
Updated: List of signatories updated

NDA Procurement Plan November 2016
(PDF, 74.8KB, 1 page)

Tendering for contracts and transparency

To comply with government regulations we use an approach based on the value of the contract, and whether a public-sector contract already exists that can be used:

We use 3 systems to advertise and to manage our contracts:

Framework Contracts awarded by Crown Commercial Services or other procurement hubs for utilisation by the wider public sector
Government Procurement Service website

New procurement opportunities with a cumulative value of over £10,000
Contracts Finder website

New higher-value procurement opportunities with a cumulative total over the current EU threshold
Tender Electronic Daily website

All public-sector procurements are subject to European Commission (EC) Treaty principles of non-discrimination, equal treatment and transparency.

NDA will publish all contract awards over £20,000 on Contracts Finder website

General Terms and Conditions of Contract

All suppliers of goods and services to the NDA should familiarise themselves with our Terms and Conditions.

General Terms and Condition of Contract for Suppliers or Contractors

PDF, 202KB, 35 pages

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General terms and conditions of contract - purchase of goods and services

PDF, 189KB, 3 pages

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Information security responsibilities for contractors handling official documents outside NDA premises

PDF, 132KB, 5 pages

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Contractors working in non-NDA locations

PDF, 129KB, 3 pages

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Cyber Essentials in the NDA

PDF, 53.1KB, 2 pages

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Intellectual property policy

For our own NDA operations (not Tier 1, 2 and 3 contracts), we operate a strict “no purchase order, no pay” policy. You’ll need to reference your Purchase Order number. Your primary procurement contact should be able to supply this if you do not already have it.

NDA recognises that prompt payment is a key issue for suppliers, particularly Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). See
Clarification of Contractual Flowdowns for Supply Chain
(PDF, 181KB, 14 pages)

Supply chain charter

The Supply Chain Charter for nuclear decommissioning sites aims to foster good working relations across the NDA estate’s supply chain. All signatories sign up to a set of principles that encourage mutually beneficial and rewarding relationships.

When you sign up to the Charter, we will publish your company’s name with the other signatories:
NDA supply chain charter: list of signatories
(PDF, 291KB, 10 pages)


Sign the document and send to:

Supply Chain Team
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Herdus House

Westlakes Science & Technology Park
Moor Row
CA24 3HU


(+44) 01925 80 2077

Supply chain charter for nuclear decommissioning sites

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Siarter cadwyn gyflenwi ar gyfer safleoedd dadgomisiynu niwclear

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Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises

The government has set a target for 25% of central government spend to go to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by 2015. We are committed to supporting this target and look to ensure a fair and equal opportunity for all to bid for our contracts.

We also encourage our larger suppliers to consider SMEs within their sub-contracting opportunities directly and indirectly through the supply chain. All Government Departments have an SME Action Plan to support this aspiration. NDA has its own Action Plan:
SME Procurement Action Plan 2014
(PDF, 54.8KB, 7 pages)

Map and charts showing level of spend and location of SMEs working across the NDA Estate in 2014

PDF, 381KB, 1 page

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As part of the Action Plan, we:

formed SME steering groups to help with some of the current issues facing this critical group of suppliers

are running a pilot SME mentoring scheme to promote and encourage participation of SMEs in the NDA estate

provide briefing sessions to introduce SMEs to public procurement

Revisions to payment terms

NDA recognises that prompt payment is a key issue for suppliers, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The NDA Estate SME Steering Groups raised concerns about certain common commercial issues and barriers. They identified payment terms as one of the issues that needed to be tackled. The issue arises not with the Site Licence Companies (SLCs) per se, but further down the supply chain, where there are examples of 90-day or 120-day payment terms being demanded.

Such long payment terms are not acceptable. Terms such as ‘pay when paid’ are also not acceptable. NDA has decided therefore to introduce a mandatory payment flowdown to the SLCs’ terms and conditions, applicable to all new sub-contracts and sub-sub contracts through the supply chain, including new call-off from existing frameworks.

Site Licence Company (SLC) payment terms are generally nett monthly – the payment flowdown will therefore require that this is the maximum payment term allowable, but does not prevent shorter terms being agreed.

Clarification of Contractual Flowdowns for Supply Chain

PDF, 181KB, 14 pages

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Useful information

Frequently Asked Questions 2014: useful things to know about working in the NDA Estate

PDF, 1.88MB, 20 pages

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A Collaborative Procurement Program focuses on procurement requirements across the NDA estate with the objective of delivering value and providing attractive opportunities to the Supply Chain.

Guide to SME collaboration November 2014

PDF, 1.39MB, 29 pages

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SME Steering Group North developed this guide to introduce SMEs to collaboration issues. It includes models and partners, the barriers and challenges, along with a few helpful case studies.

Other websites

NDA Estate Supply Chain networking group on LinkedIn promotes news, contract opportunities and collaboration between suppliers (existing and new) at all levels, Site Licence Companies and the NDA.

Federation of Small Businesses

European Commission: guidance and help for SMEs

Burges Salmon maintains a comprehensive glossary of key terms and acronyms to assist those who are new (or experienced) in the UK civil nuclear industry. The glossary explains and de-mystifies some of the terminology.

Collaborative Capability Self-assessment

Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW): online collaborative capability self-assessment programme

This is part of the BS 11000 suite of documents from the Institute for Collaborative Working.

SME steering groups

SME steering groups provide a forum to discuss improving the attractiveness and health of the market that supports the NDA sites, with particular focus on Small-Medium-sized Enterprises.

Role of the group

In 2012 we announced the formation of the NDA Estate SME steering groups to help with some of the current issues facing this critical group of suppliers.

The steering groups provide a forum to discuss improving the attractiveness and health of the market that supports the NDA sites, with particular focus on SMEs.

There are five regional groups (Wales; Scotland; Cumbria; Northern England; Southern/Central England) to provide the SME sector with a direct and public voice to NDA. An overarching national group will provide a voice to colleagues in the devolved assemblies and Whitehall.

Each group will meet around four times a year. Attendees will include representatives from:

5-6 SMEs

2 larger contractors (Tier 2)

an SLC


public sector organisations supporting businesses.

Each regional group is chaired by one of the SME members. These chairpersons will represent the region at the National SME Steering Group.

SME regional steering group terms of reference
(PDF, 32.2KB, 3 pages)

National Group Minutes

National SME Steering Group Minutes October 2014 (including presentation slides)
(PDF, 7.26MB, 72 pages)

SME national steering group minutes - April 2014
(PDF, 68.9KB, 6 pages)

National SME Steering Group Meeting Minutes November 2013
(PDF, 51.2KB, 3 pages)

SME national steering group minutes July - 2013
(PDF, 47.9KB, 6 pages)

Cumbria SME Steering Group

Chair: Claire Wilcock clairewilcock@westlakesrecruit.co.uk (on maternity leave from March 2016)
Deputy: Mike Nichols MikeNichols@pactecinc.com

SME Steering Group Cumbria Minutes April 2016
(PDF, 538KB, 6 pages)

SME Steering Group Cumbria Minutes February 2016
(PDF, 73.7KB, 5 pages)

SME Steering Group Cumbria Minutes October 2015
(PDF, 120KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group Cumbria Minutes May 2015
(PDF, 142KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - December 2014
(PDF, 136KB, 5 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - October 2014
(PDF, 1.3MB, 18 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - July 2014
(PDF, 130KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - May 2014
(PDF, 128KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - February 2014
(PDF, 169KB, 6 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - December 2013
(PDF, 131KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - October 2013
(PDF, 119KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - August 2013
(PDF, 123KB, 7 pages)

SME steering group Cumbria minutes - April 2013
(PDF, 251KB, 7 pages)

North SME Steering Group

Chair: Mark Taylor m-taylor@its-ltd.co.uk
Deputy: Aidan McManus Aidan.McManus@tenetconsultants.co.uk

SME Steering Group North Minutes April 2016
(PDF, 127KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group North Minutes January 2016
(PDF, 70.4KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group North Minutes October 2015
(PDF, 120KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - January 2015
(PDF, 368KB, 2 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - August 2014
(PDF, 120KB, 3 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - July 2014
(PDF, 107KB, 2 pages)

SME Steering Group North Minutes April 2014
(PDF, 123KB, 5 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - March 2014
(PDF, 124KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - January 2014
(PDF, 126KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group North supporting information - November 2014
(PDF, 107KB, 1 page)

Better Practice Innovation for SMEs – November 2013
(PDF, 2.7MB, 32 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - October 2013
(PDF, 93.4KB, 3 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - July 2013
(PDF, 84.6KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group North minutes - May 2013
(PDF, 110KB, 6 pages)

Scotland SME Steering Group

Chair: Bob McKee bob.mckee@mckillopuk.onmicrosoft.com

SME Steering Group Scotland Minutes March 2016
(PDF, 163KB, 5 pages)

SME Steering Group Scotland Minutes October 2015
(PDF, 145KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Scotland minutes - March 2015
(PDF, 137KB, 3 pages)

SME steering group Scotland minutes - October 2014
(PDF, 136KB, 3 pages)

SME steering group Scotland minutes - June 2014
(PDF, 143KB, 3 pages)

NDA Scottish SME Steering Team DECOM North Presentation February 2014
(PDF, 1.04MB, 11 pages)

SME steering group Scotland minutes - February 2014
(PDF, 149KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Scotland minutes - July 2013
(PDF, 36.1KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group Scotland minutes - April 2013
(PDF, 112KB, 6 pages)

South SME Steering Group

Chair: Neil Forman: NForeman@Centronic.co.uk

SME Steering Group South Minutes May 2016
(PDF, 122KB, 3 pages)

SME Steering Group South Minutes January 2016
(PDF, 141KB, 5 pages)

SME Steering Group Meeting South Minutes September 2015
(PDF, 127KB, 3 pages)

SME steering group South minutes - May 2015
(PDF, 69.7KB, 3 pages)

SME steering group South minutes - January 2015
(PDF, 74KB, 4 pages)

SME steering group South minutes - September 2014
(PDF, 61.3KB, 3 pages)

SME Steering Group South Minutes June 2014
(PDF, 73.4KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group South Minutes February 2014

SME steering group South minutes - November 2013
(PDF, 358KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group South Minutes September 2013

SME steering group South minutes - May 2013
(PDF, 238KB, 7 pages)

Wales SME Steering Group

Chair: Wales: Matt Tuck: matt@matom.com

SME Steering Group Wales Minutes July 2016
(PDF, 134KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group Wales Minutes January 2016
(PDF, 65.2KB, 4 pages)

SME Steering Group Wales Minutes September 2015
(PDF, 114KB, 3 pages)

SME Steering Group Wales Mi

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