
MU’AMMAR al-Qathafi, leader of the ” ’69 al-Fateh Revolution of Light”: IMAM of all IMAMI

No greater expounder of truth..than Mu’ammar al-Qathafi, who not only conceived, spoke, and taught, but most importantly, he implimented his thoughts into true acton…and made them a reality for all mankind.

the right to live, Mu’ammar al-Qathafi‘s heart and soul.


Mu’ammar al-Qathafi shines over the Sheikh Asmar Mosque in Zliten:

Mu’ammar at the Sheikh Asmar Mosque in Zliten 26 August 2012:

IMAM ALI: 08 MARCH 2015:

A group of ‪‎Iran‬’s environmental activists and officials met with the Leader of the Iranian Revolution minutes ago.

Forests are lungs of country.Officials should deal decisively with forest abuse regardless of any excuse like building hotels or even seminaries.

Land confiscation should be treated as a crime.Those who destroy ‪nature‬ should be prosecuted and negligent environmental officers should be confronted.

Environmental degradation is a pervasive challenge with lasting and long term consequences like melting of Antarctic ice which isn’t easily reversible.
Ali Khamenei, 08/03/2015

جمعی از فعالان و مسئولان محیط زیست ایران، دقایقی قبل با رهبر انقلاب دیدار کردند.H 2015:

مسئولان باید قاطعانه با تعدی به جنگل به هر بهانه‌ای اعم از هتل‌سازی، جذب گردشگر، ساخت حوزه علمیه و برخی توجیهات ظاهرا قابل قبول مقابله کنند.

پدیده ‫#‏زمین_خواری‬ و اخیرا کوه خواری و ساخت در ارتفاعات، از دیگر مسائل رنج آور است. باید در قانون، اینگونه اقدامات جرم تلقی شوند و افراد سوءاستفاده کننده بی هیچ اغماضی مورد تعقیب قضایی قرار گیرند و اگر در دستگاهها نیز کوتاهی انجام گیرد، باید با عوامل این کوتاهی هم بشدت برخورد شود.
‫#‏محیط_زیست‬ مسئله این دولت یا آن دولت، مسئله‌ی این شخص یا آن شخص و این جریان یا آن جریان نیست بلکه موضوعی ملی است که برای حل مشکلات آن، همه باید دست به دست یکدیگر دهند.



03 SEPTEMBER 2010:

I ask people to respect trees and attach great significance to the environment. The motto, “Each Iranian Should Plant a Tree” which is common among our people is a good motto. People should do their best to plant more trees on such days. 03/05/2014

Plantation of trees is a very good tradition.The fact that we plant a tree, is a symbolic act. We plant a tree, and it means that the youngsters should plant more trees. The dear people of our country should develop a habit of [practicing] the tradition of creating this means of life

ما از مردم خواهش میکنیم که درخت را پاس بدارند و فضای سبز را اهمّیّت بدهند. «هر ایرانی یک درخت» که گفته میشود و در زبانها هست، شعار خوبی است؛ سعی کنند در این ایّام – که ایّام درختکاری و فصل درختکاری است – هرچه میتوانند [کاشت درخت را] افزایش بدهند. ۱۳۹۲/۱۲/۱۴

سنت درختکاری، خیلی سنت خوبی است. کار ما که درخت میکاریم، یک کار نمادین است. ما یک درخت میکاریم، معنایش این است که جوانها که چندین برابرِ نیروی یک آدم پا به سن گذاشته‌ای مثل ما در آنها وجود دارد و نشاط بیشتری دارند، تعداد بیشتری درخت بکارند و مردم عزیز کشورمان عادت کنند به سنت ایجاد این وسیله‌ی حیات. ۱۳۸۸/۱۲/۱۸

While forming a false coalition against DAASH/ISIS, US wrote to Iran Foreign Ministry that they don’t support DAASH/ISIS but evidence shows the contrary. Revolutionary fighters and public forces that fight DAASH/ISIS have images which clearly show US arms support for DAASH/ISIS.
Ali Khameini, 18/02/15

در ائتلاف مزورانه‌ای که علیه داعش تشکیل دادند، نامه نوشتند به وزارت خارجه ایران که ما از داعش حمایت نمیکنیم. اما عکس‌های کمک تسلیحاتی امریکا به داعش در اختیار مجاهدین انقلابی بود.


1992 Mu’ammar and Khameini meeting:

Mu’ammar al-Qathafi breaks the Chains of Africa:

خواطر العقيد‎. on ‘FB’, QUOTE:

“Mu’ammar is not responsible for the chaos in the woods happening in his absence, but he (with Allah) is responsible for the punishment of all those who participated in it, once he ‘returns’.”

Hero al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi speaks about the suffering

in the dark prisons of Tsaitir attic terrorist militias.

His trial was again postponed to the false OCCUPIED TRIPOLI Court, to the 22nd of this month:

03 MARCH 2015

From the Boston new time, interview report with Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam Horwitzer Blood, in CAIRO (by Hannah Roberts for ‘MAIL ONLINE‘):

warning of the terror threat posed by ‘DAASH’ in Libya:

1) IS can flood Europe with 500,000 migrants this year.

2) claims that 2/3 of the Libyan nation still support the Great Jamahiriya

3) calls Mu’ammar a living-Saint…

4) that David Cameron, Tony Blair and the present UK leaders, follow Obama ‘like a dog’.


Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam Horwitzer Blood, has warned of a similiar false flag to ‘9/11′ can easily occur in Europe, within two years’, and that DAASH / ISIS forces in Libya, are now recruiting mercenaries for their terror, with promises of ‘white virgins’. The Wahabi groups have begun conscripting sub-Saharan Africans – would-be migrants on their way to Europe – to swell their ranks. into camps and turning them into soldiers. They give them money, drugs, tell them false tales about Allah and heaven and ‘the many white virgins waiting for them there’.

Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, Mu’ammar al-Qathafi‘s cousin and former intelligence official, has professed that ‘not less than half a million’ migrants will set sail from Libya to European shores this year, just as Mu’ammar predicted, because the ‘Accord with Italy’, signed by Berlusconi with the Great Jamahiriya (with Mu’ammar al-Qathafi’s diplomacy), has been severed…and there are now, few forces to stop the flow of immigrants.

Among those immigrants, easily, there may be thousands of terrorists.

‘We are working to save Libya’, Gaddaf al-Dam insisted several times. ‘If we don’t do it today, tomorrow it may be too late’.

Mr Gaddaf al-Dam also claims that Wahabi Brotherhood militias loyal to DAASH in Libya, are likely to be in possession of more than 6,000 barrels of uranium.

‘DAASH’ are already known to have their hands on Sarin mustard gas. Uranium ore or ‘yellowcake’ is the foundation material for making fuel for nuclear weapons.

‘The uranium, I think ‘DAASH’ already have it, because they control this territory. They are not stupid anymore. They know how to make money. They will try and sell it.’

(The uranium, which is estimated to be worth as much as 368.32€million, could be sold to it to a rogue states.)

The Great Jamahiriya served Italy’s interests by suppressing ‘Wahabbism’, and blocking migration boats from setting off from Libyan shores.

Under the new (TOBRUK & CASABLANCA based) ‘interim’ government’s legislative body (called “MAJLIS al-nuwabb”–which translates as ‘Council of Deputies’), the evil Brotherhood sponsored ‘Isolation Law’ has been repealed, ….and ‘Great Jamahiriya’ supporters are more willing to show themselves, and participate in the remaking of the Libyan nation.

Of Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s former premiere, Gaddaf al-Dam said he is a ‘good guy’. But remembers: “He used to be our close friend… (then he helped NATO to bomb us, because of severe pressure and blackmail from Obama). Unfortunately, now he is sweeping the streets of Rome.”

“We (the Great Jamahiriya) have to be part of the solution. People want us (their ‘Great Jamahiriya‘) back”, he said.

“In Libya, the social bond is bigger than anything ‘political’. And we are not a political party. We were a social structure, beyond the ‘biggest tribe.’ “

Two million of the displaced supporters of the ‘Great Jamahiriya’ (living outside of Libya, mostly in Egypt and Tunisia)...that was more than a third of the then existing population. Today Libyans have been replaced by Qatari and Wahibi (imported by the Americans from Afghanistan, their prisons, and other far-eastern countries), given the promise of Libyan citizenship (if they participated in the destruction of the ‘Great Jamahiriya’).

Overland my program tells the suffering of the Libyan diaspora:

Provide media and actor Ashraf Sharif

The tribes channel 10815 – H

Tuesday of each week

Ahmed Gaddaf-al-Dam has a bold two-part peace plan.

“We are working to save Libya. If we don’t do it today, tomorrow it may be too late,” he repeated again and again.

About the so-called ‘Morocco-meetings’, he says, “‘Let the mafia sit together”….

“We are not waiting for western powers. We are not waiting for the sky to rain gold. We are working together to save Libya now. If we don’t do it today tomorrow it may be too late.”

He also called for international community to provide arms to bolster the struggling national Army.

The EU claims that since 1995, Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam had commanded ‘an elite army battalion in charge of al-Qathafi‘s personal security.’

He was arrested in 2013 for ‘attempted murder’, on the same day as Ali Maria, former Libyan ambassador to Egypt, and Mohamed Ibrahim, brother of former Libyan information minister Moussa Ibrahim, as well as dozens of others linked to the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA, who were scrupulously arrested, as part of a prisoner transfer deal made by the Brotherhood.

(Libyan exiles came to Ahmed‘s defence, firing on police in a dramatic eight hour seige at his home.)

Mr Gaddaf al-Dam insists that the allegations against him and members of the ‘Great Jamahiriya’, are totally untrue, and alleges that ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood, then those who were the ‘GNC Allaotunai Libyan authorities’, paid 1.84€million to the previous Egyptian Morsi ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood government, to arrest him. 100 of his fellow ‘Great Jamahiriya’ supporters were imprisoned.

Ahmed was jailed in Egypt, eventually ending up being joined in custody by his former enemies in the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’, until Morsi and the Brotherhood were ousted by a popular revolt of the people, with the support of the Egyptian Military, (who wanted nothing to do with the evils of the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood, installed upon them through the manipulations of Barak Obama and his half brother, who sponsors the ‘Muslim’Brotherhood).

After nine months, Ahmed finally was released to his home in Cairo, which is lined with pictures of his cousin, Mu’ammar.

Ahmed reveres Mu’ammar al-Qathafi as a great, great man and a living ‘saint’. “It was Mu’ammar‘s decision (to remain in Libya). To leave the country, would have been surrender, and would have been a black page in history.”

Ahmed accuses the West of orchestrating the (so-called) ’17 February revolution’, as a plot against Mu’ammar al-Qathafi, as they feared he would realise his dream of creating a ‘United States of Africa’ to rival the power of the U.S.

He explained: “I believe the West sees Africa as a mine for raw material all the future riches of the world”, he said.

“A ‘United States of Africa’ would have been able to demand better prices for their raw material, put wealth to serve people and put an end to internal struggles and diseases, to the detriment of the west”, he claimed.

He recalled travelling with Mu’ammar al-Qathafi around Africa to meet leaders and tribal kings on a mission to put this plan into action.

Mr Gaddaf al-Dam reminisced:

“We drove for 30,000 miles around the continent, we slept in the desert, the jungle, we ate their food, we wore their clothes.”

“Millions of Africans came to hear him speak. He controlled their hearts – he gave them hope that they could have a ‘U.S. of Africa’ as big and powerful as the USA.”

For years, Mu’ammar al-Qathafi pushed for a single African military force, a single currency and a single passport for Africans to move freely around the continent.

Talking about the Bush‘s, Ahmed said, “the father is good, the son is crazy.”

Saif al-Arab, the most low profile of al-Qathafi‘s offspring, studied in Munich, but was killed in a NATO airstrike on his home, on 30 April 2011, along with three of al-Qathafi’s grandchildren.

Mr Gaddaf al-Dam‘s own brother Sayyid Mohammed, remains in custody (in occupied Tripoli).

A conference involving all sides is a credible aim, he said. “It is vital to bring the ‘Great Jamahiriya’ into the process…” One cannot do what the West did in Iraq… (to totally exclude the ‘Bathe Party‘ there)…

“We are still paying the price …” (of the CIA-led revolt against ‘The Great Jamahiriya).

Ahmed‘s mother is from the ‘Awlad Ali’ tribe, which dominates large segments of the Sahara, while on his father’s side, he is from the prominent ‘Gaddafa tribe. Ahmed was born in Egypt.

P.S: YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE ORIGINAL PAGE THIS WAS FROM. It is almost a ‘BARF-A-MATIC’ in it unbelievable propagated lies and prejudices against Muammar, his family and the “GREAT JAMAHIRIYA”… Hannah Roberts is a ‘patsy’ reporter for the “West“; and, I had to do much editing. I mostly relied upon using only Ahmed’s original words.

Stronger O Dabashi. Fares Libya before the U.N.

This is the fate of the Crusader alliance brings to his homeland and crying in front of the world:

‘Knight & Men’, comments:

Who are you?

The ‘Great Jamahiriya’ left 700 billion in state accounts ….

after 4 years, the interim government yesterday held a meeting discussing the financial crisis now prevading in Libya:

○ There are those who say the ’17 February Rat revolte’ has not achieved its goals…

○ The Principles of February are still a ‘red line’ for them: this topic of their blessed and (so-called) ‘glorious revolution’….

(And the world asks in amazement, concening this topic ? !!)

{I say} ‘strange mafia-gang’…

Allah willing, ‘the Green Channel’ now returns broadcasting.

“ZINTAN BRIGADE QaQaa” writes:


Achsah with young people and draw up a plan to attack ‘Roma Libya’ sites …

and praise of Allah, we now have control over the ‘Roma Libya’ sites, with success.

All thanks and praise to Allah ! was Lee Haala Alaashaws.

Allah is great, Allah is great, and with thanksgiving !




Wounded and dead elements Melcaat ‘Roma Libya’ who were fighting in the corner and axes of Sabratha, are presented to the ‘Red Crescent branch corner’; because, they were turned away from the ‘corner General Hospital’, thus preventing parents from seeing their renegade offspring.

And our response because: Air Force that day destroyed

targets inside the camp was bombed Bamdana corner.


When the cat Play Yaffar
Militias Junkie Akilla Gneoh (el-MAHDI HARATINE)

Ariqso and GNEOH (el-MAHDI HARATINE) and Astt.

and innovator Raouf ‘hater’ Ikmona attack on areas Duraibi and Got al-Shall.
Got Alshall currently  Abu_ihrkona.

The launch of the sons of al-Haji Ibrahim Hamad, release Megrahi Shban, after he was kidnapped three days ago in Tripoli by militias inventory el-MAHDI HARATINE  (Giani Akkla Gneoh) of the militias ‘Roma Libya’.

1 __acharf Hamad Shban
2 __abdagam Hamad Shban
3 __mustafa Hamad Shban
4 __ibrahim Hamad Shban

well-being Tarabulsih (TRIPOLI) Hacashh deterrence

pleasures Sheikh Imam Lieutenant Colonel Dr. ‘hater’

every day, he attacks randomized finance.


Aaaaaajl news ……

And our response now Zjul convoy consists of

twenty car belonging to the BROTHERHOOD RAT

militia ‘forces of deterrence’.

Ghargharesh to the area now

and hear the powerful explosions shake the entire capital.




picture: Brotherhood Rats pillage and deatroy RISHVANA

Found the body of a citizen ‘Walid al-Orchwena’, after he was taken from the front of his house, in the past, at the hands of ‘Roma Libya’ gangs.

I am God and to Him we shall return.





Libyan airforce warplanes bombed Ajeelat city, precisely area of Tervas.


Killed Inventory ‘Abdul Rahman Ahmad Sanusi’, of the militias ‘Roma Libya’ (who continued to the Axis Wattaya).

About 300 elements of the killing organization, ‘Dawn Libya’, are progressing in the direction of ‘Uqba Base’ at Wattaya, through months of failed attempts.


Tgev Abd al-Rahman al-Sanusi at the center, south of Beautiful City.

Libyan Army forces dominate over ‘Dawn Libya’ terrorist sites,

south of Beautiful City.




Military source confirmed that there had arrived in the city of Benghazi, two companies of the Libyan Army, as promised with their full equipment,

and noted that this ‘Jawafa battalion’ was named after the martyr ‘Hussein Jawafa’ of CASABLANCA, and the number of members within this battalion of infantry troops, exceeds 150.


Significant progress Libyan army battalion west axis

and 309 Ttwaad launched a major attack on the

regions Qnfodh and Rulrhh these days.


Clashes with heavy weapons in Laithi…

A military source from the axis Laithi confirms the intention

of this night of great progress and violent clashes spin axis ..

A shell landed on “Alnorin” mosque in Laithi and

wounding Haj Abdul Salam Jehani, who was resuscitated at the hospital.

A shell landed on a house explosives expert Mr. Tariq Saaiti, in area Laithi and wounding his brother Osama, with shrapnel in his leg.

The death of a small child near Laithi area following

the fall of the random shell at their house …..

And the death of the citizen ‘Nice’ Mohammed Shaalan,

in the neck by a sniper in the Laithi area.

Oh God, forgive him and Arahmh

Army troops stationed in the center of Venice, the Whale Market, and al-Sabri.


The fall of random mortar shells at Buhedama area

And one of the shells landed in the apartment, which led to the death of ‘Suleiman Hussein Ashaba’.

I am God, and that we return to the mechanism.

confirmed source,

Officer of ‘Unity Bank of Benghazi’:

as of next week, God willing, starting from Saturday to Thursday,

only al-Kwyfah centers will be distributing books

and instruments of Sidi Khalifa and Deriana.

There will not be any withdrawals of cash during this period ……..



MAJLIS al-Nuwaab:

Thank you for your brothers al-Vena, who have participated in the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab’ meetings for a week. Those who will not participate in the Morocco ‘dialogue’ and then postpone the ‘dialogue’ for a week to develop a mechanism, and steps and to form a committee, media and consultants and determine future steps of the security aspects, administrative and Dmanat and pledges from major powers to ensure the safety phase.

‘Dialogue’ will resume after consultations, and put-up the map

of the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab (Council of Deputies).


Resolution requesting a deadline of one week before the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab’ for the next group al-Marwk study, consultation and support ‘Deputies Council political team’ and a Media delegation ‘dialogue’.

Faraj Bohashim, reports:

Session Summary Tuesday 10 th – 3-2015

Members of the board in charge of the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab’, arrived in the presence of the dialogue sessions and have briefed the Council on Madar during the last dialogue sessions, which were held in Morocco,

The Dialogue has been offered during the session, of written proposals to the ‘Government and national reconciliation’, and security arrangements, and a summary of the priorities of the government of national consensus, according to Sessions previous dialogue ….

(He asked committee members to provide them with the names of the dialogue of the Government of National Reconciliation)

The Board concluded the following points:

1. The Council refused to propose names for the government referred to, only in accordance with a clear roadmap milestones.

2 – the road map:

A – must agree on all phases of a written document.

B – must address the legal status of the document and ‘constitutional’ government and its relationship with the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab’.

C – clarify the government’s relationship with the path democratic and constitutional transition especially the third phase.

D – the need for international guarantees and regional support for the implementation of the road map, that this map in accordance with the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab’.

E – the negotiating team by the ‘MAJLIS al-Nuwaab’, is not authorized to sign any agreement until after the return of the ‘Council of Deputies’.

Finally, the Council of the members of the dialogue request to communicate with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, which is sponsoring the dialogue

and asked to postpone the date for the next dialogue session to enable the Board to study the proposals made by the Committee today and thorough study.

The meeting was suspended until Thursday next,

God willing.

We ask God for success, if the Crown was capable….

Libyan army celebrates appointed team Khalifa Hftar

“commander in the Libyan army,” military base Tobruk amid a large presence …

To meet with the Libyan army at Tobruk Air Base.

Col. Ajami al-Tieri of Zintan, with the Libyan Army at Tobruk.

Adjutant General, Chairman of the Staff of the Libyan army (NAZDAWI & HFTAR)

TOBRUK_khas Maliki
Brigadier Dr. Ashour Hoael one of the main candidates for the post of head of the Libyan intelligence.

It is likely to be voted on Tuesday to one applicant for the job figures.

العميد الدكتور عاشور شوايل


Access to the body (at Subsidary Hospital) of ‘Hraish Malros‘ (whose head was separated from the body of this young man). He was a resident of  Shalawi, Tuber.





Kidnappings at the city of Sabha by terrorist Brotherhood militias.


Oooooooonaba for capturing inventory ‘Bashir dervish Masrati’, leader of the so-called ‘capital battalion’, and four of his Jarden (rat) companions, at Barak Beach.

Destroying two tanks of the militias ‘Roma Libya’, by the people of Barak defenders of their land in the city of Barak Chat’ai. Destroy a tank Barak beach area belonging to what is called the ‘third force’ of the Brotherhood armor-Shields.

RAT BROTHERHOOD ‘Misurata militias terrorists Belkcef’ are random in the ‘agricultural hub project’, destroying the crops and harvesting.


Heavy, but sporadic clashes, near Kira (Qira) condominiums, near the air base and agricultural project, and  Brotherhood Militias destroying as many homes there as they possibly can.

A delegation of Brotherhood elders Suleiman children, go up to Chat’ai today;

and Hedda delegation Mbaut by militia terrorists of Misuratah.

They will hold to stop the war and the exchange of prisoners

and the main objective of the meeting is to

mercenary rank the Turkish colonel release.

Ooooooooooooonaba uncertain after all negotiations

between the elderly MB sheiks of the Sons of Suleiman with MISURATA.

Saluting offered Misurata amount (300 million) in exchange for the release of the captive Turkish general, but our elders rejected the offer and demanded the release of the captive heroes Mujahid Abdullah Senussi (falsely reported as dead) and  Mujahid Bouzid Dorda.

Lord FAFSA their families and the families of all the Liberal.

The response from our Green notables at Shati,

headed by Sheikh Othman Gwiza, is crucial:

no negotiations and no bargains, before complete exit

of militias of Misurata  from ‘Barak Chat’ai airbase’

and the whole ‘Mgadert Shati Kmalk’.

(see yesterday’s news about the Turks in BARAK CHAT’AI)

Tdahr began the fact of the ‘armed people’ (the ‘PDF’) are missing soldiers...



Today entry of more than 20 ambulances transported the injured from Militias ‘Roma Libya’ to Tunisia.



“ZINTAN BRIGADE QaQaa”, comments and reports:

Brotherhood and fighter Belhadj and

Ali (SALABI) ‘hardness’ and ‘flint’, JABRIL, all together in Algeria at their dialogue. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Ago

Jinx them Hraben need Look of Jay Aihor Haha Hazelt.

al-Roadat dialogue

See exists in Algeria !!

Of Juma A.al-Ghemati, spoiled son of England, and also is a son of the CIA Qatar Maidau son of Abdul Hakim Belhadj, is also leader of the Flint “Kherba and Fashio” Brotherhood party factions of the party, which is also ominous Owoowo Algeria Mdayrh Subject.



Feras Bosalum:

According to what I received from Algeria:
U.N. BROTHERHOOD supporting RAT- UN REP. appointed for Libya, Mr. “Bernardino Leon”, met privately with “Keep pots” (representative of the Alliance), and BROTHERHOOD RAT “Mohammed Sawan” Chairman of the Brotherhood’s ‘Justice and Construction Party’, individually. after making an emergency consultaion in Istanbul.

The word of God and I am OK Zain vinegary country to kill them for science Medm al-Obeh exist in Algeria dialogue:

Salam textual:

The name of Allah the Merciful,

The best solution that can come out of the meeting, is to keep Algeria.
Algerian government B.al-Taorén for a month, until the rest of Libya them ,,,,,,,,

O ALLAH, save Libya !



President Obama Declares Venezuela “A Threat to National Security”, Seeks Regime-Change

By Eric Zuesse

Global Research, 10 March 2015

Venezuela‘s President Nicolas Maduro, center, waves a national flag during a rally in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, 28 Feb.  2015. Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas in dueling demonstrations on Saturday, with one group calling attention to a crackdown on opponents of the government and another showing support for the embattled socialist administration. At left is Venezuela‘s first lady Cilia Flores. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-

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