The Republican Party “leadership” joins the democrat party in calling those who simply want the Rule of Law to prevail, “racists.” In 2012 Texas Governor Rick Perry killed his presidential aspirations by calling those opposed to amnesty “heartless” Perry, a former democrat [who became a Republican at a time democrats became persona non grata in statewide Texas politics] has a LONG history of offering incentives to illegal aliens, never mind his tough talk when running for office. Jeb Bush, the darling of the GOP Establishment, has called illegally entering the United States an “act of love” by the aliens. Screw what it does to the people of the United States.

Of course, the useless Republican party “leadership” couldn’t be more wrong about the politics of it all. More worried about their invites to DC cocktail parties, and good ink in the New York Times than the integrity of the United States, they actually believe they MUST coddle the illegal aliens in order to gain Hispanic votes. Never mind that LEGAL immigrants, no matter the race or creed, are more angry about these illegal invaders than natural born citizens! This of course, is understandable, as LEGAL immigrants jump through hoops to come to America and WANT to be Americans. History tells us these LEGAL immigrants often become the very best among us! They often understand the American Dream better than we do!

Don’t believe me? Look at the 2014 vote in Texas.

We have a huge Hispanic population in Texas. And why not? Many Mexicans fought in the Texas Revolution, and wanted Freedom from Mexico’s version of Barack Obama [Santa Anna] as much as the Anglos! Winning two elections as Governor, George W Bush had set the high water mark for getting Hispanic votes at 39% overall. Rick Perry, for all of his pandering, Dream Act giving, in-state tuition hand outs to illegals, and so on, never got anywhere near the Hispanic support Bush, who neither pandered or got particularly tough on illegals, did. Of course, Republicans don’t exactly need their support, as Texans haven’t elected a democrat to statewide office in over 20 years. Candidates for statewide office generally win by 20 point plus margins. In effect, the GOP primary IS the general election.

That said, both Greg Abbott, our new Governor, and Dan Patrick, our new Lt Governor ran on a hard core, anti-illegal platform. It didn’t hurt that Abbott is married to a beautiful Mexican woman, Cecilia, and his Mexican mother-in-law appeared in ads telling Texans how much we were going to love having Greg as our Governor! None-the-less, Abbott ran on “no quarter,” if the federal government wont do it, we WILL, stance on illegals. He got 52% of the male Hispanic vote.

Dan Patrick, for his part, promised to do everything short of boiling illegals in hot oil! [Hell, even I cringed at some of his rhetoric!] He got 56% of the male Hispanic vote, a record. And Patrick ran against a female Hispanic democrat!

So much for the Republican Party “leadership’s” notions on Hispanics.

As I said at the start, the betrayals and ineffectiveness of the Republican Party “leadership” is almost as old as the Grand Old Party itself.

Democrats stand together, no matter what! Serial adulterers [Bill Clinton, every male Kennedy, etc] are heroes of the party. Want to get drunk, run your car off a bridge, and let your secretary/mistress drown, dying a horrible death, while you go home and sleep it all off? Have the last name Kennedy, and all is forgiven, and anyone who takes you to task and calls you a murderer, will be viciously attacked by democrats AND their allies in the media! Child molesters, traitors, and general dirt bags are all protected to the fullest extent by democrats. The ONLY sin for a democrat is to stray off the reservation and have an original thought. For this you will be viciously attacked by your fellow democrats!

Republican Party “leaders,” however, refuse to stand up and be counted when one of their own is viciously attacked, almost always with lies and distortions. And God help you if you’re an actual Conservative, because these Republicans “leaders“will join the attacks!

Case in point, the shooting of democrat Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords, and others, that left 6 dead and more, including Giffords, critically wounded.

While the victims lay bleeding, waiting on EMS, the usual suspects were already blaming Governor Sarah Palin and the Tea Party and their “violent rhetoric ” for the shootings. Marcos Moulitsas, publisher of the democrat party hate site Daily Kos was quick to blame Governor Palin for the “gunsights” she had placed on Giffords and other democrats “targeted” for defeat in the 2010 election. [a practice LONG used by democrats] As we reported at the time, in 2008, Moulitsas himself had a “hit list” of so-called “blue dog” democrats who didn’t tow the radical democrat party extremist agenda line 100% of the time. On Moulitis’ list with a BULL’S-EYE, no less, was Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords, who he “targeted” as a “sell-out.” By the next day this was a key element to getting at the truth of who the shooter REALLY was, and his motivation.

Also before the bodies got cold, another actor, someone who very much has blood on his hands in all of this, came out attacking the Tea Party, blaming them for the shooting: Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, a democrat. This vile attack really becomes stomach turning once you know the facts of HIS involvement in it all.

For their part, the Republican Establishment, in unison, hid, at first, then either attacked Governor Palin, or at the very least, her way of doing things, a common theme amongst these completely useless losers, to this day.

Of course, by the next day the actual FACTS surrounding the shooting, and the shooter, radical DEMOCRAT Jared Lee Loughner came to light. You see, Loughner, a typical democrat extremist, was motivated by the rhetoric of the DEMOCRAT PARTY leadership, that says no independent thought is allowed! While MOST democrat extremists DO NOT go out and murder on a routine basis, it should be noted that almost every single mass shooting in recent history has been carried out by a democrat, and blamed on the GOP, whose leadership cowered in fear, rather than fight back against the lies and hate.

The facts about Congresswoman Giffords’ assassin are thus: Loughner was a DEMOCRAT who had stalked Congresswoman Giffords, in person and writing, since 2007, long before all but the most politically astute among us even knew whom the hell Sarah Palin was, and, of course, before the Tea Party was even formed! So in no way was Loughner “inspired” by Palin OR the Tea Party! Oh, and the good Sheriff Dupnik? It seems Congresswoman Giffords had numerous restraining orders against Loughner, none of which were being enforced, and there were findings that Loughner needed to be locked up, for long term mental evaluation and treatment BEFORE the shootings.

Now no one can know for sure EXACTLY why Sheriff Dupnik refused to do anything about a known menace to society, and potential assassin, but we do know for a fact, that during this time, Loughner’s aunt worked for the Sheriff’s Department. You draw your own conclusions. At the very least, Dupnik is a degenerate liar, a common democrat trait, who KNEW the truth and chose to attack the Tea Party, and is culpable in the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords, and the deaths of six human beings, through gross negligence and dereliction of duty.

When the truth came out, Governor Palin did what she always does, and called out the lying bastards herself, calling the attack on her and the Tea Party EXACTLY what is was, a blood libel. The GOP “leadership” did what it always does when Palin defends herself and fellow patriots. They started attacking HER!

Again, all of the facts were known the day after the shootings, thanks to hard working Conservative bloggers. The Republican Party “leadership,” however failed to speak up and call out the democrat party for it’s hate and lies. As the GOP hates both Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, with a passion, it’s not hard to understand why these useless bastards said nothing. The problem is, of course, this allowed the democrats to paint the ENTIRE Republican Party as “extremist” and so on. The GOP would rather attack it’s own, siding with democrats, rather than defend fellow Republicans and protect the Republican brand. To this day, idiot democrats STILL blame Governor Palin AND Republicans for the shooting. Giffords’ husband is also allowed to continue the lie, without a single word from anyone in the GOP.

Now we all understand why the Republican Establishment fear and loath Governor Sarah Palin. The Governor is a proven reformer, something that dates back to her earliest days on the Wasilla City Council, when she took on her mentor [a fellow Republican who convinced her (actually begged her) to get into politics and running for office] over what she perceived as a conflict of interest. Of course once Palin became Mayor and was then term limited out, she was appointed to the powerful position as Chairman of Alaska’s oil and gas commission. It was here she uncovered massive corruption on several levels by numerous Republicans, including the Governor, Attorney General, and very powerful GOP Party Chair of Alaska. It was also here that she was threatened by all of the above, after taking her concerns to the Governor. Amid threats, Governor Palin famously resigned her high paying gig, teamed up with democrat Eric Croft, and as a private citizen, without any title whatsoever, saw to it the entire Republican Party Establishment in Alaska went down!

This of course would lead to Palin winning a landslide election for Governor, with the FBI still perp-walking Republicans off to prison months after she took office! In office, Palin passed massive reforms. This is why the GOP Establishment hates Palin to this day, and also cheered [some in private, some loudly in public] when Obama’s hand picked thugs in Alaska started carrying out their jihad against the Governor after the 2008 election. A jihad that was costing the state of Alaska millions of dollars, and led Governor Palin to do the only honorable, and intelligent thing to do, for the good of the state: Resign.

Republican “leaders” are very fearful of a potential Palin presidency, and it’s a certainty she would insisted on reforming Washington, and would have ZERO problem with taking out corrupt Republicans. People who put principle over party are the absolute enemy of the Ruling Class.

But what of the Tea Party? Yes, we know there are a number of angry former democrats involved, what we used to call “Reagan democrats ” and of course a whole bunch of independents, but by any measure, the Tea Party is the BASE of the Republican Party. The people the GOP absolutely MUST have on board if it ever plans to win major national elections. The Republican Party may be the only political party in human history to be stupid enough to consistently attack it’s own political base, more viciously, and regularly, than the opposition. The GOP is at outright war with Conservatives, and has no problem saying it.

But never mind the stupidity of the GOP “leadership” what of the Republican brand, as a whole? Most Americans don’t spend their days immersed in politics. Most get a few minutes of news a day. By NOT defending Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party, by allowing these patriotic Americans, whose only goal is a better America for all, to be attacked by the democrats, and labeled “dangerous” they are allowing the entire GOP to be labeled the same. It’s counter-productive.

Useless, stupid, or just so goddamned corrupt they’d rather remain the minority party, with their gravy trains intact, than actually stand for something, the results are the same: The GOP “leadership” is a real problem.

It’s not just with Governor Palin, the Tea Party, or the base, in which the Republican Party “leadership” proves itself to be totally and complete useless.

Lets Go back to the founding of the Republican Party.

As we know, the democrats were pro-slavery. The other main party, the Whigs, were very much like today’s weak-ass GOP. They gave lip service to the abolitionists, and other constituents, without doing much of anything at all. The Republican Party was, indeed, a third party that grew, and replaced the Whigs. [Some of us wouldn’t be upset if History repeated itself, as the GOP is now the modern day equivalent of the Whigs]

We all know the story. Abraham Lincoln became President, the first REPUBLICAN President, the democrats in the South seceded from the Union, and the bloodiest war in United States history was on. Lincoln Freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation, and democrats have been trying to rewrite the circumstances of that ever since! What many forget is, after victory in the Civil War, President Lincoln had a rather comprehensive Civil Rights bill he wanted to push through Congress. John Wilkes Booth took care of that, as did Lincoln’s successor: democrat Andrew Johnson, who immediately placed Lincoln’s Civil Rights bill in the old circular file.

Civil Rights were dead, elements of the democrat party created the KKK, a domestic terror unit tasked with attacking and killing Republicans, and it would take almost 100 years until action on Civil Rights saw the light of day again.

Meanwhile, progessivism [what we now call liberalism] and it’s notion of eugenics and “white supremacy” took hold.

The KKK, which wasn’t necessarily anti-Negro, unless they were Republicans of course, had been mostly wiped out, only to be reborn as white supremacists by “progressives” like democrat Woodrow Wilson, whose favorite film was Birth of a Nation, basically a KKK recruiting film, which portrayed blacks as savages and the newly named White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as the saviors of humanity. Wilson showed this film to guests in the White House. It was under Wilson that the military, which had been mostly desegregated, was re-segregated. Wilson also had black federal workers fired, replacing them with white workers.

It wasn’t until after WWII Civil Rights was back on the agenda of an American President. We all know after a fight with the democrat governor of Arkansas, over the Supreme Court ruling in Brown vs The Board of Education, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent the military to Little Rock, enabling black children to finally go to the same schools as white children.

Eisenhower also introduced the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which set the democrat party on fire with opposition.

Supposed “champions” of Civil Rights, Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Baines Johnson both voted against Civil Rights. Johnson also fought to stop the Voting Rights Act of 1960, another Eisenhower initiative.

While LBJ and the democrats now get credit for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the fact is, it was first championed by Republicans, while a majority of democrats were viciously opposed. Without almost 100% Republican support, it would have never passed.

Johnson only got on board after realizing a political opportunity to gain a voting block, the same reason Obama and his democrats want to legalize 40 million illegals [and all of the relatives they will bring in] today. There are several reported notorious quotes from Johnson on his Civil Rights support in 1964. Famously he reportedly said “I’ll have the ‘nigras’ voting democrat for the next 200 years.” He also reportedly said, of Civil Rights and other issues: “ Give the ‘nigras’ enough to shut em up, but not enough to actually make a difference” Which, of course, is EXACTLY what the democrat party has done for the last 50 years. LBJ also reportedly explained to a staffer on the occasion of appointing Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court: “Son, when I appoint a ‘nigra’ to the Court, I want everyone to know he’s a ‘nigra’!” Knowing how democrats today call Black Conservatives “Uncle Toms,” “Aunt Jemimahs” and “House Niggers” for having independent thought and rejecting the evils put forth by the democrat party, it’s not difficult to believe the alleged quotes attributed to Johnson are real.

We all know, with unemployment among blacks twice the rate of any one else, and poverty levels equally unequal, that democrats have successful exploited blacks for 50 years, on the strength of supposedly being the “champions” of Civil Rights, even though the truth of the matter is the exact opposite. Sadly, blacks are about to learn what happens, the hard way, when democrats find themselves a better group to exploit, with illegal aliens, soon to be allowed to vote … legally …. being the new “black“!

What does this walk through the vile and racist history of the democrat party have to do with the feckless Republican Party “leadership“?

Easy, from the beginning, the very passage of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, Republicans allowed democrats, including racists like Robert C Byrd [a top leader in the KKK who remained in the US Senate, as a democrat, until his death in 2010] who fought Civil Rights tooth and nail, along with Albert Gore, Sr, father of noted global warming scam artist Albert Gore, Jr, to claim they support Civil Rights.

Weak, spineless Republicans allowed democrats to OWN the whole shebang, and have allowed them to rewrite history completely, including the outright bullshit myth of a party swap” that occurred [depending on which lying-ass democrat is telling it] in the late 1950’s, early 1960’s, or because of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy™” in 1968. [Because thanks to socialist LBJ the economy was in the crapper and even racists will vote with their pocketbook on occasion!]

With Nixon it was “the economy, stupid” as well as the democrats’ total mishandling of the Vietnam war, that gave him a landslide victory. [not that Nixon, a liberal, was worth a damn on either, himself] According to the myth, the people in both parties just somehow COMPLETELY swapped, with the Republicans becoming democrats and the racist, hate spewing, KKK loving democrats ALL becoming Republicans. Of course, it makes perfect sense that racist democrats, who opposed Civil Rights, to the point of violence and bloodshed, would suddenly become Republicans within weeks of the ACTUAL Republicans championing and PASSING the Civil Rights Act of 1964! It makes sense in the fantasy world democrats live in, anyway!

Now it’s one thing that the useless Republican Party “leadership” has allowed the democrats, the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, and Margaret Sanger, to proclaim themselves virtuous champions of Civil Rights, while claiming Republicans racists who want to bring back slavery, but the GOP Establishment doesn’t stop there. Oh no, when facing certain defeat from a Conservative in a primary, these clowns will JOIN the democrats in calling fellow Republicans racist! The latest example of this was 2014 Mississippi where Alzheimer poster boy Thad Cochran not only joined the democrats in calling his fine Tea Party opponent a racist, compete with accusations of being a member of the KKK, but also facilitated a massive illegal vote by democrats, who had already voted in the state’s democrat party primary. It’s illegal, universally, to try and vote in more than one party’s primary, during the same election cycle.

What this GOP does is allow ALL Republicans to be reliably labeled as racists. Never mind these same useless bastards are themselves labeled racist. These Republicans have proven over and over they’d rather fight Conservatives, the actual voters they MUST have to win national elections, than the democrats, who are hellbent on destroying the United States and all she stands for!

And speaking of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and a “progressive” white supremacist, who called blacks “human weeds that must be eliminated,” is a bonafied democrat party icon. Every year democrats give each other “Margaret Sanger Awards,” evidently based on who helped slaughter the most innocent children at their abortion mills, that year. Hillary Clinton, upon receiving the Sanger Award in 2009, called the racist white supremacist her “HERO” Nary a peep out of the Republic Party “leadership“!

Contrast this with former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, a Republican, and former Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, who saw the evils of his ways, reformed, became a Republican, and spent the rest of his life making up for his wrong-headed democrat thinking.

On the occasion of Thurmond’s 100th birthday, a milestone in anyone’s life, Lott made the rather innocent remark that Thurmond, who once ran for President as a segregationist, would have made a fine president. That didn’t mean either man was racist, or that Lott wished a return to segregation. It was just something nice to say to an old man who was greatly admired by colleagues in BOTH parties, who was not going to be around a lot longer. Of course, the democrats made quick hay of this, calling Lott and the Republicans “racists who want to bring back Jim Crow and slavery” their old stand-by talking points, never mind BOTH Jim Crow and slavery were democrat party programs.

How did the Republican Party “leadership” react to this vile, vicious, totally untrue assault on Senator Lott and the GOP, as a whole?

They did what they always do, they cowered and fear and threw Lott so far under the bus it wasn’t funny! The GOP “leadership” quickly forced Lott to resign, and it wasn’t long before he was out of the Senate for good. Forever labeled a racist, by both parties. It was, and is, evil.

Hillary Clinton, who called a woman who dedicated her life to eliminating the Negro Race, her HERO, faced not a single question or condemnation from the GOP, and despite the current e-mail scandal, and possible criminal prosecution, remains the front runner for the democrat nomination in 2016!

I could go on and on, but I think you get the general idea. When it comes to defending the Republican Party, the Conservative base, or the United States herself, and her people, from the evils the democrats and their moonbat base intend to visit on America, the Republican Party “leadership” is useless. More useless than tits on a boar hog!

And while it may seem a bit cavalier to compare the uselessness of the Republican Party Establishment, to an old bit of Southern slang, the cold hard truth is that by enabling evil, The GOPe is itself, evil.

The Republican Party “leadership” has consistently failed to protect the United States, her people, and even their own brand, from assault by lying, corrupt, Anti-American democrats.

So what is the remedy?

Either the Republican party “leadership” must go, or the entire Republican party must go, and go the way of the Whigs, destined to the ash heap of history, for if America is to survive, we MUST send liberalism, and the democrat party, to the deepest bowels of oblivion, or America as we know it, America as our Founding Fathers fought a bloody Revolution to create, will cease to exist, forever.

And you know what? When America dies, it will be the Republican Party “leadership’s” fault.

The United States Constitution and the Rule of Law is under direct assault and rather than doing it’s job, and fighting for America, the Republican Party “leadership” chooses to attack those who WILL defend America at any cost.

More useless than anything ever conceived, or just pure evil?

What say you, gentle readers?

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