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News, stories and media buzz related to The Edge

  • One of the most enduring figures in popular culture is the absent-minded professor, the intellectual so immersed in the cerebral that he often loses track of everyday life. The Greek philosopher Thales once took a nighttime walk, gazing up at the stars...

  • While more than 50 percent of the U.S. population is female, as recently as three decades ago, women's health was neglected in the halls of public policy, at the research bench, and in clinical settings. Women were largely excluded as subjects in medical...

  • My Lord Mayor, ladies and gentlemen. First of all I think I have to congratulate the Lord Mayor on his grasp of Klingon! I have my own favourite Klingon proverb: …a leader is judged not by the length of his reign but by the decisions he makes. Lord...

  • As developers for tablets and smartphones we like to keep abreast of the latest mobile technology developments . This is a daily digest of mobile development and related technology news gathered from the BBC, the New York Times, New Scientist and the...

  • One only has to consider the large number of highly suspicious deaths surrounding scientists, bankers and journalists to feel that something strange is afoot. A Denver banker that supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun...

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