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Theslot Jezebel. The latest news from Jezebel's Politics all in one place and updated daily.
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Listen to Playbook in 90 Seconds … Subscribe on iTunes … Visit the online home of Playbook HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! 963 DAYS. That’s how long an average National Security Adviser...
As I read this essay by Darren Tromblay, I could not avoid the conclusion that ideas, tools, and concepts from various different ‘strategies’ were kluged together into this version of “hybrid warfare”. He readily admits that this is not new but somehow...
CONGRESSIONAL CALENDAR: The House and Senate are both out of session for the Presidents Day Recess, and they won’t be back until Monday, February 27. That means they’ll be in their districts and states next week, at local events and townhall meetings...
Source: JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK / Getty @kwellscomm News & Sports — Air conditioner maker Carrier is changing its mind about moving thousands of manufacturing jobs from here in Indianapolis to Mexico. The New York Times reports President...
On this day in history… December 27 1825 – 1st public railway using steam locomotive completed in England between Stockton and Darlington 1831 – HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin departs England for South America 1871 – World’s first cat show (Crystal Palace...
BizCarding - Digital Business Cards
Create your online digital business card now, and start sharing immediately! No app needed; Receive a QR code for scanning and sha...
Trump Administration Considers Cuts to the Coast Guard, TSA in Order to Pay for the Wall
President Donald Trump is still hellbent on getting that hideously expensive border wall up and running. How will he do it? By possibly making cuts to funding for the Coast Guard, FEMA, the TSA and ot...
President Obama Has Officially Endorsed Hillary Clinton For President
“I am fired up and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary.”
Hawaii Moves to be the First State to File Lawsuit Against Trump's New Travel Ban
On Monday, Donald Trump signed a newer, shinier version of the travel ban that prevents people from six Muslim-majority countries from getting visas for 90 days and suspends the refugee program in the...
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