Here is our explanation of the Ignition Marketing compensation plan, based on what we understood from the presentation of Eduard Reformina. Let's begin by defining some terms...
IM Compensation Plan Definitions
Commission - Money you earn from referring an Ignition Marketing product sale. In order to earn an Ignition Marketing (IM) product commission, you should have bought that particular IM product before.
Forfeited Commission - A commission that you could have earned but didn't, because you did not own that particular Ignition Marketing product.
OPT - Online Prosperity Training Product which generates a total commission of P2,000 per sale.
TSCA - Traffic and Sales Conversion Academy product which generates a total commission of P4,500 per sale.
Referral - A person who bought an Ignition Marketing product via your product referral link.
Direct Referral - A referral whom you did not Pass Up to your Sponsor. These are your 2nd, 4th, 6th to 9th, 11th to 14th (and so on) referrals in the case of the OPT product. On the other hand, in the case of TSCA, these are your 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th to 10th, 12th to 15th, 17th to 20th (and so on) referrals.
Passed Up Referral - These are you 1st, 3rd, 5th, and every fifth referral (e.g., 10th, 15th, 20th) in the case of the Online Prosperity Training (OPT) product. On the other hand, in the case of the Traffic and Sales Conversion Academy (TSCA) product, these are your 2nd, 4th, 6th, and every fifth referral (e.g., 11th, 16th, 21st).
Leveraged Referral - A customer who was Passed Up to you, because he or she bought an IM product via the IM product referral link of your Direct Referral. Since you will sometimes pass a referral up to your Sponsor, your Direct Referrals will also pass up to you some of their ow
NOTE: Each referral maintains their Rank or Slot number, in the order that they bought their first Ignition Marketing product using your IM product referral link. For example, whether your first IM customer buys OPT or TSCA, that customer is consider your 1st Referral.
If that person buys another IM product after a few weeks, that person is still considered as Referral Number 1 (or your 1st Referral), for purposes of determining what type of commission (e.g., Direct, Shared, Leveraged) that you can earn.
Full Commission - Commissions earned from your direct referrals that you did not pass up to your sponsor. In the case of OPT, it's P2500. In the case of TSCA, it's P4500.
Shared Commission - Refers to commissions earned from referrals that you Passed Up to your Sponsor. In the case of OPT, it's P400. In the case of TSCA, it's P1500.
Leveraged Commission - Refers to commissions earned from Leveraged Referrals. In the case of OPT, it's P1600. In the case of TSCA, it's P3000.
Ignition Marketing Complan Table
Now let's see how much you can earn in commissions in Ignition Marketing.
To begin with, let's assume you own both the OPT and the TSCA products. Remember, you need to own a product, before you can earn product commissions from the sale of those products.
Let's assume further that your 1st customer, Arthur, buys OPT. Let's also assume that your 2nd customer, Bryan, buys TSCA.
Please refer to the table below:
Since Arthur is your 1st customer, and since he bought OPT, you will earn:
OPT Shared Commission = P400
Since Bryan is your 2nd customer, and since he bought TSCA, you will earn:
TSCA Shared Commssion = P1,500
Please note that if after a few weeks, Arthur then buys TSCA, you will earn:
TSCA Direct Referral Commission = P4,500
IMPORTANT: It's not the order or sequence of the products bought that determines whether you'll get a Full Commission or a Shared Commission. It's the order or sequence of the customer.
Question: "What if I have 4 customers in one day. Who will be considered my 1st customer?"
Answer: "It will depend on the Ignition Marketing finance team. Whoever's payment they verify first will most likely be the account that they will activate first. So it's possible that the 4th person who bought an IM product may enter the records as your 1st referral."
IM Leveraged Commissions
Before you fixate too much on the few referrals that you will pass up to your Sponsor, remember that it works both ways.
Yes, you can receive pass ups from some of your direct referrals, which means you can earn Leverage Commissions.
For example, if your 2nd Referral buys OPT, and then you help that person gain a new OPT customer, you earn P1,600. As you can see, the above system motivates you to help your customers gain their customers, too!
IM Maximum Commissions Strategy
Here's how you can maximize your commissions with the Ignition Marketing products that you've purchased yourself and which you believe in:
Offer the highest ticket product first.
And then later on, offer the next product that's priced lower than your initial offer.
This is better than offering products that get increasingly more expensive.
Still, you shouldn't accept this a the stone-cold truth. Make the time to test what you've read here, because different situations can give rise to different results.
And if you're interested in becoming part of our team, then check out for more information.
Kind regards,
Manny M. Viloria
P.S. Make sure to invest part of your online earnings in the stock market. Get your free step-by-step long-term stock marketing investing guide at