Base maps have become the foundation for sound engineering practices and award-winning community development projects. By providing a flexible framework that can be customized to illustrate a variety of themes, a base map has the power to illustrate population changes, developmental growth, weather trends, and even snapshots of our political landscape. Below is a look at the many uses of base maps, along with the key reasons why you should consider base map creation services.
The Primary Purpose of Base Maps
The primary role of a base map is to help people visualize the interplay between the physical characteristics of a particular geographical area and a proposed development, project, or theme. While every base map is unique, most maps contain layers that include one or more of the following common GIS data or imagery:
Streets, roads, and highways
Bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and streams
Geographical boundaries (city, county, state or personal property boundaries)
Satellite imagery
The exact combination of layers to be featured will depend upon the type of map being created. For instance, maps showcasing homes for sale would feature GIS data such as tax parcel boundaries and streets. Hydrography base maps would exclude interstate highways and feature bodies of water.
How Base Maps are Expanding Their Scope
Base maps are used in a variety of professional arenas to help people visualize multiple but distinct physical features of an area through the same lens. They are increasingly required by government organizations as a means of protecting private property, city land, and easements. Below are some of the industries that use base maps to provide the geographical context for content and trends:
Government planning
Utilities management
Demographic analysis
Perhaps most interesting is the use of base maps by journalists and historians to highlight gradual changes in demographics and sociological trends. Base maps are among the most effective tools to illustrate gradual changes over time.
Points to Consider During Base Map Creation
The readability of a base map hinges upon the selection of key design attributes. For instance, base maps are most effective if they employ the appropriate display properties and map symbols. Creating a base map requires a designer to consider the target audience in conjunction with the following key points:
Mode of presentation: Will the map be displayed on a computer monitor, TV screen or paper?
Device compatibility: Base maps should be mobile-friendly to display clearly on small screens if necessary
Functionality in natural light: Maps should be useful in natural lighting in the field
Application: 2D base maps are designed for use with a web browser, whereas 3D maps require a GIS application
Background: Digital base map designers should choose muted colors and symbols to showcase operational layers
Base map symbols: These should be clearly explained at the bottom of the map.
Mapping and Publication scale: Scale should be shown in International System (SI) units. Designers should note that maps reduced more than 50% are often illegible.
Key Benefits of Base Maps
Base maps offer a multitude of advantages that can be instrumental in quickly securing approval on a development proposal. In addition to their flexible design, base maps are catalysts for the creation of government initiatives that provide protection and relief to citizens. Below are eight impressive benefits offered by base maps:
1) Importing raw survey data into base maps is simple. Raw GPS survey data can be gathered and seamlessly integrated into a base map, creating an easy way to analyze tracks and waypoints stored on virtually any device.
2) Base maps are used to create disaster relief programs Organizations such as the Federal Emergency Medical Agency (FEMA) use base maps to depict flood data and outline areas that require relief. Base maps are also a key resource for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to disseminate flood hazard information.
3) You can easily draw, scale and add as many objects as you wish to a base map. The flexible design of a base map is one of its most alluring features. Stakeholders may ask to visualize multiple scenarios during the design approval process. The ability to quickly scale and add objects can help yield a faster approval.
4) Base maps serve as a catalyst for major government initiatives. State governments across the globe are increasingly using base maps when designing government delivery systems. For instance, the state of Georgia (USA) used base maps to help create their new state of the art 911 system.
5) There is no need to transfer data from a survey package to your software. With survey processes completely integrated into workflows, survey figures and points can be used continuously during the design process without requiring manual data transfer.
6) Base maps are ideal for illustrating gradual changes over time. A base map is an effective tool for illustrating data that continue to gradually fluctuate over time. For instance curving adjacent lines on base maps highlight gradual changes in elevation over time. Lines that are closer together represent faster elevation changes.
7) Existing base maps can be reused. A key advantage to base maps is their ability to be used and reused for multiple purposes. For instance, engineers can copy and download existing maps to a mobile device and then edit them when in the field offline.
8) Automation with base maps is on the rise. Base maps are now more user-friendly than ever. Automating elements of base map creation help ensure that maps are updated according to the most current data. This process is cost-effective and enables engineers to save hours of time.
Seeking an Expert in Base Map Creation
As outlined above, base maps are a sophisticated means of enabling stakeholders to view a proposed project or set of data through a lens that shows key physical attributes. When designed properly, a base map has the power to win over key stakeholders through its sophistication and visual prowess. Government organizations have recognized the value of base maps and are requiring them from engineers and developers with growing frequency. With the help of a base map creation expert, you can produce an engaging presentation that captivates stakeholders.
Choosing the Best Base Map Creation Provider
Base map creation requires a high degree of expertise and technological sophistication. Because not all base map creation services are created equal, you should proceed with caution when choosing a provider. Below are a few qualities that you should seek as you evaluate companies that offer base map design services:
Expertise designing base maps for government entities, public officials, and other key evaluators
At least 10 years of experience in base map creation
Attention to timeliness to ensure adherence to deadlines
A robust list of references
Ability to customize base maps according to industry standards and client preferences
Clearly, base maps are an excellent solution for engineers, developers, and anyone else seeking a visually impressive way to promote a project or illustrate an idea that involves interplay with the surrounding physical geography. The key to designing a winning base map is your selection of an industry leader in base map creation. With over a decade of experience in outsourced base map creation experience, the professionals with The Engineering Design have earned the distinction of global leaders in base map design services. We look forward to the opportunity to provide you with the highest quality customized base maps.
The post Eight Reasons Why You Should Consider Base Map Creation Services appeared first on The Engineering Design Technology.