
Updated: Updated USA channels

FCO Social Media Guidance

In line with our social media guidance, the FCO encourages all staff to make full use of the opportunities provided by social media to help deliver FCO objectives.


The @ForeignOffice Twitter account is managed by the FCO’s digital communications team.
We don’t use any automation to post Twitter content. If you follow @ForeignOffice, you can expect regular tweets covering:

news and press releases

speeches and statements by the Foreign Secretary and Foreign Office ministers


retweets of notable announcements by UK government departments and organisations

live event coverage

The FCO Ministerial team Twitter accounts are:

Philip Hammond

David Lidington

Hugo Swire

Francis Maude

Joyce Anelay

Tobias Ellwood

Grant Shapps

If we follow a Twitter account it doesn’t imply any kind of endorsement.

Our other central Twitter accounts include:

@FCOTravel, run by the FCO’s consular team

@FCOArabic, the official Foreign Office Twitter channel in Arabic

@FCOHumanRights, run by the Human Rights and Communications team

@UKAgainstISIL Updates on UK government and Global Coalition actions to defeat to ISIL

@end_svc, focused on ending sexual violence in conflict

@UKUrdu, sharing our Urdu language content

@WW1FO,real time tweeting of original FCO correspondence during the 1914 July Crisis that led to the First World War. Run by @FCOhistorians

@FCOFLAGG The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) staff association of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

@SMcDonaldFCO, the official Twitter account of Foreign Office Permanent Under Secretary Sir Simon McDonald.

@replies, mentions and direct messages

For @FCOTravel our consular staff monitor and respond to relevant enquiries. For our other central accounts, we review @replies and mentions but don’t generally reply to them.

We also won’t normally reply to direct messages. The limitations of Twitter’s format mean that we wouldn’t be able to give you a full and useful reply. We can’t engage on issues of party politics.

Twitter and FOI

For Freedom of Information (FOI) requests we will usually ask for an email address to reply to. If we can reply in a single tweet we may do so.

For the rest of our Twitter accounts, please see below.


The Foreign Office’s Facebook page is managed by the FCO’s digital communications team, FCOTravel is managed by consular staff.

They are used to highlight speeches, announcements and activity from across the FCO. Comments posted on and messages received on our Facebook pages are views of individuals and don’t represent the views of the government.

For the rest of our Facebook accounts, please see below.

Our Facebook moderation policy

We look forward to receiving your comments and participation in the discussions on this page and would like to publish as many as possible. However we do ask that our followers adhere to certain good practices and conventions of polite and constructive discourse.

Therefore we will not publish and will remove comments that:

contain abusive, obscene, indecent or offensive language

contain swear words or other sorts of profanity

contain abusive language towards an individual involved in the thread, other organisations or the page administrator

are completely removed from the topic of conversation or non-relevant to the item posted on the wall

constitute spam or promote or advertise products except where it is for an event, publication or similar item that has direct relevance to the subject of discussion. Information about locating and sharing knowledge and expertise is welcomed, but within the specific discussion provided

are designed to cause nuisance to the page administrator or other users

We encourage open, lively debate but the decision to publish comments received via this site remains at the admin’s discretion. Comments that violate any of the above rules will be removed or not be published. We will not edit any of your comments.

We make no commitment to respond to individual and repeat offenders may be blocked from using the Facebook page indefinitely.

We may at any time, without notice to you, revise this policy and any other information contained in this page.

Flickr and Instagram

The FCO’s Flickr photostream and Instagram account feature images from a wide range of events, from social engagements at King Charles Street to state visits.

On Flickr we tag images so you can see where they were taken, and create sets of pictures for each month and major visit. We don’t allow comments on images. Photos are subject to copyright and not normally available for re-use without permission.

On Instagram we share images from our embassies round the world, and encourage you to comment and like our images.

For a full list of our Flickr accounts, please see below.

Central Foreign Office Social Media Accounts




Foreign Office


Foreign Office Foreign Office in Arabic Foreign Office in Urdu

Flickr Google+ YouTube Instagram Buzzfeed Storify Foursquare Pinterest LinkedIn FCO podcasts AudioBoo Snapchat (ukforeignoffice)

FCO Travel


FCO Travel Travel South America

FCO Travel Blog

FCO Human Rights



FCO Careers EU and International Organisation Careers

End Sexual Violence In Conflict

Sexual Violence in War

End Sexual Violence in Conflict

Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Tumblr

Forced Marriage Unit


Forced Marriage Unit

Climate Change & Energy Department


Arabic Spokesperson in London


UK government Arabic Spokesperson in MENA


FCO & Europe


UK in the South Caucasus

Sudan Unit


International Cyber Policy Unit


FCO Board Digital Champion



Hugh Elliott, Direct of Communications and Engagement Directorate


Deborah Bronnert, Chief Operating Officer

Estates and Security

Corin Robertson, Director Estates and Security

Chief Scientific Advisor

Robin Grimes, Chief Scientific Advisor

Digital Diplomacy

Digital Diplomacy Blog

FCO Historians


Chevening Scholarships


Chevening Scholarships

Chevening Scholarships Google+ Chevening Conversations Blog

Wilton Park

@WiltonPark Richard Burge, Chief Executive

Wilton Park

Wilton Park Blog

International Leaders Programme


Diplomatic Academy


Commonwealth Envoy


UK Science & Innovation Network


Worldwide Foreign Office Social Media Accounts





UK in Afghanistan, Karen Pierce

UK in Afghanistan

UK in Afghanistan Flickr UK in Afghanistan Blog


UK in Albania

UK in Albania

UK in Albania Flickr


UK in Algeria HMA Andrew Noble

UK in Algeria

UK in Algeria Flickr


UK in Angola

UK in Angola Flickr


Caribbean Governor Christina Scott


UK in Argentina

UK in Argentina

UK in Argentina Flickr


UK in Armenia

UK in Armenia

UK in Armenia Flickr UK in Armenia Blog


UK in Australia British Consulate General Melbourne HC Menna Rawlings

UK in Australia

UK in Australia Flickr


HMA Susan Le Jeune UK in Austria

UK in Austria

UK in Austria Flickr UK in Austria on Audioboom


UK in Azerbaijan

UK in Azerbaijan

UK in Azerbaijan Flickr


UK in Bahrain

UK in Bahrain

UK in Bahrain Flickr


UK in Bangladesh HC Robert Gibson

UK in Bangladesh

UK in Bangladesh Flickr



UK in Barbados

UK in Caribbean Instagram


UKinBelarus HMA Bruce Bucknell

UK in Belarus

UK in Belarus Flickr Bruce Bucknell Blog


HMA Alison Rose UK in Belgium

UK in Belgium

UK in Belgium Flickr


UK in Bolivia

UK in Bolivia Flickr

Bosnia & Herzegovina

HMA Edward Ferguson Chargé d’affaires Jo Lomas

UK in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Edward Ferguson blog UK in Bosnia and Herzegovina Flickr


UK in Botswana

UK in Botswana

UK in Botswana Flickr


UK in Brazil HMA Alex Ellis GREAT BRITAIN Brazil

UK in Brazil

UK in Brazil Flickr Speaker’s Corner Blog HMA Alex Ellis HuffingtonPost Blog (Portuguese) UK in Brazil Google Plus UK in Brazil LinkedIn

British Virgin Islands


UK in British Virgin Islands

UK in British Virgin Islands


UK in Brunei

UK in Brunei

UK in Brunei Flickr


HMA Emma Hopkins UK in Bulgaria BCG Simon Tucker

UK in Bulgaria

UK in Bulgaria Flickr UK in Bulgaria on YouTube


UK in Burma Matthew Hedges

FCO Burma

UK in Burma Flickr


UK in Burundi


UK in Cambodia HMA Bill Longhurst

UK in Cambodia

UK in Cambodia Flickr


UK in Cameroon HC Brian Olley

UK in Cameroon


UK in Canada UK in Canada (Français) HC Howard Drake DHM Thomas Barry BCG Calgary, Anthony Kay BCG Montreal, Nick Baker BCG Toronto, Kevin McGurgan BCG Vancouver, Rupert Potter

UK in Canada

UK in Canada Instagram UK in Canada Flickr UK in Canada Blog Nicole Arbour Blog Science & Innovation Network: Canada Storify


UK in Caribbean

Cayman Islands

UK in Cayman Islands

UK in Cayman Islands


UK in Chile HMA Fiona Clouder

UK in Chile

UK in Chile Flickr


UK in China

UK in China

Sina Weibo Mandarin language blog YouKu UK in China Flickr


UK in Colombia HMA Lindsay Appleby

UK in Colombia

UK in Colombia Flickr

Costa Rica

UK in Costa Rica

UK in Costa Rica Flickr


UK in Croatia

UK in Croatia

UK in Croatia Flickr UK in Croatia on YouTube


HMA Tim Cole UK in Cuba

UK in Cuba

HMA Tim Cole blog UK in Cuba Flickr


UK in Cyprus

UK in Cyprus

UK in Cyprus Flickr Matthew Kidd Blog

Czech Republic

Czech Republic HMA Jan Thompson

UK in Czech Republic

UK in Czech Republic Flickr


UK in Denmark HMA Vivien Life

UK in Denmark

UK in Denmark Flickr

Dominican Republic

UK in Dominican Republic

UK in Dominican Republic

UK in Dominican Republic

Democratic Republic of Congo

UK in Democratic Republic of Congo

UK in Democratic Republic of Congo

UK in Democratic Republic of Congo Blog


UK in Ecuador HMA Patrick Mullee

UK in Ecuador

UK in Ecuador Flickr


HMA John Casson UK in Egypt DHM Stephen Hickey

UK in Egypt

UK in Egypt Flickr James Watt Blog

El Salvador

UK in El Salvador HMA Linda Cross

UK in El Salvador

UK in El Salvador Flickr


HMA Chris Holtby UK in Estonia

UK in Estonia

UK in Estonia Flickr


UK in Ethiopia HMA Greg Dorey

UK in Ethiopia

Greg Dorey Blog UK in Ethiopia Youtube

Falkland Islands

Government House Falkland Islands


HC Roderick Drummond UK in Fiji

UK in South Pacific

UK in Fiji Flickr


UK in Finland

UK in Finland

UK in Finland Flickr


UK in France HMA Peter Ricketts Jean-Yves Zoyo British in France

UK in France

UK in France Flickr Peter Ricketts Blog Nick Bridge Blog


UK in Georgia

UK in Georgia

UK in Georgia Flickr


UK in Germany HMA Sir Sebastian Wood

UK in Germany

UK in Germany Flickr


UK in GhanaHC Jon Benjamin

UK in Ghana

UK in Ghana Flickr


UK in Greece HMA John Kittmer

UK in Greece

UK in Greece Flickr Greek Blogyssey Blog


UK in Guatemala

UK in Guatemala

UK in Guatemala Flickr UK in Guatemala Blog Sarah Dickson Blog


High Commissioner Greg Quinn


UK in Haiti

Holy See

UK in Holy See

UK in Holy See Flickr Nigel Baker Blog


UK in Honduras

Hong Kong

UK in Hong Kong BCG Caroline Wilson

UK in Hong Kong


UK in Hungary HMA Theresa Bubbear

UK in Hungary

UK in Hungary Flickr Jonathan Knott Blog UK in Hungary on YouTube


UK in Iceland HMA Stuart Gill

UK in Iceland

UK in Iceland Flickr


UK in India HC James Bevan DHC Ian Felton DHC Bharat Joshi DHC Kumar Iyer DHC Andrew McAllister DHC Scott FurssedonnWood DHC David Lelliott

UK in India

UK in India Flickr Bharat Joshi blog Science & Innovation Network India Blog

Indian Ocean

UK in Indian Ocean Network

UK in Indian Ocean Flickr


UK in Indonesia HMA Moazzam Malik

UK in Indonesia

UK in Indonesia Flickr


UK in Iran Non-Resident Chargé d’Affaires Ajay Sharma

UK for Iranians

UK for Iranians Google+ (بریتانیا برای ایرانیان)


UK in Iraq HMA Frank Baker CG Angus McKee

UK in Iraq


UK in Ireland HMA Dominick Chilcott

UK in Ireland

UK in Ireland Flickr


UK in Israel

UK in Israel

UK in Israel Flickr UK in Israel Instagram


UK in Italy Italy (Italiano) HMA Christopher Prentice

UK in Italy

HMA Christopher Prentice Blog UK in Italy Flickr Storify

Ivory Coast

UK in Ivory Coast


HC David Fitton

UK in Jamaica

UK in Jamaica Flickr UK in Jamaica Blog


UK in Japan HMA Tim Hitchens CG Michael Shearer

UK in Japan (Tokyo)

UK in Japan Flickr Tom Burn Blog


UK in Jerusalem

UK in Jerusalem

UK in Jerusalem Flickr UK in Jerusalem Instagram


UK in Jordan HMA Edward Oakden

UK in Jordan

UK in Jordan Flickr


UK in Kazakhstan UK in Kazakhstan (Русский) DHM Sara Pickering

UK in Kazakhstan

Carolyn Browne blog UK in Kazakhstan Flickr UK in Kazakhstan on YouTube


UK in Kenya HC Christian Turner

UK in Kenya

UK in Kenya Blog


UK in Korea HMA Charles Hay

UK in Korea

UK in Korea Flickr UK in Korea Instagram


UK in Kosovo

UK in Kosovo


UK in Kyrgyzstan

UK in Kyrgyzstan HMA Judith Farnworth


UK in Kuwait HMA Matthew Lodge

UK in Kuwait

UK in Kuwait Instagram


UK in Laos

UK in Laos

UK in Laos Flickr Philip Malone Blog


UK in Latvia

UK in Latvia

UK in Latvia Flickr


UK in Lebanon

UK in Lebanon

UK in Lebanon Flickr,


UK in Libya HMA Michael Aron

UK in Libya


HMA David Hunt

UK in Lithuania

UK in Lithuania Flickr


UK in Luxembourg

UK in Luxembourg Flickr


UK in Macedonia HMA Charles Garrett

UK in Macedonia HMA Charles Garrett

UK in Macedonia Flickr UK in Macedonia Blog


UK in Madagascar

UK in Madagascar


UK in Malawi

UK in Malawi


UK in Malaysia HMA Vicki Treadell

UK in Malaysia

UK in Malaysia Flickr Nikesh Mehta Blog


UK in Maldives


UK in Mali


HC Rob Luke

UK in Malta

UK in Malta Flickr Rob Luke Blog


UK in Mauritius

UK in Mauritius Flickr


UK in Mexico HMA Duncan Taylor

UK in Mexico

UK in Mexico Flickr Fernando Mejia Blog


UK in Moldova

UK in Moldova Flickr


HMA Catherine Arnold

UK in Mongolia


UK in Montenegro

UK in Montenegro


Governor Adrian Davis

UK in Montserrat


UK in Morocco

UK in Morocco

UK in Morocco Flickr


UK in Mozambique HC Joanna Kuenssberg

UK in Mozambique

UK in Mozambique Flickr


UK in Namibia

Marianne Young Blog


UK in Nepal

UK in Nepal


UK in Netherlands HMA Geoffrey Adams International Law Team Anne-Marie Pietersz-Powell (Vice Consul to the Dutch Caribbean)

UK in Netherlands

UK in Netherlands Flickr

New Zealand

UK in New Zealand High Commissioner Jonathan Sinclair

UK in New Zealand

UK in New Zealand Flickr


UK in Nigeria HC Paul Arkwright

UK in Nigeria

UK in Nigeria Flickr


UK in Norway HMA Sara Gillett

UK in Norway


UK in Oman

UK in Oman

Overseas Territories

British Overseas Territories

UK Overseas Territories Family


HC Philip Barton UK in Pakistan

UK in Pakistan

UK in Pakistan Flickr UK in Pakistan Blog


UK in Panama HMA Ian Collard

UK in Panama

Papua New Guinea

UK in South Pacific

UK in Papua New Guinea


UK in Paraguay HMA Jeremy Hobbs

British Embassy Asuncion


UK in Peru

UK in Peru

UK in Peru Flickr UK in Peru Blog


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