


Ajoutée le 15 oct. 2013

Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa discusses the possible inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” Trilogy from the life of the Apostle Muhammad ﷺ.

What was the significance of the ring of our Prophet ﷺ according to our Sacred Tradition, and what parallels are there in Tolkien’s work?

A must-watch for fans of both Seerah and the film/books by Tolkien!

Many of you are avid readers of works of J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of “The Lord of the Rings” series.

Others may be huge fans of the movies.

Tolkien’s work happens to be filled with some of the most beautiful prose and poetry found in 20th century….

Much has been made by other reviewers of the “Islamic” character of this book.

Much of it takes from wisdom found within the Abrahamic, and thus the Islamic, tradition.

This will be the beginning of a series in which we will explore selected passages from Tolkien’s work and explain how the lines reflect general wisdom that have specific relevance to the Muslim….

The idea is to show that the wisdom of Islam and Divine Revelation is reflected in all of creation.

“All that is gold does not glitter

Not all those who wander are lost”

(The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien)

Context in The Lord of the Rings

These are the first two lines of a poem written by Bilbo Baggins.

They are in reference to the Dunedain, the descendants of the nobles and royals of Gondor, who sailed across the sea when their ancestral home, the Island of Numenor was destroyed by the One due to their breaking of his commandment to never try to reach the Undying Lands.

The evil Sauron is able to convince some men to cross the sea and invade the Undying Lands so that they might be immortal.

A group known as the Faithful refused to break the commandment and left Numenor to come to Middle Earth as the invaders were destroyed by the One himself. After founding the Kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor and the gradual descent of the kingdoms into decay and chaos, the descendants of the Faithful become wanderers. Their role was to secretly and discreetly allow their line to survive while fighting unknown to protect Middle Earth. Aragorn was their leader before the War of the Rings. These lines mirror a number of Islamic lessons and ideas.

Some Islamic Thoughts

1. There are many human beings that God, subhanahu wa ta’ala (exalted is He), has placed on the Earth who are unknown, hidden, and go about doing the work of God without any recognition or fame. They come from a spiritual and educational, and sometimes even familial, line connecting them to the Final Messenger of God ﷺ (peace be upon him).

As the Messenger ﷺ said:

“When the believers enter Paradise, there shall already be a number of people inside Paradise. The believers will ask, ‘How did you get here?’ The people shall respond, ‘We used to worship Allah secretly, so he placed us in Paradise secretly.’” For those seeking sincerity, this is a wonderful goal. Those who go out of their way to worship Allah (swt) and do good things secretly, Allah will reward them with some among His secrets in this world, and reward them secretly in the next, by His permission.

These people, the Friends of God (swt), are the gold of humanity, its most precious treasure, and one of the reasons that we are bestowed with divine Grace on the Earth. But just like the Dunedain, they do not glitter, shine, flash, or have a ton of YouTube videos or social media entries. They put their head down and work to worship and serve others. We can pray that Allah (swt) allows us to meet them and learn from them—but even more critically—that by His unfailing mercy, He allows us to be like them.

“Aragorn IIof Gondor” is truly a sign of humility. Still, like al-Qathafi, he is the “King of kings” and spiritual leader of this world…And, of the course, the central theme of “The Lord of the Rings” is about laying down power.

(ALL THIS SHOULD REMIND YOU of MU’AMMAR al-QATHAFI, who has striven his whole life in seeking an end to men-ly “power”, “laying it down” is his one quest to redeem mankind (to enoble each and every man), thus freeing him from enslavement (especially of the ZIONIST money garbeling BANKING elite), which the “Ring” symbolises.


Mu’ammar al-Qathafi has given the world, THE THIRD UNIVERSAL THEORY (through the Inspiration of Allah). Only the implementaion of the Green Book and the Universal Green Charter of Human Rights (12 June 1988) along with the Holy Quran as Supreme Law, can cure our ailing world…

Word which you throwing in the conference tribes and Libyan cities in Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished ……….

Dear brothers and sisters ……….

peace, mercy and blessings of God …………

Greetings …. We are honored … joining us at this meeting humanitarian rather than a political meeting ……..

oh owners compassionate hearts and bright minds, we did not meet our request for Astjdaúkm or your sympathy,

but the goal of honoring us is to speak to your hearts and your minds and your humanity and leave the judgment Final consciences ……….

The Messenger of Allah ((does not believe until he loves for his brother to himself Maihb)) …..

now we’re going to finish the fourth year of living in the injustice and oppression and suffering ……..

The time has come to Ancefna fate and that us humans …..

families homeless and despised lost their human rights nor the respondent to screams …….

Yes, honorable ordinary Libyans may split in two parts department for their suffering is far from home and outside the home department is far from his homeland within home ……


Section I understand families and displaced families outside her home without their fault, and the only reason they did not accept to participate in the destruction and devastation that has occurred and is happening now to our beloved homeland Libya ……

What is the guilt of our children to grow up outside their home country. Maznb …

and our daughters to live and marry outside their homes and their families ……..

and Maznb our children to stop their studies and their future …..

The family of Libya, which was an honorable living securely and safely in their homes today have become homeless refugees displaced in different parts of the earth …….

nor deny preferred sister and friendly countries that have opened their doors to us and greeted us with open arms ………

but no matter how long absences must be absent for ripe to return to the soil of his homeland and air

For the first time in the history of warfare and see the status of displaced Allepie diaspora abroad, where he is recognized Kallagei???

Not recognized as a citizen of the Libyans???? Where they are if it was recognizing their Kalajin international organizations should help them because this is their duty, who is established for him and this did not happen …..

even if they were recognized as citizens of the Libyan Embassy Allepieh shall assist and facilitate Ajeraúthm abstraction birth certificates and birth registration and renewal and extraction of passports and carry out their duties trend nationals in those countries, and this did not happen on the contrary, they have to stop the renewal of passports and arrested him some of the students and so under false pretenses because they’re different with them politically.

Where are human rights Wayne freedoms Where is the democracy which Tnadeetm AND freedom seer.


The second section understanding far from home they are at home they are prisoners and prisoners. They specifically happened and embarrassed. Yes they are at home, but inside the secret prisons and spending anonymous subjected to the worst kinds of torture and the most despicable of all shapes and styles and internationally Forbidden humanly and religiously from the torture and rape of electricity and burn ending of murder and theft of Members.

The torture of prisoners is prohibited and forbidden internationally in all forms of physical and psychological, but what is happening now in Libya after “17 February”  in Libya beyond this taboo secretly and openly, are governments that rolled in the era of “17 February” alouhadh in the world that have embarked militia torture in its security institutions and granted legal cover .

That’s not surprised to Libyans of movies and pictures which Tnscheraly social networking pages of shocking pictures that prove the fact that the torture of prisoners and detainees.

Despite the issuance of human rights organizations, local, Arab and international numerous reports of cases of torture and murder of prisoners in state prisons and jails militias in “17 February”, but it did not happen that Otkhaddt none of the governments of Libya that came to power since the “17 February 2011″, any firm stand against the powers of those prisons torture and extrajudicial killings.

Many international conventions deprived of torture like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the text of Article V on the prohibition of torture and the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war, and the other relating to the treatment of civilian persons in time of war, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, issued in 1966, the Prevention of Torture in Article VII , and a lot of other international instruments which deprived considered torture and inhuman crime.

Since when was a penalty of defended land, honor is torture ……….

In any human laws and Islamic elders and women incarcerated without any crime …….

all remember what happened and is happening is driven by hatred and greed .. .. and hatred ……….

Dear Sirs:

We want you right word Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him (Saket on the right demon shut up) ..

and draw the attention of the world that we are not against fair trial for anyone guilty, but there must be justice and the law supports the oppressed to the oppressor is not affected by its decision of militias and become law is the law followed in our country today is a law of the jungle strong it eats and darkens Aldapf …..

Based on all of the above mentioned, We call on Muslims and Arabs, and as human beings that turns the world of suffering to save what can be saved …….

We do not want to grab the rights of others, but we want to recover our rights. We are the owners of the right and God is so dear folk Varahmoa humiliation. Greetings and respect with keeping the names of all the distinguished guests and each sister states that greeted us, headed by Om lower Egypt, also seize the opportunity to congratulate the rule of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for his presidency, and indeed the right man in the right place …

Thank you for your presence among us in this day and thank you for your acceptance of our presence among you in your own years ago ..

D _ # _ Khalid Mohammed el-Hasy_

(Member of the committee _ # _ _ preparations for the conference.)

الكلمة اللتي قمت بالقائها في مؤتمر القبائل و المدن الليبيه في جمهورية مصر العربيه

أيها الساده والسيدات الافاضل………. أيها الأخوه والأخوات………. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته………… تحيه طيبه …….يشرفنا حضوركم معنا في هذا الاجتماع الانساني أكثر من كونه اجتماع سياسي…….. يا أصحاب القلوب الرحيمه والعقول النيره نحن لم نجتمع بكم لاستجدائكم أو طلب عطفكم ولكن الهدف من تشريفكم لنا هو ان نخاطب قلوبكم وعقولكم وانسانيتكم ونترك الحكم النهائي لضمائركم ……….قال رسول الله (( لايؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه مايحب لنفسه)) …..هانحن سننهي السنة الرابعه من العيش في ظلم وقهر ومعاناة ……..أما ان الأوان لينصفنا القدر والبشر …..إن لنا عائلات مشرده ومحتقره ضاعت حقوقها الانسانية ولا من مجيب لصرخاتها……. نعم إن الليبين الشرفاء البسطاء قد انقسموا في معاناتهم لقسمين قسم بعيد عن وطنه خارج الوطن وقسم بعيد عن وطنه داخل الوطن…… فالقسم الأول فهم العائلات و الاسر المهجره خارج وطنها دون سبب وذنبهم الوحيد أنهم لم يقبلوا أن يشاركوا في الدمار والخراب الذي حدث و يحدث الأن لوطننا الحبيب ليبيا ……فما ذنب اطفالنا ان يكبروا خارج وطنهم…. وماذنب بناتنا أن يعشن و يتزوجن خارج بيوتهن وعائلاتهن…….. وماذنب ابنائنا أن تتوقف دراستهم ومستقبلهم …..إن العائلة الليبية التي كانت معززة مكرمه تعيش بأمان و امان داخل بيوتهم أصبحوا اليوم لاجئين مشردين مهجرين في مختلف بقاع الأرض …….ولا انكر فضل البلدان الشقيقه و الصديقه التي فتحت لنا ابوابها واستقبلتنا على الرحب والسعه……… ولكن مهما طال الغياب فلابد للغائب أن يحن للعودة لتراب وهواء وطنه

و لاول مره في تاريخ الحروب و المهجرين نرى حالة المهجر الليبيي بالخارج حيث انه غير معترف به كالاجيئ ؟؟؟ ولا معترف به كمواطن ليبيي ؟؟؟؟ حيث انهم لو كان معترفه بهم كالاجئين وجب على المنظمات الدوليه مساعدتهم لان هذا واجبها اللذي اسست من اجله وهذا لم يحدث …..ولو انهم كان معترف بهم كمواطنين ليبيين لوجب على السفاره الليبييه مساعدتهم و تسهيل اجرائتهم كاستخراج شهادات ميلاد و تسجيل المواليد و تجديد و استخراج جوازات السفر و القيام بواجباتها اتجاه رعاياها في تلك الدول وهذا لم يحدث بل بالعكس قاموا بايقاف تجديد جوازات السفر و اوقفوا منحه بعض الطلبه و ذلك بحجج واهيه لانهم مختلفين معهم سياسيا اين حقوق الانسان اين الحريات اين الديمقراطيه اللتي تناديتم بها و حرية الرائي .

اما القسم الثاني فهم البعيدين عن الوطن وهم داخل الوطن وهم الأسرى والأسيرات فهؤلاء تحديدا حدث ولاحرج . نعم هم داخل الوطن ولكن داخل السجون السرية والانفاق المجهوله يتعرضون لأبشع وأحقر انواع التعذيب بكافة الاشكال و الاساليب المحرمه انسانيا ودوليا ودينيا من تعذيب بالكهرباء واغتصاب وحرق تنتهي بالقتل وسرقة الأعضاء

ان تعذيب الاسرى محظور ومحرم دولياً بكل أشكاله الجسدية والنفسية ، إلاَّ أن ما يجري الان في ليبيا بعد 17 فبراير في ليبيا تتجاوز هذا المحظورات سرا و علانيةً ، وتعتبر الحكومات التي توالت في عهد 17 فبرايرالوحيدة في العالم التي شرَّعت للمليشيات التعذيب في مؤسساتها الأمنية ومنحتها الغطاء القانوني.

ولهذا لم يتفاجئ الليبيين من الصور و الافلام اللتي تنشرعلى صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي للصور المفزعة التي تثبت حقيقة تعذيب الاسرى و المعتقلين .

فرغم إصدار منظمات حقوقية محلية وعربية ودولية العديد من التقارير حول حالات تعذيب وقتل المعتقلين في سجون الدولة وسجون مليشيات فبراير ، إلا أنه لم يحدث أن أتخدت أياً من الحكومات الليبية التي تعاقبت على الحكم منذ قيام 17 فبراير 2011، أي موقف حازم ضد سلطات تلك السجون التي تمارس التعذيب والقتل خارج القانون

العديد من المواثيق الدولية حَرمت التعذيب كالإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان لعام 1948 والذي نص في مادته الخامسة على تحريم التعذيب ، واتفاقية جنيف بشأن معاملة أسرى الحرب ، والأخرى المتعلقة بمعاملة الأشخاص المدنيين وقت الحرب ، وكذلك العهد الدولي للحقوق المدنية والسياسية الصادر عام 1966 منع التعذيب في مادته السابعة ، والكثير من المواثيق الدولية الأخرى التي حرمت التعذيب واعتبرته جريمة إنسانية .

فمنذ متى كان جزاء من دافع عن أرضه وعرضه هو التعذيب………. وفي أي القوانين البشرية والاسلامية يسجن الشيوخ والنساء دون أي جريمة تذكر …….كل ماحدث ويحدث يحركه الحقد.. والطمع.. والكراهية………. أيها الساده نحن نريد منكم كلمة حق قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم (الساكت عن الحق شيطان اخرس ).. ونلفت انتباه العالم بأننا لسنا ضد المحاكمة العادله لكل شخص مذنب ولكن يجب أن يوجد عداله و قانون ينصر المظلوم على الظالم ولا يتاثر بقراره من المليشيات وان يصبح القانون غير القانون المتبع في بلادنا اليوم وهو قانون الغاب القوي فيه ياكل و يظلم الضعبف …..وبناء على كل ماسبق ذكره نحن نطالب كمسلمين وعرب وكبشر بأن يلتفت العالم لمعاناتنا لأنقاذ مايمكن انقاذه …….نحن لانريد الاستيلاء على حقوق غيرنا بل نحن نريد استرجاع حقوقنا فنحن أصحاب حق والله يشهد بذلك فارحموا عزيز قوم ذل . تحياتنا واحترامنا مع حفظ الأسماء لجميع الحضور الكريم ولكل الدول الشقيقة التي استقبلتنا وعلي رأسهم ام الدنيا مصر كما نستغل الفرصه لنبارك لسيادة الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي لتوليه الرئاسه وفعلا الرجل المناسب في المكان المناسب … شكرا لتواجدكم بيننا في هذا اليوم وشكرا لقبولكم تواجدنا بينكم في بلدانكم منذ سنوات ..



#ادمن قلم القائد

“Zintan brigade QaaQa” on FB:

message to the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood …

“Will teach those who wronged any return will turn”

No Thajmona not Tkvrona. This letter from Aziz Qadeer, not me.

“Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar”, on FB, comments:

“Rest assured, we are determined to victory ~

Get ready, O wronged to eliminate injustice and tyranny practiced by “militias February promiscuous”.

1:16 Abdullah Sanusi delivered to Libya

de mohamed sharef

Ihsab his soul in a school break and Abietém Bioagafhm

queues Hazelt

“Zintan brigade QaaQa” on FB, writes:

If you have something you wish for delayed

I know that God is testing your patience, Ved God is working in secret

Trust in God and trust him hastily, O beautiful for all of us are “waiting” !

ﺇﺫَﺍ ﺗﺄﺧﺮ ﻋﻠﻴﻚ ﺷﺊ ﺗﺘﻤﻨﺎﻩ

ﺃﻋﻠﻢ ﺃﻥ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻳﺨﺘﺒﺮ ﺻﺒﺮﻙ , ﻓﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﻤﻞ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺨﻔﺎﺀ

ﺛـﻖ ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻪ ﻭ ﺗﻮﻛـﻞ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﺍﻟﻠﻬﻢ ﻋﺠﻞ ﻟﻨﺎ ﺑﻜﻞ ﺟﻤﻴﻞ ﻧﻨﺘﻈﺮﻩ




وزارة الصحة تدعو المواطنين إلى تقديم ملفات علاجهم كل حسب مكان إصدار كتيب العائلة


ليبيا الإعلامية – طرابلس : دعت وزارة الصحة بالحكومة المؤقتة، اليوم الثلاثاء، المواطنين إلى تقديم ملفات علاجهم كل على حسب مكان إصدار كتيبة العائلة وفقا للمناطق المذكورة وهي ” طرابلس – قصر بن غشير – السواني – الزاوية – زوارة – صبراتة – الزنتان- جادو-يفرن- غريان-…


Health Ministry calls on citizens to provide all files treated by place of issuing a booklet Family

Ministry of Health called the interim government, on Tuesday, citizens to submit files treated each depending on the place of issuance battalion family and according to the areas mentioned a “Tripoli – Qasr Ben Ghashir – Sawani – corner – Zuwarah – Sabratha – Zintan – Gado – Ifrane – Gharyan – …


وزارة الصحة تدعو المواطنين إلى تقديم ملفات علاجهم كل حسب مكان إصدار كتيب العائلة

ليبيا الإعلامية – طرابلس : دعت وزارة الصحة بالحكومة المؤقتة، اليوم الثلاثاء، المواطنين إلى تقديم ملفات علاجهم كل على حسب مكان إصدار كتيبة العائلة وفقا للمناطق المذكورة وهي ” طرابلس – قصر بن غشير – السواني – الزاوية – زوارة – صبراتة – الزنتان- جادو-يفرن- غريان-…


RAT COURT DECIDES TOMORROW if former supporters of the GREAT JAMHIRIYA will

have rights in the “new” puppet government:

Tomorrow will separate court in the appeal against the decision of the previous conference

in the law of political isolation that he had manipulated the texts were rigging paragraphs

And impose by force of arms

Tomorrow, the court will rule on the decision Is it legal or void.

Aloescha MB Shield forces and militias and gangs of Zliten and Misrata and coordinating political isolation occupy

the center of Tripoli and threatened to arrest members of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Sayings leader Muammar al-Qathafi on 2/3/2011

“O my sons lawyers warn beware Trkpoa wave will kill you after that, said Vsedk, lied Fendmoa killing.”

After the death of a lawyer in Benghazi yesterday … advice Muammar al-Qathafi
Anschero video on a broader scale:
((My children are advised lawyers Mirkpoh wave .. wave heretics and Altcfhirien reel finished them

and pay them on the way Ivbhohm Zarqawi))
Leader’s speech on 08-03 –2011


بعد مقتل المحامية في بنغازي يوم امس … نصيحة الشهيد معمر القذافي

انــشرو الفيديو على اوسع نــطاق : ((ننصح أبنائي المحاميين مايركبوش الموجة.. موجة الزنادقة والتكفيريين بكرة ينتهوا منهم ويولّوا عليهم يذبحوهم على طريقة الزرقاوي)) خطاب القائد يوم 08 -03 – 2011 . بعد مقتل المحامية في بنغازي يوم امس … نصيحة الشهيد معمر القذافي للمحامين قبل حوالي 4 سنوات

Durée : 1:16

Please protect the Supreme Court

I hope our people in Tripoli km Kono’s appointment
Essam Altagoury
Youth Fashloum Be the deadline as Fltamoha advance of the Supreme Court in the Municipality

of tomorrow necks do not let us down

Protect the headquarters of the night.

a post of “Cents $” from “al-Fateh 69″ BLOGGER:


Resistance and the Tribe leaders in exile are against yesterdays elections.


only 1% to 2% went to vote yesterday and that is only in Libya, while in the rest of the world which ballots were placed at the Libyan Embassies only the staff of the Embassies voted.

Who participates in the elections of the State where there are displaced people at home and abroad and the rest are in prison!!!! ?

The State of which its ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood and CIA-al-Qaeda Leaders thrive on containers of cannabis!

“There will be no elections in the occupied country who destroyed its army had killed and displaced people inside and outside the home and decide who governs in the State of gangs and militias is who owns the weapon!!!! Your elections a waste of time and dose of analgesia is not only for the arrival of 200 terrorist and a thief and adulterer NEW!…”

So let’s make some calculations of how many Libyan people are in exile, killed in the illegal war, displaced Tawerghan, how many Libyans are in prison and what is left off the 6.5 million Libyans in Libya.

1. 1.5 million Exiled Libyans in Egypt.

2. Over 1 million Exiled Libyans in Tunis.

3. Over 20 thousand Exiled Libyans in Algeria.

4. Over 2 thousand Exiled Libyans in Sudan.

5. Over 6 thousand Exiled Libyans in Russia or Prussia

6. Over 8 thousand Exiled Libyans in the Whole of Europe.

7. Over 50 thousand Libyan Women and Men detainees(nobody really knows the exact number as there are hidden Jails of Al Qaida, Al Sharaia and LIFG <= which belongs to the notorious Belhaj ex Al Qaeda)

8.Over 20 thousand displaced Tawerghans

9. Its reported that from the day of the illegal war till 2013 over 500 thousand have lost their lives. For this year still it’s not calculated but the number is staggering.

10. Over 1 million Libyans who live in Libya and oppose the puppet government.

11. 1.5 million Libyans who are indifferent or afraid to express their opinion in that its included also children that do not vote.

So we have to ask the crucial Question who benefits from these farce of elections? There is no Democratic elections when only 3 parties are participating (Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Sharaia) Other parties are forbidden.



Gunmen storm the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the rats in the Libyan capital

and expelled all its staff.

The source added that the gunmen Iktadon cars with the slogan (operations room Libya rebels).




Misurata gangs abduct a number of young Tawergha people in the capital Tripoli

MISURATA RAT MB SHIELD ground troops at Bab AZIZIA Compound:

Someone told them that al-Qathafi was hiding in the catacombs beneath the complex !


Burning near the fuel tanks at the airport road.


Abduction named Shukri Ibouhmirh‘s Search Criminal far he left his work in the trait Furjan.

Tripoli elects dead

The attempted assassination of a candidate, “Noman Sheikh Mahfouz” in the city of Tripoli ...


Unidentified attackers on the station five steam

An official source at the Ministry of Electricity to unknown assaulted the station five scooters,

and they have beaten by the use of weapons against the working station. He explained.



Comment lock Centers electoral farce in Beautiful City, after an attack by unidentified gunmen on those centers.



TRIPOLI CORNER comes to Bani Walid:

Delegation sheikhs and notables city corner up the city of Bani Walid today for reconciliation

between the two cities in the presence of more than 60 Libyan tribes.

Big Pow-Wow in BANI WALID Today

Valley Agency Dinar News

The most important points of a statement of reconciliation between the people and the tribes of the corner and Orvlh today in Beni Walid 26.6.2014

Chairman’s social tribes and Rafla on 06/26/2014


The statement stressed the people of the tribes of the corner and Orvlh released today

1) the need to support social networking among all cities and Libyan tribes without marginalization or exclusion of one Libya and one homeland and sought everyone>

2) intolerance and rejection of family and tribal and regional in all its forms.

And strongly condemn the imposition of any political decision in any way whether it be regional or regional agendas or agendas or external force.

3) It was decided during a meeting of reconciliation between the two cities, which was held in Bani Walid formation of a joint committee of tribes and Rafla the corner to deal with all issues of mutual interest and work to find solutions within the framework of brotherhood and reconciliation, stressing that all personal rights guaranteed no statute of limitations are addressed in the framework of the law and social custom.

4) call for all Libyan tribes to follow the example of the two tribes and contribute to the rejection of the band and is working to reunite the nation.

5) to send a message to the Arab countries, and all countries of the world and international organizations and bodies that we do not allow in any way interfering in our internal affairs, or things did not impose his choice of the Libyan people. (15 photos)




Throwing an explosive device at a polling station in Sirte
http://www.altahrir.com delivered anonymously, on Wednesday, an improvised explosive device inside the fence electoral center Khawla school girl Azores in Sirte in northern Libya and fled.

Throwing an explosive device by unknown assailants inside the fence so-called electoral center

Khawla school girl Azores in Sirte and there was no material damage or human.

Sirte are looking to secure the lower House election

Sirte-Gateway Center | Sunday 22 June 2014, 10: 39 PM

Local Council Chairman Sirte abdulfattah SIWI Director national security Sirte charged Colonel teresia

The Sirte meeting Sunday to discuss ways of securing the Parliament election on June 25.

The meeting included Chairman of the 5th constituency (Sirte-jufra-Sidra) Hamid Al Saadi Al-sanousi, Director of national security Sirte charged Colonel teresia Abdali, the Director of health services Dr. Khalifa Mohammed Abdul Fattah, Director of the Office of the telephone company engineer Khalid del Libya, and coordinators of departments with the fifth electoral district and the distribution of Gulf service General company for electricity in Sirte.

Informed sources said the “central gateway” that the meeting discussed the arrangements and preparations for polling day and the security plan drafted by National Security Directorate in Sirte to secure polling stations and police officers for each polling station, adding to the power of the military was pleased.

The meeting also agreed to provide ambulances equipped with medical personnel and means of communication for the success of the electoral process for the polling day for the House of representatives.

The number of polling centers in Sirte and Centre 42 candidates 35 candidates and candidates.


car bomb explosion in front of the committee known as the sixtieth in the city of Casablanca

A car bomb explosion in front of the Casablanca White Hall of the



Benghazi-”central gateway”-clarke101 | Thursday 26 June 2014, 2: 01 PM

after the terrorist bombing, which was outside the hall Constituent State Constitution Drafting far down the hall of the

tanks perimeter protection in addition to that surveillance cameras had picked up and revealed the identity of the actor.

An explosion in front of Casablanca Parliament Hall white

Unknown assailants detonated a car bomb Thursday in front of the Parliament building in the city of Casablanca, the Director of security of CASABLANCA, Colonel Mohammed Al-Gawad told «middle» gate shortly before the explosion and investigation on the spot.

He said the source of the material damage just yet, and there was no information on casualties or injuries, Allison said that security controls are in place, adding that the explosion caused panic among its citizens.

Pictures of the blast traded النشطاءعلي



A medical source of Benghazi Medical Center access Josmanin to medical first body of Mr. “Ragab Mohamed Ali” in the sixties was found dead in three rounds in Dahr. He said one of his relatives as employees in the electricity and was driving a Toyota Fjah trace of electricity where the unidentified Bermaah him and kill him and steal the car . the body and the second master “lamp Hasanuddin” dead in a traffic accident at the age of 27 years.

# Of Last saws Salwa Boukaiqis:

The assassination of lawyer “Salwa Aboukaiqis” in front of her house …

Salwa Boukaiqis

Zintan brigade QaaQa”, on FB, comments:

I am God and to Him we return

Moved lawyer and political activist Salwa Boukaiqis to the mercy of Allah.

For any Men tells the story of any religion tells Igtalo women in the law for any scratching

and any and any and any For the suffering and turn, but with God.

Yes shot in the head and in the center of her home and I have a picture

of a car Khco House Gscrih Kano Hellbe.

Look at the hatred on our people: Salwa died abdominal stab and pleurisy and heart but the fatal bullet in

Head. And her companion trained Essam Abdul Kader Ghiryani not found so far.

the assassination of Alcadb Gheriani…

News about the disappearance of a pair Salwa Bo Qaiqis Essam Ghiryani of the city of Benghazi.


News of the killing of a pair Salwa Boukaiqis & Essam Ghiryani and found his  corpse behind the Benghazi hospital Marwah.

This íÎáíß Mesh Mesh Adair Gmlah dignity íÎáíß Adair process of mass destruction thugs …

And kill women also ….. O cowards ….

You are evil people …..

O dry desert ….

Oh pigs deserts …..

Aajnadb Earth …..

Hey dogs fire …..

Khositm …. low and the Hereafter …

God damn you to the Day of Judgment.

Kharijites across their pages, they admit ACLU meat Salwa Boukaqis killed her murder …

evil of sin became Kafr.

Pass through of Islam ghee clarifier of the baby, while

Adrkihm to kill Oguetlnhm returned, he met with them wherever Vaguetlohm,

(in the killing of those who paid to kill them)

Kharijites have hyperbole in religion disbelieve His sin.

Witness to the assassination of Salwa Bo Qaqis eluted alive ghost Altcfhirien hovering him in every dark corner reacting to kill him to conceal the crime are 5 yes 5 bearded and clarity of signs of the Kharijites of their actions from the entry way home and how Tanoha in the chest, abdomen and heart bullet in the head of Death, death … must protect the spirit of the witness and the Rescue.

Osama Azntane, reports:

She died with a bullet in the head, and Yasser fueling street Libyan general and street Abannghaza

particular mesh known who killed her so I hope Cefankm accuracy and objectivity in news reporting.



God rest his soul has been proven under the walls of the house of splendor at a time when many of those who fled claimed the championship and loyalty throughout the seven months of the war on our beloved country

Martyr of the nation

The hero martyr Ahmed Nouri, who was bumped in al-Buazy prison’s customers Sidi Khalifa Street, God bless his soul and enter paradise


The assassination of military and survival of his brother and his son in Benghazi

was assassinated on Tuesday evening in the city of Benghazi, Mr. Faraj Faitouri when it was targeted by unidentified Bermaah a hail of bullets is his brother and his son Garyounes area. It is noted that Faitouri military, headed by General Staff A medical source of Benghazi Medical Center that Amodorph Faitouri arrived to Benghazi Medical Center corpse …and his brother Saleh Ahmed, was slightly injured in the hand and face, and his son is thankfully, in good health.

Kidney dialysis center in Benghazi is suffering a shortage drug cyclo Spourin
Media Libya – Benghazi

BENGHAZI NEEDS “cyclo Spourin” for Kidney dialysis IMMEDIAYTELY!!!

appealed Center kidney Benghazi and the Ministry of Health to provide the drug “cyclo Spourin” private dialysis as soon as possible after the depletion of the stores entirely. A member of the media office service center in Benghazi kidney, Moataz Magbari, to  the atmosphere Forums:

Failure to give this drug to patients with kidney transplants will lead to failure …


Benghazi: find one military police tortured

Benghazi-”central gateway”-clarke101 | Thursday 26 June 2014, 6: 09 AM

Military police in Benghazi (archival)

Security agents on Wednesday were found on one of the military police allegedly tarhouni handcuffed

and tortured near Ms. Aisha Al-Hawari in Benghazi.

He was told to “middle gate» the tarhouni hospital Hawari year for treatment.

In the same context the Hanny oraibi official information Office of «Marian hospital and care center» the Hawari

received Sargeant Tarhouni ( was a result of severe beatings and torture), and is currently receiving treatment.

1) Exposure security force charged with protecting polling centers Hawari area to an armed attack by extremist groups.

2) An armed attack on the Trade and Development Bank branch Hawari in Benghazi.

3) Now | a. Q. B for a medical source: 3 soldiers killed Libyans at least in clashes in Benghazi #3 killed, 20 wounded in clashes preliminary statistical Hawari
Benghazi Medical Center

In pictures: armed attack on Benghazi medical centre

Benghazi-«Center» Portal-clarke101 | Thursday 26 June 2014, 3: 37 PM

The Benghazi Medical Centre shows an armed attack by a four-wheel drive vehicle carrying a weapon, fired randomly and circled into the Center.

The source said the Management Center for «gate Center»: «that the car crashed into a lamppost, and the shooting occurred without stopping until you run out of Ammo, which proved to be the top vehicle, towards the building of the Department of obstetrics and Gynecology crowded conditions as well as adjacent buildings». (SALAFI DO NOT WANT MEDICAL DOCTORS FOR THEIR WIVES)

He said: «the shooting resulted in material damage only, the Benghazi medical centre has much work yesterday in the security conditions in the city of Benghazi and the other hospitals of the very bad security situation, has received eight victims, most recently the martyr Salwa bugaighis» and more than 50 wounded.

Rising toll of clashes in Benghazi to 7 dead and 53 injured

Benghazi-«Center» Portal-clarke101 | Thursday 26 June 2014, 2: 15 AM

The Benghazi Medical Centre (archive)

A medical source confirmed the status of Benghazi death toll and injuries, armed clashes in Benghazi on Wednesday, 25 June.

The source said the “Central gate» the Medical Center received seven dead and 49 injured suffered minor injuries and were receiving treatment, including critical situations.

In the same context Hani Al oraibi information Office official Hawari General Hospital told «middle gate» the Hawari received three wounded only light injuries, and received first aid and discharged from a hospital.

Information Office confirmed the evacuation hospital to evacuate injured received only one was killed by shrapnel during clashes.

Frame follows in # Benghazi
Military Police and the goals and the Thunderbolt and the police and security bonds and battalion 21 Thunderbolt in a battle

With supporters of evil  (ANSAR al-SHARIA) in the # Hawari required in Rav God


Gunmen kill elderly area Quiche in Benghazi

Gunmen murdered an elderly Quiche in Benghazi region

Benghazi-Gateway Center, Salem Al-Obeidi | Thursday 26 June 2014, 7: 54 PM

The Benghazi medical centre

Unidentified gunmen assassinated an elderly man, appeared Thursday in the Quiche in Benghazi.

A military source confirmed the special forces “Thunderbolt” for “central gateway”

that Rajab Mohammed of Dan, an elderly man, was shot and his body to the medical centre in Benghazi.

The source said that a staff member of the electric company Dan in Benghazi.

In the same context, the source said Benghazi medical centre for “central gateway” that the Centre received the body of Dan (64) that targeted with bullets throughout his body.

Cyrenaican military institution: the arrest of the two trucks in the gate Mlatin sunken munitions.

.. Sunken in the white flag.

«Top Obeida launches campaign for school health

Benghazi-”central gateway”-Ahmad Zakir Husain | Wednesday 25 June 2014, 1: 06 AM

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