
Wow, ain’t gonna cut it this time to convey the magnitude of our experience in Peru. LOL! What an incredible nearly two weeks we shared. This trip definitely goes on my top fav list of journeys, including my top powerful list as well. Woah! Not to mention it was SO different energetically from my first trip in Peru. You can’t compare, but definitely doing this twice really reflects the shifts and how much has evolved, including myself.

I return feeling even more connected to multi-dimensionality and with a deepened sense of inner peace and centered strength.

From onset to closure, it was jam packed with potency, magick, harmony, and love. All I knew when I was called to put together this journey, was that I needed to be there, the timing was auspiciously aligned and not to veer off from, and who ever was truly meant to show up would.

The rest I released to the Universe and the beauty of Divine unfolding.

And boy oh boy did things synchronize into perfection.

I was so moved to reunite with my Cosmic brother, Amaru after 7+ years and our reconnection was sweeter and deeper than ever.

I was also so grateful to reconnect with my beautiful and powerful soul sister Aymey and brother Christopher, which was a soul family celebration indeed when all four of us came together, not to mention a powerful reactivation of the powerful work we were continuing together…chills writing this now even.

Themes of the trip were activating and integrating our Cosmic essence with our human bodies, embodying the power and light of the Great Central Sun, remembering who we REALLY are and standing in that knowing and power so we can simultaneously support others through that example, opening and expanding our hearts deeper and wider to the unconditional love and gentle nurturing within us, transmutation, and courageous embracing to return to the natural harmony essence with all.

There was also the beautiful balance of deep spirituality and very, very light humor and humanness we enjoyed and experienced each day. Laughter, tears, playfulness and focused integrity, overwhelming grace and power…just exquisite.

Rebirthing was indeed mirrored again for this trip, as it was in Iceland. I also, personally, saw a lot of orange show up for me – it came through in what I was drawn to over and over, which included a raw orange Jade I picked up as a new friend (which just so happened to have the mirroring outline of Machu Picchu inside of it as you can see below -I got it at Machu Picchu too), as well as orange roses that were given to myself and Aymey during our journey by one of our amazing drivers and co-facilitators in Cusco, Paullo.

We experienced our ability to manifest what we desired and how our individual powers can be harnessed massively when brought together with others with heart-full intention. We saw this at work over and over each day, as we literally controlled the weather together (forecasts had shown rain throughout our time away, but in fact didn’t happen or did at the opportune times), crowds of people encountered, and every detail that would perfectly support what we each would need, as well as would be in support of the highest and greatest good collectively.

Everything was orchestrated from onset, in a way that would provide the right synergy for all of this, down to even creating who would actually show up in order to have what was needed take place – which is a story in and of itself.

I personally return feeling the most empowered and whole I have yet, and lighter – literally – as I lost another 4 pounds on top of the 5 I lost from Iceland. Woah!

And it definitely wasn’t for lack of eating, as I ate much more than I normally do at home, since I only have a smoothie for breakfast and don’t snack through the day.

But with all the fresh veggies, fruits, amazing pure fruit juice mixes each day, quinoa, and lots of potatoes (was craving these)…I was in vegan whole food, simplicity bliss.

I had also brought along some raw vegan snacks and goodies like kale chips, raw chocolate, raw macaroons, fig cookies, chocolate hemp seeds, raw vegan and vegan energy bars…

Not sure exactly physically where it all came off – kind of just all around – although I do look and feel different to myself, but I can definitely sense it and it feels like an energetic release has taken place at another deeper core level that is cleansing and letting go of everything with ease. It is incredible to compare my photos from my journey back in 2008 with now…what a change.

But this energetic release was evident also with something physically I have been experiencing.

Since the day of my return from Iceland I had a very deep lung cough that lingered since the 28th of February until just yesterday (the first full day back). I haven’t had anything like that ever, in terms of such a long experience with something lasting nearly a month. I never get sick, but know that anything that shows up is a reflection of something on another level working itself out. These trips have been huge for me and this time period in my life is significant.

A little background: my lungs have always been my weakest link in my body, which always mirror things that aren’t good for me and how my body reacts to help cleanse it out. When I was a child, I wouldn’t really ever get sick except for my deep lung coughs where my lungs would fill with stuff that had to be coughed up and out, literally gagging me (gross I know). And since, my lungs react to anything that isn’t good for my body (allergies to food and things in the air like smoke of any kind, etc.) by creating the same experience of messaging my body with a deep cough that has to come up and out of my body, lasting for anywhere from a half an hour to a couple of hours until it’s all gone and my body is rid of it – like a protective barrier my immune system has, as well as a way to alert me.

However, I’ve also come into this life with a huge amount of past life grief to transmute, which has resided in my lungs and has been working itself out with my work. I also have very small lungs in comparison to most people and a smaller rib cage, as well as much more shallow breathing than what others experience, which is normal for me. Perhaps also part of why being at high elevations for me is very natural and easy without challenge. And recently I’ve learned that shallow breaths actually have a cosmic connection. ;)

Anyway, that all to share that having this pretty major lung experience between two very important and potent trips I was called to take, really felt to be symbolizing taking/breathing in life in a whole new way, which would call for a deepening release of anything remaining of that grief. As well as, embracing the changes on a life large scale I’ve been integrating – opening to what that involves and a new way of taking in and experiencing life, freely and filling up more space by being in full essence without hindrance.

So while I was coughing pretty badly since Iceland, as well as every day in Peru (although decreasing every day more and more), it all dissipated upon return. I had no other issues, nor felt bad in any way. There was just this cough that was letting go more and more, with less and less needing to come out. It was not something I didn’t need to do anything about except to embrace it and allow it to move through, supporting it energetically to do its thing…running its course while the integration/transmutation was taking place.

Just like with all things in our life we come up against, if we can just flow with it and not fight it, fear it, be angry at it…it WILL move through and bring you into the next experience awaiting on the other side.

My cough was an example of that, as literally the first full day I was back it completely disintegrated. And the day I traveled home, it was already dissipating nearly away and now poof! Buh bye! Amazing, yes? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

But back to the fullness of our journey. The first incredible thing that took place, after the fact that the trip actually was energetically created, was the bringing together of soul alchemy in mirror of the experience to unfold.

To make a long story short, which won’t be possible in these journey shares, we went from being a group of 16 of us down to 4. Twelve people for one wild/odd/timely reason to another, all dropped out and/or cancelled leading up to the journey. So amazing! Much of this taking place not long before I went to Iceland, during my time away there, and upon return from there. Having done this enough times in terms of retreat, journeys, workshops, etc. seeing how everything works itself out like a collective chess game, I just sit back and watch the divine perfection and cosmic fun unfold. :)

I know where I’m meant to be and welcome others who know the same.

Since I was going on this journey regardless, I just marveled at who was going to show up alongside me and was so so grateful for who did.

And so we were four – two male and two female souls creating a most beautiful and connective family. Each so beautiful and powerful in their own way, but the four of us together was incredible to say the least. We were so in tune with each other, on the same page, in flow, supportive, and experiencing similar in different ways in our lives. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Another beautiful alignment was our shared birthday energies between three of us. I had just had my birthday, one was going to celebrate his in the middle of our journey, and one would be celebrating hers soon after our return!

The other interesting thing is that each of us had an integration of Female and Male energy within making us both sensitive Males and strong Females…not to mention we all were so in tune that we could understand one another and knew how to support, communicate, and flow with each other intuitively.

Had it not been the four of us only, we would not have been gifted the astounding things that we received, nor created what we did. Our journey was deeply intimate and because of the soul energy synergy we shared, we were able to visit places that were intuited by our group essence (including some new places I had not been to before), and were able to spend extended time emerged in the energies, as well as received initiations we otherwise wouldn’t have due to lack of time and different energy dynamics. The intimacy provided us all the things we each needed to give and receive. Blessed we were.

To say I love these three souls in human bodies is an understatement. And before I progress further with our experiences, I just want to extend my deepest, heart-felt gratitude and honor to each of them for courageously showing up, and bringing forth the vulnerability they each shared, as well as the power they embodied. I have no words to describe the magnitude of feeling I have for them, but I know that they know just what I mean.

What we experienced individually and together, was not isolated to merely us (nor to this one moment in time), but rippled out to the collective and amplified through the the Cosmos and out from this sacred energy center we were at physically.

Nothing we do is “just” about us, and yet it’s not about needing to specify this is for me and this is for you….it simply all is that, simultaneously, within the presence of experience we consciously show up to embrace and consistently walk in the path of daily with each breath of expansive awareness.

I hope you find a piece of yourself in this journey I share. I can’t express enough how these journeys in the physical truly are life-changing. People simply don’t realize, I believe, what a trip like this can support. And each person on this journey manifested their way there magickally, just as anyone can do. I never accept something as impossible…perhaps not meant for someone or perhaps not aligned, but where there is the will and intent, there is the way.

We are all magickal beings living a magickal life, if we want to realize and embrace that truth.

Here’s my vision of this magickal journey we shared through my eyes and heart, shared with each of you.

Each of us had our own journey, which is not for me to share, honoring the privacy and sacredness of that. So this is my personal experience and how I saw things. It was all being experienced with all of you in mind and how what we do creates the possibility and potentials for everyone, as well as literally IS being experienced by all through us.

I wrote quite long journal entries for this journey (no surprise I’m sure lol!) – longer than usual – but given this trip was double Iceland’s time period I’m going to try to abbreviate just a bit – if that’s even possible as a Pisces with Mercury in Pisces loving to creatively express from the heart.

Another chronicle in store indeed, but it ended up about 4,000 words shorter than Iceland, so I did something different given this trip was twice as long. LOL! Hopefully the photos will help with capturing the essence, but I do want to share my visions in meditations and ceremonies, however, feeling it important this time. So this will add to the length, as well as perhaps draw you deeper into the experience with me and us.

However, being that this will be a long share with many photos (thank you to Aymey and Christopher for sharing some of theirs to add with mine), making it a very big post, I am going to share it in two parts so things upload more easily and don’t overload with the energy that’s potently packed in it. ;)

I find that writing and sharing these experiences are an integral part of the integrative process, not only cathartic in a way for me, but also brings things to full circle closure. Until I’ve put it all down and out there, it doesn’t feel fully complete.

So from my heart to yours, I share this with the Cosmic love that resides within all that I am and all that you are.

Day 1 – 3/11/15: Today was a very full travel day from Los Angeles to Lima, Peru starting at 4 am until 4:37 am the next day. I had an hour in between my connecting flights from Miami to Lima. But my LA flight was delayed for some silly reason (perfect in the eyes of Universal plans) and literally everything blocked me from getting to my next flight in a way I have never seen. Even the people on the flight ALL completely ignored the announcement to stay seated and allow all passengers at the back of plane with tight connections off first. I’ve never experienced people not listening to that before. Every single person got up and blocked the passage so that most of us all missed our flight connections. And even when I did get off and ran/sky trained to my gate, they had just closed and although an attendant asked them through the door if they’d let me on, they said no. So, indeed I was being rerouted energetically on timing to arrive. Who knows what I avoided, or what was being aligned, but one thing that worked out is that the hours I had in the airport provided me the time to work on a sacred tattoo design and complete it in totality. I normally don’t take work with me, but something said to do so and so this all worked out quite well and created a really amazing design my client was quite pleased with. The only down side was my arrival at 4:37 am in the morning rather than 9:57 pm in Lima, which meant literally settling into my room, showering, breakfast and off to our first journey immediately at 7 am. Despite not sleeping much on the plane, I was feeling refreshed and ready to go, knowing it was all perfect.

Day 2 – 3/12/15: This morning we gathered (Aymey, Christopher, and I) at breakfast and ignited the energy connections for our sacred journey together. At breakfast I shared the crystal gifts with each of them that I had intuited for them (and which we used in each ceremony along with all our sacred things – our grids kept growing from onset to end of our journey) and was also surprised at a lovely crystal gift I, too, received, which was a Golden Healer personally found in Arkansas by Christopher. I also later received an amazing cosmic heart from Aymey for my birthday. We constantly were gifting each other throughout the journey with gifts from the heart, which was such a sweet surprise to each of us to experience that kind of unconditional giving and receiving with so much mutual honor that likely we’ve mostly been accustomed to giving out more. I also got to reconnect with Amaru, our amazing Shaman and my dear, dear friend, which was very beautiful to give and receive hugs once again. I also gifted him a crystal. We got more connecting time on our 4 hour drive to our first sacred site – Caral. I had not visited Caral on my first journey to Peru, so this was a new experience for me. It was very expansive with many pyramids on the sacred grounds. Caral is the Highest Altar of the Oldest Civilization of the Americas. So it was perfect to begin the journey with this ancient energy igniting things. We did several meditations and ceremonies here. First, we stopped on the bridge over the river on our way to the site welcoming and opening to the energy. Each time we did, the wind would pick up and soar through. It was the beginning of our experiencing the power of our being in tune with and able to work with and control the elements with our heart-full intents. It also was mirroring of how the ancients and Cosmic ones were supporting and engaging in every aspect of this journey. They had been waiting for us. On the middle of the bridge where we stopped, which represented moving from one reality and world to another we were crossing into as we welcomed this journey, as well as reintegrating ancient parts of ourselves, I had my first vision of an Inca Warrior with large headdress standing on the other side of the bridge with his arm out extending a welcome to me/us. We then did another pause and tuning in, where this time I then saw what appeared more to be like an Inca God with huge headdress/crown of gold reminding me of Huiracocha/Wiracocha (Creator God/Cosmic God), sitting tall on a very tall, lean white horse on the other side of the bridge waiting for us and welcoming us. We then walked with intention along the path to the site. We found many old things on the path – petrified corn, pottery, part of a skull, feathers, shells – as we retraced our ancient heritage. We explored all of the grounds, including a circular area used for ceremony and Cosmic connection, similar to a Sun dial with Obelisk, and a fire altar, and above an entrance to an underground labyrinth where the spiral symbol was hidden. We were not allowed to do ceremony here, but Amaru was given permission to do a quick one to ignite things for us at the fire altar using our crystals we had all brought and other sacred things. While he did this, we tuned in and here I saw flames emerge and a white Dragon appear. On our way back we did a ceremony at the top of the hill overlooking the pyramids, valley, river, and feeling all the elements of wind/Air, river/Water, Earth, Sun/Fire, and Spirit. Again, this is not usually permitted, but even when a man came to inquire on us after we’d been in ceremony, he simply waved us on when Amaru told him what we were doing, aligned with our pure heart intent. Amaru created a grid with the things we’d found and our crystals, which we sat around in a half circle, and then led us in a special Cosmic initiation he does not do usually – very special. During this I saw a Native American Indian Chief with headdress and later learned that Christopher had this guide show up in his meditation providing his name of Red Cloud, I believe, who was then with him throughout. So we were seeing the same, as would continue to happen through the journey for us all. Amaru came around to each of us and we channeled the Gold Light of the Cosmos, as well as the Blue Light of the Earth and transmuted it all through our hearts, emanating the Green Gold Light. He inititated us each while playing his flute, chanting, doing symbols and had us join in with our first chant of “Nokan Inti Kani – I am the Sun”. We BECAME the Great Central Sun, to carry this energy with us always, during and beyond this journey. After, I gave Amaru a Reiki Initiation Attunement. He is already a Reiki Master of 18+ years, but he/we felt it important for him to receive this initiation for all that he would be facilitating for our journey, as well as to connect he and I with the combined energetic work we were doing and be a mutual exchange of giving and receiving. After the ceremony, Amaru gifted each of us some of the sacred pieces he used in the ceremony and told us something personal when doing so. I received a Chrysocolla Heart Stone (he said it was for the Healer that I am). During the ceremony he had also honored me with ceremonial knitted-ribbons around my neck (you can see in photo here to the right), feeling as an honoring to work alongside him. And Christopher and Aymey also received special pieces of a crystal and a crystal necklace. The Sun moved behind the clouds during ceremony and then out when we ignited the Sun within us. We then crossed back over the bridge, as a flock of sheep approached us and waited for us to let them pass. Right before this a huge flock of goats were making their way down to the river. Both very appropriate for this year of the Sheep/Goat that we’ve entered. After, we headed back to our hotel on our 4 hour drive.
We caught a beautiful first sunset together to kick of the journey, including a small rainbow portal in the clouds. I was in bed at 1 am and up at 4 am, for another early departure. Not much rest for the Cosmic adventurers!

Day 3 – 3/13/15: Today we were off to Cusco, hence our early morning to catch flights out – we were on 3 separate flights, although Aymey and I were together and manifested sitting next to each other through a whole fun exchange. Upon arrival to Cusco we all felt an immediate shift in energy – lightness, opening, uplifting. After settling into our beautiful hotel with amazing views and beautiful baths, we headed off to our first destination – Qoricancha Temple (Temple of the Golden Consciousness), which is a mission on old Inca ruins where now stands Santo Domingo Catholic Church. We explored the history and ancient energy here, receiving more insight to the evolvement of things. We then took a walk and had lunch at an amazing little place with a stunning view in the city square. After lunch we set off for Sacsayhuaman where we used our energy in synergy with each other and held off the impending dark clouds and rain, diverting them around and away from us. After our time here, the locals at the parking lot thanked Amaru, as they knew that we had moved the clouds and rain, knowing he is a Shaman and the work we were doing. This assists them because with rain they cannot sell their hand-made items. We explored here and then drove to another near location where there was a cool cave we all really connected with and spent a little time sitting in, tuning in. Back to hotel and before dinner I felt this evening was time for some special healing intentions and setting the tone of the journey for Christopher and Aymey’s intents, as well as my own. So we gathered in Aymey’s room that had a half circle/Moon large window space and table at it, perfect for our altar we created with all of our crystals and sacred things. We sat and talked for about an hour and a half about their intents, challenges, blocks, and deeper discussion of where things are energetically to really connect with it all before I did Reiki Healing Attunements for each of them. We also discussed that now is the time to release, transmute, and ignite as the powerful co-creating beings that we are. It was a very special, intimate, connective gathering that set the tone of our Magickal Triad that we were – creating a pyramid energy between us. At times it was the two females holding the base of the pyramid with the male energy at the point. And at other times, I felt our energies would shift into positioning each of us at the integrative point for what was needed, holding the energy of that space. Every piece integral to the other and supporting and receiving to and from each other. After our session we had a very nice dinner overlooking the city of Cusco and relaxed in our rooms for an early night of good sleep – my first! Triangles showed up much on this day as symbols everywhere and this would continue throughout the journey, mirroring the three of us and the energy of the three/pyramid that I discussed during our session. A great day really shifting energy in a lighter, opening way. This day was Friday the 13th. :)

Day 4 – 3/14/15: Today we made our way after breakfast to a very special site we all really connected with, and which I hadn’t been to on my first trip either, where we did an incredible long ceremony (ceremonies and meditations every day! weeee!). This site is in the Chinchero Region and went by several interchangeable names – the Magic Altar or “Willko Umo”, the Sacred Head, and then its secret name: “Qori Uma” meaning Golden Head. This place had such an ancient, alive, nurturing essence where all of the rocks were rich in life and the energy was infused with Faery essence especially amidst the waters trickling through and the mossy magick. Aymey and I both went off for a little nature bathroom break and saw a black butterfly together and then we returned for our first meditative exercise of seeing ourselves and aura through Amaru, as our mirror. This took us deep within. During this I had a vision of a figure wearing a huge golden headpiece and then realized it was a very large golden head of a dragon with spokes that made up the headpiece. The face of the figure became my own, wearing this golden dragon. Simultaneously a vision of a woman all in white floated through the valley in front of us with an ethereal, transparent robe flowing behind and the then the two images merged into a white ethereal, transparent Dragon flying through the valley. I learned after that Aymey saw a white Dragon too during this. I also saw many visions of what the area may have looked like in the past, including a triangle cave opening or portal with dimensions that was before me to enter (I later saw this opening at Machu Picchu and recognized what I’d seen). After this and tuning in a bit more…a very powerful place for Aymey here, we went on top of the Mother rock and did an incredible long ceremony with fire, drumming, flute, chanting, singing, and our own meditation supported by all of this. We had created a crystal and sacred altar grid again around the fire. I felt called for this one to place the ring I was wearing – my silver ring that says in Mayan “To Be Reborn”, which felt perfect for this, not realizing consciously what were going to activate. (If you remember, this was the only jewelry I took with me to Iceland, and once again here to Peru, along with 2 necklaces of Orange Kyanite/Flower of Life and Herkimer Diamond/Aqua Aura Quartz). The smoke at first came all at me and when I breathed in, it burned in my nasal passage and throat, which felt to be like transmutational fire that was assisting me, including the energy to move in my cough – cleansing, purifying…and ended up helping my cough to stop for the entire ceremony and for quite some time after. As always, we cleansed our aura with sacred oil and would hold 3 coca leaves in our left hand, as well as placed some of these on the left side of our mouth during the process. During this ceremony I saw what all seemed to be a place and time elsewhere – not Earth – or perhaps a New Earth. Many visions of light portals and light stars as gateways I would enter and become the light of each one after another. Light infused landscapes, not Earthly, for me to enter and embody. After our meditation we went to the upper top portion of the rock where Aymey, Christopher and myself all took turns  holding the clay pot that held our fire – now smoke – in our left hand and Condor feathers in our right. I started off and we were each to embody the essence of the Magician, Master, Goddess/God, Leader, Light that we each were and to invoke and activate that in any way that we were moved to, acting from our inner guidance as who we were in totality and once were and always are, rather than the us we identify with only in this life. An experience of being in our true power to continue to walk in forever. “Being Reborn” was indeed a theme for today and this journey. After our beautiful ceremony we ate some amazing fruit Amaru had picked up at the market for us. We then visited Ollantaytambo – site with its ancestral Temple of the Sun, Temple of the Condor, and Altar of the Cosmic Waters where rain came for the first time, however, here it was perfect and like a purifying cleanse for what we had just experienced, as well as a nourishing and nurturing gift of renewal. We climbed the many steps up to receive activation and then descended to catch our train to Machu Picchu town – Aguas Calientes where we settled in, explored the market and had dinner.

Day 5 – 3/15/15: Today was Christopher’s birthday and what a way to celebrate by visiting Machu Picchu – the Crystal City – for the first time! Yay! Was so excited for him to experience this powerful time for his special day. We had perfect weather and no rain, with beautiful clear views of the sacred city and grounds all around. There were crowds of people, which is normal for here, but much, much less than when I had been here last time. This is because it was not a high season tourist time. I noted that much had changed since I was here back in over 7 years ago. Roped off areas, more rules and areas we were able to hike to on the mountain were now only accessible with in-advance specially purchased tickets months ahead. How things shift indeed. But, we always created our own sacred space, moving crowds energetically by will and it never being an issue. Upon our arrival a butterfly flew to us and directly came at me, literally kissing my lips with its fluttering wings, lingering there a bit. That was such a gift and blessing. And right after that, another butterfly came at me and circled around me. The night before I had been guided to purchase a very large butterfly pendant at the market with stones in all of the Chakra colors/energies. ;) The butterfly was my first symbol that came to me in this life and represented my path when I began my conscious spiritual journey. This was amazing and butterflies continued to grace us with their presence, one by one later welcoming the rest of the group as well. This day I was also wearing my infinite love t-shirt (a heart with infinity symbol and wings) that has a Hunab Ku symbol on the back as well, along with my Cosmic Love sweatshirt. Amaru discussed how this is an honor and recognition. I have also learned that butterflies represent ancestors that are returning. So this was very powerful. We hiked up to our first scenic overview where we did a meditation looking out over the sacred city. During this I saw a figure appear wearing a large bird headdress, but the bird was actually alive – seemed to be a small Phoenix. Then there was a procession of headdressed beings when a large Condor appeared over the entire city of Machu Picchu with wings spread and then seemed to turn into a Phoenix energetically with light and fire. A lot of light and bright star energy lit up the city from it and I took this in and embodied it once again, projecting it across the city and out to the Earth. Then a High Priestess/Magician showed up and I knew it was me, as I saw out from her, wearing a large headdress that was all light and gold. I/she turned into light that projected out and then ascended to the Cosmos. Then I sent out Golden Green Healing Light from my heart through the center of the city, beaming it out like a beacon across the globe, illuminating the Earth in healing Golden Green Light. Amaru again said that when they land on you it means you are very blessed and honored. I was, as I know all of us were, feeling very blessed indeed. During the meditation I also was holding my orange Jade I had also picked up the night before in the market. And when I came out of it, Christopher and Amaru said to sit still, as they were gently removing something from my hair. Apparently a tiny orange insect, that looked somewhat similar to a ladybug, but all orange, had been sitting on the crown of my hair/head. After our meditation we visited areas of the city, including the Pachamama stone altar and Sun Dial that Shirley Maclaine touches on in her book “Out on a Limb” – one of my first spiritual introductions along my path when I was 15/16 or so.  Together, we moved the crowd of people at Pachamama altar so that we could get unobstructed views/photos, as you can see. It then started to rain, as we were leaving. After our descent from the mountain we had lunch outdoors (but under cover) in town serenaded by beautiful, live Peruvian music, as it rained. Then we shopped the market – the skies clearing of rain once again to support a beautiful rest of the day. After, we changed into our swimsuits and went to the hot springs for a couple hours before dinner, which was relaxing. Along the walk to the hot springs I captured many orbs in the night sky along the river. Then we enjoyed a very lovely dinner at a really nice restaurant to celebrate Christopher’s birthday. Our little family was deepening in connection, as our hearts expanded more and more each day. Oh how I love these souls.

What you’ve read so far concludes Part 1 and to bring the journey full circle you can visit Part 2 here:

Nokan Inti Kani ~ I Am the Sun: Our Sacred Journey to Peru Through My Eyes – PART 2

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