Srimad Bhagavatam cover
Sometime back one of our readers submitted this Index on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and asked if I could post it. It is truly a very impressive piece of work, and represents a great deal of time and study. We applaud the effort that Jan has put into this Index, and with great pleasure we post it here, in the hopes that others can benefit.
Srimad-Bhagavatam Index, Notes, Topical Guide
compiled by Jan Alexander
This was written to help me find, understand and remember the massive truth found in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Every abbrieviated, shortened, misused, form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s name, fame, and pastimes is just in attempt to cram the Srimad-Bhagavatam into this being that I am. I hope that this will be of great help to others who are studying the Srimad-Bhagavatam. I offer this handful of rice to the Lord.
– Jan Alexander
This file is so large we will have to post it in parts. This is the conculsion of index. Many thanks to to Jan Alexander for her devoted efforts.
Uccaihsrava among the horses, I AM 11-16-2
udara-dhih= one who has a broader outlook 2-3-145
Uddhava instructed by Lord Krsna 11-7
Uddhava instructed by Lord Krsna 11-7
Uddhava mounted his chariot and set off for Nanda-gokula,got there just as the sun was setting 10-46-1
Uddhava to gopis, please hear your beloved’s message I have come here to bring you 10-47-4
Uddhava, your grandson’s wife=the goddess of fortune 3-14-3
Uddhava please explain to me the symptoms by which one can tell the difference between,eternally liberated/eternally conditioned? 11-10-5
Uddhava Prabhu, remained several months,dispelling gopis sorrow by chanting topics of Lord Krsna’s pastimes 10-47-6
Uddhava further desired to understand the characteristics of a factually saintly person and different aspects of devotional practice 11-11-3
Uddhava said to Narada,help Your cousin fulfill his plan for performing the Rajasuya sacrifice,protect the kings 10-71-1
Uddhava to Krsna: although we are conditioned souls wandering on path of fruitive work,we will certainly cross beyond the darkness 11-6-6
Uddhava to Krsna: although we are conditioned souls,simply by hearing Your assoc. of Your devotees,we will cross beyond darkness 11-6-6
Uddhava to Krsna: by decorating ourselves,garlands,fragrant oils,clothes,ornaments that You have already enjoyed,eating remnants 11-6-6
Uddhava to Krsna: how can we possibly reject You or live without You even for a moment? we are constantly engaged in Your service 11-6-6
Uddhava to Krsna: naked sages who seriously endeavor in spiritual practice,raised semen upward,peaceful,sinless,renounced order 11-6-6
Uddhava to Krsna: it appears You will now withdraw Your dynasty,You yourself will finally give up Your pastimes within this universe 11-6-5
Uddhava,king,seeing the departure of the Yadavas,fearful omens, approached S.P.G.,Krsna in a private place 11-6-5
Uddhava said to Krsna: it appears You will now withdraw Your dynasty,You will finally give up Your pastimes within this universe 11-6-5
Uddhava said to Krsna: You are capable of counteracting the brahmanas curse against Your dynasty,You are not doing so 11-6-5
Uddhava said to Krsna: Your disappearance is imminent 11-6-5
Uddhava said to KrsnaI urge You to take me along with You to Your own abode,Your pastimes are intoxicating beverage for the ears 11-6-5
Uddhava said to Krsna: how can we reject You or live without You even for a moment? we constantly engaged in Your service 11-6-6
Uddhava said to Krsna: by decorating ourselves,garlands,fragrant oils,clothes,ornaments,You have already enjoyed,eating remnants 11-6-6
Uddhava said to Krsna: Your servants will indeed conquer Your illusory energy 11-6-6
Uddhava said to Krsna: naked sages who endeavor in spiritual practice,raised their semen upward,peaceful,sinless,renounced order 11-6-6
Uddhava said to Krsna: naked sages who.., attain the spiritual abode called Brahman 11-6-6
Uddhava said to Krsna: although we are conditioned souls wandering on path of fruitive work,we will certainly cross beyond darkness 11-6-6
Uddhava said to Krsna: we are conditioned souls,simply by hearing Your association of Your devotees,we will cross beyond darkness 11-6-6
Uddhava to S.P.G., what type of person do You consider to be a true devotee? 11-11-8
Uddhava to S.P.G., what type of devotional service is approved by great devotees as worthy of being offered to You 11-11-8
Uddhava to S.P.G., You accept many different forms,incarnating according to Your devotees’ desires 11-11-8
Uddhava to S.P.G.,Kesava: at what time /in what form did You instruct the science of yoga to Sanaka and his brothers? 11-13-2
Uddhava to Krsna, A* what process,desiring liberation meditate upon You,of what specific nature/form should his meditation be 11-14-4
Uddhava to Krsna: Vedic literature/various processes for perfecting one’s life,processes equally important or if one is supreme 11-14-1
Uddhava to Krsna= Acyuta: by what process can mystic perfection be achieved,nature/number of perfections? 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna,primary mystic perf. :anima,mahima,laghima,prapti,prakamya-siddhi,isita-siddhi,vasita-siddhi,kamavasayita-siddhi 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna 8 primary mystic per.:anima,mahima,laghima,prapti,prakamya-siddhi,isita-siddhi,vasita-siddhi,kamavasayita-siddhi 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna 8 primary mystic perfections are considered to be naturally existing and unexcelled within this world 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: anima=becoming smaller than the smallest 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: mahima=becoming greater than the greatest 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: laghima=becoming lighter than the lightest11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: prapti=one acquires whatever one desires 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: prakamya-siddhi=one experiences any enjoyable object in this world or the next 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: isita-siddhi=can manipulate the subpotencies of maya 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: vasita-siddhi=unimpeded by the 3 modes of nature 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*: kamavasayita-siddhi=can obtain anything from anywhere,to the highest possible limit 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 1.freeing oneself from hunger,thirst,other bodily disturbances, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 2.hearing and seeing things far away, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 3.moving the body at the speed of mind, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 4.assuming any form that one desires, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 5.entering the bodies of others, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 6.dying when one desires, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 7.witnessing the pastimes between the demigods/celestial girls=apsaras, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 8.completely executing one’s determination, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: orders whose fulfillment is unempeded, 11-15-1
Uddhava to Krsna*:10 secondary mystic perfections: 10.power to know:past,present,future,dualities,minds,influence of/unconquered 11-15-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna= Madhava= Madhusudana 11-17-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna: explain how all human beings can achieve loving service unto You by execution of prescribed duties 11-17-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna: previous form of Lord Hamsa,You spoke to Lord Brahma religious principles that bring happiness 11-17-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna: now much time has passed,that which You previously instructed will soon practically cease to exist 11-17-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna: there is no speaker,creator,protector of supreme religious principles other than Your Lordship 11-17-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna: when You abandon the earth who will again speak this lost knowledge? 11-17-1
Uddhava to Lord Acyuta=Krsna: describe beings who may execute path of loving service to You,how such service is to be rendered 11-17-1
Uddhava to Krsna: tell me how many types of disciplinary regulations/regular daily duties there are 11-19-3
Uddhava to Krsna: tell me how many types of disciplinary regulations/regular daily duties there are 11-19-3
Uddhava to S.P.G.: the intelligence of those dedicated to fruitive activities is certainly deviated from You 11-22-4
Uddhava to S.P.G, please explain the prescribed method of worshiping You in Your Deity form,qualifications,basis,method? 11-27-1
Uddhava to S.P.G, please explain to Your devoted servant this means of liberation from the bondage of work? 11-27-1
Uddhava to S.P.G, nonliving material body,like firewood,is dull,unaware,so in this world,who undergoes experience of material life? 11-28-2
Uddhava said to S.P.G, on the one hand,the spirit soul is innately endowed with perfect knowledge 11-28-2
Uddhava said to S.P.G, on the other hand the material body is not a conscious living entity, 11-28-2
Uddhava said to S.P.G, to whom then does this experience of material existence pertain? 11-28-2
Uddhava said to S.P.G, the spirit soul is inexhaustible,transcendental,pure,self-luminous,never covered by anything material,like fire 11-28-2
Uddhava said to S.P.G, nonliving material body,firewood,is dull,unaware,so in this world,who undergoes experience of material life? 11-28-2
Uddhava to S.P.G., during Your appearance as Lord Ramacandra,demigods like Brahma,tips of helmets where Your feet rested 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., I fear the method of yoga described by You is very difficult for one who cannot control his mind 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., please explain to me in simple terms how someone can more easily execute method of yoga described by You 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., swanlike men happily take shelter of Your lotus feet,those who take pride in accomplishments in yoga/karma fail 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., transcendental poets/experts in spiritual science not fully express indebtedness to You with prolonged lifetime 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., what lack is there for us who are engaged in the service of the dust of Your lotus feet? 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., Who could dare reject You who give all possible perfections to the devotees who take shelter of You? 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., who would reject You,accept something for the sake of material enjoyment which leads to forgetfulness of You 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., yogis who try to steady mind experience frustration,inability to perfect state of trance,weary to bring mind control 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., You appear in 2 features,externally as the acarya and internally as the Supersoul 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., You appear in 2 features,to deliver the embodied living being by directing him how to come to You 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., You displayed special affection for monkeys such as Hanuman,who had taken exclusive shelter of You 11-29-1
Uddhava to S.P.G., You intimately approach Your servants who have taken exclusive shelter of You 11-29-1
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: a rope You originally cast over me by Your illusory energy for the purpose of developing Your creation 11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: how can cold darkness and fear exert their power over one who has approached the brilliant sun?11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: in return for my insignificant surrender,You bestowed upon me,the torchlight of transcendental knowledge11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: is now cut off by the weapon of transcendental knowledge of the self 11-29-5
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: primeval Lord,although I had fallen into great darkness of illusion,my ignorance has now been dispelled 11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: steadying mind,Uddhava bowed down to touch the Lord’s feet with his head,then spoke with folded hands 11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: the firmly binding rope of my affection for the families of theDasarhas,Vrsnis,Andhakas,Satvatas 11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: what devotee of Yours could ever give up Your lotus feet and take shelter of another master? 11-29-4
Uddhava said to S.P.G.: is now cut off by the weapon of transcendental knowledge of the self 11-29-5
Uddhava visits Vrndavana 10-46
Uddhava, Krsna began to reply confidentially to His dear,unalloyed servant Uddhava 11-6-6
Uddhava, go to Vraja and give pleasure to Our parents,relieve gopis,suffering in separation,give message 10-46-1
Uddhava, I will again explain the supreme process for achieving loving service unto Me 11-19-3
Uddhava, Sri, Lord Krsna explains Yoga system 11-14
Uddhava, Sri, Lord Krsna explains Yoga system 11-14
Uddhava,in the near future I will abandon this earth,then being overwhelmed by the age of Kali,the earth will be bereft of all piety 11-7-1
Uddhava,you should not remain here on the earth once I have abandoned this world,Kali-yuga,people addicted to sinful acts 11-7-1
Uddhava,completely give up all attachment,personal friends/relatives,fix mind on Me,observe all equal vision,wander throughout earth 11-7-1
Uddhava,material universe you perceive through your mind,speech,eyes,ears,other senses is an illusory creation,imagined to be real 11-7-1
Uddhava,objects of material senses,temporary,bewildered by illusion,perceives differences in value/meaning among material objects 11-7-1
Uddhava,you should see the entire world as situated within the self,see this individual self within Me, S.P.G. 11-7-2
Uddhava,being fully endowed with conclusive knowledge of the Vedas,realizing the ultimate purpose of such knowledge in practice 11-7-2
Uddhava,realizing ultimate purpose of Vedas,you will be able to perceive the pure self,your mind will be satisfied,b/c dear to all beings 11-7-2
Uddhava,after perceiveing pure self,mind satisfied,b/c dear to all living beings,headed by demigods,never hampered, by disturbance 11-7-2
Uddhava,has transcended material good/evil,automatically acts in accordance with religious injunctions,avoids forbidden activities 11-7-2
Uddhava then offered obeisances to the Lord and spoke as follows: You alone award the results of yoga practice 11-7-2
Uddhava then offered obeisances to the Lord and spoke as follows: You distribute the perfection of yoga to Your devotee 11-7-2
Uddhava then offered obeisances to the Lord and spoke as follows: You,Supreme Soul,realized through yoga,origin of mystic power 11-7-2
Uddhava then offered obeisances to the Lord and spoke as follows: explained procedure,giving up material world,process sannyasa= 11-7-2
Uddhava spoke to the Lord: whose minds are attached to sense gratification,bereft of devotion unto You,renunciation is most difficult 11-7-2
Uddhava spoke to the Lord: I am thinking,this body,all these relatives are mine,tell me how I can easily carry out Your instructions 11-7-2
Uddhava spoke to the Lord: I surrender unto You whose spiritual abode in Vaikuntha is free from disturbances,You are Narayana 11-7-3
Uddhava= best counselor of the Vrsni dynasty,friend of Krsna,direct disciple of Brhaspati,10-46-1
Uddhava= descendant of Dasarha 10-47-7
Uddhava= the disciple of Brhaspati 11-23-1
Uddhava=Narada Muni? questioned by Vidura regarding 3-2-1
Uddhava=Narada Muni? questioned by Vidura regarding 3-2-1
Uddhava’s song to cowherd women 10-47-6
Uddhave went back to city of Mathura,under Krsna’s protection,described devotion of residents of Vraja,gifts 10-47-8
Ugrasena all the daughters of, became the wives of Vasudeva’s younger brothers 9-24-2
Ugrasena as King of the Yadus Krsna,having comforted His parents,installed His maternal grandfather,10-45-2
Ugrasena daughters:Kamsa,Kamsavati,Kanka,Surabhu,Rastrapalika, all became wives of Vasudeva 9-24-2
Ugrasena sons/dau. of 9-24-2
Ugrasena sons:Kamsa,Sunama,Nyagrodha,Kanka,Sanku,Suhu,Rastrapala,Dhrsti,Tustiman 9-24-2
Ugrasena, all dau.of, b/c wives of Vasudeva’s younger brothers 9-24-2
Ugrasena, old father of Kamsa,who is greedy for my kingdom and his brother Devaka, Kamsa will kill 10-36-3
Ugrasena, Pradyumna in previous life he was the god of love, Ugrasena, Vrishnis 3-1-3
Ugrasena= king Ahuka of the Yadus ground the club to bits and threw into the water of the ocean 11-1-3
ultimate destination, Narayana is 2-5-254
Uma, wife of Lord Siva= Rudrani,Lord Rudra’s consort,= Bhavani= 12-10-1
Umapati, Lord, is known as he who is quickly pleased, yet only at the end of a year did he gratify Salva 10-76-1
umbrella is His spiritual abode, Vaikuntha, where there is no fear 12-11-2
unborn one, apperance of the unborn one- took birth in the family of te Yadus 3-1-4
unborn one, apperance of the unborn one- took birth in the family of te Yadus 3-1
Unchavrtti Mudgala attained permanent by means of impermanent,achieved lasting fame with temporary body 10-72-3
unconcious, fall unconcious, regain consciousness by chanting Krsna 1-intro-37
uncontrolled senses make one spend his money unnessisarily for: 5-14-1
uncontrolled senses spend money for:seeing,tasting,smelling,touching,hearing,desiring,willing 5-14-1
undergo all kinds of austerities/penance 5-5-2
understand everything, by these actions you will be able to, from within your heart 3-9-3
understand- whatever we can, is not created from any source other than the Lord 2-5-240
understanding Your original personality,they are able to cross over the ocean of illusory material existence 10-14-4
undesirable qualities:dangers caused by women, gambling, intoxication qualities that contaminate men because of greed for wealth 11-23-2
undesirable qualities: men falsely ascribe value to,desire real benefit of life should remain aloof of undesirable material wealth 11-23-2
undesirable qualities: theft, violence, speaking lies, duplicity, lust, anger, perplexity, pride, quarreling, enmity, faithlessness,envy, 11-23-2
undumbara fruit-tiny insects burrow within and 10-40-2
unflinching devotion achieved by worshiping the lotus feet of S.P.G. with constant endeavor 11-2-5
Universe terrorized by Hiranyakasipu 7-4
Universal affairs conducted as appointed by S.P.G. in His various incarnations 8-14-1
Universal annihilation, 4 categories of 12-4
Universal annihilation, 4 categories of 12-4
universal body, arms-all demigods,headed by Indra, 8-20-3
universal body, beneath His garment-evening twilight, 8-20-3
universal body, bosom-the goddess of fortune,lotus flower in her hand 8-20-3
universal body, both ears-directions,head-upper planetary systems 8-20-3
universal body, calves-mountains,knees-birds,thighs-air, 8-20-3
universal body, chest-pleasing words/truthfulness,mind-moon, 8-20-3
universal body, feet soles-Rasatala,feet-surface of the globe, 8-20-3
universal body, hair-clouds,nostrils-wind,eyes-the sun,mouth-fire, 8-20-3
universal body, navel-sky,waist-7 oceans,bosom-stars,heart-religion 8-20-3
universal body, neck-all the Vedas/all sound vibrations 8-20-3
universal body, private parts-the Prajapatis,navel-sky, 8-20-3
universal body, tongue-Varunadeva,eyebrows-regulative principles 8-20-3
universal body, waist-himself with confidential associates 8-20-3
universal body, word-all the Vedic mantras,tongue-demigod of water 8-20-3
universal creators faithfully execute their assigned services out of fear of You,demigods and material nature offer You tribute 10-87-4
universal egg, material elements being amalgamated by the power of nature create the universal egg 11-22-2
universal egg,comprising the elemental amalgamation of creation is destroyed 12-4-1
universal form- Garbhodaka sayi Visnu = the universal form 2-6-350
Universal form of S.P.G. that covers the entire Universe 5-16-1
Universal form within Lord Krsna’s mouth 10-8
Universal form, creation of 3-6
Universal form, description of 1-3-145
Universal form, oppulences 2-6-291
universal globe, in each and every,the same Maha-Visnu enters as Garbhodakasayi Visnu 2-plate 13
Universal management, the system of 8-14
universe- Brahma created universe affairs by force of the Lord’s energy 3-10-3
universe came into being by accepting the primary-goodness and secondary-passion causes of creation 2-5-278
universe coverings, 1st stratum 80 million miles,fire,effulgence,air,ether,ultimately reaches the absolute atmosphere 2-2-114
universe coverings, atmosphere where everything is of one and the same spiritual identity 2-2-114
universe is based on conditioned nature of living entities,Karma causes different grade of material bodies 10-24-2
Universe remains in perpetual bewilderment,no one can understan his own identity in this atmosphere 10-14-6
Universe surcharged with all qualities of goodness,beauty,peace at time for appearance of the Lord 10-3-1
universe- The effulgent mahat-tattva contains all the universe within itself 3-26-2
Universe, annihilation 2-6-302
Universe, Bali Maharaja surrenders the 8-20
universe, each 10 times greater than the previous one,innumerable universes 6-16-5
universe, every, covered by 7 layers:earth,water,fire,air,sky,tatal energy,false ego 6-16-5
Universe, for the satisfaction of this self that the whole material creation of moving/nonmoving entities exists 10-14-7
universe, logically consider,which is situated within Lord,one’s own material body,composed of mind,speech,life to be illusion 11-18-3
Universe, outline of structure of the Universe 5-20-1
universe, purpose for creating the material universe: the creation of the 16 principles of material action 1-3-141
Universe, structure of, studying 5-20
Universe, this entire, including You, exhibited in your abdomen,now manifested externally in same exact form 10-14-3
universe, when assembled by force of God,this universe came into being 2-5-278
universe,material, is created,destroyed within Absolute Truth by amalgamation,dissolution of its elemental parts 12-4-3
Universe,Vasudeva/Devaki now knowing Krsna/Balarama to be Lord’s of the Universe,did not embrace sons 10-44-5
universes- all the universes remained thousands of aeons within the water,the Lord entered in each of them 2-5-279
universes covered by 7 fold material coverings: water,fire,air,sky,ego,noumenon and material nature, 2-1-44
universes innumerable, inhabited by different grades of living entities in different modes of nature 1-3-140
universes innumerable, there are 1-2-140
universes- tell how Krsna by his energies creates these universes 2-3-188
universes- the lord caused them to be fully animated (speeded up time?) 2-5-279
universes, just like a huge football,pumped,covered,floating on water of Causal Ocean,wherein the Lord is lying as Maha-Visnu 2-1-44
universes, the material coverings of the= urdhva-loka planets 1-6-325
universes, there are innumerable universes in each representation of the virat form of the Lord,the Lord is in each 2-1-48
universes, there are innumerable universes with one Brahma in each of them 1-3-149
unperturbed- despite the pain to the ears, he was unperturbed and felt great. 3-1
unsuccessful man, in maintenance, his faily, others do not treat him the same 3-30-1
unsuccessful man, in maintenance, his family, others do not treat him the same 3-30-1
until fully developed ability to see Me within all living beings,must continue to worship Me by this process with his speech,mind,body 11-29-2
untruthful, a promise that is not proceded with by the word om 8-19-5
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, at festival to glorify S.P.G,assembly of demigods,Gardharvas/Apsaras 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, B/c you have committed offense,immediately b/c sudra,devoid of beauty7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, bewildered,always feeling lusty desires 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, chanting is so powerful,householders can gain results of renounced order 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, existed as a Gandharva in another millennium of Brahma 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, I took birth as a Sudra from maidservant of Vaisnavas,Vedic kn.(Dhruva?) 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, in this life,oppurtunity to take birth as son of Brahma,chanting, 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, prajapatis,great demigods forcefully cursed me with these words 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, surrounded by women,I began musically singing glories of the demigods 7-15-9
Upabarhana= Narada Muni, was most pleasing to the women of the city 7-15-9
Upadanavi, dau.of Kasyapa/Danu-married Hiranyaksa 6-6-3
Upadeva- son of Rudra-savarni (12th Manu) 8-24-2
Upadeva, wife of Vasudeva, 10 sons: Rajanya,Kalpa,Varsa 9-24-5
Upadevas, standing on all sides like panegyrists,offer their music, singing and gifts of tribute to Krsna 10-35-2
upadharma=analogical religion/a new religion opposes the Vedas created by one who is falsely proud 7-15-2
Upananda, let us go today to Vrndavana, full of facilities for the happiness of all the gopas / gopis and animals 10-11-4
Upananda, most mature in age and knowledge in Gokula, to stop the continuous disturbing situations in Vraja 10-11-3
Upananda, so many disturbances here just for the purpose of killing Rama and Krsna 10-11-3
Upananda, these incidents are being caused by some unknown demon, we must go somewhere with the boys 10-11-4
Upananda, they made a temporary place to inhabit by bullock carts around them in shape of a half moon 10-11-4
Upananda,Krtaka,Sura- sons of Vasudeva 9-24-4
Upanisads, Srila Vysadeva has summarized the direct meanings of the mantras in the 1-intro-20
upasana-kanda, people do not know what object is actually being indicated in the formulas of worship found in the 11-21-5
Upasloka- father of Brahma-savarni (10th Manu) 8-24-2
Upendra protect You from above 10-6-3
Upendra, expansion of Lord Vasudeva=Jayanta, son of Daksa’s daughter Marutvati 6-6-1
Upendra, Vamanadeva, Lord = Upendra 8-22-3
Upendra= Lord Vamanadeva 8-22-3
Upendra= Vamana, S.P.G. 10-3-5
Upendra=Vamanadeva 8-23-3
urdhva-loka planets, universes, the material coverings of the= urdhva-loka planets 1-6-325
Urdhva-loka=topmost planets,1-6-325
urga-karma, one should not engage oneself in 7-14-2
Uru- son of Indra-savarni (14th Manu) 8-24-2
Urugaya, the carrier of the conchshell protect You from all corners 10-6-3
Urukrama protect Your face 10-6-3
Urvasi approached King Pururava 9-14-2to6
Urvasi enchants King Pururava,enjoy her one night a year 9-14-4
Urvasi, Agnisthali girl, looked just like King Pururava left her to meditate on Urvasi 9-14-5
Urvasi-a celestial woman wife of Pururava who was the son of Budha 9-17-1
Uvasi=the celestial society girl 6-18-1
Usa and Aniruddha meeting 10-62
Usa heard of Aniruddha’s capture,overwhelmed with grief,depression,eyes filled with tears,wept 10-62-4
Usa took Aniruddha to her private quarters, which men were forbidden even to see,and there enjoyed with Him 10-62-3
Usa, Banasura’s daughter, the best of the Yadus (Arjuna?,Aniruddha?,Krsna?Siva,David?) married Usa 10-62-1
Usa, in a dream,amorous encounter with son of Pradyumna,Aniruddha,she had never before seen or heard of 10-62-2
Usana=100 horse sacrifices 9-23-3
Usa’s guards noticed symtoms of romantic involvement in Usa,told Banasura,Usa corrupted within the palace 10-62-3
Uttama millenium/ father-Kasyapa, mother-Aditi, S.P.G.-Vamana 10-3-5
Uttama, 3rd Manu, 2 Queens, Suruci (most dear) and Sunita 8-1-3
Uttama, 3rd Manu, mother- Satarupa 8-1-3
Uttama, 3rd Manu, plenary portion of Vasudeva, P.G 8-1-3
Uttama, King, 3rd Manu, entered the forest 4-9-6
Uttama,3rd Manu, father-Svayambhuva 4-8-1
Uttamahsloka, although He shows no interest in her,Goddess Sri never moves from her place on His chest 10-47-6
uttamahsloka, at least those who are wretched can chant His name, Uttamahsloka 10-47-2
Uttamahsloka. Akrura said,what have I done,as one born a Sudra to recite Vedic Mantras to see Lord 10-38-1
Uttanapada- b/c powerful king,son of Svayambhuva (1st Manu) 4-1-1, 4-8-1
Uttanapada, Dhruva Maharaja, son of Uttanapada is the most exalted devotee 5-17-1
uttering Lord Visnu’s name, one can vanquish witches, evil spirits simply by, 10-6-3
utthana ceremony celebrated just after Krsna turned 3 months ,conjunction of moon with constellation Rohini 10-7-1
utthana ceremony when a baby, attempts to rise and turn around,1st time due to leave house 10-7-1
Vadava wife of Vivasvan mother of the Asvini brothers (Nirmoka and Virajaska, sons of Sanaiscara?) 8-13-1
Vadava wife of Vivasvan-predominating deity of sun planet, 4 wives,Aditi,Samjna,Chaya,Vadava 8-13-1
Vaidarbhi understood His words were in jest,gave up her fear that her beloved would reject her 10-60-3
Vaidarbhi,Rukmini,goddess of fortune,did not like the dawn,it meant she would lose His embrace 10-70-1
Vaideha. geneology- Iksvaku,Maharaja Nimi=Janaka=Vaideha=Mithila 9-13-1,2,3
Vaidhrta- father of Dharmasetu, S.P.G. of the 11th Manu 8-24-2
Vaidhrta- Indra, king of demigods, of 11th Manu 8-24-2
Vaidhrtis ,by their own powers,protected the Vedic authority 8-1-4
Vaidhrtis,demigods of 4th Manu,sons of Vidhrti 8-1-4
Vaihayasa=Bali, Bali Maharaga son of Virocans,grandfather=Prahlada,great grandfather-Hiranyakasipu 8-10-2
Vaikunjtha, Lord,= Krsna 10-89-2
Vaikuntha ,S.P.G. of 5th Manu, 8-5-1
Vaikuntha = the abode of the S.P.G. 2-2-97
Vaikuntha is the destination of renunciants who have attained peace,given up all violence against other creatures,never return 10-88-3
Vaikuntha planets are also forms of eternity, bliss knowledge 2-2-96
Vaikuntha planets- description of the Vaikuntha planets 3-15-2
Vaikuntha planets, description of the Vaikuntha planets 3-15-2
Vaikuntha planets, description of,airplanes,6 entrances 3-15-2
Vaikuntha planets, description of,airplanes,6 entrances 3-15-2
Vaikuntha planets, devotee enters one of the,where he assumes exactly the same form as the Lord 2-2-14
Vaikuntha planets, mundaners uqualified to enter 2-4-205
Vaikuntha Planets, the dazzling 2-6-308
Vaikuntha planets, the highest perfection of devotional life, beyond this there is nothing to be desired 2-2-14
Vaikuntha planets, the spiritual sky where God lives 1-6-325
Vaikuntha planets, visions of devotees 2-2-97
Vaikuntha planets-description of, airplanes 3-15-2
Vaikuntha, Lord Sri Ramacandra brought all the devotees of Ayodhya back home to Godhead to 5-19-1
Vaikuntha, Lord, protect You while walking 10-6-3
Vaikuntha= the place where there are no material miseries,not the place where there is danger at every step 10-14-8
Vaikuntha= the spiritual world 2-glossary 370
Vaikuntha-puri- 6 entrances of,the Lord’s residence at 7th gate- 2 shining beings appear agitated 3-15-3
Vaikuntha-puri,the Lord’s residence,6 entrances 3-15-3
Vaikuntha-puri,6 entrances to the Lord’s residence at 7th gate- 2 shining beings appear agitated 3-15-3
vairagya= detachment from unwanted things 2-2-86
Vairaja, father of S.P.G. of 6th Manu 8-5-1
vaisa- merchant 3-32-3
Vaisampayana became angry,go away,give back everything I have taught you,Yajnavalkya vomited the Yajur Veda 12-6-7
Vaisampayana, Puranic literature, authorities on: Trayyaruni,Kasyapa,Savarni,Akrtavrana,Vaisampayana,Harita 12-7-1
Vaisampayana’s disciple, Yajnavalkya said master how much benefit will be derived from the feeble endeavors 12-6-6
Vaisampayana’s disciples assumed the form of partridges and picked them all up 12-6-7
Vaisampayana’s disciples became authorities in the Yajur Veda,known as the Carakas 12-6-6
Vaisampayana’s disciples,Carakas,executed strict vows to free their guru from his sin of killing a brahmana 12-6-6
Vaisampayana-Vyasadeva Yajur mantras named Nigada he spoke the collection to the sage Vaisampayana 12-6-6
Vaisnava cult, Pathans converts to 1-intro.-38
Vaisnava families, the way of lucky 2-3-154
Vaisnava is a fearless devotee of the Lord,to preach daily door to door the Srimad-Bhagavatam 1-intro.-11
Vaisnava principles 3-16-3, 6-18-5
Vaisnava principles, Kasyapa said,Diti, to follow this vow,do not eat anything contaminated by flesh/fish 6-18-5
Vaisnava principles, Pumsavana ceremony 6-18-6
Vaisnava= a devotee of Lord Visnu, Krsna 2-glossary 370
Vaisnava=??? 3-16-3
Vaisnavas= advanced devotee: sees S.P.G. within everything 11-2-6
Vaisnavas= merchants 11-5-1
vaisnavas= saintly persons 10-4-5
vaisu, symptoms of:always devoted to the demigods,spiritual master,S.P.G., Visnu,7-11-3
vaisu, symptoms of:always endeavoring with expertise in earning money 7-11-3
vaisu, symptoms of:believing in the words of the spiritual master,believing in the scripture,7-11-3
vaisu, symptoms of:endeavoring for advancement in religious principles=dharma,7-11-3
vaisu, symptoms of:endeavoring for economic development=artha, 7-11-3
vaisu, symptoms of:endeavoring for sense gratification=Kama,7-11-3
Vaisvanara to still higher to the circle of Sisumara, to relate with Lord Hari, the Personality of Godhead 2-2-107
vaisya – maintain life by trade,4divisions:farming,commerce,cow protection,moneylending 10-24-3
Vaisya, a, becomes a master of other vaisyas and many animals 4-23-4
vaisya= a mercantile man who cannot maintain himself may adopt the occupation of a sudra 11-17-6
vaisyas even after being allowed to approach lotus feet of S.P.G.,Hari,receiving 2nd birth,can adopt various materialistic philosophies 11-5-1
vaisyas natural qualities: faith in Vedic civilization,dedication to charity,freedom from hypocrisy,service to brahmanas, 11-17-2
vaisyas natural qualities: perpetually desiring to accumulate more money 11-17-2
Vaisyas= farmers and merchants,3rd Vedic social order 2-glossary 370
Vaivasvata Manu now worships Lord Matsya in pure deotional service and chants,following mantra 5-18-5
Vaivasvata Manu, Satyavrata, son of Vivasvan 9-1-1
Vaivasvata Manu, the son of the sun-god, Satyavrata, King, Noah?, has taken birth in this period as, 8-24-6
Vaivasvata Manu= Sraddhadeva Manu ,recieved spiritual knowledge from flood 9-1-1
Vaivasvata Manu-Satyavrata later b/c 9-1-1, 9-2-1
Vaivasvata’s son King Saryati 9-3-1
Vajasaneyi-samhita,produced from the hairs of the horse’s mane,and accepted by followers of Kanva,Madhyandina 12-6-8
Vajra as ruler of Yadus, Arjuna took the survivors of the Yadu dynasty,women,children,old men to Indraprastha where he installed 11-31-3
Vajra,father of Pratibahu 10-90-4
Vajra,survivor of the Yadus’ battle with clubs,son of Aniruddha and Rocana 10-90-4
Vajramitra, 6th king of the Sunga Dynasty, son Bhagavata 12-1-2
Vajramitra,of the Sunga dynasty, could he be the Vajra Arjuna took to Indraprastha as ruler after Krsna departed? 12-1-2
Valakhilya-Baskala=Baskali,assembled Valakhilya-samhita given to:Valayani,Bhajya,Kasara 12-6-6
Valakhilyas= the 60 thousand brahmana sages facing the chariot,offer prayers to the almighty sun-god with Vedic mantras 12-11-5
Valayani-Baskala=Baskali,assembled Valakhilya-samhita given to:Valayani,Bhajya,Kasara 12-6-6
values/goals in life b/c of the sense of an existence separate from the Lord’s 11-13-4
Vamana- father- Kasyapa, mother- Aditi 8-24-2
Vamana Purana 10,000 verses 12-13-1
Vamana, Lord= the dwarf who stepped over the three worlds 10-40-2
Vamana, S.P.G.= Upendra 10-3-5
Vamana, short description of incarnation 1-3-163
Vamana= the dwarf incarnation, S.P.G, of 7th manu 8-24-2
Vamana= Upendra, father Kasyapa, mother Aditi 10-3-5
Vamana=3 eyed form of Nrsimhadeva, most beautiful person in the 3 worlds 6-9-6
Vamana=He appeared to His father and mother in the form of, dwarf, like a theatrical actor 8-18-2
Vamana=the form of a dwarf,protection in the land 6-8-2
Vamanadeva accepting Kasyapa Muni and Aditi as His father and mother 8-19-4
Vamanadeva can perform one work to serve many purposes 8-22-1
Vamanadeva has now appeared in order to fulfill the interests of the demigods 8-19-4
Vamanadeva in a Celestial airplane with Indra 8-23-3
Vamanadeva is among the demigods to protect the entire world by your mercy. 10-2-6
Vamanadeva Lord,appeared on dvadasi,12th day of moon,sun at meridian,this dvadasi is called Vijaya 8-18-1
Vamanadeva to Bali , I ask of you only 3 paces of land 8-19-4
Vamanadeva wanted as: protector of Vedas,principles of religion,fame,oppulence,auspiciousness, 8-23-3
Vamanadeva wanted as: supreme master of everything,all living entities were happy 8-23-3
Vamanadeva wanted as: vows,elevation to higher planetary system,liberation,8-23-3
Vamanadeva, after taking everything from you,Bali, he will give it to Indra your enemy 8-19-4
Vamanadeva, after taking everything from you,Bali, you will be unable to fulfill your promise 8-19-4
Vamanadeva, after taking everything from you,Bali, you will have no means of livlihood 8-19-4
Vamanadeva, after taking everything from you,Bali, your eternal residence will be in hell 8-19-4
Vamanadeva, brahmana boy, appear as, wearing,belt of straw,sacred thread, 8-18-3
Vamanadeva, brahmana boy,wearing, upper garment of deerskin,matted locks of hair 8-18-3
Vamanadeva, bright effulgence,priest,Bali,members of assembly were robbed of their splender 8-18-2
Vamanadeva, it appears you have come to ask me for something,whatever you want, you may take 8-18-4
Vamanadeva, Lord = Upendra 8-22-3
Vamanadeva, Lord delivered to his brother Indra 8-23-3
Vamanadeva, Lord, begs charity, Bali Maharaja 8-19
Vamanadeva, Lord, continued, Bali Maharaja,king of the demons 8-19-2
Vamanadeva, Lord, delivered His brother Indra 8-23-4
Vamanadeva, Lord, surpassed in beauty that entire assembly,beautiful limbs 8-18-3
Vamanadeva, Lord, the dwarf incarnation 8-18
Vamanadeva, Lord= Urukrama, the wonderful actor 8-21-1
Vamanadeva, whenever activities of,described in ritualistic ceremony,it is extremely auspicious 8-23-4
Vamanadeva, why not please Him with the riches one is destined to lose at death 8-20-1
Vamanadeva, you have done him a very merciful favor 8-22-2
Vamanadeva,Lord,appeared on dvadasi,12th day of moon,sun at meridian,this dvadasi is called Vijaya 8-18-1
Vamanadeva. Indra,Brahma,demigods wanted Vamanadeva=Upendra as protector of Vedas 8-23-3
Vamanadeva=the incarnation of strength among the demigods 6-9-3
Vamana-son,S.P.G. dwarf incarnation, geneology, mother-Aditi, father-Kasyapa 8-13-1
Vamandeva, delivered His brother Indra 8-23-4
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life,who desires should enter forest with a peaceful mind,leaving his wife with mature sons,or take along 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should arrange one’s sustenance by eating uncontaminated bulbs,roots,fruits that grow in the forest 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, one should one may dress oneself with tree bark,grass,leaves,animal skins 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should not groom the hair on his head,body,face,not manicure his nails, 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should not pass stool/urine at irregular times,not make special endeavor for dental hygiene 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, be content to take bath in water 3 times daily, should sleep on the ground 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should execute penance, hottest summer days by subjecting oneself to burning fires on four sides 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, subject oneself to the blazing sun overhead 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, during the rainy season one should remain outside,subjecting oneself to torrents of rain 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, in the freezing winter one should remain submerged in water up to one’s neck 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, one may eat foodstuffs prepared with fire,such as grains,fruits ripened by time 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, one may grind one’s food with mortar and stone or with one’s own teeth 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, personally collect whatever he requires for his bodily maintenance, considering time,place,capacity 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should never collect provisions for the future 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, perform seasonal sacrifices, offering oblations of caru/sacrificial cakes prepared from rice,other grains 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, may never offer animal sacrifices to Me,even those sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should perform the agnihotra,darsa,paurnamasa sacrifices as he did while in the grhastha-asrama 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, should also perform the vows/sacrifices of caturmasya, these rituals,enjoined for vanaprastha-asrama 11-18-1
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, saintly,practicing severe penances,accepting only the bare necessities of life,becomes so emaciated 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, saintly,becomes so emaciated that he appears to be mere skin and bones 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, saintly,worship Me through severe penances,goes to Maharloka planet and then directly achieves Me 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, is overtaken by old age,his trembling body is no longer able to execute his prescribed duties 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, is overtaken by old age,he should place the sacrificial fire within his heart by meditation 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, is overtaken by old age,then,fixing his mind on Me,he should enter the fire and give up his body 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, understanding even promotion to Brahmaloka is a miserable situation develops complete detachment 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, understanding,from all possible results of fruitive activities,then he may take the sannyasa order of life 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, then he may take the sannyasa order of life having worshiped Me according to scriptural injunctions 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, having given all one’s property to the sacrificial priest, one should place the fire sacrifice within oneself 11-18-2
vanaprastha, 3rd order of life, thus with the mind completely detached one should enter the sannyasa order of life 11-18-2
Vangiri 2nd king of the city of Kilakila, son Sisunandi 12-1-3
vantasi=one who eats his own vomit=accept sannyasa,then returns to materialistic activities 7-15-5
Varah- The appearance of Lord Varah 3-13-1
Varaha Purana 24,000 verses 12-13-1
Varaha, Lord, appearance of 3-13
Varaha, Lord, the appearance of 3-13-1
Varaha, Lord=the boar incarnation who enjoyed lifting the earth 10-40-2
Varaha,S.P.G =the boar incarnation killed Hiranyaksa-fond of sucking blood 7-2-1
Varaha=incarnation among the animals 6-9-3
Varaja, description of 10-46-2
Varat-rupa= visva-rupa of the Supreme Absolute Truth is especially meant for the neophyte 1-3-145
Varisara, 2nd king of Maurya dynasty, son Asokavardhana 12-1-2
Varna= the 4 occupational divisions of society: intellectual class,,administrative,mercantile,laborer 2-glossary 370
Varnasrama & Sanatana-dharma prescribe retirement of family encumbrances as early as possible after one has passed 50 years 2-1-29
varnasrama system duties are dedicated to Me in loving service,they award the supreme perfection of life 11-18-6
varnasrama system followers accept religious principles according to authorized traditions of proper conduct 11-18-6
Varnasrama system, Lord Krsna’s description 11-17
Varnasrama system, Lord Krsna’s description 11-17
varnasrama system: brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, lowest position outside the varnasrama system 11-17-2
varnasrama, superior/inferior varieties found in social system are due to pious/sinful modes of family planning 11-20-1
Varnasrama= the beginning of actual human life 1-5-272
Varnasrama= the Vedic social system of 4 social and 4 spiritual orders 2-glossary 370
Varnasrama-dharma, description 11-18
Varnasrama-dharma, description 11-18
varnasram-dharma=occupational duties of human devotional service,social/spiritual advancement 7-11-1
varnastrama-dharma aim is to turn a crude man into a pure devotee of the Lord or Vaisnava 1-2-89
Varnastrama-dharma or Sanatana-dharma,the best proceedure for making life perfect 2-1-28
Varsa 9-24-5
Varsa,9 tracts of land:Bharata,Hari,Kimpurusa,Ramyaka,Hiranmaya,Kuru,Ketumala,Bhadrasva,Ilavrta 5-17-2
Varsa’s = tracts of land 5-17-2
Varsas=divisions of land 5-16-1
Varuna among the aquatics, the Lord of the seas, I AM 11-16-2
Varuna- father of Daksa-savarni (9th Manu) 8-24-2
Varuna offered horses as swift as the mind,some pure dark-blue,others white 10-50-5
Varuna, lord of waters waxed angry,I don’t see anyone else but most ancient person Lord Visnu who can give battle to you 3-17-3
Varuna, Sri. demoniac servant of Varuna seized Nanda and brought him to his master 10-28-1
Varuna,Agni,Vayu and other demigods began killing the demons 8-11-5
Varuna= ruler of the ocean planet,humbly respected Krsna 10-28-2
Varuni and Madhvi 10-10-3
Varuni liquor flowed from a tree hollow,He and female companions went to the tree and drank 10-65-2
Varuni liquor flowed from a tree hollow,made entire forest fragrant with sweet aroma,sent from demigod Varuna 10-65-2
Vasistha – sages, of 7th Manu 8-24-2
Vasistha, this story of Vamanadeva has been sung by 8-23-4
Vasistha-12 years of austerity on his leg for cursing the king 9-9-3
Vasistha-powerful great grandfather of Sraddha, Sraddhadeva Manu’s wife 9-1-2
vasita-siddhi=unimpeded by the 3 modes of nature 11-15-1
vasitva-siddhi= to control all material elements 2-2-104
Vastu, son of Vasu, Daksa’s dau., one of the 8 Vasus 6-6-1
Vasu, Daksa’s daughter, son Abhimati-8 Vasus-Drona,Prana,Dhruva,Arka,Agni,Dosa,Vastu,Vibhavasu 6-6-1
Vasu,Hamsa,Suvamsa 9-24-5
Vasudeva 10-45-46
Vasudeva and Devaki could not enjoy Krsna’s magnanimous childhood pastimes 10-8-6
Vasudeva and Devaki entered the home of Kamsa, after the goddess Durga appeared, Yogamaya-devi.10-4-3
Vasudeva and Devaki in next millennium, I again appeared from the two of you,Kasyapa/Aditi/Vamana 10-3-5
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births by controlling the senses,endured rain,wind,strong sun,heat,cold 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births by eating only air and dry leaves fallen from trees,you cleansed 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births difficult activities in consciousness of Me, Krsna consciousness 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births from your minds all dirty things,desiring benediction from me 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births performing difficult activities of tapasya in consciousness of Me, 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births practiced pranayama to control air within the body through yoga 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births suffering all sorts of inconvenience according to different seasons10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births were ordered by Lord Brahma to create progeny,1st severe aus.10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki in previous births you worshiped Me with peaceful minds,12,000 celestial years 10-3-4
Vasudeva and Devaki were struck with wonder,gave up all illusion/anxiety that had entered their hearts 11-5-7
Vasudeva and Devaki manifested transcendental love for Krsna,accepting Him as son,already purified b/c of assoc.w/Krsna11-5-6
Vasudeva and Devaki, 8th son ,Krsna 9-24-5
Vasudeva appeared, closed doors were strongly pinned with iron and locked with iron chains opened 10-3-6
Vasudeva belongs to the Sura dynasty= the demigod family, married Devaki 10-1-4
Vasudeva bore the Lord’s transcendentally illuminating effulgence, and became as bright as the sun 10-2-2
Vasudeva could understand that this child was S.P.G., Narayana, began to offer prayers 10-3-2
Vasudeva hearing great sages words concerning power of his 2 sons,seeing their deeds,became convinced of their divinity 10-85-1
Vasudeva hearing the instructions spoken by S.P.G.,became freed from all ideas of duality,satisfied,silent 10-85-3
Vasudeva is all in all 1-2-131
Vasudeva is all-pervading 1-2-137
Vasudeva is Krsna’s father 9-24-2
Vasudeva is Krsna’s father 9-24-2
Vasudeva is the perfect personality,lives everywhere in full consciousness in full complete energy 1-intro-2
Vasudeva knew that he could not rely on Kamsa’s words 10-1-7
Vasudeva- Lord Hayasirsa- Bhadrasva-varsa-east 5-17-3
Vasudeva m.Devaki,son-Krsna 10-61-1
Vasudeva married Bhadra=Kaus’alya, son Kesi 9-24-4
Vasudeva married Devaki-chief wife, 8 sons: Kirtiman,Susena,Bhadrasena,Rja,Sammardana, Bhadra,Sankarsana,Krsna 9-24-5
Vasudeva married Devaki-chief wife,8 sons: daughter:Subhadra 9-24-
Vasudeva married Devaraksita, 9 sons: Gada-headed by 9-24-5
Vasudeva married Ila, son Uruvaika-headed by all sons were chief personalities in the dynasty of Yadu 9-24-4
Vasudeva married Madira, sons:Nanda-10-46-2,Upananda,Krtaka,Sura-10-46-2 9-24-4
Vasudeva married Rocana, sons:Hasta,Hemangada and others 9-24-4
Vasudeva married Sahadeva, 8 sons exact incarnations of the 8 Vasus sons:Sruta,Pravara 9-24-5
Vasudeva married Sahadeva, 8 sons exact incarnations of the 8 Vasus in the Heavenly planets 9-24-5
Vasudeva married Santideva, sons: Prasama,Prasita, and others 9-24-5
Vasudeva married Srideva, 6 sons:Vasu,Hamsa,Suvamsa 9-24-5
Vasudeva married Upadeva, 10 sons: Rajanya,Kalpa,Varsa 9-24-5
Vasudeva meeting of Nanda Maharaja 10-5
Vasudeva only in this state of unmixed sattva can one see Krsna eye to eye,pure affection for the Lord 1-2-117
Vasudeva placed his own son on the bed of Yasoda,picked up her daughter, an expansion of Yogamaya 10-3-6
Vasudeva promises to give his sons to Kamsa 10-1-6
Vasudeva- religion personified, married Devaraksita, 9 sons: Gada-headed by 9-24-5
Vasudeva remembered the cows he had mentally given away on the occasion of Krsna’s and Balarama’s birth 10-45-3
Vasudeva said to Nanda Maharaja, at an advanced age you had no son at all,hopeless of having one, 10-5-3
Vasudeva said, in the beginning you created this material world of goodness,passion,knowledge 10-3-2
Vasudeva said, Kamsa, what you have said about this philosophy is correct influenced by the cause,S.P.G.10-4-3
Vasudeva said, only by the influence of ignorance does one accept the material body and bodily ego 10-4-3
Vasudeva said, you appear to have entered this material world but you have not 10-3-2
Vasudeva said, you are S.P.G., supersoul,your form can be perceived by transcendental knowledge 10-3-2
Vasudeva saw the newborn child, mark of Srivatsa on His chest,Kaustubha gem on His neck, 10-3-1
Vasudeva saw the newborn child, dressed in yellow,blackish body like a dense cloud, 10-3-1
Vasudeva saw the newborn child, scattered hair fully grown,helmet,earringssparkling 10-3-1
Vasudeva saw the newborn child, earringssparkling uncommonly with the valuable gem Vaidurya, 10-3-1
Vasudeva saw the newborn child, decorated with a brilliant belt,armlets,bangles,other ornaments 10-3-1
Vasudeva saw his extaordinary son, he mentally collected 10,000 cows and distributed them 10-3-2
Vasudeva saw his extaordinary son, among the brahmanas as a transcendental festival 10-3-2
Vasudeva could understand that this child was S.P.G., Narayana, began to offer prayers 10-3-2
Vasudeva said, you are S.P.G., supersoul,your form can be perceived by transcendental knowledge 10-3-2
Vasudeva said, in the beginning you created this material world of goodness,passion,knowledge 10-3-2
Vasudeva said, you appear to have entered this material world but you have not 10-3-2
Vasudeva son of King Sura and Marisa 9-24-3
Vasudeva son of Surasena 10-45-3
Vasudeva- Srila Vyasadeva= incarnation of Vasudeva, compliled the Vedic scriptures 2-4-231
Vasudeva then bound his legs with the iron shackles and remained there as before 10-3-6
Vasudeva then returned to his residence,prison house of Kamsa,placed female child on Devaki’s bed 10-3-6
Vasudeva hearing great sages words concerning power of his 2 sons,seeing their deeds,became convinced of their divinity 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,I know You 2 are personally the source of universal creation&the ingredients of as well 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,I know You are S.P.G. who manifest as Lord of nature & the creator of nature,Maha-Visnu 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,everything is created within,by,from,for and in relation to You,10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You created this entire universe,then entered within it in Your personal form as Supersoul 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,as the life force & consciousness of everyone, You maintain the creation 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,everything active in the material world is set into motion by the Supreme Lord 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,moon glow,fire brilliance,sun radiance,stars twinkling,lightning flash,aroma are actually You10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are water,and also its taste and its capacities to quench thirst and sustain life 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You exhibit Your potencies through the manifestations of the air as bodily warmth, 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,exhibit Your potencies through vitality,mental power,physical strength,endeavor,movement 10-85-1
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are the directions,ether,sound within it,primeval form of sound,first syllable, om,10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are audible speech,by which sound,as words,acquires particular references 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are the power of the senses to reveal their objects,the senses’ presiding demigods 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,and You sanction these demigods give for sensory activity 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are the capacity of the intelligence for decision-making, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are the living being’s ability to remember things accurately, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are false ego in the mode of ignorance,which is the source of the physical elements, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are false ego in the mode of passion,the source of the bodily senses,10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are false ego in the mode of goodness,the source of the demigods, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are the unmanifest,total material energy,which underlies everything, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are the one indestructible entity among all the destructible things of this world, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,You are substance,to remain unchanged,things made from it undergo transformations, 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Krsna and Balarama,modes of material nature,b/c manifest within You by the arrangement of Your Yogamaya 10-85-2
Vasudeva to Nanda,my son Baladeva, being raised by you and your wife, Yasodadevi 10-5-3
Vasudeva to Nanda,we are unable to stay together b/c of our varied past deeds and the waves of time 10-5-3
Vasudeva to Nanda,you have paid taxes to Kamsa,do not stay in this place,return to Gokula,disturbances there10-5-5
Vasudeva to Narada: your visit is like a father to his children,is for benefit of all living beings,most wretched/advanced on path 11-2-1
Vasudeva, 1st king of the Kanva dynasty,killed lusty king Devabhuti, 12-1-2
Vasudeva, 1st king of the Kanva dynasty,son Bhumitra, 12-1-2
Vasudeva, all the daughters of Devaka married Vasudeva 9-24-2
Vasudeva, Anakadundubhi, has become a great saint,master of mysitic power, predicted this calamity 10-6-4
Vasudeva, bright as the sun was very difficult to see or approach, for Kamsa and all living entities 10-2-2
Vasudeva, brother of Nanda Maharaja 10-5-3
Vasudeva, describe the glories of the Supreme Personality, Vasudeva 1-5-243
Vasudeva, father King Sura and Marisa 9-24-3
Vasudeva, father of Lord Krishna 3-1
Vasudeva, Krishna=the son of Vasudeva 4-22-5
Vasudeva, Krsna instructs 10-85
Vasudeva, Lord, created cosmic manisfestation 9-18-5
Vasudeva, Paundraka, the false 10-66
Vasudeva, S.P.G.=subtler form 5-16-1
Vasudeva, wife Pauravi, sons:Bhuta,Subhadra,Bhadrabahu,Durmada,Bhadra 9-24-4
Vasudeva,learned call Vasudeva 10-26-2
Vasudeva,Lord, the all-pervading witness, 12-13-2
Vasudeva,Narada concludes his teaching to 11-5
Vasudeva,Narada concludes his teaching to 11-5-6
Vasudeva,Sankarsana,Pradyumna,Aniruddha are the names of the direct personal expansion of S.P.G. 12-11-2
Vasudeva. S.P.G. you are, the origin of the caturvyuha 10-10-4
Vasudeva. the S.P.G., the Supersoul of all entered the mind of Vasudeva in full opulence 10-2-2
Vasudeva/Devaki now knowing Krsna/Balarama to be Lords of universe,stood,joined palms,not embrace sons 10-44-5
Vasudeva/Devaki sorrowful of hearing womens statements of bow arena,grieved,not knowing their sons’ strength 10-44-2
Vasudeva= Anakadundubhi 10-36-2
Vasudeva= Anakadundubhi married Dhrtadeva,son Viprstha 9-24-5
Vasudeva= married Dhrtadeva,son Viprstha 9-24-5
Vasudeva= Sutapa in the previous Svayambhuva millennium,=Kasyapa in next millennium 10-3-5
Vasudeva= was Sutapa, the most pious Prajapati, in a previous birth in the Svayambhuva millennium 10-3-4
Vasudeva=Lord Hayasirsa=the director of all religious principles 5-18-1
Vasudeva’s brothers 9-24-4
Vasudeva’s sisters geneology:Prtha,Srutadeva,Srutakirti,Srutasrava,Rajadhideva 9-24-3
Vasudeva’s sisters with husbands 9-24-3
Vasudeva’s sons: Bala,Gada,Sarana,Durmado,Vipula,Dhruva,Krta 9-24-4
Vasudeva’s wife Rohini and sons: Bala,Gada,Sarana,Durmado,Vipula,Dhruva,Krta 9-24-4
Vasudeva’s wives:Dhrtadeva,Santideva,Upadeva,Srideva,Devaraksita,Shahadeva 9-24-5
Vasudeva’s wives:Rohini,Pauravi,Madira,Bhadra,Rocana,Ila 9-24-4
Vasudev’s sister Prtha=Kunti Prtha-mystic power to call demigods 9-24-3
Vasuki among the serpents, I AM 11-16-2
Vasuki, boat, as the, is tossed attach the vessel to my horn by means of the great serpent Vasuki 8-24-4
Vasuki=the serpent that King Satyavrata anchored the boat to the horn of the golden fish with 8-24-5
Vasuman – son of Sraddhadeva, of 7th manu 8-24-2
Vasumitra, 2nd king of the Sunga Dynasty, son Bhadraka 12-1-2
Vasus- demigod, of 7th Manu 8-24-2
Vasus, 8=Drona,Prana,Dhruva,Arka,Agni,Dosa,Vastu,Vibhavasu 6-6-1,2
Vatsa=Rtadhvaja=Kuvalayasva, Divodasa descendant of Budha had son Dyuman= 9-17-1
Vatsya-Mandudeya’s son Sakalya divided his own collection into 5 to:Vatsya,Mudgala,Saliya,Gokhalya,Sisira 12-6-6
Vayu, qualities of:Indra-pouring water, Vayu-drying, Agni-burning, without assistance of the demigods 7-4-2
Vayu,Agni,Varuna and other demigods began killing the demons 8-11-5
Veda is one 1-4-224
Veda, formerly there was only the Veda of the name of Yajur and the 4 divisions of sacrifices 1-4-220
Veda, Sama, Krti taught 6 samhitas of the Pracy asama verses of the 9-21-3
Veda, the purpose of, is to understand ones own home where S.P.G. lives 4-29-6
Veda, Vyasadeva separated mantras of Rg,Atharva,Yajur,Sama Vedas into 4 divisions 12-6-6
Vedadarsa, disciples: Sauklayani, Brahmabali, Modosa, Pipalayani, Atharva Veda taught to 12-7-1
Vedadarsa, Kabandha taught Atharva Veda, his samhita to his disciples: Pathya and Vedadarsa 12-7-1
Vedanta-sutra, is as dazzaling as the sun 1-intro-21
Vedanta-sutra, Srila Vysadeva has summarized the direct meanings of the mantras in the 1-intro-20
Vedanta-sutra, when someone tries to give his own interpretations,he attempts to cover the sun with the cloud of his imagination 1-intro-21
Vedantist, being permitted to partake of foodstuff by Vedantist, all my sins were at once eradicated 1-5-273
Vedant-Vadis= Bhaki-vedantas, followers of Vedanta the pure devotees of Krsna 1-5-271
Vedas and Puranas, are one and the same in purpose,they ascertain the Absolute Truth which is greater than anything else 1-intro-21
Vedas are Your spotless heart,through them one can perceive the manifest/unmanifest/pure existence transcendental to both 10-84-2
Vedas bewilder all persons whose minds have been dulled by hearing the incantations of sacrificial rituals 10-87-6
Vedas divided into 3 divisions: Karma-kanda, upasana-kanda, jnana-kanda 11-21-5
Vedas divided into 3 divisions: reveal living entity as pure spirit soul,Vedic seers and mantras deal in esoteric terms which please Me, 11-21-4
Vedas divided into 3 divisions: the transcendental sound of the Vedas is very difficult to comprehend,manifests on different levels, 11-21-4
Vedas divided into 3 divisions: transcendental sound within prana,senses,mind, Vedic sound is unlimited,very deep/unfathomable, 11-21-4
Vedas elaborately analyzing all material duality as nothing but My illusory potency,negate this duality,achieve their own satisfaction 11-21-5
Vedas entrusted to different scholars 1-4-222
Vedas in symbolic form of darbha grass 12-8-3
Vedas made easy for less intelligent class 1-4-224
Vedas, 1st 4 Vedas 2-3-152
Vedas, flowery words are misleading 2-2-67
Vedas, people do not know that elaborately discussed through various hypotheses in the jnana-kanda section of Vedas 11-21-5
Vedas, people do not know what object is actually being indicated in the formulas of worship found in the upasana-kanda 11-21-5
Vedas, people do not know what the Vedas are actually prescribing in the ritualistic injunctions of Karma-kanda 11-21-5
Vedas, personified, prayers of 10-87
Vedas, Sadhu/Svamis=preach against the principles of the Vedas 5-14-3
Vedas, the original source of knowledge is,there are no branches of knowledge,simply developed into different branches 1-4-223
Vedas, the, an excellent source of happiness are insufficient to bring about direct know. of truth 5-10-5
Vedas, transcendental form of S.P.G.,understood only through Vedas 3-21-1
Vedas, with the words of the, You bind the nondevotees like animals, though they be vastly learned scholars 10-87-4
Vedas, Your spotless heart,through them one can perceive by means of austerity,study,self-control-the manifest/unmanifest 10-84-2
vedas,executing w/o attachment regulated activities prescribed in,offering results of work to S.P.G.,freedom from material work 11-3-7
Vedas,Saunaka Rsi to Suta,narrate how Paila & the other intelligent disciples of Srila Vyasadeva spoke/edited the 12-6-4
Vedas: how can the Vedas directly describe the Supreme Absolute Truth,who cannot be described in words? 10-87-1
Vedas= the original revealed scriptures,1st spoken by the Lord Himself 2-glossary 370
Vedasira, father of Vibhu, S.P.G.of 2nd Manu, 8-1-3
Vedasira, of 2nd Manu,celebrated Rsi 8-1-3
Veda-vada-ratas 2-2-126
Veda-vada-ratas= those who give their own explanations of the Vedas 2-glossary 370
Vedavyasa instructed Srimad Bhagavatam to Sukadeva Gosvami,b/c free of material desires 9-22-2
Vedic activities, people disturbed by unnatural occurrences had to cease,not recieving results of yajna 7-2-2
Vedic adventure 2-4-179
Vedic hymns, arrows, throwing arrows saturated with Vedic hymns,finer than gross military