
The NES Classic Edition was the hot item of the holiday season. Everybody wanted one, but not everybody got one. According to Nintendo, it had an impressive run over the last few months in spite of its shortages.

Since launching on Nov. 10, the NES Classic has sold a grand total of 1.5 million units on a global scale. Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima confirmed the numbers in his most recent earnings call, and he also provided consumers and retailers an apology for the shortages.

He claimed that “some parts require time to procure,” but the company was working hard to increase production.

I’m still actively playing mine, are you?

One of the criticisms I’ve seen is that players are sinking a few hours into the NES Classic Edition, but then they never touch it again. The effect wears off or their nostalgia doesn’t carry over into the actual experience of playing it. Either way, it doesn’t have the exciting longevity that many were hoping for.

Not here. I’m still burning through the original Final Fantasy if I can ever find a minute, and I’m several dungeons deep in a solid playthrough of The Legend of Zelda. No drag for me yet, just a general lack of time that all adults have.

It’s funny that my four-year-old self never had to worry about that. The NES Classic Edition can create some powerful memories, but it can’t change how the real world rotates.

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