
There are compelling reasons to forgo meat – but it’s delicious. Campaigns such as Meat Free Monday show a realistic way forward

I love meat: the smell of bacon on a Sunday morning, a plump chicken breast, even – whisper it – foie gras. And nothing can beat a near-raw slab of steak – no matter how well Yotam has cooked that broccoli. There’s little point claiming to me that a vegetarian, let alone a vegan diet, can be as tasty as the bloodthirsty variety. Yet there are good reasons why a survey has found that 40% are cutting down on their meat consumption – becoming, like me, “flexitarian”.

You’ll likely have read many of these arguments before on these very pages. Apparently if we just became vegan (or vegetarian) then world hunger would be solved; Britain could feed itself – without resorting to that nasty, foreign muck so despised these days; the fear of antibiotic resistance would be a thing of the past; the NHS would be saved; and of course, global warming would be consigned to the history books.

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