
About DVSA logos

DVSA logos are protected by law. They must not be reproduced or used without written permission from DVSA Intellectual Property Team and these logo guidelines must be always be complied with whenever they are used. DVSA can withdraw your permission to use its logos at any time at its absolute discretion.

Apply to use a logo

When applying to the DVSA for permission to use its logos, you must agree to, and follow the rules for using them.

To apply to use a DVSA logo, read the following rules and then complete the ‘DVSA logo use request form’ and email it to crowncopyright@dsa.gsi.gov.uk.

DVSA should reply to you within 10 working days.

Request form to use DVSA logos

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Use the DVSA corporate logo

A DVSA corporate logo can only be used on:

business letter headed paper and compliment slips

business adverts in classified directories, for example ‘Yellow Pages’

website links to www.gov.uk/dvsa

formal business emails (but not on bulk emails or unsolicited emails)

It must not be used on:


business cards


any form of business advertisement or promotional material, other than business adverts in classified directories



a specific webpage more than twice

How you use DVSA’s corporate logo

Trainers and instructors using a DVSA corporate logo should provide supporting wording to explain its use.

Trainers and instructors

Supporting words to explain use

Individual DVSA approved driving instructors (ADIs)

DVSA approved driving instructor

Register of post-test motorcycle trainers (RPMT) trainers

DVSA registered RPMT trainer

Trainers on the DVSA Official Register of Driving Instructor Training (ORDIT) register

DVSA approved driving instructor

Large goods vehicle (LGV) instructors who have successfully qualified onto the DVSA register and hold a current certificate

LGV instructor qualified onto the DVSA register

Training organisations using a DVSA corporate logo should use supporting wording to explain its use:

Training organisations

Supporting words to explain use

Driving schools using fully qualified ADIs

Our instructors are all fully qualified DVSA ADIs

DVSA approved motorcycle training bodies and register of post-test motorcycle trainers (RPMT) trainers

DVSA approved motorcycle training body (ATB)

DVSA accreditation LGV driver training centres

Accredited LGV driver training centre

LGV promotional websites for organisations whose training centres and instructors are accredited or qualified onto the DVSA voluntary register

All organisations and trainers on this site are DVSA accredited LGV driver training centres using qualified instructors

DVSA approved training bodies for The International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)

DVSA approved ADR training body

Display DVSA’s corporate logo

When using a DVSA corporate logo to represent instructors and training centres its your responsibility to ensure that they are all:

qualified ADIs

LGV instructors are on the DVSA voluntary register

LGV training centres are DVSA accredited

ATB and registered RPMT trainers

DVSA registered ORDIT trainers

driving schools whose instructors are all fully qualified ADIs

Other organisations promoting road safety that can use the DVSA corporate logo are:

local government organisations

educational authorities

charities and not for profit organisations

Use the Royal Coat of Arms

HM Government identities use the Royal Coat of Arms so that they have prominence and authority. It must only ever be displayed or printed out in black.

The print size of the Royal Coat of Arms must be a minimum width of:

online display size 30 to 50 pixels high – small category

5 millimeters (mm) – medium category

Recommended Royal Coat of Arms sizes for common page formats are:

A3 - 17 mm

A4 – 12 mm

DL/A5 - 10 mm

The sizing requirement of the Royal Coat of Arms will obviously affect the overall size of your logo.

It must not be:

altered, distorted or modified in any way

larger or more prominent than the user’s own logo or identity

used to give the impression that a particular instructor or training establishment is part of DVSA

accompanied by the word ‘Recommended’, or the word ‘Approved’ when used on its own


The DVSA corporate logo must be displayed in the top left-hand corner of the material or page whenever possible, except when used online or for co-branding.

To prevent the logo from being crowded or obscured, there must always be clear space around it. This minimum space is “distance equivalent to the width of the Royal Coat of Arms around the identity” (eg ‘x’ below). You cannot place text inside this area.

DVSA corporate logo artwork details

When using the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency name, it must be:

set in Helvetica Neue or Roman fonts

displayed in full – Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

The logo is available as:

PNG or EPS file types

‘small’ and ‘medium’ sizes

with black foreground, or black foreground with the vertical colour bar

in English or Welsh


DVSA’s corporate logo has 3 parts:

a vertical ‘colour line’ on the left hand side, which represents the Department for Transport

the Royal Coat of Arms

DVSA’s name, written in full

Colour reproduction

The Royal Coat of Arms should always be reproduced in black.

The vertical colour line should be printed in:

the green, PANTONE 3298c

CYMK, the four colour process: C:100 M:0 Y:60 K:38

For use on screen in RGB, the green line should be R:0 G:118 B:98.

Web safe

A web safe option of the green has been produced for use on electronic publishing. The web safe colour is #006853.

Single colour: black. Use this option when colour printing is not available.

You must not change the logo in any way. You are not allowed to:

reproduce the colour line in any other colour or tint other than those detailed here

alter or distort the logo, eg stretched or compressed horizontally or vertically

change the logo typeface

use the Royal Coat of Arms as a watermark or overprinted

reproduce the logo in a metallic colour (eg silver), because these colours have Royal association

Use Driver CPC logos

Driver CPC with strapline

The Driver CPC logo with a strapline can be used by training centres or bodies that have successfully been approved to deliver periodic training.

If the centre is registered to use the logo as an:

approved training centre - the Driver CPC logo must feature the strapline ‘Approved centre AC00XXX’ below it

approved training centre and its consortium members - the Driver CPC logo must feature the strapline ‘Approved consortium AC00XXX’ below it

Driver CPC without strapline

A Driver CPC logo without the strapline may be used by:

local government organisations

the following Driver CPC implementation stakeholders:

Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)

Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS)

Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT)

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)

Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA)

Freight Transport Association (FTA)


Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA)

Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC)

Road Haulage Association (RHA)

Skills for Logistics

Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA)

Transport and General Workers’ Union (TGWU)

Transport for London (TfL)

After obtaining approval to use the Driver CPC logo from the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT), the Driver CPC logo without a strapline may also be used by owners of promotional LGV and PCV websites providing they:

can demonstrate that all training centres listed are approved to deliver periodic training for Driver CPC

actively promote all listed training centres, giving them a high-profile visibility (which should be plainly visible on the home page) and displaying their comprehensive contact details

Stakeholders must not use Driver CPC logo with a ‘strapline’ on a promotional website (unless they are themselves an approved centre). The logo must be registered and issued by JAUPT or DVSA.

It is the responsibility of the Driver CPC logo user to ensure that all LGV/PCV training centres represented by them are approved for the delivery of Driver CPC periodic training.

Supporting wording to explain logo use

Our Driver CPC logo can be accompanied by supporting wording to explain its use where appropriate, for example ‘our trainers have been approved to deliver approved training courses for periodic training’ or ‘we provide Driver CPC periodic training approved training courses’.

Driver CPC logo artwork

The Driver CPC logo can be reproduced in 2 printed colours. The logo colours can be black and green or black and grey. The PANTONE reference for the colour green is PMS 376.

Consortium and approved Driver CPC logo use:

Members of an approved consortium can use the Driver CPC logo. It must be issued with the relevant guidelines by the consortium lead who is responsible for managing use of the Driver CPC logo within their consortium.

Consortium members can only use the Driver CPC logo with the strapline stating the approved number in the following format - approved consortium AC00XXX.

It can only be used on documents concerning periodic training that are issued by the members on behalf of the consortium. Members cannot use the logo in isolation from the fact that the centre is a member of the consortium.

The Driver CPC logo with appropriate strapline can be used on the following:

business letter headed paper, compliment slips

newsletters, leaflets, posters

business adverts in classified directories, e.g. the Yellow Pages

websites, including as a link to www.gov.uk/dvsa or www.jaupt.org.uk

event support merchandise

clothing or vehicles

certificates issued to drivers who have completed Driver CPC periodic training

Position of logo

The Driver CPC logo should be positioned discreetly. It:

must always be positioned at the bottom left or right hand side of a document or website

should not feature more prominently than the user’s own logo

must not be more than 50% of the size of the approved training centres’ own logo

must be a minimum height of 2 centimetres

should not be accompanied by the word ‘recommended’ or ‘accredited’

Issue of the Driver CPC logo

The Driver CPC logo will be issued by JAUPT to approved training centres or approved consortium leads once approval has been authorised. You can email or write to JAUPT at the address below.


12 Warren Yard

Warren Park

Stratford Road
Milton Keynes
MK12 5NW


0844 800 4184

Misuse of the Driver CPC logo

DVSA and JAUPT reserve the right to withdraw permission to use the Driver CPC logo in order to protect their reputation. If misuse of the Driver CPC logo is identified please contact JAUPT or DVSA immediately (contact details are in the ‘further information’ section).

Use the register of post-test motorcycle trainers (RPMT) and enhanced rider scheme logos

You may use the RPMT and enhanced rider scheme logos only if you are:

trainers on the register of post-test motorcycle trainers

educational authorities promoting road safety in the context of safe riding

local government promoting road safety in the context of safe riding

The RPMT and enhanced rider scheme logos may be used on:

business letter headed paper, compliment slips and business cards

clothing, vehicles, advertising material and promotional merchandise

email or web templates

business adverts in classified directories such as ‘Yellow pages’

websites as a link to www.gov.uk/dvsa

The RPMT and enhanced rider scheme logos should not:

be used to suggest that a particular instructor or training establishment is part of DVSA

be accompanied by the word ‘Recommended’

be accompanied by the word ‘Approved’ when used on its own

figure more prominently than the user’s logo or identity

Supporting wording to explain logo use

It is recommended that the RPMT and enhanced rider scheme logos should be supported by wording that explains how they are used. For example, ‘a DVSA accredited motorcycle trainer’ or ‘all our trainers are on DVSA’s register of post-test motorcycle trainers’.

RPMT and enhanced rider scheme logo size

The size of the logos can be changed; the minimum acceptable height is 5 mm, whichever logo version is used. Logos required solely for the purpose of large scale printing are available on request.


The logo must always have clear space of 2 mm around it.


The PANTONE reference colour is 254 and CMYK values used in the logos are 38-88-0-8.

Use the Pass Plus logo

You may use the Pass Plus logo only if you are:

an ADI on the register of Pass Plus instructors

educational authorities promoting road safety in the context of safe driving

local government promoting road safety in the context of safe driving

insurance companies offering a discount to drivers who have successfully completed Pass Plus

The Pass Plus logo may be used on:

business letter headed paper, compliment slips and business cards

clothing, vehicles, advertising material and promotional merchandise

email or web templates

business adverts in classified directories such as ‘Yellow pages’

websites as a link to www.gov.uk/dvsa

The Pass Plus logo should not:

be used to suggest that a particular instructor or training establishment is part of DVSA

be accompanied by the word ‘Recommended’

be accompanied by the word ‘Approved’ when used on its own

figure more prominently than the user’s logo or identity


The blue CMYK values used in the logo are The black CMYK values used in the logo are

Supporting wording to explain logo use

It is recommended that the Pass Plus logo should be supported by wording that explains how they are used. For example, ‘a DVSA Pass Plus registered instructor’ or ‘all our trainers are on DVSA’s register of Pass Plus instructors’.

Use the Authorised Testing Facility (ATF) logo

You may only use the ATF logo if you:

have a current ATF contract with DVSA

The ATF logo may only be used on:

printed materials, such as stationery or literature

co-branded signage

The ATF logo should not be:

altered in any way - which includes stretching, cropping, distortion, wrong colouring or re-ordering or deletion of elements, varying the scale of elements

placed on unsuitable backgrounds or in a box

Rules about ATF logo display, including colours and positioning, are contained in the ATF Brand Identity Guidelines, with which you must be comply.

Becoming an ATF:

Further information about becoming an ATF

Further information

For further information about using DVSA’s logos, contact the Intellectual Property team:

DVSA Crown Copyright

Intellectual Property Department
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency

The Axis Building

112 Upper Parliament Street


0115 936 6123

Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.

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