
Since the day he first took office, Barack Obama has thumbed his nose at virtually every long standing U.S. tradition, upended decades worth of foreign policy decisions that were paid for with the lives of thousands of our nation’s finest as well as trillions of dollars in American taxpayers’ money (back when they all still had jobs), has divided this country in a way unlike anything I’ve seen during my 40 years on this planet, and he’s done all of it with the full support of a grossly corrupt and dishonest mainstream media that didn’t tell Americans the truth about virtually any of it.

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Even with almost 100 million Americans out of work, our smallest military since the 1940’s, social unrest that’s reached critical mass and is poised to blow, because of how dishonest the media is, the overwhelming vast majority of Americans still have no any idea the extent of the destruction Obama has left in his wake, and they probably won’t know until it’s far too late. Many experts predicted that Obama would be more defiant than ever before during the closing days of presidency, but few thought Obama would go as far as he just did this past week.

Recall what Michael Snyder said on November 17th when discussing the worst possible thing Obama could do on his way out, not just for the American people, but for the entire world. Snyder said:

“If Barack Obama decides to divide the land of Israel at the United Nations, it will be the worst decision of his entire presidency.  I have warned repeatedly that all hell will break loose in America if it happens, and it will also mean that many of the events that I warn about in my latest book are much closer than many had been anticipating…

So keep an eye on the period around Thanksgiving and the period around Christmas.  If Barack Obama is going to stab Israel in the back, it may happen during one of those times… I believe that this is an absolutely critical moment in our history, and let us hope that our leaders make the right decisions…”

Over the last two years, Obama has talked an awful lot about the “legacy” his presidency will leave behind. With Donald Trump’s surprise victory on November 8th, Obama knows his life's work, and his entire eight year domestic agenda is going to be erased almost immediately upon his vacating the White House. In the video below, I explain how the one defiant act that many analysts feared the most from an outgoing President Obama, is precisely the one act Obama has just committed.

With a combination of his willful ignorance, spite, childlike petulance, and downright vindictiveness, Obama has virtually assured his place in history as the man who just lit the fuse to what may be the last war mankind ever fights with anything more sophisticated than sticks and stones. Upon learning of Obama’s recent stunt, Michael Snyder closes his article below by saying the following:

“Nothing else that Barack Obama has done during his entire time in the White House even comes close to this.  He has greatly cursed America, he has set the stage for the bloodiest war the Middle East has ever seen, and he has defiantly shaken his fist at the one true God that created all things…

May God have mercy on us all…”




For those of you who are finally starting to realize there is major trouble on the horizon, largely as a result of the corruption within our own government and the 2016 election, the failure of the U.S. Dollar and Western banks, deteriorating conditions here domestically, or perhaps Obama's most recent stunt being the spark that ignites World War III, then I suggest you get your FREE GUIDE for how to survive Martial Law here, because if/when things begin to go south, by then it will be too late to do anything about it.

For anyone with no idea where to begin making preparations, a very good, and very inexpensive tool to teach you how and what you should be preparing, is a book called “Conquering the Collapse.” Since I’ve practically worn out my own iPad reading my copy, in the following link I provide you with a review of the book: Be Ready For Any Emergency – The Crucial Guide For Any Family’s Safety (Videos).

If you do nothing else, you can learn more about the coming crisis in the links at the bottom under the heading titled, “If nothing else, these links are essential.” The writing is on the wall everywhere… I strongly suggest checking out the post titled, Start “Doubling Up On Your Prepping;” Countdown to Economic Collapse.

Michael Snyder Writes:

Barack Obama has just made the worst decision of his entire presidency.  On Friday, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2334, and this never would have happened without the support and approval of Barack Obama.  Since the United States has veto power on the Security Council, no resolution can ever pass unless the United States allows it to pass.  For decades, it has been the policy of the U.S. government to veto all anti-Israel resolutions at the Security Council, and the Israeli government had been expecting that Barack Obama would not suddenly change that policy at the very end of his second term.  Most of the news headlines about resolution 2334 refer to “Israeli settlements”, but the reality of the matter is that this resolution is about much more than that.  The truth is that this resolution has established legally binding parameters for a “two-state solution” that Israel will never accept, and this includes giving every inch of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.

If you have not read it yet, you can find the full text of resolution 2334 right here.  It is one of the most important documents of our time, so you need to take a few minutes to read it.


In the excerpt below, you will see that this resolution clearly states that East Jerusalem is in “Palestinian territory” and that the Security Council says that it will recognize no changes to the pre-1967 borders except “those agreed by the parties through negotiations”…

Reaffirms that the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace;

Reiterates its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and that it fully respect all of its legal obligations in this regard;

Underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties through negotiations;

Of course not one inch of East Jerusalem was controlled by Israel prior to the 1967 war.  So the UN Security Council is saying that unless the Palestinians agree to give it up, every single inch of East Jerusalem (including the Temple Mount) belongs to the Palestinians.

In the first video below, you’ll learn a brief history of the 3000 year old Temple Mount, which is by far one of the most important religious sites in the whole world. The Temple Mount has extreme significance to three major religions of the world including the Christians, Jews, and Muslims, all of whom have been fighting over the location for thousands of years.

Today, at the heart of the fighting in the Israel/Palestine conflict lies the question of the land itself and who rules it. The collision of Jewish nationalist colonization and Palestinian nationalism, both laying claim to the same territory, forms the basis of this long conflict, deepened by the tragedies of the Holocaust and of the dispossession and occupation of Palestine.

The first video explains what is so important about the Temple Mount, and how it relates to the end of days. Jesus told us what was going to happen at the Temple Mount, and the road to that fulfillment is being laid right now. Now, in his final act of defiance, rather than follow decades of foreign policy precedent and support our ally Israel, Obama chose to turn his back on Israel, and he essentially gave Jerusalem over to the Palestinians. We all know there is no way Israel is going to accept that, hence why we are now on a path to war…




In the first video, you learned that Muslims have control of the Temple Mount now, and in the second video you’ll see that it is not only Jewish worshipers who are violently discriminated against on the Temple Mount. Christian worshipers meet the same discriminatory fate at the hands of the Muslim officials who have been granted control of the Temple Mount. This is not new, but this video presents a graphic example of the Islamic apartheid being practiced on the Temple Mount.




As I have explained before, UN Security Council resolutions are considered to be legally binding on the parties.  Now that the Palestinians have been granted full legal ownership over East Jerusalem, does anyone actually believe that they will ever willingly relinquish that?

Today, more than half a million Israelis live in East Jerusalem and the 137 settlements that are scattered throughout the West Bank.

Where are they all supposed to go?


This UN Security Council resolution never should have happened.  President-elect Donald Trump made it abundantly clear that he would have vetoed this resolution, but instead of deferring to the next administration Barack Obama decided to viciously stab Israel in the back.  This is the greatest betrayal of Israel in American history, and according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the Obama administration has been plotting this for quite a while…

“From the information that we have, we have no doubt that the Obama administration initiated it, stood behind it, coordinated on the wording and demanded that it be passed,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “This is, of course, in complete contradiction of the traditional American policy that was committed to not trying to dictate terms for a permanent agreement, like any issue related to them in the Security Council, and, of course, the explicit commitment of President Obama himself, in 2011, to refrain from such steps.”

During an interview with with CNN on Sunday, an official spokesperson for Netanyahu said essentially the same thing…

Netanyahu spokesman David Keyes told CNN on Sunday, “We have iron-clad information, frankly, that the Obama administration really helped push this resolution and helped craft it, from sources internationally and sources in the Arab world.”

Unfortunately, Obama’s actions are going to have very serious implications for all of us.

As I just explained in an article on The Most Important News, those that bless Israel will be blessed, and those that curse Israel will be cursed.

And this is especially true when it comes to Jerusalem.  In Zechariah 2:8 we are told that those that touch Jerusalem touch the apple of God’s eye, and in Zechariah 12 we are told that the city of Jerusalem will play a significant role in the last days.  The following is what Zechariah 12:3 says in the Modern English Version…

“And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it.”

By defiantly attempting to divide the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem during the waning days of his presidency, Barack Obama has cursed America.


You may not believe in blessings and curses, but the Word of God says that those that curse Israel will be cursed, and without a doubt we will most assuredly be cursed as a result of what Barack Obama has done.

And of course the entire Middle East is going to suffer as well.  Instead of bringing peace, this resolution just sets the stage for more conflict.  According to the Times of Israel, the Netanyahu government is already promising not to adhere to the terms of the resolution…

“Israel categorically rejects the despicable anti-Israeli resolution at the UN, and will not adhere to it,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a seething statement after the council voted in favor of the motion 14-0.

Knowing all of this, put yourself into the shoes of the Palestinians for a moment.

The UN Security Council has given them legal rights to a nation with borders based on the pre-1967 lines.  They have been given every inch of East Jerusalem, and every Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem and the West Bank has officially been declared illegal.

If Israel refuses to budge, the Palestinians could very easily come to the conclusion that they have exhausted all legal channels for resolving the conflict and that the only way they are going to get what legally belongs to them is to take it by force.

A great war is coming to the Middle East, and it will be a life or death struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Nothing else that Barack Obama has done during his entire time in the White House even comes close to this.  He has greatly cursed America, he has set the stage for the bloodiest war the Middle East has ever seen, and he has defiantly shaken his fist at the one true God that created all things.

May God have mercy on us all.





Ultimate EMP Survival: Keep your electronics working after an EMP burst or solar flare

The Lost Ways: 4 Important Forgotten Skills used by our Ancestors that can help you in any crises

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Conquering the Collapse: Financial advice and preparedness

Sold Out After Crisis: Americans proven to be over-confident and under prepared lack these crucial items – Get them while you can

Backyard Liberty: Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank

Liberty Generator: Have an alternative power source

Power Out Prepper – Learn to make power – slash your CURRENT power bill by up to 70%

Once Upon a Time in America… Are you ready to turn back the clocks to the 1800’s for up to three years? Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were the last generation to practice the basic things that we call survival skills now… Watch this video and you will find many interesting things!

Conquering the Collapse is an extensive guide, covering everything from why we should prepare, how a collapse may happen, what civilization may look like in its aftermath, and what steps you can take to not only prepare ahead of time, but how you’ll survive and thrive during the reconstruction and rebuilding that follows.




The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way

The Prepper's Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster

Prepper's Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary

Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival

Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living

Conquering the Collapse is an extensive guide, covering everything from why we should prepare, how a collapse may happen, what civilization may look like in its aftermath, and what steps you can take to not only prepare ahead of time, but how you’ll survive and thrive during the reconstruction and rebuilding that follows.


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