Here’s George Fenneman for Glass Wax. Make your home a “window wonderland” with Glass Wax!
Glass Wax was made by Gold Seal, makers of other fine household products such as Snowy Bleach and Mr. Bubble bubble bath for kids. I’m pretty sure they made floor wax as well.
Another busy week here on the blog. Monday’s Music Moves Me was a freebie, and I had no idea what I would feature, so I decided to seed a Pandora playlist with the song “Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?” by the Lovin’ Sopoonful and see what songs it picked. Arlee was glad it picked a song by the band Clear Light; he has their album on vinyl and still plays it from time to time. Elen said they don’t get Pandora in Canada, which I wasn’t aware of; fortunately, all the songs (obtained from YouTube) were. Most of the songs were new to Stacy, but she enjoyed them. I’m glad she did.
I combined Two for Tuesday with my Battle of the Bands for December 1. The featured songwriting team was Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, and the song was “Baby I Love You,” originally a hit for the Ronettes in 1963. The contestants were Andy Kim, who had a hit with it in 1969, and the British girl bands TSD, who covered the tune in 1996. The results were:
Andy Kim: 11
TSD: 5
I guess I should be more surprised that TSD did as well as they did. I have to admit I rather enjoyed their version, devoid as it was of Phil Spector’s “wall o’ sound.” Anyway, congratulations to Andy and a pat on the backs of the members of TSD for a job well done. The comments suggested that TSD’s video might have something to do with their showing.
On Wednesday, I started a new feature, Wednesdays for My Wife. Mary likes the stories I tell about my early days and some of my stories from being on the road. Wednesday’s was a road story, about the time I went to visit a client in Columbus, Nebraska and stayed at a hotel in which a murder had been committed (not the nights I was there). I’d say it turned out well. Kip said it supported his theory about how cellphones have changed things for us. Now, you just call the person’s smartphone and ask him to come home; then, the guy was out of reach until Sunday night. Halfmoon Mollie said, if I ever write a crime novel, I have to use that story. Arlee said it seemed a tragic story, and I guess in a way it was, but it was the creative way in which the Columbus PD rose to the challenge that was the humorous aspect. Arlee also said he and his family, who had a juggling act, played in Columbus once.
Which reminds me: there’s a story at his memoir blog that contains links to a website that has pictures of his family’s juggling equipment, which they donated to a museum after his mother’s death. Go see it. It’s great.
My contribution to One-Liner Wednesday was a line from “the Wizard of Waukesha,” Les Paul. He’s a hero of mine, not just for the guitar he designed for Gibson or his prowess as a player, but for the many other things he invented.
I mentioned on Thursday that I was giving The Thursday Ten a rest for a while and so that I could participate in Mama Kat’s Pretty Much World-Famous Writer’s Workshop. As one of the prompts, she asked us to write a post about the word “power.”
For the Friday Five, I came up with five songs that had “black” in the title, something that didn’t occur to me to do on Black Friday. Kip was surprised I forgot “Black Magic Woman,” done originally by Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac and covered shortly thereafter by Santana. Here’s the Peter Green version.
Arlee suggested “Black Hole Sun” by Soundgarden and “Black Betty,” a song written by Leadbelly in 1939 which was a hit for Ram Jam in 1977. Others have done, including Spiderbait and Sheryl Crow. Here’s Ram Jam’s version.
For Stream of Consciousness Saturday, the prompt was “miss,” and I wrote about FoMO, or “fear of missing out.” I also wrote more than I thought I had about the Kingdom of Bhutan, a small landlocked country between India and China, and included a video of their national anthem, “The Thunder Dragon Kingdom.” A couple of people complained that it became an earworm for them, to which I can only say “click at your own risk.” When I learned the name of the King of Bhutan, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, I thought his last name looked like Wang Chung, and included Wang Chung’s video of “Everybody Have Fun Tonight.”
Speaking of national anthems, here’s one of my favorites, the Mongolian national anthem, done as a pop song. The singers are Dashdondog (in the hat), Sarantuya (also known as Saraa) in the black pantsuit, Ariunaa in the blue dress, and Zhargalsaikhan. I don’t know who the guitar player is, but if he actually played, he’s excellent.
Anyway, tomorrow starts the MMMM Christmas extravaganza, so be sure to tune in for that. See you soon!