
The idea of lending the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) conjecture an air of scientific legitimacy by defining the period since the spread of agrarianism and industrialisation as a new geological age called the ‘Anthropocene’ has been bubbling along in the background for a number of years. In fact, it’s now got it’s own grand ‘working group’ consisting of the members listed below. This list was drawn to my attention by Matt McGrath of the BBC climate-propaganda unit, the de-facto promoter of the outfit.

I don’t know how many of these people are serious working geologists, but the names Naomi Oreskes and Andy Revkin jumped out at me, and put me in mind of that other list of 28 ‘world leading climate experts’ who the BBC used as an excuse to no-platform anyone critical of their alarmist climate-schtick back in 2005. A scandal that became known as 28gate, when the 28 ‘experts’ turned out to be activists from greenpeace, WWF, Stop Climate Chaos etc.

I don’t have time to visit all these links to check out backgrounds and publication histories, so I’m appealing for help from the talkshop readership. Start with a comment claiming some people on the list so effort isn’t wasted duplicating background checks.

Thanks for your assistance. Let’s see who’s who.

Working group convenor:

Dr Jan Zalasiewicz (Leicester) e-mail: jaz1@le.ac.uk


Colin Waters (Secretary) e-mail: cnw@bgs.ac.uk
Anthony Barnosky e-mail: barnosky@berkeley.edu
Alejandro Cearreta e-mail: alejandro.cearreta@ehu.es
Paul Crutzen e-mail: paul.crutzen@mpic.de
Matt Edgeworth e-mail: me87@le.ac.uk
Erle Ellis e-mail: ece@umbc.edu
Mike Ellis e-mail: mich3@bgs.ac.uk
Ian Fairchild e-mail: i.fairchild@bham.ac.uk
Agnieszka Gałuszka e-mail: aggie@ujk.edu.pl

Philip Gibbard (Past-president SQS, chair INQUA-SACCOM) e-mail: plg1@cam.ac.uk
Jacques Grinevald e-mail: jacques.grinevald@graduateinstitute.ch
Peter Haff e-mail: pkhaff@gmail.com
Irka Hajdas e-mail: hajdas@phys.ethz.ch
Alan Haywood e-mail: A.Haywood@leeds.ac.uk
Catherine Jeandel e-mail: Catherine.Jeandel@legos.obs-mip.fr
Andrew Kerr e-mail: kerra@cardiff.ac.uk
Reinhold Leinfelder e-mail leinfelder@hu-berlin.de
John McNeill e-mail: mcneillj@georgetown.edu
Cath Neal e-mail: cath.neal@york.ac.uk
Carlos Nobre e-mail: carlos.nobre@inpe.br
Eric Odada e-mail: eodada@uonbi.ac.ke
Naomi Oreskes e-mail: oreskes@fas.harvard.edu
Clément Poirier e-mail Clement.poirier@univ-lr.fr
Simon Price e-mail: sprice@bgs.ac.uk
Andrew Revkin e-mail revkin@gmail.com
Dan Richter e-mail drichter@duke.edu
Mary Scholes e-mail: mary.scholes@wits.ac.za
Victoria C. Smith e-mail: victoria.smith@rlaha.ox.ac.uk
Will Steffen e-mail: will.steffen@anu.edu.au
Colin Summerhayes e-mail: cps32@cam.ac.uk

James Syvitski e-mail: james.syvitski@colorado.edu
Davor Vidas e-mail Davor.Vidas@fni.no
Michael Wagreich e-mail: michael.wagreich@univie.ac.at
Mark Williams e-mail: mri@le.ac.uk

Scott Wing e-mail: wings@si.edu
Alex Wolfe e-mail: awolfe@ualberta.ca
An Zhisheng e-mail: anzs@loess.ac.cn


Matt McGrath e-mail: matt.mcgrath@bbc.co.uk

Working Group communications:

Letter to potential members

Outline of working group activities

Newsletter No.1 2009

Newsletter No.2 2010

Newsletter No.3 2012

Newsletter No.4 2013

Newsletter No.5 2014

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