As promised, I am sharing just a few Crystal friends that are looking for new Guardians to co-create with.
Nearly all of my latest Crystal offerings found new homes over the last three days of teaching (yay!), so I only have a few right now to share (see below), as the rest of the family are for the upcoming Crystal infused workshops in Florida and Oregon. If some remain, I’ll share them with you after those workshops.
For the same reason – needing both dropper and spray Crystal Elixirs for the upcoming workshops, and being that more than half have gone, I can only offer a limited amount more right now, until after the workshops.
Unfortunately, only Elixir #1 can be offered right now, but it happens to be my personal fav. This is the amazing fusion of Herkimer Diamond, Orange Jade, and Iceland Quartz, which were all activated at the sacred sites and energy centers on my sacred journeys.
I have just three of these available in dropper form, which can be taken as drops on the tongue, placed on your wrists and rubbed together, dropped in plants, taken in your water or smoothies, dropped in your bath water, etc.
You can place your order here, if it calls to you. For information on the properties of the Crystals it’s infused with, please visit: Crystal Elixirs
Dropper Bottle Option
Here are some Crystal beauties that still await new, loving and committed homes:Lemurian Aquatine Calcite Skull – $75 + shipping
(If not within the U.S., please message me about shipping, as the link to purchase only reflects within the U.S.)
Lemurian Aquatine Calcite is considered to be one of the stones of the new consciousness, getting its name because of its affinity to water and Lemuria. Up until now, Lemurian Seed Crystals and Aqua Lemuria from the mountains of Sumatra, Indonesia were the stones most known to resonate with the Lemurian frequency that recalled Lemuria’s “past knowledge”. Lemurian Aquatine Calcite emanates the actual feeling and intuitional awareness of the Lemurians and recalls the lost spiritual “capacities and abilities” they had.
Legends tie it also to being one of the “key stones” of ascension used by Lemurian priestesses to access other realms.
This stone is wonderful for the Throat Chakra. It’s also wonderful to work with the Third Eye Chakra to stimulate inner vision and deepen psychic abilities. Not only will it assist intuition, but also enhance the mind to open to greater expansiveness and connections of broader knowledge. In a sense it is the bridge to one’s own innate intelligence and I believe it also works with the Higher Heart Chakra energy, Crown Chakra, and etheric Chakras.
It helps in communications with higher beings, facilitates connection with ancient cultures – Lemuria and a bridge to Atlantis, assists in contacting spirit guides and angels, supports traumatic past life healing, helps to raise vibrations from karmic energy, promotes spiritual ascension, helps you to flow with your emotions rather than get stuck, promotes enhanced dreaming and depth of feeling, as well as visionary consciousness. It’s one of those stones that is perfect to soothe the nerves, anxiety, fear, tension, and stress so that you are nourished at the etheric level into a peaceful state of being. It’s also very effective for connecting with that boundless, unity consciousness that honors, respects, and realizes the connection and eternal quality of all things.
Lemurian Aquatine Calcite assists us in tuning into the energetic frequencies of the Earth’s past, which recalls the library of information stored in our DNA to bring into greater wholeness in the now and assist the activation of all Chakras beyond the seven you’ve been accustomed to only knowing about.
And of course, the stone is a bridge to our cetacean friends – the dolphins and whales. Not only is it a communication channel to these beings, assisting our telepathic skills, but is also a way to actually feel and know them, accessing the parts of them that are within you. You find your senses magnified beyond the physical confines of the body.
The energy of this stone is like a flowing melody to me, which I believe helps us to activate and embody our own personal frequency and song.
Seraphinite Heart – SOLD
Seraphinite, and just as its name reflects, it does indeed embody the “spirit of an angel.”
A Seraphim, by definition, is an angelic being, considered to belong to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy that has three pairs of wings.
The angelic Seraphinite not only carries the energy of these powerful angels, but it also resembles them with the silvery infused angel wings that appear inside. It is one of the most powerful stones for physical body healing and a great stone for healers and self healing,
Seraphinite is a beautiful, deep green – when caught in the light is Earthy and resembles the vernal forests in Spring, but can be a very dark, almost black-green at times, like the depths of the forests when you venture beyond the Sun’s reach. It is one of the Angel Crystals that gets its deep green from the Chlorite in it, which is extremely healing and sometimes also appears in clear Quartz. There are silver “fronds”, like a fern has, throughout the crystal that flash brilliantly in the light. It is these “fronds” that resemble also the angelic wings.
Their green color represents the renewal of life, physical healing, the essence of the Heart Chakra, and Earth connection, which helps people who feel alienated from their physical bodies to appreciate and love the wonder and miracle of their physical form. With this appreciation you are open to allowing more light to infuse your human body. You can place it on any part of the body where you feel more balance is needed and where there is a disconnect experienced. One way to meditate with it can be to imagine silver light wings softly feathering in and around you as you visualize and embrace your body in wholeness and unified health and well-being.
It is definitely an enchanting crystal.
The darker green, sometimes almost black coloring, adds the element of grounding. The silvery wings are almost white, which symbolize Spirit and flow of nonphysical energy. This reflects a physical entity infused with the light of Spirit, so they are much like Earth Angels manifest, or the new Luminous Humans we are becoming.
Seraphinite, found only in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia, is considered by many as the premier healing stone of this age most suited to bringing the body into line with Light energy. It is among the most powerful of stones also for bringing into alignment the “I AM” column of the spinal cord. Of course its lovely green coloring reveals it as the perfect Heart Chakra stone that both centers, energizes, harmonizes, and bridges everything all at once.
Seraphinite carries a very feminine energy, which supports greater awareness and experience of the Divine Feminine, but it also is a healing crystal known to aid cellular regeneration! It even has the ability to help you become aware of diseases linked to issues from past lives and is believed to cause old patterns of dis-ease and imbalance to fall away. This creates the opportunity and space for new patterns to form that are of the highest order of wholeness. It can aid the decoding of the DNA to help bring about the decline of former systemic diseases and as they subside, the vibrations of the new arrangements within your DNA become prominent.
Seraphinite provides clarity of vision and understanding to see and know truth about your life, as well as what needs to be changed in order to experience the harmony you desire and deserve. It also encourages daily contact with the highest order of angels when you meditate. You can use it on any area or Chakra of the body, but some examples are placing it on your Crown Chakra for aligning all of your Chakras, holding it over your Heart Chakra to receive its healing love and protection, as well as to be able to always give unconditional love to others that resides innately in your heart.
Tibetan Quartz – SOLD
Tibetan Quartz are really amazing crystal friends that embody the powerful “OM” vibration and are perfect for grounding as you expand your awareness, spiritual growth, and Reiki. Reiki Master Teachers and practitioners alike will find a resonance with Tibetans. The darker black and smokey gray spots and inclusions are a distinguishing, unique quality of the Tibetans. They occur in single, double terminated and cluster. I have found that both the clear and darker crystals of this kind to be both equally powerful and individually gifted. The darker ones have an ability to help us empower our shadow aspects, while balancing all Chakras and meridians and taking us into some mysterious recesses of exploration. They are also excellent for dissolving energy blockages and purifying energies. Wearing or carrying this type of quartz will cleanse the aura and protect it from negative influences, as well as helping ground the wearer.
This particular one is a very dark, self-healer, mysterious one. Quartz that come from Tibet are attuned to the esoteric knowledge that has existed in Tibet for ages, which is available to you when you meditate with them. You can attune yourself to this ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Eastern cultures and will find it helpful in healing practices (especially Reiki) to draw energy to specific areas and Chakras of the body. It will also assist you with accessing the Akashic Records if you choose to.
Tibetan Quartz helps you to focus directly to the point, so healing can take place from the origin and then can be drawn out and integrated with results reflected on the surface. It helps you to understand reasons past life connections are related to present life dis-ease or karmic lessons.
Tibetan Quartz not only helps in healing practices, but in your own meditation practices or simply living a life of sacredness. It can help you to facilitate fasting and abstinence if you so choose. It radiates such a powerful vibration that if worn or worked with long enough it will radiate and attune you to your own inventive powers.
Tibetan Quartz, said to be one of the twelve Master Crystals, is also wonderful for dream recall, inducing total centering, and producing an energy conducive to channeling of higher information. It fortifies and strengthens all systems of the body and as a “feel good stone” it is known to be particularly effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, Fibromyalgia, intestinal troubles, healing the nervous system, as well as helpful for improving mental and physical energy, stamina, and physical strength.
Tibetan Quartz opens you to vastly expanded states of consciousness, clears the aura and fills the physical and energetic bodies with Light as needed for spiritual growth, assists in practicing non-attachment, and is a very strong “awakener” of the upper Chakras, allowing enhanced communication with the higher planes, as it connects to the Higher Self.
Carrying one creates a bubble of Light around the body, allowing only positive vibrations to penetrate the auric field. As mentioned, with their ability to enhance healing, they are excellent for practitioners and Master Teachers of Reiki.
Kirlian photography has shown that, when cleansed, these crystals emanate the total spectrum of color and can hence be applied to all energy medians for stimulation and cleansing, as well as be used in the healing of all energy centers. Tibetan Quartz provides protection and purification, and are perfect crystals for cleansing and sanctifying a healing or meditation room. They expand the aura, raising the vibrations such that the physical body can attune to and assimilate the full spectrum of light.
Tibetan Quartz stimulates clairaudient abilities when placed over the third eye. It assists in practicing non-attachment and they expand the aura, raising the vibrations such that the physical body can attune to and assimilate the full spectrum of light.
Love Is In The Earth author, Melody shares:
Tibetan monks, who live near where the Quartz comes from say “this crystal is found exclusively in the location where a race ‘from the heavens’ landed many millenniums ago”. It carries the vibration of the “OM” sound. These Mountains are so high only the Tibetans themselves can mine these crystals. The Himalayas are one of earth’s spiritual centers. The stone beings coming to us from this locale are highly evolved beings. They have been hidden for eons by the ancient wisdom keepers awaiting their time to arise! The Tibetan people who mine these say they were placed millions of years ago by the star people! Tibetan quartz provides an incredible feeling of grounding with expansion. These stone beings work through our Base Chakra all the way to our higher ethereal body centers clearing and aligning.
Aquamarine – $1600 + shipping & handling
(A separate invoice will be sent for shipping/handling after your purchase, as this piece needs to be specially packaged and assessed based on your location)
(If not within the U.S., please message me about shipping, as the link to purchase only reflects within the U.S.)
It is extremely rare to find an aquamarine of this size and of this quality and energy (not to mention at this price). She stands almost 4 3/4″ tall, 6 3/4″ long and 4 1/2″ wide. She channels the Goddess and Master Kuan Yin and is an embodiment of great compassion. Her service is to help bring you to the depths of your heart and to assist all sentient beings in a return to natural harmony on Earth.
Breath-taking, powerful, other-worldly and then some!
In her natural state she is pristine in energetic purity and beauty with delicate little prismatic rainbows scattered here and there. Layers of lustrous, short-prismatic to tabular crystal clusters are layered in a matrix community of iced aqua that create a mountain alter of watery energy. Compact and potent, her clustered layers are firmly grounded on large tabular crystals to root her energy. You will also find sparkly Marcasite – a polymorph of pyrite which means that it has the same chemistry as pyrite but a different structure and different symmetry and crystal shapes – enmeshed between the Aquamarine clusters and layers. Its silvery luster is enchanting alongside the iced aqua brilliance and adds to her energy she emanates.
I can’t say enough about her and as always, photos never do justice to these beautiful beings.
Aquamarine Properties: a stone of courage and serenity and a powerful stone for the heart chakra, the thymus (higher heart) or throat chakra and will enhance communication with the Goddess while improving overall spiritual communication. Another benefit of using this crystal, is that it aids you to let go of emotional issues from your past that you have been holding on to. Within the thymus chakra (or higher heart) this energy is very powerful. It emits flowing, soothing, compassionate energy.
This lovely and gentle gem evokes the sea in both its name and its color. The meaning of this crystal’s name derives from the Latin, meaning ‘water of the sea’. The ancients saw this as a stone of courage and felt that carrying it would help them return safe and prosperous from all sea voyages.
It is held in quite high regard in the East as the Stone of the Seer and Mystic, a gemstone that imparts purity to the wearer, as well as encouraging the gentle nature and personality in the wearer. It is a symbol of peace. Aquamarine is said to be the stone of the sea goddesses of past times, due to its association with the sea and water.
In magic, this glorious stone is worn or carried about the body to enhance the use of psychic powers. It helps reduce our conscious mind’s hold on the psychic mind and allows our ever present psychic impulses to be heard and to enter into our more conscious mind. It is good for meditation as it brings calmness, peace and inspiration with love. It also strengthens personal power and the aura.
The stone is considered an “all purpose” healing stone as it treats spiritual and psychological disturbances as well as physiological disorders and disease. In addition, it increases one’s access to courage. It promotes motivation and comforts in times of intense physical and emotional release, while supporting one through the process.
The stone aids a life of service, shields and protects, reminds us of love and caring through times of change and in one’s life and path and purpose. It aids in promoting spiritual and psychic awareness, brings about core soul repair and healing, aids soul retrieval, and heals deeply at all levels. It is used spiritually to bring purification to one’s entire being, as it allows the inner self to better pursue one’s Highest Ideals, keeping attachments to the mundane world in perspective.
In addition to its remedial values, it is an excellent stone with which to make changes in your life, holding more true to your inner, spiritual self, and helping yourself remain calm and purified of your own self-polluting behavioral patterns.
Aquamarine is a symbol of true friendship, equity, courage, judiciousness and eloquence. It helps clairvoyants, harmonizes soul and body and is an amulet of happy family life. In Europe of The Middle Ages, the newly-weds exchanged Aquamarine rings. It is one of the most magical stones that can expose even astral deceits. Aquamarine acts on its wearer’s mood, as a peaceful-seascape, calming the mind.
Marcasite Properties (the silvery areas on the Aquamarine): comes from an Arabic word, markaschatsa, meaning ‘firestone’. It expands metaphysical abilities, especially that of spirit awareness and clairvoyance, provides a psychic shield that grounds, assists house-clearing or entity removal, provides a detached perspective when looking within for insights, helps you to make necessary adjustments, brings clarity for those feeling scattered or confused, increases willpower and courage, encourages you to shine, and helps foster a sense of true abundance.
Crystal & Reiki Sessions
Also, don’t forget that between now and May 15th you can receive the following Crystal & Reiki session specials:
***** Simply click through to your choice of session and on the Paypal invoice please add to the message, days and times that would work for you between now and then, along with your intents for the session, name, and city, state, country you reside in. If you don’t have or know a specific intent, and just want an overall supportive session, please specify that as well. *****
One, 15 Minute Distant Crystal & Reiki Deep-Shifting Support Session: $55 (Savings of $20 – Regular Price $75)
Three, 15 Minute Distant Crystal & Reiki Deep-Shifting Support Sessions: $111 (Savings of $54 – Pay for 2 and Receive 1 session for $1)