
‘Zero hour’, on FB, reporting:

The piece of information we received is a reliable source:

Media commission Battalion Men current situation:

There is a letter from Dr. Aisha Muammar Gaddafi addressed to the pan sons honorable:

public during the coming hours and direct.

Allah is great above the Kid aggressors.


‘Zero hour’, explains:

About the ‘popular peaceful movement’ for the day 21/8:

the ‘Holy Quran’ is the ‘law of society’ (UNDER THE COVENANT ALL MADE upon the creation of the ‘GREAT JAMAHIRIYA’, 02 MARCH 1977), and the multiplicity of clear texts in the Holy Quran that incite man to be the successor of Allah on earth, and to be free, is not subject to the restrictions and oppression and bullying and it will be working on the following:

Rally regions and all Libyan cities for exit and entry in the case of civil disobedience against injustice and oppression is rooted on the ground.

Secretion of young leaders and the quality of the ground for the continuation of the movement and its leadership in all regions and cities.

Peaceful popular movement that includes all segments of Libyan society in various orientations.

Not to politicize the movement and make it take the political curve, or Daai or regional or tribal. ALL the Libyan people have the right to self-determination when the disarmament of militias and gangs who presently control Libya .

Not to raise the flags and bunting even renewed strife between the sons of the Libyan people does not occur and unite rows on white flags.

Not to raise provocative slogans or pictures of all parties and Libya both Libyans and not all slogans calling for national unity; and the rejection of the band, and the release of prisoners and lift the injustice and the return of the displaced.

The objectives of the movement:

Retrieving the prestige of the nation and the sovereignty of Libya over everyone.

Libyans reunion on a single word (Libya).

No foreign intervention or adopt any foreign agendas.

Together to demand the departure of all prisoners and the activation of the amnesty law to all prisoners and detainees.

Stop the execution of the rule in the courts the right of our children in prison are serving sentences and unfair judgments of Champions later in the right of men home.

Activation of the amnesty law to include all the children of Libya.

Together to demand the return of displaced persons and displaced people inside and outside the home.

Together to activate the rule of law and institutions.

No to militias and armed gangs and the rule of the group by force.

The Libyan Army will support the return; and the return of all officers who have the pure intention to serve the nation and without exclusion.

Lifting the suffering of the ordinary citizen; and to hold accountable all al-Adarat shortened, and all of the capabilities of the looting of funds of the Libyan people and the law.

Libyans are not to be intimidated, prosecuted or arrested (any of them) on their identity or orientation or factional.

‘Zero hour’, on FB, exclaims:


Who wants to remember the glory evacuation of Italians and the Americans

Who wants pride ….

Get out of your homes.

Come out to see the world insane signed a shake of your feet and the ground in anger affiliation.

Libya Municipality Vohfezoha …….

It is the time to act.



The children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar:

‘Rais Mujahid hero Muammar al-Qathafi’,

Equipment for tomorrow to get out in Tunis at
‘Wayne place Laeken‘ in ‘Halba Jardan and al-Tonasseh ‘Broham Mandah’ (including derivative)

tribute to ‘girl Zliten pride’ and ‘Shoumoukh green standard’, and ‘Rais Mujahid hero Muammar al-Qathafi‘, ups !

أولاد الشيخ عبدالسلام الاسمر

تجهيزات للغد للخروج فى تونس العاصمه تحيه الى بنت زليتن العزه والشموخ الرايه خضراء والريس البطل المجاهد معمر القدافى وبس

‘House steadfast’, says:

“Mnoran Lord supports you are free to forward my great conqueror.”

البيت الصامد

منورين ربي ينصركم الي الامام يا احرار الفاتح العظيم




Interruption Libyana services for most of the areas near the Tripoli CORNER.

Steal an ambulance from inside the clinic Aharhh.

Severe congestion on fuel stations in the city of Tripoli.


Duraibi area residents in Tripoli, declare in a statement issued today to engage in ‘civil disobedience'; because, of the deteriorating living conditions.

‘Zero hour’, on FB, comments:

In the homeland ruled by militias, of the country ruled by gangs, in the country cut off his power to humiliate his family in the homeland polluted, even its air breeze in the homeland of Mscht features in the homeland was a sovereign and became its sovereignty violated and politicians ruled by fighting in the country al-laovernmh in my draft dispersed everyone and collectively reign terror.

Dear Libyan out for free to make your silence Club ask for your right to a decent life Raise your voice

No militias

Not to the Government of al-Qaeda and combat and state regulation

Not the policy of repression, kidnapping and terrorism

Yes to the homeland

Yes to freedom

Yes to the homeland law

No Kabyle

Yes to live in peace

No exclusion

Not to overdo it

Yes for the return of the displaced

Yes to return home

Yes sovereignty Libya

Us a date with justice 21_8hrak national brings us together …

Haley Capital are preparing to rise up to the militias and armed.

Similar to what happened in Benghazi, and vows militants “DAWN LIBYA” will be expulsed from the Libyan Capital.

‘Zero hour’, on FB tells us:
Tripoli neighboring areas.
Qara Polly Klaas, and Rishvana, Tarhouna, Qasr bin Ghashir, to be a finger on the trigger.

From this moment, be prepared.




Asbi’a march in jihad now carrying flags and people’s power system unleashes revolutionary songs:
This Libyan people who are Pthsaboh, we do not surrender …

what we do not surrender the Libyan people …

اليوم مدينة الاصابعة احفاد ابطال جندوبة.


Today the descendants of Jendouba Asbi’a Champions city.

_______ They responded they responded to customers responded to the liars ________
Astmrarmazepehrt masses reject the provisions of the right of the honorable men of the nation in the dark prisons was launched today from the city of Jendouba Asbi’a descendants of Champions.

Monday 03 /08 /2015



“Zero hour”, on FB, relates to us an important “E”-message :

Peace be upon you …

news Moked 100% of one Jardan:

Please Publishing wider p …

Thursday will be a sweeping attack upon area Rishvana, by Salah al-Badi and gangs ‘Dawn Libya’ …

I swear by Allah ! (the source Moked)

Photos were taken by the Information Office of the Chamber of Tripoli operations for gates of ‘the Brigade and Rishvana’ and the presence of ‘sheikhs from the Supreme Council of tribes’ and Rishvana,

and ordered the ‘Fourth Brigade of colonel / Bashir’ successful, according to the new security plan for several areas within and Rishvana to curb excesses or thefts, that get on the roads by individuals do not represent The Libyan Army,

Also pictures show the suffering of military personnel standing under umbrellas and carry the sun’s heat, to stabilize the areas and the return of security and safety, who missed on Libya fully in the presence of militias, serve for the benefit of the (so-called) leaders of ‘Dawn Libya’ …

God save Libya from all harm and save its Army, Amen.
(Tripoli room operations)


Room Zintan operations:

We congratulate all the steps that support the dialogue and stop the bloodshed

Today’s between Zintan delegation and delegation corner complement rounds of dialogue seeking to bring the views of  Gervh al-Almyat.




ltt network outage at Racdalin.


Libya Telecom and Technology in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of the Internet in Libya is pleased to announce the launch of its latest accomplishment,the LTT Internet Data Center (IDC).

The LTT IDC was created to cater to the needs of a wide array of clients, from telecommunications companies, to webhosting companies Government Agencies/Ministries web applications, Schools and other educational programs, as well as providing a facility to service the needs of the general public looking for the right outlet for their business ideas.

LTT has taken multiple steps to ensure that its Data Center is fully capable Internet solution for your business. The IDC has been designed to handle power outages, by way of two backup power generators.

It is also capable of handling unforeseen Internet connection outages with multiple independent links..

LTT also has placed Security as a top priority in the IDC.  From 24 hour on-site security, CCTV, Fire detection, suppression and prevention to international standards, Firewalls and other security measures to ensure

the physical and internal security of its clients’ investments. The IDC is a secure, always on, always connected

facility capable of housing, storing, connecting and powering thousands of servers.

The objective is to increase the Internet content of Libya and Libyans, by providing a secure, high speed and  reliable facility, According to the Uptime Institute, an independent organization which rates Data Centers across the world, the LTT IDC is rated as a TIER 3 Data Center..

LTT Private Room Service is a special package which provides an Enterprise solution for businesses. Private Room service provides rented space for a corporations IT needs. This is a secure environment for your server cabinets, protected with an additional level to our standard physical security measures, rooms can support from 2 to 8 cabinets.

All these features and services would be naught without a support team to assist clients with their needs, LTT professionals are capable of providing support from system and network administration to webhosting and online security.




Marches today in the city of BANI WALID, with Mujahid carrying green banners.

Massive marches taking place in the city of BANI WALID.



Tarhouna graduated march for the second time ………..
A tribute to the green silks on the outskirts of Tarhouna.


The Sheikh’s Prophecies will be fulfilled.

We are your sons and your brethren at home and abroad to inform you … all the sons of the tribes of Zliten speed you move to provide arms and Aldecharh together and coordinate each other .. even able to the Capitol in enemy blood and soccer parents …. ……

The children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar Fatouri:


Gate as a year B.ZLITEN, has been closed by rats and prevent people from going to Tripoli and respond them from the gate, and shootings of Jardan now in the gate, and inspection. . . Please be derived caution Aaohrar

The children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar

30 juillet, 23:42 ·

Greetings to all cities and al-Aqraa that came out Dz court ruling ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood,
Which raised the green banner and photos of our Leader in all throughout the (GREAT JAMAHIRIYA) mass.

Yes, ‘uprising of the people’ to come !
We Ali appointment with bullets and Zliten will speak with only a voice of lead.

Vontzeroa them what your heart is pleased Libyan Aaohrar. We Antapekm and Ncz Ali hands,

and we will be with you soon and Zliten, in the interface of the new,

As said our Commander in thanks on 22/02/2011.

When I came out from the reel, Abha Haya is in preparing to be the word of a new decisiveness, and Haya crater which will make the end of ’17-February’, after the inevitable fall of Tripoli.

The liberation of Tripoli will be very soon…
Aamedinh saints Aamqam Sheikh Abdul Salam Brown Fatouri, envisoned this all…

So be on the alert, O Ohrarha, to tell our Commander and the nation, that we are free to us who were given the word; and come on crucial in writing the history of the ‘Great Jamahiriya’ (mass).

Ezz forward to al-ZLITEN:

We Vmae to the homeland and to support him (Mu’ammar); and this Aadaalia God, and we have traveled the country and serve our Commander.

أولاد الشيخ عبدالسلام الاسمر

تحية لكل المدن والقراي التي خرجت ضذ حكم محكمة الإخوان

والتي رفعت الراية الخضراء وصور القائد في كل ربوع الجماهيرية

نعم إنتفاضة شعب قادمة

ونحن علي موعدا مع الرصاص وزليتن لن تتكلم إلا بصوت الرصاص

فأنتظروا منها ما يسر قلوبكم ياأحرار الجماهيرية

نحن نتابعكم ونشذ علي ايديكم ونحن معكم وقريبا ستكون زليتن في الواجهة من جديد

فكما شكرها القائد في 22.2.2011 عندما خرجت عن بكرة ابها هيا تعد في العده لتكون من جديد هيا كلمة الحسم وفوهة البركان التي سوف تجعل نهاية فبراير حتمية بعد سقوطها سقطت طرابلس وبعد تحريرها سوف تتحرر طرابلس وقريبا جدا

يامدينة الأولياء الصالحين يامقام الشيخ عبد السلام الأسمر الفيتوري

فكونوا علي اهبة الإستعداد يا أحرارها لنقول للقائد ولاحرار الوطن اننا لنا كلمة وهيا حاسمه في كتابة تاريخ الجماهيرية

إلي الأمام يازليتن العز

نحن فذاء للوطن ولنصرته وهذا وعداعليا قطعناه لله وللوطن وللقائد

(The children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar Fatouri)

ZLITEN was a gentle city before NATO !




The killing of a person for the mane area of ​​al-Wani family nicknamed Atrinh by Melcaat fight against crime.

The possibility of clashes in the City of Five.




Massive rallies in Abou-Hadi area.


‘Zero hour’, on FB:
“Noda Noda O Benghazi ..jak today it Traja !”

Mdahirat rallies in support of and in solidarity with the city of Benghazi statement graduated in neighborhoods.


Facebook Libya a téléchargé une nouvelle vidéo:

the first statement of Benghazi now.
Benghazi ‘Habiba’ (LOVES) commander

Hey Saif al-Islam, edit ..

Advanced disease and supplemented You …

Now Quiche Benghazi Square …

I hope publishing on a larger scale to see the people and the world’s first city of the statement:





Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani a partagé la publication de ‎الثورة اليمنية – التعبئة العامة الجهادية‎ (Yemeni revolution – general mobilizationof the true jihadist):

Some great news ^^
Yemeni army and ‘People’s Committees’ have taken-control over “al-Makhrooq” and “al-Shorfa” Saudi military bases in ‪Jizan‬.

please note that, from now on, what has been brought under control will keep under control ..

That’s the new military strategic for the Yemeni army and ‘People’s Committees’ since about a week, after taking control of al-Jara base and many other bases.

الثورة اليمنية – التعبئة العامة الجهادية

الجيش واللجان الشعبية يقتحمون موقع المخروق العسكري السعودي في نجران بعد امطاره بالقذائف ‫#‏نعم_للخيارات_الإستراتيجية‬

Yemeni revolution – general mobilization true Jihadist, reports:

Army and ‘People’s Committees’ storm breached Saudi military site in Najran after Amtarh missiles Nam llkhiarat al-Astratejah.

A large number of Saudi soldiers killed, while they were trying to restore bases and locations in “al-Jara” valley in Jizan,

Seizure of a huge amount of military equipment,

and bombing of a BMB armored vehicle.

‘Yemeni revolution – general mobilization of the true Jihadist’, adds

“The killing of a large number of Saudi soldiers while trying to restore sites in the Valley neighbor Jizan region and the seizure of military equipment and the destruction of a huge armored BMB while trying to restore sites in the Valley neighbor B.Jizan.”

الثورة اليمنية – التعبئة العامة الجهادية

مقتل عدد كبير من الجنود السعوديين اثناء محاولة استعادة مواقع في وادي جارة بمنطقة جيزان والاستيلاء على عتاد عسكري ضخم وتدمير مدرعة بي ام بي اثناء محاولة استعادة المواقع في وادي جارة بجيزان

Yemeni homemade missiles called “al-Sarkha 3″ ^^

– Range = 17Km

– Remote controlled.

– Hold 2 detonators front, 1 back hidden detonator, can be detonated at specific time.

– 2 meters and 4 cm in length.

– A 70 cm engine.

– It holds a 15kgm warhead.

– Individual and triple launch platforms.




Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani a partagé la publication de Abdul Hamid Agharbana ‎عبد الحميد الغرباني‎ (The reporter of al-Masirah TV from ‪‎Lahj‬ – where al-Anad strategic air base located):

” From al-Anad, where the liberals of Yemen have expeled out the Generals of the American Marines and Washington’s soldiers,
but now, the Mercenaries are trying to bring them again ! Big difference !
al-Anad battle is ongoing and at its peak in ferocity and violence,

In spite of the large crowed of the mercenaries mixed with ISIS & al-Qaeda, supported by the latest and greatest arsenal of weapons, with different nationalities of forces,
as well as heavy air raids exceeded 100 air strike !

All of that is being faced by a small number of Mujahideen (Yemeni soldiers), including who works on medic and Logistics! “

عبد الحميد الغرباني

من العند وقاعدته الجوية طرد احرار اليمن جنرلات المارنز الامريكي وجنود واشنطن وحاليا يعمل المرتزقة على عودتهم .. الفرق شاسع جدا جدا ..

معركة العند مستمرة وفي الذروة شراسة وعنفا رغم ان حشود مرتزقة قوى العدوان المؤتلفة مع داعش والمدعومة بأحدث وأقوى ترسانة أسلحة وبقوات مختلفة من شذاذ الافاق وبغطاء جوي مكثف تجاوزت غاراته اليوم المائة غارة

كل ماسبق تواجه عدد محدود من المجاهدين بينهم من عمله في المجال الخدمي ( إمداد ) والطبي ..

لكن بئس الله شديد

Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani a partagé la publication de Abdull-Rahman al-Ahnomi ‎عبدالرحمن الأهنومي‎.

Did you know what happened yesterday????

al-Qaeda and Saudi loyals, foreign forces (of many many countries), Saudi American warplanes, heavy weapons ..

All of them tried to attack “al-Anad” base which is under the control of the Yemeni army and ‘Ansar-Allah’, in Lahj province near Aden ..

What happened after that?
Tens of them or may be hundreds killed !
Many armored vehicles burnt and destroyed !
They were defeated a humiliating defeat !
In short, they didn’t succeed.

Today, they are trying again to attack the same base with a larger forces and weapons and warplanes strikes.

A broadcaster on Al-Masirah TV who I shared his post said:

While a group of the steadfast men defending the southern side of al-Anad base against the invasions,

One of the heroes who are defending the base right now is telling me about the great victories and killing so many members of mercenaries and multinational invasion forces, and breaking the biggest conspiracy in front of al-Anad ..”

Abdull-Rahman al-Ahnomi:

“A group of men standing men in these moments and steadfast defenders in front of the invaders and mercenaries columns on the south side of the base, stubbornness stubborn ..

The whole world stands to be paid text, telling me one now before the Champions stationed Anad base with great confidence for victories and al-Itkhan in the totals mercenary forces and multinational invasion and break the biggest on the threshold of a global conspiracy at the gates of al-Anad ..”

عبدالرحمن الأهنومي

ثلة من رجال الرجال يقفون في هذه اللحظات صامدين ومدافعين امام ارتال الغزاة والمرتزقة في الجهة الجنوبية لقاعدة العند العنيدة..

العالم باجمعه يقف على إجر ونص ، يحدثني احد الابطال المرابطين الان امام قاعدة العند بثقة كبيرة عن الانتصارات والاثخان في مجاميع المرتزقة وقوات الغزو متعددة الجنسيات وكسر اكبر مؤمراة كونية على اعتاب وبوابات العند..



Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani, optimiste

:Breaking Report

An American Apache helicopter was shot down in “Haradd Customs” at the border port of Hajja province

‘Source: ‘al-Masirah TV

.It is the second Apache being shot down


Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani a partagé la vidéo de

Abdullah Naji


..Please listen to this video, my friends

3 Cases of Yemeni families, telling us their feeling after destroying their houses, killing their sons by the aggressors, losing their children

I will translate it for you here

:It is a redemption, it is OK, for our people, for our Nation, even if we


sacrifice with our possessions, ourselves, our children and everything

we own ..

We are a redemption for our people, it is trivialize when it comes to our pride and dignity and of the whole Nation


2 –

Our message is that we will keep steadfast and steadfast endlessly

3 –

My God, thank You praise be to You, you give my son the Martyrdom in the path of Allah, for the Motherland, for “upholding the word of Allah”, for the pride and dignity, al-Hamdulellah

Allah Akbar

Death to America

Death to Israel

Curse be upon Jews

Victory for Islam


4 –

This wouldn’t ever make us afraid, if they bombed, attacked

destroyed, whatever they did

to us, it is normal, it is OK

In the path of Allah, in this path, the most

expensive is very cheap




British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ‘DAASH’/ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria

By Stephen Lendman

Global Research, 04 August 2015

Url of this article:

On 02 August 2015, Britain’s Sunday Express newspaper headlined “SAS dress as ISIS/ DAASH fighters in undercover war on ‘jihadis’,” saying:

“More than 120 members belonging to the elite regiment are currently in the war-torn country” covertly “dressed in black and flying ISIS flags,” engaged in what’s called Operation Shader – attacking Syrian targets on the ‘pretext’ of combatting DAASH/ISIS.

Maybe covert USA special forces and CIA elements are involved the same way. During Obama’s war on Libya, Britain deployed hundreds of Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) paratroopers – drawn from SAS (Special Air Service) and SBS (Special Boat Service) personnel.

Around 800 Royal Marines and 4,000 US counterparts were on standby to intervene on short notice if ordered.

The latest revelation comes two weeks after learning Prime Minister David Cameron last year approved British warplanes joining USA ones in bombing Syria despite parliamentary rejection in August 2013.

At least part of its current covert ground operation is under USA command – so-called “smash” units traveling in pickup trucks able to launch mini-UAVs to scan terrain for targets to attack.

Over 250 UK (and perhaps USA) specialists are involved to provide communications support, the Sunday Express explained.

British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said “(o)ur actions and surveillance capabilities are freeing up other countries to strike in Syria.”

UK SAS forces are in Saudi Arabia training anti-Assad terrorists along with USA operatives doing the same thing – including in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and perhaps Israel.

USA and UK claims about training so-called “moderate” rebels reflect smoke-screen cover for working directly with DAASH/ISIS terrorists – trained, armed and funded abroad, funneled cross-border into Syria to fight Assad, now with USA/UK and Canadian air support along with covert commandos on the ground.

The Express cited former British Army General David Richards saying “tanks will roll” as part of UK operations in Syria.

A separate article discussed USA airstrikes defending ISIS/ DAASH  terrorists serving as US foot soldiers against Assad.

The Wall Street Journal reported what appears ominously like prelude to Libya 2.0 – falsely claiming Obama authorized airstrikes against Syrian forces if they attack (nonexistent) US-supported “moderate” rebels.

Separately, Turkish media reported President Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying Putin may have softened on Assad. (H)e may give up on” him.

Obama said he was “encouraged by the fact that Mr. Putin called him (in late June) and initiated the call to talk about Syria.”

I think they get a sense that the Assad regime is losing a grip over greater and greater swaths of territory inside of Syria and that the prospects for a (jihadist) takeover or rout of the Syrian regime is not imminent but becomes a greater and greater threat by the day. That offers us an opportunity to have a serious conversation with them.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said both leaders discussed combatting terrorism – especially the Islamic State.

“The Russian view is well-known,” he explained. “(I)t was reiterated by (Putin) during (his) conversation” with Obama. It hasn’t changed.

Putin opposes outside interference by any nations in the internal affairs of others. He supports the sovereign right of Syrians and other people to choose their own leaders and legislators.

Putin aide Yury Ushakov said “the current leadership of Syria is one of the real and effective forces confronting the Islamic State.”

Nothing indicates less Russian support for Assad.

Show more