You can pretty much say anything you want, when you send an SMS message to your customers. And that gives you a powerful platform for marketing to prospects and customers.
There are tens of thousands of small businesses that are sending regular SMS messages… but many of them are doing it wrong.
If you’re going to text (or send an SMS) for business reasons, you want to follow a few quick guidelines. I list them below… and if you follow them, you’ll improve customer communication, and grow sales!
Remember an SMS message is the same thing as a text message… the names are interchangeable!
Now, let’s get started…
#1 Never Send An SMS Message Without Prior Approval
When you build your text message list, you must do it carefully. You never want to add people to your text message list without their approval. You don’t want to send an SMS message to people without their permission.
The text message rules prohibit blasting text messages to people you don’t have a relationship with.
The best way to do this to to have people opt in your list with a keyword. You can track when they sign-up so you have a record. Any decent texting service should give you this tracking, without a problem.
#2 Limit How Frequently You Text
Once you have a list to send sms messages to, you want to be careful how frequently you reach out.
Remember, if you text or SMS message someone too many times, they may unsubscribe from your list… and you just lost a potential customer.
So reach out sparingly and only when you have something important to say.
A good rule of thumb is once a week… remember your messages are interrupting their day… so make it count!
#3 When You Do Send An SMS, Keep It Short
Now guideline #3 goes hand in hand with guideline #2. Not only should you limit your frequency of SMS messages… when you do text, you want to get to the point.
Do not send out multi-page text messages. Say what you need to say… ask people to take an action… then get out of the way.
The most effective text messages are a sentance or two at the most, and always tell people what to do next.
The fourth guideline is…
#4 Keep Your SMS Messages Interesting AND Deliver Quality Content
When you do decided to send a text, make your SMS message interesting and always link out to quality content. You don’t like to get garbage emails in your inbox… nobody wants garbage text messages in their phone.
Respect the person you are communicating with and give them good quality information… and they should stick with you for life (and become a customer)!
SMS marketing is a very powerful tool, and if you use it the right way, you’ll grow sales easily.
That brings us to guideline 5…
#5 Include A “Call To Action” On Every Text Message
I’m shocked I have to write about this one, but many text messaging beginners forget to put a call to action in their message.
What’s a call to action?
It’s a simple message to “Click Here” or “Call this Number” or “Download This File” or “Read This Announcement”.
If you send an sms, you want the person on the other end to take an action… and this is the action they should take. Don’t forget to include it.
#6 Think Creatively About Your SMS Communications
Texting just doesn’t have to be about new products and news.
Keep it interesting… you might let people know about a TV interview you did… Or offer up notes from a conference… share your favorite video…. or a link to a online game.
Did you know you can send Pictures and graphics via text… you can send surveys… you can even use some text message platforms as a loyalty punch card!
The options are endless.
Now for guideline number 7…
#7 Always Give Prospects A Way To Opt-out of SMS Messages
This final guideline is both a practical one, and a required one. Always give people a way to opt-out of your list.
It’s as simple as including at the bottom of your SMS message – “Reply STOP to cancel”
No matter what system you use, there should be an automated way to unsubscribe. Just like in email marketing you always want to give people an out. And remember, if they use it, don’t worry, they weren’t the right customer for you.
Once you’ve mastered these 7 guidelines to professional SMS messages, you’ll want to focus on improving customer interaction.
By following these guidelines before sending an SMS message, you’ll be sure to engage better with your prospects and customers… and drive more sales for your small business!
If you want to use SMS messages to promote your small business, we wrote a special report just for you… “The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Marketing”
You can download it free – right here:
Remember SMS marketing is a very powerful tool that small businesses use to grow customer interaction and sales. It’s a cost-effective way to communicate with your prospects, customers, VIPs, and employees!
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