As any long time Sycle customer will tell you – the software is always evolving. That is one of the best parts about cloud based systems – they are able to adapt with the industry and businesses they service. Much of what drives Sycle’s evolution is feedback we get from our users. Often times that feedback directly impacts new features we build into the software. This is the case with one of my favorite Sycle capabilities – one I hope all you reading are using consistently. That is Sycle’s Appointment companion tracking.
Years ago we received a visit from a few loyal users at our booth at an industry event. Notebooks in hand, we all sat around a small round table to talk shop and find out what features they were using, those they were not and also what additional functionality they’d like added. These few customers, all from different practices, agreed on one thing – they needed a way to encourage front office staff to remind patients to bring in appointments companions and a way to track those individuals. They went on to explain the incredible benefit of having a family member or friend present when discussing the options available to treat hearing loss.
We returned to San Francisco from that meeting and the product development team got to work writing the requirements for this new functionality. It wasn’t long before Sycle users had a nice visual reminder to ask a patient to bring a companion. To this day you’ll see this dedicated section when booking an appointment for a patient.
Now that we understood the impact appointment companions have on a clinic’s close rate we knew we wanted to take it a step beyond flagging and tracking. That’s why we added a new section to the Quick Business Report that displays your close rate when a companion is present in addition to your standard close rate.
I love this feature not only for the impact it has on practices and patients but also because it is a wonderful example of how Sycle is able to quickly adapt to the needs of our customers and our industry. So if you’re not using this neat little feature be sure to check it out. And if you have any questions, simply contact our support team.
What other features in Sycle do you and your co-workers really enjoy? Let us know in the comments below.