
The sixth season of the popular Ranked Battles mode is starting on 10 February at 07:00 CET (UTC+1) and runs until 24 March at 07:00 CET (UTC+1).

Test your mettle in the fury of Ranked Battles mode. Whether you are an ardent sailor of the high seas or just looking to dip your toes in for the first time, we have plenty of action for everyone. Not only do you get to enjoy the thrill of ranked combat, but you also have the opportunity to earn some great rewards in the process by moving up the ranks.

The concept of Ranked Battles stays the same: battle your opponents in a special 7 vs 7 format.

The “Must Knows” About Season 6

Season 6 of Ranked Battles will see you earning progression Stars, climbing to the top through a total of 23 ranks separated into four leagues.

All league matches will be Tier VII.

Players are matched within their respective leagues to ensure that battles are as balanced as possible.

Like in the previous seasons, progression through the ranks is influenced by your efforts on the battlefield as well as the efforts of your team. Win a game, get a Star – lose a game, lose a Star (players who achieved rank one can of course continue playing until the season’s end).

However, your accolades will be appreciated, and you will not be dragged down by an inefficient team. Be the best in your team and keep your hard-earned Star even for a lost game.

Tell Me More, What Can I Stand To Win?

There’s treasure aplenty for you to win out on the high seas, including:

New Upgrades

Signal Flags


Commemorative Flags



Jolly Rodger flag at Rank 1

And, saving the best til last, bragging rights!

But that’s not all: reach rank one in three non-consecutive Ranked Battles seasons and earn the Premium Tier VII Cruiser USS Flint. There’s also the ultimate reward, the Premium Tier IX Destroyer USS Black for players that have achieved rank one in all five prior Ranked Battles Seasons!

The flags awarded for reaching a certain league will also give out service fee discounts for your ships. These flags will be removed after the season is over.

Second League


First League


Premiere League


Prepared for the Super League?

If you’re valiant enough to reach rank one, you will be able to make it to the Super League. Admission to the Super League comes with repeatable quests:

Prime Time will be between 17:00 CET (UTC+1) and 22:00 CET (UTC+1).

Mission: Super League Mission



Tier V only

Conditions – over any amount of battles:

Play 1 Ranked Battle

Rewards – once finished, you will receive:

1 Container

Anything else about Season 6?

For each rank earned in season 5, you get one Star in season 6.

The safe ranks, from which you cannot fall, are: 22-17, 15, and 12.

Each rank requires a gain from 1 to 5 Stars.

Remember, however, that by being the best player from the losing team (by experience gained), you do not lose a Star.

The exact rewards for obtaining each rank and the precise number of stars can be found in-game within the Ranked Battles section!

Filed under: All Articles, World Of Warships

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