
Best practices for optimizing mobile web apps.

Many web designers and web developers are not paying enough attention to their mobile websites’ performance. And we as users are paying for that.

It’s important for mobile website creators to understand what harms performance and what might increase performance. Better performance leads to an increase in conversions, and—in the end—that means more money for you.

Here is a checklist of techniques to optimize performance for every mobile web project you are working on.

Basic data

Gathering metrics from different sources will help you see later if you’ve improved performance. Chapters three and four of High Performance Mobile Web provide details on how to get these metrics.

For a desktop viewport (>900 px):

Time to first byte (ms)

Start render (ms)

Speed Index on initial view

Speed Index on repeat view

Page load time on initial view

Page load time on repeat view

Page speed insights score

For a tablet viewport (600–800 px):

Time to first byte (ms)

Start render (ms)

Speed Index on initial view

Speed Index on repeat view

Page load time on initial view

Page load time on repeat view

For a mobile viewport (320–400 px):

Time to first byte (ms)

Start render (ms)

Speed Index on initial view

Speed Index on repeat view

Page load time on initial view

Page load time on repeat view

Page speed insights score

Also, it’s important to see if you can create your own custom metric to get a “Time to First Meaningful Interaction” based on what that means for your content. In this case, you will define how to calculate that metric using the APIs covered in chapter five.

For custom metrics, you will need the following:


Description of the meaningful interaction

Formula to measure

Network checklist

Here are a few things you should do on the network layer.

General technologies you should start implementing:



Other mobile techniques rather than just responsive web design (RWD)

Features you must have:

gzip enabled on all text files

DNS queries kept to a minimum

Keep-alive enabled

No redirects

Features you should have:

If serving on TLS, use HSTS

Cookieless domain

Small cookie size

Flush HTML’s early from the server

Static content with far-future expiration

CDN for static content

Domain sharding for HTTP/1.1

If domain sharding enabled, disable it for HTTP/2 or use a multidomain certificate

Don’t rely only on CSS media queries for RWD; use JS or server-side libraries

Don’t set RWD as a goal for your project

Use JavaScript measuring APIs to gather real-world data

Basic optimizations

These are optimizations that you should implement most of the time.

Tips for initial loading:

Don’t use custom mobile app banners

Don’t use client-side rendering for the initial view

Announce DNS as soon as possible with

Announce resources using Resource Hints

Announce CSS ASAP

Don’t use blocking JavaScript

Minify JavaScript

Minify CSS

Combine essential JavaScript in one file

Combine essential CSS in one file

Use on-demand code when possible

Analyze usage of or in every <script> element

Use DOMContentLoaded instead of for initialization

Use HTTP/2 server push when possible

Tips on images:

Don’t use blocking images (Base64) as a general rule

Resize images for the current device

Apply responsive images with srcset and <picture>

Use CSS Sprites on HTTP/1.1

Use Base64 images in specific situations (only inside CSS or when loaded using prefetch techniques)

Use SVG when possible

Compress your images

Replace animated GIFs with muted videos when possible

Deliver hero images ASAP

Tips on web fonts:

Use web fonts with a loader

Use web fonts with a CDN

Optimize web fonts, removing glyphs and unused characters

Tips for responsiveness:

Verify that you don’t have scripts running for longer than 50 ms

Verify that all feedback is given within 100 ms

Use a mobile viewport or CSS to remove touch delay

Use passive listeners, debouncing, or throttling on scroll events

Use web workers for long tasks

Use momentum for small scrollable areas

Use will-change on elements that will be animated to avoid repaint

Use CSS containment to reduce browsers’ useless recalculations

Analyze using SSE or Web Sockets for some situations

Use the browser’s developer tools to turn on an FPS meter and check that you are reaching your goal of 60 fps, mostly while scrolling or animating

Tips for native web solutions:

Use WKWebView on iOS instead of UIWebView

Use Crosswalk on Android as a web view replacement

Use Custom Tabs on Android for in-app browsing

Use a Safari view controller on iOS for in-app browsing

Extreme optimizations

Here are some possible extreme techniques that will lead to great performance but may require an architecture change in your implementation.

Network layer tips:

Achieve your goal of one-second ATF page load on 3G connections

Implement Brotli compression encoding

Use other alternative compression methods

Architecture tips:

For users who are offline or on a bad network, offer an alternative experience through service workers or the application cache

Separate out ATF content

Try to fit all the ATF content in 14 KB (after gzipping)

Don’t use media queries for responsive web design

Create AMP and Facebook Instant Article versions if applicable

Use SD/HD techniques based on initial metrics

Deliver a low-res version if the flag is on within Client Hints

Analyze the creation of a custom cache

Predict near-future browsing with prefetching

Use lazy loading for components

Use service workers as a progressive cache mechanism

Avoid big frameworks for initial loading

If using a client-side rendering framework, analyze creating a server-side initial rendering for it

Image tips:

Opt in to HTTP Client Hints for server-side responsive images

Use server-side libraries to help with HTTP Client Hints

Use alternative image formats: WebP, JPEG-XR, JPEG-2000

Use image preview techniques

Measuring improvement

After you apply one technique, it’s a good idea to retest the metrics you gathered in the Basic Data checklist above to see how much things have improved. You need to remember that sometimes one technique might not help in your particular case, so it’s better to isolate each technique to get a conclusion per case rather than applying several techniques in a row without measuring. Enjoy your future fast website, and remember that performance matters … a lot.

Continue reading Mobile web performance checklist.

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