
Updated: Added ESF 2007 to 2013: gender equality and equal opportunities mainstreaming progress report.

For funding from 2014 to 2020, apply for European Structural and Investment Funds.

The Commission is running an Open Public Consultation as part of the 2007 to 2013 ESF ex-post evaluation. It is open for contributions until 27 April 2016. All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. While the questionnaire is in English, respondents are free to respond in their language.

ESF funding opportunities

ESF Community Grants provide grants of up to £15,000 to small third sector organisations. These grants support a range of activities that help individuals in the hardest to reach communities to make progress towards or enter the labour market.

Community Grants are managed by the Skills Funding Agency (except in London) and administered by a series of grant co-ordinating bodies on a regional basis, which:

publicise the availability of grants

manage application and selection processes

provide support to successful applicants

Read more about the Community Grants.

In London Community Grants are managed by London Councils.

About the European Social Fund

The European Social Fund was set up to:

improve employment opportunities in the European Union and help raise standards of living

help people to get better skills and better job prospects

help equip the workforce with the skills needed by business in a competitive global economy

Read more about ESF at the European level on the European Commission ESF website.

ESF in England

The 2007 to 2013 England ESF programme is investing a total £2.5 billion of European funding in jobs and skills. Priority groups for support include:

young people not in education, employment or training

families with multiple problems


people with low skill levels

By the end of May 2015 there had been over 5.59 million participant starts on the programme and over:

521,000 unemployed or inactive participants have been helped into jobs

262,000 participants have gained basic skills

682,000 participants have gained qualifications at level 2 or above

533,000 disadvantaged young people have been helped to enter employment, education or training

Some projects funded under the 2007 to 2013 England ESF programme will run up to mid 2015.

Read more about the objectives and funding allocations for ESF in England.

ESF in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Read about ESF programmes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Managing the ESF

ESF Managing Authority

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) ESF Division is the ESF Managing Authority for England and Gibraltar. It has overall responsibility for administering and managing ESF and liaising with the European Commission.

The government of Gibraltar EU Programmes Secretariat manages the ESF programme in Gibraltar. It liaises with the DWP ESF Division in England and the European Commission.

Co-financing organisations

ESF funds are distributed to ESF projects through co-financing organisations (CFOs). The 3 national CFOs are:

Department for Work and Pensions (support for families with multiple problems)

National Offender Management Service

Skills Funding Agency

Co-financing organisations:

manage ESF and match funding (domestic public funding)

contract other organisations (known as providers) to manage ESF projects

ensure that ESF funded projects complement national schemes like the Work Programme

The 2007 to 2013 programme also involved several regional CFOs.

Contact us

European Social Fund Division

Level 2 West

Rockingham House

123 West Street
South Yorkshire
S1 4ER


The ESF programme for 2007 to 2013 has ended and the email address above will not be in use from 31 May 2016.

From the 31 May, please email: esf.2014-2020@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
for general questions about ESF or specific questions about the ESF 2014 to 2020 programme.

Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/dwpesfengland

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