
Mu’ammar al-Qathafi calls 2011 USA and West (NATO) attacks upon Libya as ‘barbaric aggression':

Tz in the members of the RAT ‘National Congress’
Tz members in ‘Parliament’.

Salute to all officers Resistance-

Salute to all members of the ‘Armed Peoples’.

Salute to General Khamis Gaddafi.

Greeting to the world champion of chess (Mu’ammar al-Qathafi).*

Do not return, we must go forward !
(“The quake compassionate”)

*:Muammar al-Qathafi and Russian diplomat/ world honored chess player, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, meet in Tripoli 12 JUNE 2011, and Mu’ammar wins him at chess !

Masaota is the demise of colonialism tool al-Bgheith cheap;

and, so be confident under your wise

and historical forward Aaobtal mass brave.

Tz in NATO and his cronies. Tz in rats customers traitors

coming to Aatrabuls, coming to Aabusslam, coming to Ayalaill…
(“Knight and Men”)

The Third Universal Theory and Great Universal Green Charter for Human Rights is for all Mankind and Our whole world.

Carlos Ramírez Sánchez‎:

الحركـــــة القـــذافيــــة العالميــــة

al-Qathafi global movement

The group thought the accumulation of knowledge-based and cultural experiences and a summary was the product to inform, analyze, critique and dialogue that the founder of the public thought Muammar al-Qathafi as a human being and thinker formulated a comprehensive theory that is made up of three chapters.

The molding result in stagnation and recession and stillness and reprint rights that always looking criticizes.

The Algaddfisim are now belongs movement has many honest seekers of freedom regardless of tribe

Affiliation with the thought al-Qathafi like de Gaulle in France or in Boulivarad Latin America or Guevarism revolutionary situation in the world.

The legacy of large Libyans thought them to maintain it and develops and still in stalemate

The heirs to rebuild the global Almthabh direct democracy and the affiliation under the terms of a non-profit organization are necessary for the world does not confessing only by Leagues.

An organization bearing human thought policy and thought leader and legitimacy derived from the oppressed peoples derived from the displaced and displaced persons in the world, displaced persons and owners of opinion and the other believes in respect for human rights and carry on undertaken in accordance with the legitimate victory of ways in which was acceptable to the peoples in the struggle and the struggle biased them and moving them is one of the world will lead to a bright future.

They also create a South Atlantic Treaty Organization, which will be inevitable that the revolutionary situation the truth to the people currently disabled tied by multinational companies.

The uprising became something around the corner in the whole world, because freedom will be tried where their demand across with the idea of Obama Freemasonry homosexuality to the world and became as Abraham Lincoln that free blacks from slavery.

The change in universal connected by Allah willing with us or without us

This my opinion and not belong for any side

Your Sincerely Brother Carlos.

إن الفكر مجموعة من تراكم معرفي وثقافي وخلاصة تجارب كان نتاج لاطلاع وتحليل ونقد وحوار ان مؤسس الفكر الجماهيري معمر القذافي كانسان ومفكر صاغ ذلك بنظرية شاملة مكونة من ثلاث فصول

ان القولبة ينتج عنها جمود وركود وسكون ومن طبع الإنسان أن يبحث دائما وينتقد

إن القذافية هي الان حركة ينتمي لها العديد من الشرفاء الباحثين عن الحرية بغض النظر عن القبيلة

الانتساب الي الفكر القذافي كالديغولية في فرنسا او البولفارية في أمريكا اللاتينية او الحالة الجيفارية الثورية بالعالم

إن ارث الليبين من الفكر كبير عليهم إن يحافظوا عليه ويطوره وان لايظل في جمود

علي الورثة إعادة بناء المثابة العالمية للديمقراطية المباشرة ويكون انتسابها وفق شروط هي منظمة غير ربحية تقتضيها الضرورة لعالم لايؤمن الابالتكتل هي منظمة سياسة تحمل الفكر الإنساني وفكر القائد وشرعيتها مستمدة من الشعوب المقهورة مستمدة من المهجرين والمشردين في العالم والنازحين وأصحاب الرأي الأخر تؤمن باحترام حقوق الإنسان وتحمل علي عاتقها النصرة وفق للطرق المشروعة التي ارتضتها الشعوب في الكفاح والنضال منحازة لهم وسائرة بهم هي من ستقود العالم إلي غد مشرق

وعليهم أيضا إنشاء حلف جنوب الأطلسي الذي سيكون أمر حتمي إن الحالة الثورية الحقيقة للشعوب حاليا معطلة مكبلة من قبل الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات

إن الانتفاضة أمر صار قاب قوسين أو ادني في كل العالم لان الحرية ستكون مطلبهم حيث حاولوا مسخها عبر فكرة اوباما الماسونية بالمثلية للعالم وصار كأبراهام لينكولن بان حرر السود من الرق

ان التغيير سنة كونية ولابد أن تكون بإذن الله بنا أو بغيرنا

رأي شخصي لاينسب إلي جهة

أخوكم المخلص .كارلوس




Education Building, a fire district of al-Andalus:


A number of locusts and rockets fall on the city corner.

A fire broke out in one of the commercial goods stores, designer wedding b corner.

Market Street fire toll of two dead, and they are:

Magd miloud Mansour-Khvl age 20, and Hamd Abd Mol, aged ی 26 years old.

An armed group cut through Zlh-hon and then they shut down a group of cars and grabbed their mobile phones and their cars and their money, and left them on the side of the road.



Mn ohd al-Ohrar b.Medinh Masrath:
After the bombing of a mosque and thwart similar operations today and in the last Friday of Ramadan in Misurata markets such as Friday Market Square and Victory Saan whale and and …. etc and compared to normal days where the movement virtually non-existent in terms of markets and the movement and the city was deserted Sakaneha … !! !
Allegedly at the end pray today and Friday, but launched the story …. ???
(“Knight and Men”)





The assault on the Passport Office at Abraq Airport,

which has been suspended in light of flights at the airport.


leaflets distributed today in Benghazi:

the police in Benghazi:

LIBYAN AIRFORCE Warplanes bombed M’reisa bulldozer

near the western port of Benghazi was loaded

with fighters belonging to the terrorist organization ‘Daash’.


LIBYAN AIRFORCE Warplanes bombed the terrorists holed up positions inside Laithi.


and voices of powerful explosions resound far and shake the region.



Libyan Airforce Warplanes bombed site in the neighborhood of ‘Ms. Khadija’ (the western entrance of TUBER).


Shells targeting Pearl hotel by ‘DAASH’ of al-Fattaih area, and burning one of the floors.





The death of al-Hajj “Ali M’Hamed Annagaja” of his wounds in the crime of armed robbery on his car, which was traveling with his son

Which occurred yesterday, in which his son was killed.




اسامه ساري


Yemeni Joke:

One Marani Commenting on piercing star said: “We told them Ba Norehm stars in the middle of the day what Rdioa heard.”

نكتة :

واحد مراني تعليقاً على النجم الثاقب قال: ” قلنا لهم با نوريهم النجوم في وسط النهار ما رضيوا يسمعوا”

Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani:

Important: By Ali Dhafer – A journalist at al-Masirah TV:

Yemeni Army and ‘People’s Committees’ recently entering “al-Sarkha” Yemeni Homemade missile system into force.

Ali Zafer:
Yemeni Army and ‘People’s Committees’ recently entering the “Scream” missile system into effect, totally Yemeni-made.

Long live the nation that she wants – Yemeni operetta free


Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani:

Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani:

Please share to reach more to let the world hear Yemen children’s voice:

” I’m a Yemeni child “ Operetta – A message from Yemeni child to the world!

Translated to English.

Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani a partagé la photo de ‎الثورة اليمنية – التعبئة العامة الجهادية‎.

Syed Abdel-Malik al-Houthi:

The most important news for this Great Day:

” I’m calling our Great Yemeni people for the public mobilization preparing for strategic options, in case of the aggression continued “

(See you later isa)

Sharaf Addeen al-Wainani:

From last Ramadhan at the International day of al-Quds

This is how Yemeni people feels when it comes to al-Quds & Palestine!

Not only in the few last years, but also from the past ..

Syed Abdel-Malik al-Houthi:

” We are with you our Palestinians people, with everything we can do, and Allah knows that we really want to be fighting together with you right now .. “



la vidéo de ‎علي ظافر‎.

The Covenant:


Jerusalem live in our souls and our minds and Ojaddanna ..

and the people who God has promised them,

their families and soon Sivkoa on God loved one.



New Wall separating Tunisia from Libya:

Tunisia announces the start of the implementation of the separation wall with the limits against Libya.

Irish Told To Leave Tunisia As Britons Flee


The Irish government warns citizens to avoid all non-essential travel there, as the UK says another attack is “highly likely”.

14:48, UK,Friday 10 July 2015

Play video “‘We Feel For The Tunisian People'”

Video: ‘We Feel For The Tunisian People’

Ireland has followed the UK in advising holidaymakers to leave Tunisia in the wake of the beach terror attack.

Thousands of UK holidaymakers and staff are being evacuated from the country after the Government urged them to leave immediately because of fears of another terror attack.

The Foreign Office’s warning against all but essential travel follows intelligence that an attack is “highly likely” after last month’s beach shootings, which killed 38 tourists, including 30 Britons and three Irish nationals.

:: Travel Advice – What You Need To Know

The Foreign Office has updated its travel advice

Extra flights are being put on to bring tourists home and two holiday companies, Thomson and First Choice, are returning their staff to the UK.

An estimated 3,000 Britons are currently on holiday in Tunisia and about 300 others are travelling independently.

Play video “Britons Told To Leave Tunisia”

Video: Britons Told To Leave Tunisia

Holidaymakers should contact their tour operators, while independent travellers should make their own arrangements to leave as commercial airlines are operating, said the Foreign Office.

They should contact the British embassy in Tunis if they need consular assistance.

Ireland’s Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan said “relatively few” Irish tourists are believed to still be in Tunisia, and added those still in the country will be told about the updated travel advice.

He said: “We are now encouraging any Irish visitors to Tunisia to review whether their presence in Tunisia is essential and, where it is not, we are advising them to leave by commercial means.”

The French foreign ministry has said it is not planning to follow Britain and Ireland’s lead in urging tourists to leave.

Play video “Brits Told To Avoid Tunisia”

Video: Brits Told To Avoid Tunisia

A German government delegation will travel to the country in the next few days to assess the security situation.

Thomas Cook has said it is cancelling all future bookings to the country until 31 October because of the beach attack.

And it is bringing all its customers in the country back to the UK as soon as possible using “third party carriers and on our 10 scheduled flights over the weekend”.

Thomas Cook “strongly advises” people to return on these flights.

Thomson and First Choice – the companies all the Britons killed in the Sousse massacre were travelling with – have cancelled all of their outbound flights to Tunisia for the summer season, which is up to 31 October.


Gallery: Sky Obtains Exclusive Images Of Tunisian Attacker Seifeddine Rezgui

Gallery: Sky Obtains Exclusive Images Of Tunisian Attacker Seifeddine Rezgui

The two firms no longer have any British tourists in the country but are bringing back their staff in the next 24 hours.

Thomson and First Choice said: “Customers due to travel to Tunisia up to and including 31 October will be given the opportunity to amend their holiday free of charge to any of our destinations currently on sale, or receive a full refund.”

The Association of British Travel Agents said: “Holidaymakers should be aware that travelling out to Tunisia at this time is likely to invalidate travel insurance policies.

“Most insurance policies will still provide cover for travellers in a country at the time of Foreign Office advice change.

“Those with holidays booked within the next 48 hours to Tunisia are advised to contact their travel company to discuss available options.

Play video “Tunisia Silence”

Video: Tunisia Silence

“If you have booked a package you will be entitled to a refund or alternative holiday.”

The Foreign Office said British authorities have been working closely with their Tunisian counterparts over the attack and although extra security measures have been put in place “the intelligence and threat picture has developed considerably”.

And it deemed the measures were not adequate enough to protect British tourists.

Tunisia’s ambassador in London said on Thursday Britain was playing into the hands of the terrorists by telling tourists to return home.

“This is what the terrorists want,” Nabil Ammar, Tunisian ambassador to the UK, told BBC Two’s Newsnight.


Gallery: Victims Of Tunisia Gun Attack

Gallery: Victims Of Tunisia Gun Attack

“By damaging the tourism, by having foreigners leaving the country, they damage the whole sector and put so many people out of work and on the streets.”

Tunisia’s Prime Minister Habib Essid has said he will call David Cameron about the situation.

“Britain is free to take whatever decision it likes, it’s a sovereign country, but we too are a sovereign country and we have a position to take,” he told parliament, warning that Britain’s decision would “have repercussions”.

Mr Cameron’s official spokesperson stressed the Foreign Office’s decision was not one that was made lightly, and the first priority was making sure British nationals are safe.

Security forces in the country remain on high alert after the attacks, and on Friday they killed five Islamist militants in clashes in the mountains near the central town of Gafsa.



Obituary: Ex-Saudi foreign minister Saud al-Faisal. (He was deposed for opposing the war against  Yemen /Houthi.)

In his role as foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal was the key architect of Saudi diplomacy for the past 40 years.

Ismaeel Naar | 10 July 2015 05:58 GMT |

Former Saudi foreign minister Saud al-Faisal dies

Saudi foreign minister replaced after 40 years

Saudi Arabia’s Prince Saud al-Faisal, who was appointed as foreign minister in 1975, was the world’s longest serving foreign minister when he was replaced on 29 April 2015 for opposing the aggression against Yemen.


Omar Sharif est décédé, à 83 ans…

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